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I am like a fruit tree, Reaching to the sky, I spread out my branches and give my fruit, To any and all passing by. ☉ One thing I didn’t mention in the report regarding the Jupiter/Venus conjunction is that we should always remember when working with Jupiter, that he is the co-ruler of Pisces. He, therefore, works in two different ways. One is the quality of “bringing in the new,” building optimism and an expansive feeling of generosity. The other is to remove anyone or anything blocking the soul’s expansion. Knowing this can help if you understand that anything going out of your life right now, even though it may be difficult and mournful, is necessary for your future expansion. We can make ourselves somewhat “comfortable” even in the most limiting circumstances and play small, stay safe, take no risks, and follow all our fears. Jupiter is asking us to be bigger than that. He wants us to get out of our comfort zone either through new opportunities or through getting kicked out! May you heed the call and move before you’re kicked, LOL! Gone at Last! So Much Love, Kaypacha ☉ 🪐 Wanna learn more? Join my SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY!
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39👍 1🤩 1
⚡️ Pele Report for May 22, 2024
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Astrology for the Soul May 22, 2024

I am like a fruit tree, Reaching to the sky, I spread out my branches and give my fruit, To any and all passing by. One thing I didn’t mention in the report regarding the Jupiter/Venus conjunction is that we should always remember when working with Jupiter, that he is the co-ruler of Pisces. He therefore works in two different ways. One is the quality of “bringing in the new,” building optimism and an expansive feeling of generosity. The other is to remove anyone or anything that is blocking the soul’s expansion. Knowing this can help if you understand that anything going out of your life right now, even though it may be difficult and mournful, is necessary as a part of your future expansion. We can make ourselves somewhat “comfortable” even in the most limiting circumstances and play small, stay safe, take no risks, and follow all our fears. Jupiter is asking us to be bigger than that. He want us to get out of our comfort zone either through new opportunities or through getting kicked out! May you heed the call and move before you’re kicked LOL! Gone at Last!

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And this is precisely what the evolution of Venus is all about. Love will prevail in your life if you let it. It requires a solid dose of humility but also a dash of willingness. The only connection we ever need is the connection to the heart. Nothing makes more sense than this experience. Not all the money in the world could heal the disconnection from the heart, and as this lunar phase is unfolding, you might see that the very thing you are looking for is right inside your beautiful, forgiving, and tolerant heart. An open heart is the fiercest and bravest energy there is. It has no time for games and no time for lies. It is Sattva, truth, untainted and pure, filled with wisdom. Listen to it and find your way home.  ☾ Sol W Jonassen · · 🌙 Get Daily Lunar Reports by joining our School of Astrology.  🔮 ACCESS NOW!
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🌕 Full Moon 02º Sagittarius ♐️︎  May 23, 2024 by SOL W JONASSEN 〰️ Love will prevail 〰️ As the planetary scenery has shifted into a more mutable quality, we are also moving into a more transitional and fluid phase. This gorgeous full Moon is accompanied by an exact sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, heralding the future, and a new conjunction between Jupiter and Venus on the very last degree of Taurus, both of whom will slide into Gemini and accompany the Sun in the days to come, will spark a newfound love for life. Mars has also left the intensity of the nodal conjunction, and the cosmos is easing into a more sociable, friendly, curious, and generous phase. And that might be just what we need. Not only have the solar storms wreaked havoc on our nervous systems, but Mars on the North Node could have turned the proverbial cupboards of our lives upside down in an attempt to create a desperate change. Conflicts that have arisen will heal, but not unless we show some respect and tolerance instead of just expecting this to be delivered to our doorsteps. The Gemini Sun adds a layer of tolerance and friendliness to the mix, and the wisdom that emerges from this archetype is precious. Gemini, from a spiritual perspective, is the one who understands the Law of Right Relationships. Its glyph symbolizes duality, the two opposing forces that either move towards unity or away from each other, and when dealing with cultural differences, Gemini builds bridges where others enhance the gap.  After the proverbial New Land is formed in Taurus, Gemini explores the land, curious and eager to know as much as possible! This gentle, social, and friendly energy is enhanced by the entrance of Venus and Jupiter into the sign of the Twins.  We need to have a plan and execute it, and even if distractions arise, we return to our plan and continue to work towards our goals. The impact of retrograde Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius adds another layer to the futuristic orientation of this lunation, and we might be finding ourselves in a situation where we are dealing with a problem that unfolded early spring and now needs resolving. The strategic mind knows very well that there are no quick fixes and that everything needs to be taken step by step, patiently, and with a broad vision. Mercury, the ruler of the Sun, is moving through the careful territory of Taurus, helping us tune into our values and reminding us not to share everything that is happening inside our minds all the time. Taurus Mercury is a deep thinker, and words do not come through easily, so the need to find other avenues of expression could be pressing. This Taurus Mercury is deliberate and slow, needing plenty of time to move deeper to find answers. The body might be speaking loudly and clearly to us right now, and if we take the time to listen, we can find healing in the balance between ourselves and others. This is not the most sociable Mercury placement, and it might be challenging to find the right words, but it is a deliberate and steady new awareness that is now emerging, one that does not allow passions and desires to cloud clarity. The Sun and Venus will reach the Venus Starpoint, the superior conjunction, during the last stages of this lunar month, and right now, there is a buildup of awareness of what this looks like for us personally. It has to do with relationships and the development of our capacity to understand how to become beacons of love and light ourselves. It would be lovely to be directly tuned into the Source instead of always finding it through others, wouldn’t it?
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As I am one with all that is,  The planets are not out there,  But reflections of my own spirit being,  For me to see, heal, and hear. ☉ Well? Did you journey out to the far reaches of our solar system and down all the way into your root? Did you feel the four directions, the four elements, and the planets reverberating within you? Did you personally experience the alignment of yourself, Gaia, Venus, the Sun, Jupiter, and Uranus all in union?  Did you find a space and time to sit with incense, candles, and music? If not, try to! Did you keep your eyes closed for the journey? (This is very important.) I hope so! This is a time of great import and awakening to the expansive power of love. As you embrace yourself and bless all your different needs and the innocent ways you have gone about meeting them, you heal your heart and radiate your light. Let's not get bogged down in distant matters over which we have no control, but rather, build the fire of love within that we may help light the world. Blessings! Here's a chant to Ganesha!  🌞 I'm teaching about the element of FIRE this Sunday at my school. JOIN ME! So Much Love, Kaypacha
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⚡️ Pele Report for May 15, 2024
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Astrology for the Soul May 15, 2024

As I am one with all that is,The planets are not out there,But reflections of my own spirit being,For me to see, heal, and hear.Well? Did you journey out to ...

21👍 4
The magician fears no element and can alchemize and transform anything into gold. The shaman is the same, and the tantric practitioner is also. In any situation where anxiety can hold the light of consciousness hostage, we have to be able to hold space for fear and release the need to control the outcome, even if fear is trying to convince us otherwise. It takes courage to withstand pressure, yet we have to try to move beyond fear. Just do it. Close your eyes, feel your feelings, pause before you answer, and stay true to yourself and respectful to others. This is the time to listen to the body and hold space for the many layers of emotion that can circulate quickly through it. Once you do that, you also regulate yourself. You are always guided through if you take the time to listen. Trust that. ☾ Sol W Jonassen · · 🌙 Get Daily Lunar Reports by joining our School of Astrology.  🔮 ACCESS NOW!
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🌓 1st Quarter Moon 25º Leo ♌️︎  May 15, 2024 by SOL W JONASSEN 〰️ The language of the heart is sweet and tender 〰️ This particular lunar phase is on fire! Mars will cross the North Node in Aries, and the word we are looking for is “caution.” There is no need to go overboard, but that is not gonna be easy as the Taurus Sun conjunct ever-so-convinced Jupiter squares the equally stubborn and fixed Moon in Leo, all sprinkled with a Martian drizzle of «I break for no one!» So this week requires a solid dose of self-discipline and awareness about the energies that circulate in the collective auric field of humanity. Regulation is a huge issue with strong Mars aspects, and pain inflicted comes from poorly regulated nervous systems. As with all astrological transits, this one too points to an energy potential, and how we harness it depends on our capacity to engage in life in a mindful and conscious manner, something that is not easy with such cosmic stirrings as these. But it is possible. The temptation to get sucked into a circus of drama and stress needs to be kept under control if we are to master the vibes of the times. The upside of this circus is the most delicious, passionate, and playful capacity to enjoy life and experience everything to its fullest. The Danish polymath Piet Hein said: «Living is a thing you do now or never—which do you?» Piet Hein was Sagittarius with the Moon in Leo and Jupiter right on the degree of the current Sun-Jupiter conjunction, and his saying is relevant to the philosophy of life that we could profit from encouraging. He was also born with Mars on the South Node and was the leader of the Danish Resistance during the 2nd World War. A pretty rebellious soul with a firm understanding of what was of true value and what was not. And a quite surprising mirror for the current zeitgeist. We are being called to action and to hold our stand in the face of opposition. How to fight is the big question, as usual with Mars. It will be waxing to a conjunction to the NN during this lunar cycle, and while this energy is building, it is wise to be mindful of our words and actions. Chiron is also in the Aries courtyard, kindly reminding us about our talent for messing it up just when the heat is on and we are led on by impulse. Imagine all the karma created while mindlessly reacting to our environment and what unfolds here. The «ops-I did it again» factor is not to be undermined with this passage. Assertion and aggression are two different aspects of the same Martian impulse, so this week, we could find ourselves in a situation where opposing willpowers clash, and we have to figure out the best way through. The Sabian Symbol for the Moon at 25 Leo: «A rainbow» shows promise, and if we add the Sabian for the Sun degree: «A Spaniard serenading his senorita» a little secret is revealed. If we act gallantly and with the respect of the serenader, a rainbow, a symbol of light in stormy weather, appears. In other words, if we listen and respect our hearts, we will handle the storms with dignity and wisdom and create beauty. The language of the heart is sweet and tender. A healed heart radiates a sense of safety and, consequently, tolerance. Recognizing that we can’t always have what we desire and that winning isn’t everything can lead to peace. The ruler of the South Node, Venus, will be making a conjunction to Uranus during this quarter phase, and if we remember the myth, Venus sprang out of the semen of Uranus. This gives us a clue to how we can create beauty and harmony if we listen to our higher mind and act according to higher principles like brother and sisterhood, respect, and friendliness. This highly inspired conjunction can help offset some of Mars’s more toxic qualities when acting mindlessly. It is a kind reminder that we never know what people go through, so we shouldn’t be so quick to judge. Friendliness comes a long way, and in order to get there, we might need to let go of our agenda and try to understand. How to act appropriately seems to be the message of the current lunar cycle.
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