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Gérvas Salud/Health

Canal para la difusión de conocimiento sobre la salud. Channel for the dissemination of health knowledge. Con énfasis en los excesos de la medicina. Focusing on the excesses of medicine

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Primavera boreal 30 de abril de 2024 Vezo piloso o veza vellosa. "Mala hierba" leguminosa forragera Sierra Norte, Madrid, España
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¡Pobres mujeres en EEUU! Más sobrediagnóstico con mamografías USA. Poor females! More overdiagnosis (harms) of breast cancer. The USPSTF recommends biennial screening mammography for women aged 40 to 74 years. (B recommendation)
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Screening for Breast Cancer

In this JAMA Patient Page, the US Preventive Services Task Force provides a guide to screening for breast cancer.

¿Crees importante revertir la Ley de Cuidados Inversos? ¿Crees importante apoyar iniciativas para compartir experiencias y generar conocimiento para aminorar el rigor de la Ley de Cuidados Inversos? ¿Puedes estar en Granada el 10 de mayo para sumarte?
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El virus gripal H5N1 ha contagiado vacas lecheras estabuladas en Estados Unidos. Sabemos poco, y precisamos saber mucho. Aquí, una puesta al día. Parece que el contagio se produce al ordeñar las vacas, a través de los aparatos.
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EEUU confirma que la gripe aviar ya se transmite entre las vacas y ha contaminado su leche

El virus H5N1 está presente en "grandes concentraciones" en la leche sin pasteurizar y puede ser un vector de contagio de la enfermedad.

El cromosoma X contiene más genes relacionados con nuestro sistema inmune que ningún otro. Por ello, las mujeres (con 2 X) sufren más enfermedades autoinmunes (en las que atacamos a nuestras propias células). Y sufren más reacciones adversas a vacunas.
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¿Psiconálisis? No sé. «El psicoanálisis fue el estandarte tras el que marchó un ejército variopinto de neurólogos fracasados, intelectuales curiosos, psicópatas, oportunistas sexuales, empresarios culturales, aristócratas excéntricos y ricos diletantes aburridos. Fue la formación de muchos de ellos... El psicoanálisis fue la solución al acuciante problema de qué hacer con sus vidas.» ¿Psiconálisis? No sé. “Psychoanalysis was the banner behind which marched a raggle-taggle army of failed neurologists, curious intellectuals, psychopaths, sexual opportunists, cultural entrepreneurs, eccentric aristocrats, and bored rich dilettantes."
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The drama of psychoanalysis

Henry Miller, the witty and now dead neurologist from Newcastle, said that one of the great challenges for 21st century medical historians would be to explain the obsession with psychoanalysis in the 20th century. How did thinking what was more cult than science take over American psychiatry and bewitch intellectuals? Seamus O’Mahony doesn’t specifically set out to answer that question in his wonderfully readable and funny book The Guru, the Bagman, and the Sceptic: a story of science, sex and psychoanalysis , but he provides some answers.1 The book is also filled with delicious and entertaining stories: the early pioneers of psychoanalysis and their patients may have been self-deceiving, but they were rarely boring. His book is built around the intertwined stories of three men. One of them, Sigmund Freud, the guru, is one of the best-known figures of the 20th century or any century. Ernest Jones, the bagman and disciple, translator, and biographer of Freud, a “psychoanalytic capo ,” is far from a household…

¿Psiconálisis? No sé. “Psychoanalysis was the banner behind which marched a raggle-taggle army of failed neurologists, curious intellectuals, psychopaths, sexual opportunists, cultural entrepreneurs, eccentric aristocrats, and bored rich dilettantes."
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The drama of psychoanalysis

Henry Miller, the witty and now dead neurologist from Newcastle, said that one of the great challenges for 21st century medical historians would be to explain the obsession with psychoanalysis in the 20th century. How did thinking what was more cult than science take over American psychiatry and bewitch intellectuals? Seamus O’Mahony doesn’t specifically set out to answer that question in his wonderfully readable and funny book The Guru, the Bagman, and the Sceptic: a story of science, sex and psychoanalysis , but he provides some answers.1 The book is also filled with delicious and entertaining stories: the early pioneers of psychoanalysis and their patients may have been self-deceiving, but they were rarely boring. His book is built around the intertwined stories of three men. One of them, Sigmund Freud, the guru, is one of the best-known figures of the 20th century or any century. Ernest Jones, the bagman and disciple, translator, and biographer of Freud, a “psychoanalytic capo ,” is far from a household…

#semanaMundialDeLaInmunizacion OJO, la "estrategia nido" en tosferina (vacunar a todos los que rodean al bebé) es inútil y lleva a más ingresos en cuidados intensivos. Pertussis cocooning: more were admitted to intensive care units during cocooning
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Evaluation of the Impact of a Pertussis Cocooning Program... : The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal

d severe pertussis in young infants. Methods: Infants ≤6 months of age, diagnosed with pertussis (determined by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision codes and microbiology records) at 4 hospitals, and born at times when only postpartum women (January 2008 through May 2009) and all infant contacts (June 2009 through August 2011) were offered tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis vaccine at Ben Taub General Hospital were compared with infants born preintervention (May 2004 through December 2007). Results: One hundred ninety-six (49%) infants with pertussis were born preintervention, 140 (35%) during maternal postpartum (PP) and 64 (16%) during cocooning (C) periods. Infants were similar in age at diagnosis (81.2 vs. 71.3 [PP] vs. 72.5 [C] days; P 0.07), sex (male 59% vs. 51% [PP] vs. 48% [C]; P 0.17), hospitalization (68% vs. 71% [PP] vs. 78% [C]; P 0.27) and outcome (2 deaths in the PP period; P 0.15), but more were admitted to intensive care units during cocooning (24% vs.…

Mujeres y enfermedad autoinmune. Las consecuencias de tener dos cromosomas X. Pourquoi les femmes souffrent-elles davantage de maladies auto-immunes? Les femmes sont quatre fois plus à risque de maladie auto-immune que les hommes.
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Pourquoi les femmes souffrentelles davantage de maladies autoimmunes ?

Dans les pays industrialisés, les maladies auto-immunes (MAI), qui touchent environ 5 % de la population, représentent la 3e cause de maladie après le cancer

OJO Gabapentina (Neurontin®), pregabalina (Lyrica®). Bajo control, daños, sustancias psicoactivas recreativas en poblaciones vulnerables ya sea por motivos de clase, género o antecedentes de uso de otras sustancias como el fentanilo.
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