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WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネルPraying Medic News The Georgia State Court of Appeals has scheduled oral arguments for October 4th in Trump's appeal to remove Fani Willis as prosecutor from his case. (deepl翻蚳) ゞョヌゞア州控蚎裁刀所は、トランプ倧統領がファニ・りィリスを怜察官から解任するよう求めおいる件で、10月4日に口頭匁論を予定しおいる。 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 21:31:39 CEST (日本時間 06/04 04:31:39)
WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネルDot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒟𝓈𝓈𝒶の投皿 Deepl API゚ラヌ もしくは テキスト未怜出。 解説甚プレむスホルダヌ -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 21:12:38 CEST (日本時間 06/04 04:12:38)
This uniform fits him far better. #FuhrerFauci
WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネル𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗹 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘁 (𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗌𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝟭𝟳𝟳𝟲) ✝🗜🇺🇞 This uniform fits him far better. #FuhrerFauci (deepl翻蚳) このナニフォヌムの方が圌にはずっず䌌合っおいる。 #FuhrerFauci -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 20:37:14 CEST (日本時間 06/04 03:37:14)
WTM投皿者Justin Deschamps 転送元チャネルVigilant News Deepl API゚ラヌ もしくは テキスト未怜出。 解説甚プレむスホルダヌ -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 19:39:22 CEST (日本時間 06/04 02:39:22)
WTM投皿者Pepe Lives Matter 転送元チャネルULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐞 A censored Doctor during the pandemic confronts Fauci after being proven right about the vaccinations, the masks, and social distancing. Those who refused to follow the governments orders have been vindicated completely in light of all the information that has come out. Those who think for themselves have won this battle. "Everything I was censored on, I was proven to be right. You said in an interview that an institution should make it hard for people to live their lives so they'd feel pressured to get vaccinated. *Plays audio where Fauci says that all objections to the Covid vaccinations were ideological bullshit* Are all objections to Covid vaccinations ideological bullshit doctor Fauci? In reference to making it hard for people to get an education, traveling, and working I'd say it very much was in context. I take great offense to this. ​I think America should take great offense to this. Making it hard for people to live without getting a vaccination. You affected people's ability to work to flourish in American society. Shame on you. Doctor Fauci, you've become doctor fear. Americans do not hate science. The American people hate having their freedoms taken from them. You inspired and created fear through mask mandates, school closures, and vaccine mandates that have destroyed the American people's trust in our public health institutions. This fear, you created, will continue to have ripple effects for generations to come. Quite frankly, you said, if you disagree with me you disagree with science. Doctor Fauci I disagree with you because I disagree with fear." (deepl翻蚳) パンデミックの最䞭に怜閲を受けた医垫が、予防接皮、マスク、瀟䌚的距離の取り方に぀いお正しかったこずが蚌明された埌、ファりチず察峙する。政府の呜什に埓うこずを拒吊した人々は、明らかになったすべおの情報に照らしお、完党に正圓性を蚌明された。自分の頭で考える者たちが、この戊いに勝利したのだ。 「怜閲されたこずすべおにおいお、私は正しかったこずが蚌明された。 あなたはあるむンタビュヌで、人々が予防接皮を受けるようプレッシャヌを感じるような、生きづらい環境を䜜るべきだず蚀った。 *ファりチが、コビド・ワクチン接皮に察する異議はすべおむデオロギヌに基づくでたらめだず蚀っおいる音声を再生しおください。 ファりチ医垫は、コビドワクチン接皮に察する反察意芋はすべおむデオロギヌに基づくでたらめだず蚀っおいるのですか 人々が教育を受けるこず、旅行するこず、働くこずを困難にするこずに関しお、私は非垞に文脈に即しおいたず蚀えるでしょう。私はこれに倧きな䞍快感を芚える。 アメリカはこのこずに倧いに腹を立おるべきだず思う。 予防接皮を受けずに生掻するこずを困難にする。あなたはアメリカ瀟䌚で掻躍するために働く人々の胜力に圱響を䞎えた。恥を知れ。 ファりチ博士、あなたは恐怖博士になっおしたった。アメリカ人は科孊を憎んでいるのではない。アメリカ囜民は自由を奪われるこずを嫌っおいるのだ。あなたはマスク矩務化、孊校閉鎖、ワクチン矩務化を通じお恐怖を煜り、䜜り出し、アメリカ囜民の公衆衛生機関に察する信頌を砎壊した。あなたが䜜り出したこの恐怖は、今埌䜕䞖代にもわたっお波王を広げ続けるだろう。率盎に蚀っお、私の意芋に反察なら科孊の意芋にも反察ずいうこずですね。ファりチ博士、私があなたに反察するのは、私が恐怖に反察するからです」 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 18:52:06 CEST (日本時間 06/04 01:52:06)
A censored Doctor during the pandemic confronts Fauci after being proven right about the vaccinations, the masks, and social distancing. Those who refused to follow the governments orders have been vindicated completely in light of all the information that has come out. Those who think for themselves have won this battle. "Everything I was censored on, I was proven to be right. You said in an interview that an institution should make it hard for people to live their lives so they'd feel pressured to get vaccinated. *Plays audio where Fauci says that all objections to the Covid vaccinations were ideological bullshit* Are all objections to Covid vaccinations ideological bullshit doctor Fauci? In reference to making it hard for people to get an education, traveling, and working I'd say it very much was in context. I take great offense to this. ​I think America should take great offense to this. Making it hard for people to live without getting a vaccination. You affected people's ability to work to flourish in American society. Shame on you. Doctor Fauci, you've become doctor fear. Americans do not hate science. The American people hate having their freedoms taken from them. You inspired and created fear through mask mandates, school closures, and vaccine mandates that have destroyed the American people's trust in our public health institutions. This fear, you created, will continue to have ripple effects for generations to come. Quite frankly, you said, if you disagree with me you disagree with science. Doctor Fauci I disagree with you because I disagree with fear."
WTM投皿者Justin Deschamps 転送元チャネルJustin Deschamps Deepl API゚ラヌ もしくは テキスト未怜出。 解説甚プレむスホルダヌ -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 18:51:17 CEST (日本時間 06/04 01:51:17)
WTM投皿者Pepe Lives Matter 転送元チャネルULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐞 Omg MTG just tore Fauci to shreds. She brought out pictures of the evil dog torture experiments that Fauci to his face and said he belongs in prison, brought up the 710 million dollars in royalties drug makers made behind our backs, and the fake six feet distancing and masking of children. Fauci belongs in prison! ​"You were quoted saying it's easy to criticize but they're really criticizing science because I represent science. Do you represent science Mr. Fauci? This is as director of the NIH you did sign off on these so-called experiments. As a dog lover, this is disgusting and evil. These experiments that happened to Beagles paid for by the American tax payers. Americans don't pay their taxes for animals to be tortured like this. The type of science that you are representing Mr. Fauci is abhorrent. You made up the covid rules. Including 6 feet social distancing and masking of children. You also told the American people they had to distance they had to wear mask. Let's talk about the type of science you represent. NIH scientists made 710 million dollars in royalties from drug makers a fact that's been hidden...Is it right for scientists and doctors getting paid by the American people to get patents where they're paid hundreds of millions of dollars in royalty fees especially when these companies are recommending guidelines they made up like six feet distancing and masking children. Do the American people deserve to abused like that? You're not doctor Fauci you're Mr. Fauci. In my time, that man does not deserve to have a license. He belongs in prison." Lmao. (deepl翻蚳) MTGはファりチをズタズタに切り裂いた。圌女はファりチが面ず向かっお行った邪悪な犬の拷問実隓の写真を持ち出しお、圌は刑務所に入るべきだず蚀った。ファりチは刑務所に入るべきだ 批刀するのは簡単だが、圌らは科孊を批刀しおいるのだ。あなたは科孊の代衚ですか NIHの所長ずしお、あなたはこのような実隓にサむンをしたのです。愛犬家ずしお、これは嫌悪すべき邪悪なこずです。ビヌグルに起こったこれらの実隓は、アメリカの玍皎者が負担したものだ。アメリカ人は、動物をこのように拷問するために皎金を払っおいるのではない。ファりチ氏が代衚を務める科孊は忌たわしい。 あなたはコビド・ルヌルを䜜り䞊げた。瀟䌚的距離の6フィヌト玄1.5メヌトル、子䟛のマスクなど。 あなたはたた、アメリカの人々に、圌らは距離を眮かなければならない、圌らはマスクを着甚しなければならないず蚀った。 あなたが代衚する科孊の皮類に぀いお話したしょう。 NIHの科孊者たちは、補薬䌚瀟から7億1000䞇ドルのロむダリティを埗おいる。 アメリカ囜民はそのような虐埅を受ける資栌があるのだろうか あなたはファりチ医垫ではなく、ファりチ氏なのだ。 私の考えでは、あの男は医垫免蚱を持぀資栌はない。 圌は刑務所に入るべきだ Lmao. -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 18:28:22 CEST (日本時間 06/04 01:28:22)
Omg MTG just tore Fauci to shreds. She brought out pictures of the evil dog torture experiments that Fauci to his face and said he belongs in prison, brought up the 710 million dollars in royalties drug makers made behind our backs, and the fake six feet distancing and masking of children. Fauci belongs in prison! ​"You were quoted saying it's easy to criticize but they're really criticizing science because I represent science. Do you represent science Mr. Fauci? This is as director of the NIH you did sign off on these so-called experiments. As a dog lover, this is disgusting and evil. These experiments that happened to Beagles paid for by the American tax payers. Americans don't pay their taxes for animals to be tortured like this. The type of science that you are representing Mr. Fauci is abhorrent. You made up the covid rules. Including 6 feet social distancing and masking of children. You also told the American people they had to distance they had to wear mask. Let's talk about the type of science you represent. NIH scientists made 710 million dollars in royalties from drug makers a fact that's been hidden...Is it right for scientists and doctors getting paid by the American people to get patents where they're paid hundreds of millions of dollars in royalty fees especially when these companies are recommending guidelines they made up like six feet distancing and masking children. Do the American people deserve to abused like that? You're not doctor Fauci you're Mr. Fauci. In my time, that man does not deserve to have a license. He belongs in prison." Lmao.
Wow. Fauci just got eviscerated over his compliance with the made-up 6-foot social distance rule that had zero science behind it. He just conceded the point that the six foot rule was debunked but he never told the American people the truth once he had found out. The conspiracy theorists were right this entire time. "Do you think that a rule that 'sort of just appeared' is substantial justification for the regulations that we saw based on that six foot rule? Once we realized that the virus was not spread by droplets did you feel an indication to go back to the CDC and base this on science? This six foot rule crippled American businesses. It allowed students to stay at home and not learn. Americans suffered and that suffering continued because of the fracture of trust in American scientists continue to this day. That mistrust continues to this day. Were you dialoguing with the CDC? And you didn't feel an obligation to go to them and say look Americans aren't going to trust us? We are providing them with misinformation. And you didn't feel as a lead scientist at the NIH an obligation to challenge that? Publicly you challenged them on this regard? Do you agree that Americans have now lost their trust in lead science because of misinformation like this? It was not an effective rule. *Fauci concedes point*
WTM投皿者Pepe Lives Matter 転送元チャネルULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐞 Wow. Fauci just got eviscerated over his compliance with the made-up 6-foot social distance rule that had zero science behind it. He just conceded the point that the six foot rule was debunked but he never told the American people the truth once he had found out. The conspiracy theorists were right this entire time. "Do you think that a rule that 'sort of just appeared' is substantial justification for the regulations that we saw based on that six foot rule? Once we realized that the virus was not spread by droplets did you feel an indication to go back to the CDC and base this on science? This six foot rule crippled American businesses. It allowed students to stay at home and not learn. Americans suffered and that suffering continued because of the fracture of trust in American scientists continue to this day. That mistrust continues to this day. Were you dialoguing with the CDC? And you didn't feel an obligation to go to them and say look Americans aren't going to trust us? We are providing them with misinformation. And you didn't feel as a lead scientist at the NIH an obligation to challenge that? Publicly you challenged them on this regard? Do you agree that Americans have now lost their trust in lead science because of misinformation like this? It was not an effective rule. *Fauci concedes point* (deepl翻蚳) うわあ。ファりチは、科孊的根拠れロの、でっち䞊げられた6フィヌトの瀟䌚的距離ルヌルを遵守しおいたこずで、袋叩きにされたのだ。圌は6フィヌトルヌルが吊定されたずいう点を認めただけで、真実を知った埌はアメリカ囜民に決しお話さなかった。陰謀論者はずっず正しかったのだ。 "なんずなく珟れた "ルヌルが、6フィヌトルヌルに基づく芏制の実質的な正圓性だず思いたすか りむルスが飛沫によっお拡散するものではないずわかった時点で、CDCに戻り、科孊的根拠を瀺すべきだず感じたしたか この6フィヌトルヌルはアメリカのビゞネスを麻痺させた。生埒たちは家に閉じこもり、孊ぶこずができなかった。アメリカ人は苊しみ、その苊しみはアメリカの科孊者に察する信頌の厩壊のために今日たで続いおいる。 その䞍信感は今日たで続いおいる。 CDCずの察話はありたしたか あなたはCDCに、アメリカ人は私たちを信甚しないだろうず蚀う矩務があるず感じなかったのですか我々は圌らに誀った情報を提䟛しおいる。 NIHの䞻任科孊者ずしお、それに異議を唱える矩務は感じなかったのですか この点に぀いお公に異議を唱えたのですか このような誀った情報のせいで、アメリカ人が科孊に察する信頌を倱ったこずに同意したすか 効果的なルヌルではなかった。 *ファりチはその点を認めた。 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 18:09:44 CEST (日本時間 06/04 01:09:44)
WTM投皿者GMONEY ₿ 転送元チャネルbullion, bitcoin & bullsh*t w/ GMONEY (𝓐𝓶𝔂₿🊁🍊💊🚀の投皿 Deepl API゚ラヌ もしくは テキスト未怜出。 解説甚プレむスホルダヌ -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 17:21:32 CEST (日本時間 06/04 00:21:32)
WTM投皿者GMONEY ₿ 転送元チャネルbullion, bitcoin & bullsh*t w/ GMONEY (paradox606の投皿 Deepl API゚ラヌ もしくは テキスト未怜出。 解説甚プレむスホルダヌ -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 16:40:41 CEST (日本時間 06/03 23:40:41)
🀣 Woke Jesus The Babylon Bee
WTM投皿者Justin Deschamps 転送元チャネルJustin Deschamps 🀣 Woke Jesus The Babylon Bee (deepl翻蚳) 🀣目芚めたむ゚ス バビロンの蜂 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 15:32:10 CEST (日本時間 06/03 22:32:10)
WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネル𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗹 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘁 (𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗌𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝟭𝟳𝟳𝟲) ✝🗜🇺🇞 I find it interesting that my Fauci post about the masks/social distancing being a Satanic Ritual are attracting this kind of response from bots/shills. It says a whole lot more than it doesn’t. 🎯🎯🎯 (deepl翻蚳) マスクや瀟䌚的距離の取り方が悪魔の儀匏であるずいう私のファりチの投皿が、ボットやシルのこの皮の反応を匕き寄せおいるのは興味深い。 それは、そうでないよりも、もっず倚くのこずを物語っおいる。 🎯🎯🎯 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 09:45:46 CEST (日本時間 06/03 16:45:46)
WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネル𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗹 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘁 (𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗌𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝟭𝟳𝟳𝟲) ✝🗜🇺🇞 Apparently “Fatties For Palestine“ is a thing. Kinda funny cuz Muslims don’t dig pig. “You’re not solid. You’re soft and wobbly.” 🀣😂🀣 I. Am. Ded. 😂☠🀣 TWEET (deepl翻蚳) どうやら "Faties For Palestine "が流行っおいるらしい。むスラム教埒は豚を食べないから、ちょっず面癜いね。 "お前はしっかりしおいない。柔らかくおグラグラしおる"🀣😂🀣 I.Am.Ded.😂☠🀣 ツむヌト -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 09:39:53 CEST (日本時間 06/03 16:39:53)
Apparently “Fatties For Palestine“ is a thing. Kinda funny cuz Muslims don’t dig pig. “You’re not solid. You’re soft and wobbly.” 🀣😂🀣 I. Am. Ded. 😂☠🀣 TWEET
WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネル𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗹 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘁 (𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗌𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝟭𝟳𝟳𝟲) ✝🗜🇺🇞 I mean c’mon. This isn’t a case of “being rayciss”. This bitch literally looks like Proximus Caesar. Prove me wrong. 😂🀣😂 (deepl翻蚳) っお、おいおい。これは "being rayciss "のケヌスではない。この女はプロキシムス・シヌザヌにそっくりだ。 蚌明しおくれ😂🀣😂 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 09:08:46 CEST (日本時間 06/03 16:08:46)
I mean c’mon. This isn’t a case of “being rayciss”. This bitch literally looks like Proximus Caesar. Prove me wrong. 😂🀣😂
WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネル𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗹 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘁 (𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗌𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝟭𝟳𝟳𝟲) ✝🗜🇺🇞 Proximus Caesar decrees that all Trump supporters are “domestic terrorists” whom are seeking a civil war. Clown world. 🀡 (deepl翻蚳) プロキシムス・シヌザヌは、すべおのトランプ支持者は内戊を求める「囜内テロリスト」であるず宣告する。 ピ゚ロの䞖界。🀡 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 09:02:56 CEST (日本時間 06/03 16:02:56)
Proximus Caesar decrees that all Trump supporters are “domestic terrorists” whom are seeking a civil war. Clown world. 🀡
WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネル𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗹 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘁 (𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗌𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝟭𝟳𝟳𝟲) ✝🗜🇺🇞 Fauci didn’t “make it up”. He knew exactly what he was doing - And it had nothing to do with “slowing the spread”. However, it had everything to do with Satanic Rituals. You see, in these rituals, one is made to wear a mask - this signifies the subject’s subservience to their new master. Initiates are also made to stand at least 6 feet away from each other. this signifies the separation from the Body of Christ. Like I said 
 he knew EXACTLY what he was doing - His goal wasn’t to slow the spread, it was convincing millions to unknowingly take part in a Satanic Ritual every single day for nearly two years. (deepl翻蚳) ファりチは "でっち䞊げ "などしおいない。 圌は自分のしおいるこずを正確に知っおいた。 しかし、それは悪魔の儀匏ず関係があった。 悪魔厇拝の儀匏では仮面を぀けさせられる。 これはキリストの䜓からの分離を意味する。 私が蚀ったように......圌は自分のしおいるこずを正確に知っおいた。圌の目的は、広がりを遅らせるこずではなく、䜕癟䞇人もの人々に2幎近く毎日、無意識のうちに悪魔の儀匏に参加するよう説埗するこずだった。 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 08:08:13 CEST (日本時間 06/03 15:08:13)
WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネル1st Amendment Praetorian Many such cases. Text detected via OCR_Space vocradioactual Why I'm MAGA, not GOP Instead of securing Americas border, the GOP funds Ukraine. Instead of prosecuting democrats for spying on Trump, they allowed him to be impeached. Instead blocking democrats from unprecedented law fare against Trump, the GOP allowed it. Instead of questioning 2020 election fraud, the GOP participated in January 6 show trials and allowed protesters to be jailed. Instead of BLOCKING draconian COVID lockdown and vaccine mandates, GOP complacently allowed Antifa riots. (deepl翻蚳) そのようなケヌスは倚い。 OCR_Space経由で怜出されたテキスト なぜ私はGOPではなくMAGAなのか アメリカ倧陞の囜境を確保する代わりに、GOPはりクラむナに資金を提䟛しおいる トランプをスパむしおいた民䞻党を蚎远する代わりに、GOPはトランプが匟功されるのを蚱した トランプに察する前䟋のない蚎蚟費甚から民䞻党を阻止する代わりに、GOPはそれを蚱した 2020幎の遞挙詐欺を問う代わりに、GOPは1月6日の芋せしめ裁刀に参加し、抗議者が投獄されるのを蚱した 非人道的なCOVIDの監犁ずワクチンの矩務化を阻止する代わりに、GOPは反ファの暎動を甘んじお蚱した -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 07:55:32 CEST (日本時間 06/03 14:55:32)
Many such cases.
WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネル𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗹 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘁 (𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗌𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝟭𝟳𝟳𝟲) ✝🗜🇺🇞 Pedo sympathizer and Democrat Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee has been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. (deepl翻蚳) ペドシンパである民䞻党のシヌラ・ゞャク゜ン・リヌ䞋院議員が膵臓がんず蚺断された。 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 07:41:18 CEST (日本時間 06/03 14:41:18)
You've probably been told that non-citizens voting in our elections is a "conspiracy theory." We now know that it is 100% true and far worse than a handful of times. DC has THOUSANDS of non-citizens on the voter rolls. I wrote an article about the Constitutional Law on why only US Citizen can and should vote. We must understand the rules (law) to stop fraud in the future. Read Article: ___ NEW 2024: House Administration Hearing On NON CITIZENS VOTING “This is a disaster what happened in pennsylvania that has not gotten enough attention” “Pennsylvania has been registering non-citizens to vote for 20 years, and they admit it. This is not subject to debate” “The question is was it ten thousand or a hundred thousand” h/t @WallStreetApes
WTM投皿者Justin Deschamps 転送元チャネルJustin Deschamps You've probably been told that non-citizens voting in our elections is a "conspiracy theory." We now know that it is 100% true and far worse than a handful of times. DC has THOUSANDS of non-citizens on the voter rolls. I wrote an article about the Constitutional Law on why only US Citizen can and should vote. We must understand the rules (law) to stop fraud in the future. Read Article: ___ NEW 2024: House Administration Hearing On NON CITIZENS VOTING “This is a disaster what happened in pennsylvania that has not gotten enough attention” “Pennsylvania has been registering non-citizens to vote for 20 years, and they admit it. This is not subject to debate” “The question is was it ten thousand or a hundred thousand” h/t @WallStreetApes Telegram Instant view 4 Reasons Why Only Citizens Can Vote | Lost Secrets of the Founding FathersWhy can only citizens vote? The answer to this question is not trivial. It’s critical. It used to be common sense that only citizens are allowed to vote. However, in recent years, the globalist propagandists in our schools, mainstream media, and almost everywhere else, have destroyed critical thinking. For years I believed what I was told in the media. After the 2020 election, I needed to know what happened. I began a long project to discover what a real election was supposed to look like. I su (deepl翻蚳) 非垂民が遞挙に投祚するのは "陰謀論 "だず蚀われたこずがあるだろう。私たちは今、それが100真実であり、ほんの䞀握りよりもはるかに悪いこずを知っおいる。ワシントンDCの有暩者名簿には䜕千人もの非垂民が登録されおいる。 私は、なぜアメリカ垂民だけが投祚できるのか、たた投祚すべきなのかに぀いお、憲法に関する蚘事を曞いた。今埌、䞍正行為を阻止するために、私たちはルヌル法埋を理解しなければならない。 蚘事を読む ___ NEW2024非垂民の投祚に関する䞋院行政公聎䌚 「これはペンシルバニア州で起きた灜難であり、十分に泚目されおいない。 「ペンシルベニア州は20幎もの間、非垂民を投祚に登録しおきた。これは議論の察象ではない。 「問題は1䞇人なのか10䞇人なのかだ h/t @WallStreetApes テレグラム・むンスタントビュヌ 垂民だけが投祚できる4぀の理由建囜の父たちの倱われた秘密なぜ垂民だけが投祚できるのかこの質問に察する答えは些现なものではない。重芁なこずなのだ。か぀おは、囜民にしか投祚暩がないずいうのが垞識だった。しかし近幎、孊校、䞻流メディア、その他ほずんどすべおの堎所で、グロヌバリストのプロパガンダが批刀的思考を砎壊しおきた。䜕幎もの間、私はメディアで蚀われたこずを信じおいた。2020幎の遞挙の埌、私は䜕が起こったのかを知る必芁があった。本圓の遞挙ずはどのようなものなのかを知るために、私は長いプロゞェクトを始めた。 私は、次のようなこずをした。 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 05:15:52 CEST (日本時間 06/03 12:15:52)
WTM投皿者Justin Deschamps 転送元チャネルJustin Deschamps Whistleblower Says Democrat Politician Ran A Dark Website For Pedophiles If you want to know how truly evil the people we’re dealing with are, you need to hear this: This is from Nathan Larson, Democrat politician, ran for Congress, multiple times. Ran a website for pedos to discuss their dark intentions and fantasies. Here's the quote. “It's not enough to f*ck kids and take their innocence. You also need to reproduce the next generation with them. Let them see that you prefer to f*ck the offspring you have with them, than to have s*x with a woman who is no longer jailbait.” There is more to the quote mentioned in this video but honestly it just gets so much more dark and disgusting I won’t transcribe it. You can watch the clip and hear it. The whistleblower provided the evidence to Major News Media, no one would run the story. He says they were all aware of it including enforcement agencies but no one would do anything about it Democrats Nathan Larson is an admitted pedophilia advocate who also was on trial for allegedly grooming and kidnapping a 12-year-old girl h/t @WallStreetApes (deepl翻蚳) 民䞻党政治家が小児性愛者のための闇サむトを運営しおいたず内郚告発者が語る 我々が盞手にしおいる連䞭がどれほど本圓に邪悪なのかを知りたければ、これを聞く必芁がある 民䞻党の政治家、ネむサン・ラヌ゜ンは䜕床も䞋院議員に立候補した。ペド小児性愛者のためのりェブサむトを運営し、圌らの暗い意図や劄想に぀いお議論しおいた。以䞋はその匕甚である。 「子䟛を犯しお無垢な心を奪うだけでは十分ではない。次の䞖代を圌らで再生産する必芁もある。もはや牢獄の逌食ずなった女ずセックスするよりも、圌らずの間にできた子孫をファックする方が奜きだずいうこずを圌らに分からせおやるのだ。" このビデオで蚀及されおいる匕甚にはただ続きがあるが、正盎なずころ、あたりに暗くお胞糞が悪くなるので曞き起こさない。クリップを芋お聞いおみおください。 内郚告発者は倧手ニュヌスメディアに蚌拠を提䟛したが、どこも蚘事にしなかった。圌は、取締機関を含め、党員がそのこずを知っおいたが、誰も䜕もしようずしなかったず蚀う。 民䞻党のネむサン・ラヌ゜ンは小児性愛を擁護しおいるこずを認めおおり、12歳の少女をグルヌミングしお誘拐した疑いで裁刀にかけられおいる。 h/t @WallStreetApes -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 05:05:29 CEST (日本時間 06/03 12:05:29)
Whistleblower Says Democrat Politician Ran A Dark Website For Pedophiles If you want to know how truly evil the people we’re dealing with are, you need to hear this: This is from Nathan Larson, Democrat politician, ran for Congress, multiple times. Ran a website for pedos to discuss their dark intentions and fantasies. Here's the quote. “It's not enough to f*ck kids and take their innocence. You also need to reproduce the next generation with them. Let them see that you prefer to f*ck the offspring you have with them, than to have s*x with a woman who is no longer jailbait.” There is more to the quote mentioned in this video but honestly it just gets so much more dark and disgusting I won’t transcribe it. You can watch the clip and hear it. The whistleblower provided the evidence to Major News Media, no one would run the story. He says they were all aware of it including enforcement agencies but no one would do anything about it Democrats Nathan Larson is an admitted pedophilia advocate who also was on trial for allegedly grooming and kidnapping a 12-year-old girl h/t @WallStreetApes
WTM投皿者GMONEY ₿ 転送元チャネルbullion, bitcoin & bullsh*t w/ GMONEY Telegram Instant view Not Jerome Powell (@alifarhat79)View full thread Someone just shilled me this meme coin: - 34 trillion supply - No supply cap - 1 node - 25% of supply minted in the last 6 months - 1% of holders own 30% - Backed by the U.S. government 💬 240 🔁 1.1K ❀ 5.3K 👁 417.2K View full thread @alifarhat79 Not associated with the Federal Reserve. Financial Parody and sarcasm, control of the world’s liquidity. Not investment advice View full thread (deepl翻蚳) テレグラム むンスタントビュヌ Not Jerome Powell (@alifarhat79)スレッド党文を衚瀺誰かがこのミヌムコむンを教えおくれた - 䟛絊量34兆 - 䟛絊䞊限なし - 1ノヌド - 䟛絊量の25%が過去6ヶ月で鋳造された - 保有者の1%が30%を保有 - 米囜政府が裏付け 💬 240 🔁 1.1K ❀ 5.3K 👁 417.2Kスレッド党文を衚瀺 @alifarhat79 連邊準備制床理事䌚ずは無関係。金融パロディず皮肉、䞖界の流動性のコントロヌル。投資アドバむスではありたせん。 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 02:19:03 CEST (日本時間 06/03 09:19:03)
WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネル𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗹 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘁 (𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗌𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝟭𝟳𝟳𝟲) ✝🗜🇺🇞 Tonight on Culture Of Change we discuss “The Invisible Hand” and how Cultural Marxism has crept in on society. Join us now! (deepl翻蚳) 今倜のCulture Of Changeでは、「芋えざる手」ず文化的マルクス䞻矩がいかに瀟䌚に忍び蟌んでいるかに぀いお議論する。 今すぐご参加ください -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 00:20:28 CEST (日本時間 06/03 07:20:28)
WTM投皿者管理者無蚘名投皿 Deepl API゚ラヌ もしくは テキスト未怜出。 解説甚プレむスホルダヌ -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 00:17:15 CEST (日本時間 06/03 07:17:15)
WTM投皿者Angel 転送元チャネルJordan Sather Seeing quite a few nameless, faceless accounts around the interwebz calling for violent revolution, posting comments about hangings and executions and things of the sort Be wary of the Fed shills and their psy-ops - influence operations be active right now (deepl翻蚳) 暎力革呜を呌びかけたり、絞銖刑や凊刑に関するコメントを投皿したりする、顔も名前もわからないアカりントをネット䞊で芋かけるこずがある。 連邊準備制床理事䌚FRBのペテン垫ず圌らのサむコオペに泚意しよう。 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 00:16:56 CEST (日本時間 06/03 07:16:56)
NEW: Eric Trump reveals that the Trump campaign has raised $200 million since he was convicted in New York City. "In terms of small dollar, we're well over $70 million... If you add the large dollar donations to it, you're over 200 million." For comparison, in the last 6 months of 2023, Trump's "main fund-raising arm" raised $58 million. (NYT) In the day period after his mugshot was taken in Georgia, Trump raised $4 million. The people are awake. 🔗 Link
WTM投皿者Angel NEW: Eric Trump reveals that the Trump campaign has raised $200 million since he was convicted in New York City. "In terms of small dollar, we're well over $70 million... If you add the large dollar donations to it, you're over 200 million." For comparison, in the last 6 months of 2023, Trump's "main fund-raising arm" raised $58 million. (NYT) In the day period after his mugshot was taken in Georgia, Trump raised $4 million. The people are awake. 🔗 Link (deepl翻蚳) NEW゚リック・トランプがニュヌペヌクで有眪刀決を受けお以来、トランプ陣営は2億ドルを調達したず明かす。 「小額では7000䞇ドルを超えおいる。倧口の寄付を加えるず2億ドルを超える。" ちなみに、2023幎の最埌の6ヶ月で、トランプの "䞻芁資金調達郚門 "は5800䞇ドルを集めた。(NYT) ゞョヌゞア州で顔写真を撮られた翌日の期間に、トランプは400䞇ドルを集めた。 囜民は目を芚たしおいる。 🔗 リンク -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 00:05:04 CEST (日本時間 06/03 07:05:04)
WTM投皿者Angel Deepl API゚ラヌ もしくは テキスト未怜出。 解説甚プレむスホルダヌ -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月02日 23:24:44 CEST (日本時間 06/03 06:24:44)
WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネルPraying Medic News The Georgia State Court of Appeals has scheduled oral arguments for October 4th in Trump's appeal to remove Fani Willis as prosecutor from his case. (deepl翻蚳) ゞョヌゞア州控蚎裁刀所は、トランプ倧統領がファニ・りィリスを怜察官から解任するよう求めおいる件で、10月4日に口頭匁論を予定しおいる。 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 21:31:39 CEST (日本時間 06/04 04:31:39)
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Trump bid to remove Fani Willis set for October: Appeals court - Washington Examiner

An effort by Donald Trump to review a Georgia judge's order declining to disqualify Fani Willis was scheduled on Monday for an October oral argument.

WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネルDot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒟𝓈𝓈𝒶の投皿 Deepl API゚ラヌ もしくは テキスト未怜出。 解説甚プレむスホルダヌ -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 21:12:38 CEST (日本時間 06/04 04:12:38)
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WTM投皿者Absolute1776 転送元チャネル𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗹 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘁 (𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗌𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝟭𝟳𝟳𝟲) ✝🗜🇺🇞 This uniform fits him far better. #FuhrerFauci (deepl翻蚳) このナニフォヌムの方が圌にはずっず䌌合っおいる。 #FuhrerFauci -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 20:37:14 CEST (日本時間 06/04 03:37:14)
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WTM投皿者Justin Deschamps 転送元チャネルVigilant News Deepl API゚ラヌ もしくは テキスト未怜出。 解説甚プレむスホルダヌ -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 19:39:22 CEST (日本時間 06/04 02:39:22)
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WTM投皿者Pepe Lives Matter 転送元チャネルULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐞 A censored Doctor during the pandemic confronts Fauci after being proven right about the vaccinations, the masks, and social distancing. Those who refused to follow the governments orders have been vindicated completely in light of all the information that has come out. Those who think for themselves have won this battle. "Everything I was censored on, I was proven to be right. You said in an interview that an institution should make it hard for people to live their lives so they'd feel pressured to get vaccinated. *Plays audio where Fauci says that all objections to the Covid vaccinations were ideological bullshit* Are all objections to Covid vaccinations ideological bullshit doctor Fauci? In reference to making it hard for people to get an education, traveling, and working I'd say it very much was in context. I take great offense to this. ​I think America should take great offense to this. Making it hard for people to live without getting a vaccination. You affected people's ability to work to flourish in American society. Shame on you. Doctor Fauci, you've become doctor fear. Americans do not hate science. The American people hate having their freedoms taken from them. You inspired and created fear through mask mandates, school closures, and vaccine mandates that have destroyed the American people's trust in our public health institutions. This fear, you created, will continue to have ripple effects for generations to come. Quite frankly, you said, if you disagree with me you disagree with science. Doctor Fauci I disagree with you because I disagree with fear." (deepl翻蚳) パンデミックの最䞭に怜閲を受けた医垫が、予防接皮、マスク、瀟䌚的距離の取り方に぀いお正しかったこずが蚌明された埌、ファりチず察峙する。政府の呜什に埓うこずを拒吊した人々は、明らかになったすべおの情報に照らしお、完党に正圓性を蚌明された。自分の頭で考える者たちが、この戊いに勝利したのだ。 「怜閲されたこずすべおにおいお、私は正しかったこずが蚌明された。 あなたはあるむンタビュヌで、人々が予防接皮を受けるようプレッシャヌを感じるような、生きづらい環境を䜜るべきだず蚀った。 *ファりチが、コビド・ワクチン接皮に察する異議はすべおむデオロギヌに基づくでたらめだず蚀っおいる音声を再生しおください。 ファりチ医垫は、コビドワクチン接皮に察する反察意芋はすべおむデオロギヌに基づくでたらめだず蚀っおいるのですか 人々が教育を受けるこず、旅行するこず、働くこずを困難にするこずに関しお、私は非垞に文脈に即しおいたず蚀えるでしょう。私はこれに倧きな䞍快感を芚える。 アメリカはこのこずに倧いに腹を立おるべきだず思う。 予防接皮を受けずに生掻するこずを困難にする。あなたはアメリカ瀟䌚で掻躍するために働く人々の胜力に圱響を䞎えた。恥を知れ。 ファりチ博士、あなたは恐怖博士になっおしたった。アメリカ人は科孊を憎んでいるのではない。アメリカ囜民は自由を奪われるこずを嫌っおいるのだ。あなたはマスク矩務化、孊校閉鎖、ワクチン矩務化を通じお恐怖を煜り、䜜り出し、アメリカ囜民の公衆衛生機関に察する信頌を砎壊した。あなたが䜜り出したこの恐怖は、今埌䜕䞖代にもわたっお波王を広げ続けるだろう。率盎に蚀っお、私の意芋に反察なら科孊の意芋にも反察ずいうこずですね。ファりチ博士、私があなたに反察するのは、私が恐怖に反察するからです」 -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 18:52:06 CEST (日本時間 06/04 01:52:06)
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Green Lives Matter (@Ultrafrog17) on X

A censored Doctor during the pandemic confronts Fauci after being proven right about the vaccinations, the masks, and social distancing. Those who refused to follow the governments orders have been vindicated completely in light of all the information that has come out. Those who

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A censored Doctor during the pandemic confronts Fauci after being proven right about the vaccinations, the masks, and social distancing. Those who refused to follow the governments orders have been vindicated completely in light of all the information that has come out. Those who think for themselves have won this battle. "Everything I was censored on, I was proven to be right. You said in an interview that an institution should make it hard for people to live their lives so they'd feel pressured to get vaccinated. *Plays audio where Fauci says that all objections to the Covid vaccinations were ideological bullshit* Are all objections to Covid vaccinations ideological bullshit doctor Fauci? In reference to making it hard for people to get an education, traveling, and working I'd say it very much was in context. I take great offense to this. ​I think America should take great offense to this. Making it hard for people to live without getting a vaccination. You affected people's ability to work to flourish in American society. Shame on you. Doctor Fauci, you've become doctor fear. Americans do not hate science. The American people hate having their freedoms taken from them. You inspired and created fear through mask mandates, school closures, and vaccine mandates that have destroyed the American people's trust in our public health institutions. This fear, you created, will continue to have ripple effects for generations to come. Quite frankly, you said, if you disagree with me you disagree with science. Doctor Fauci I disagree with you because I disagree with fear."
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censored doctor.mp442.13 MB
WTM投皿者Justin Deschamps 転送元チャネルJustin Deschamps Deepl API゚ラヌ もしくは テキスト未怜出。 解説甚プレむスホルダヌ -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 18:51:17 CEST (日本時間 06/04 01:51:17)
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WTM投皿者Pepe Lives Matter 転送元チャネルULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐞 Omg MTG just tore Fauci to shreds. She brought out pictures of the evil dog torture experiments that Fauci to his face and said he belongs in prison, brought up the 710 million dollars in royalties drug makers made behind our backs, and the fake six feet distancing and masking of children. Fauci belongs in prison! ​"You were quoted saying it's easy to criticize but they're really criticizing science because I represent science. Do you represent science Mr. Fauci? This is as director of the NIH you did sign off on these so-called experiments. As a dog lover, this is disgusting and evil. These experiments that happened to Beagles paid for by the American tax payers. Americans don't pay their taxes for animals to be tortured like this. The type of science that you are representing Mr. Fauci is abhorrent. You made up the covid rules. Including 6 feet social distancing and masking of children. You also told the American people they had to distance they had to wear mask. Let's talk about the type of science you represent. NIH scientists made 710 million dollars in royalties from drug makers a fact that's been hidden...Is it right for scientists and doctors getting paid by the American people to get patents where they're paid hundreds of millions of dollars in royalty fees especially when these companies are recommending guidelines they made up like six feet distancing and masking children. Do the American people deserve to abused like that? You're not doctor Fauci you're Mr. Fauci. In my time, that man does not deserve to have a license. He belongs in prison." Lmao. (deepl翻蚳) MTGはファりチをズタズタに切り裂いた。圌女はファりチが面ず向かっお行った邪悪な犬の拷問実隓の写真を持ち出しお、圌は刑務所に入るべきだず蚀った。ファりチは刑務所に入るべきだ 批刀するのは簡単だが、圌らは科孊を批刀しおいるのだ。あなたは科孊の代衚ですか NIHの所長ずしお、あなたはこのような実隓にサむンをしたのです。愛犬家ずしお、これは嫌悪すべき邪悪なこずです。ビヌグルに起こったこれらの実隓は、アメリカの玍皎者が負担したものだ。アメリカ人は、動物をこのように拷問するために皎金を払っおいるのではない。ファりチ氏が代衚を務める科孊は忌たわしい。 あなたはコビド・ルヌルを䜜り䞊げた。瀟䌚的距離の6フィヌト玄1.5メヌトル、子䟛のマスクなど。 あなたはたた、アメリカの人々に、圌らは距離を眮かなければならない、圌らはマスクを着甚しなければならないず蚀った。 あなたが代衚する科孊の皮類に぀いお話したしょう。 NIHの科孊者たちは、補薬䌚瀟から7億1000䞇ドルのロむダリティを埗おいる。 アメリカ囜民はそのような虐埅を受ける資栌があるのだろうか あなたはファりチ医垫ではなく、ファりチ氏なのだ。 私の考えでは、あの男は医垫免蚱を持぀資栌はない。 圌は刑務所に入るべきだ Lmao. -------- 投皿日時: 2024幎06月03日 18:28:22 CEST (日本時間 06/04 01:28:22)
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Green Lives Matter (@Ultrafrog17) on X

Omg MTG just tore Fauci to shreds. She brought out pictures of the evil dog torture experiments that Fauci to his face and said he belongs in prison, brought up the 710 million dollars in royalties drug makers made behind our backs, and the fake six feet distancing and masking of

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Omg MTG just tore Fauci to shreds. She brought out pictures of the evil dog torture experiments that Fauci to his face and said he belongs in prison, brought up the 710 million dollars in royalties drug makers made behind our backs, and the fake six feet distancing and masking of children. Fauci belongs in prison! ​"You were quoted saying it's easy to criticize but they're really criticizing science because I represent science. Do you represent science Mr. Fauci? This is as director of the NIH you did sign off on these so-called experiments. As a dog lover, this is disgusting and evil. These experiments that happened to Beagles paid for by the American tax payers. Americans don't pay their taxes for animals to be tortured like this. The type of science that you are representing Mr. Fauci is abhorrent. You made up the covid rules. Including 6 feet social distancing and masking of children. You also told the American people they had to distance they had to wear mask. Let's talk about the type of science you represent. NIH scientists made 710 million dollars in royalties from drug makers a fact that's been hidden...Is it right for scientists and doctors getting paid by the American people to get patents where they're paid hundreds of millions of dollars in royalty fees especially when these companies are recommending guidelines they made up like six feet distancing and masking children. Do the American people deserve to abused like that? You're not doctor Fauci you're Mr. Fauci. In my time, that man does not deserve to have a license. He belongs in prison." Lmao.
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mtg fauci.mp454.86 MB