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GORSA •|• Waanan baay'ee si jaaladhuuf ittuma dabaleen si gorfadha! •|• Yeroon waan tokko si gorsu akkan si caalu sitti himuufii miti; akka ati na caaltuufi malee! •|• Waan na hubatteef GALATOOMI!! @Gaggeessummaa ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➊. Waan itti dhaloonni si waamu osoo hin hojjetin hin jiraatin; seenaa hojjechuuf ka'i! ➋. Namoonni ofiif qofa jiraatanii badhaafaman addunyaa lafaa kana irra hin jirani; ofirra darbanii namootaaf jiraachuudhaan malee. ➌. Waaqayyo uumaa kee caalaa kan sitti aanu hin jiru dhugaa kana quba qabaadhu! ➍. Namoonni hunduu waan barbaadan keessaa waan xiqqoo dhabaniif ani hiyyeessa ofiin jedhu malee hunda dhabee hiyyeessa ta'ee kan jiraate hin jiru; isa hin jirre malee. ➎. Jechoonnii fi kitaabolee dubbisuun qallaba yaadati. ➏. Garaagarummaan nama gidduu jiru sammuu ofiitti fayyadamuu fi fayyadamuu dhabuu dha malee namni hunduu walqixa. ➐. Wantoota gara fedhetti kan qajeelchu gaaffii miti deebii dha malee. ➑. Rakkina kee nama itti himattu sirriitti sirriitti... nama furmaata siif kennu ta'uu isaa adda baafadhu! ➒. Jijjiirama jalaa miliquu hin dandeessu. ➓. Wanta hunda akka salphaatti ilaaluu fi yeroo gabaabaatti baruu yoo barbaadde kitaaba dubbisi! Muuxxannoo kee irraa baruu dandeessa; garuu yeroo dheeraaf wareegama guddaa si kaffalchiisa. ✧ Sammuu keef hin ajajamin sammuu kee ajaji malee. @Gaggeessummaa @Gaggeessummaa
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Repost from 💖💚💖ORO ICT Faayili guddaa yeroo waliif ergitan tajaajila kam fayyadamtu ? Google Store,Dropbox,Microsoft Cloud,.... ?. Kan nuti isiniif filannu dha. Keessattuu warri biyya keessa jirtan, weebsite asii olii kana fayyadamaa, garu Dirqama browser Google Chrome fayyadamuu qabdu. Website kuni maaliif saffisa guddaan yeroo gabaabaa keessatti faayilii isiniif ergame akka buufattan(download) isin gargaara ?. Iccitiin website kanaa, mala browser buffering jedhamuudha.fakkeenyaaf sirba daqiiqaa 10 dheeratu wahii YouTube irratti laalu ni dandeettu osoo saffisni interneeta keessanii giddu galeessa ta'eeyyu, garu sirba san yeroo buufattan(download) daqiiqaa dheera isinitti fudhata, sirbi daqiiqaa kudhan dheeratu buufachuuf daqiiqaa 10 caala isinitti fudhachuu no danda'a. Iccitiin garaagarummaa lamaan kanniini, yeroo viidiyo san kallattiin YouTube irratti laaltan kompiterri keessaan daataa(yeroo gabaabaa) 'RAM' irratti kuusaa, garuu vidiyoo san yeroo buustan(download) kompiterri keessan daataa viidiyo sanii 'Hard Disk' irratti kuusa, saffisni daataa kuusuu 'RAM' kan 'Hard Disk' ni caala, kanaafu saffisa interneeta giddu galeesaan viidiyo san laalu ni dandeessu. Akkuma kana website jedhamu teknoloojii 'browser buffering' jedhamu fayyadamuun daataa keessan 'RAM' irratti kuufamu godha, akkuma daataa isin buusaa jirtan san guutumaa guututti 'RAM' irratti buusee geesseen, Google Chrome ammoo daataa san deebisee gara 'Hard Disk' garagalcha(copy). Jidduu tanatti yeroon daataa san itti buustan(Download) baayyee xiqqaata. Hubachiisa - browser tajaajila 'buffering' gaarii kennu Google Chrome qofa, kanaafu website fayyadamtanii faayilii waliif erguuf dirqama Google Chrome fayyadamuu qabdu. Gama biraatiin namni faayilii website irratti upload godhu dirqama account bilisaa ka kuusaa 50GB tolaan namaaf kennu banachuu qaba, eegaa faayilicha upload godhe booda link faayilicha nama erguufi barbaade erguu qaba, faayilichi yoo 700MB kan caalu taate namichi faayilicha buufatu(Download) dirqama account tolaa banachuu qaba(free 50GB available). Akeekkachiisa(warning) - yeroo ammaa website kun account recovery option hin qabu waan taheef, akka tasaa yoo password dagattan faayili keessan no dhabdu,kanaafu faayili namaan erguuf qofa dhimma itti bahaa, akka cloud storage hin fayyadaminaa. Dogongora Qubeetiif nu ofkolchaa. Barnoota dabalataaf chaanalii @aktechstream hordofaa, hiriyaa keessanis affeeraa!!
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Repost from 💖💚💖ORO ICT
memory jechuun!! 1. Definition - Mem ory is the capacity to retain and retrieve information. 2. Three Basic Memory Processes - There are three basic tasks of memory. Encoding is the acquisition component. This is transforming raw information into a form in which it can be entered into memory. Storage is the retaining of information over time. Retrieval is the ability to get encoded material back into awareness. 3. Information-Processing Approach - This is an approach to understanding human memory that emphasizes the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information. It uses a computer analogy. II. TYPES OF MEMORY STORAGE 1. Sensory Memory - This is the momentary persistence of sensory information after stimulation has ceased. It begins to decay almost immediately if you don't attend to it. You are constantly being bombarded by sensory information so you must control the selection of what you encode. This is called selective attention. 2. Short-Term Memory - This is the memory system that holds limited amounts of information for relatively short periods of time. Information must be transferred from sensory memory to STM in order for it to be processed and become meaningful. This is what we are consciously aware of at any time. The capacity of short-term memory is thought of as being 7 +/- 2 items. Information can be kept in STM indefinitely by rehearsing it. Short-term memory is thought to exist in a bio-electrical state and to be converted into long-term memory it must be incorporated into a chemical state. 3. Long-Term Memory - This is the memory system for large amounts of information over long periods of time. Its capacity is limitless yet retrieval of information is not always easy. For example, sometimes we know we know something but we can't remember it. This is referred to as Tip-of-the-Tongue Phenomenon. Long-term memory can be Episodic Memory which is an autobiographical record of what we see, hear, or do or Semantic Memory which is organized knowledge about words or symbols and the rules for manipulating them. III. FORGETTING 1. Trace Decay Hypothesis - This is the simplest view of forgetting. It is simply that information entered into long-term memory fades or decays with the passage of time. Can you remember who was sitting next to you in second grade? 2. Interference - If it is not time that makes you forget things it may be interference of other things that are stored in memory. It can take two forms. Retroactive Interference is when information you are currently learning interferes with what is already in memory. Proactive Interference is when information previously entered into memory interferes with what you are trying to learn now. 3. Infantile Amnesia - You generally cannot remember much of anything that happened to you during the first 3 years of life. This could be because you lacked the brain structures for long-term memory at this age or lacked language which may be necessary to encode information into long-term memory. What memories people think they have from this period are usually things they were told by someone at a later time although you may be certain that you remember it. This is very controversial now because some people, after therapy, insist they remember infantile abuse. Most experts in the field discount this as being suggestions given to them by their therapist.
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Repost from 💖💚💖ORO ICT
Dhibbantaa 20n saffisa interneetii dabaluu Saffisa internet keessan koompiitara irratti paarseentii digdamaan deeggarsa sooftiweerii malee dabaluun ni danda'ama. Kanas haala armaan gadii kanaan daballa. Jalqaba start menu bani Itti aansuun run irra tuquun; Gpedit.Msc jedhii keessatti barreessii enter tuqi yoo fooddaan haaraa siif baname gara Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > Qos Packet Scheduler deemi. Asitti Qos packet Scheduler irratti tuqi Kallattii harka mirgaa irratti jecha Limit Reservable Band Width jedhu barbaaduun harka lama irratti cuqaasi(double click) godhi. Erga double click gootee booda jecha It Is Not Configured jedhu argita garuu garaa jalatti filannoo Enable jettu tuquun Resevable Band Width gara Zeerootti (0) gadi xiqqeessi. Xumura irratti jecha Apply jettu irratti tuquun xumurta. Haala kanaan saffisa internet paarseentii digdamaan dabaluu ni dandeenya.
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Repost from 💖💚💖ORO ICT
Abdi jimma: GORSA aktiivisoota biyya keessa jiraniif: Facebook keessan lakkoofsa mobile dhaan banachuu irra gmail filatamaadha. Sababnis mobile keessan ethio telecom too'achuu waan danda'uuf, yoo isinitti xiyyeeffatan mobile keessan gara ofii deebisanii facebook keessan garagalfachuuf isaaniif salphata. Haalli kun email ni ilaallata yoo lakk mobile akka recovery itti fayyadamte. TOOFTAA: Gmail banadhaa. Mobile keessaniin erga verify gootanii booda, email biraa ( fkn, outlook banadhaa). San booda email 2ffaa akka 'recovery email' godhaa fayyadamaa. Erga kana gootanii gmail keessan keessa seenuun 'My account' tuquudhaan 'Personal info & privacy' seentanii bakka 'Your personal info' jedhu keessa lakkoofsa mobile irraa balleessaa, garuu 'recovery email' jiraachuu mirkaneessaa. Yoo gaafa biraa gmail verify godhi jedhee si gaafate ykn password isaa irraanfatte code email 2ffaatti sii erga jechuudha. facebook keessan gmail deebifattu san booda. Yoo haala kanaan fayyadamtan mootummaan hanga fedhe yoo facebook fi email kee too'achuu barbaade karaan cufame jechuudha. *Yeroo hunda password gmail dhaaf fayyadamtanii fi kan facebook fayyadamtan wal fakkaachuun hin qabu. Sababnis yoo kan email keessanii beekan facebook keessan too'achuu danda'u. Yoo adda adda gootan tokko argatanis too'achuu hin danda'an. Source - F A
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Repost from 💖💚💖ORO ICT
REMOTE CONTROL COMPUTERA __________________________ Akkuma televiziyoona irratti Remote Control fayyadamuun wantoota garagaraa raawwattan Computera keessan irrattis Remote Control fayyadamtani wantoota heddu hojjachu ni dandeessu. Televiziyooni yeroo bitamu Remote control wajjiin bitama,garu computerri Remote Control wajjiin hin bitamu kanaafu Remote Control computera eessa fidna jechuun keessan hin hafu. Deebiin isaa Mobila keessan akka remote control computeratti fayyadamuu ni dandeessu fageenya meetira 15 kessaati wireless/bluethooh fayyadamuun mobila keessan akka wire less mouse ti fayyadamuu ni dandeessu, gama biraatiin SCREEN computera keessani MOBILA kessaan irratti banuu ni dandeessu. Barsiistonni fi hojjattonni waajjiraa PowerPoint presentation fayyadamtani ibsa kennitan computera keessan irraa fageenya haga meetira 15 hin caalle irra dhaabbachuun mobila kessaniin ibsa kennu ni dandeettu akka kanaan RED LIGHT POINTER isin hin barbaachisu jechudha. sababni quba keessan SCREEN MOBILA keessani irra sochoosuun CURSER PowerPoint presentation irratti to'achu ni dandeetu waan ta'ef,akkasumas mobila keessaniin bifa salphaadhan presentation gubbaratti NEXT,PREVIUSE FI KKF raawwachu ni dandeessu wantoota asii olitti hin eeramin hedduus dabalatee Mobila kessan akka REMOTE CONTROL fayyadamuun fageenya haga meetira 15 hin caalle irratti Computera kessan to'achu ni dandeessu. ######@tecknology_Afano_romoon @tecknology_Afano_romoon @tecknology_Afano_romoon ፡፡፡፡፡፡፡ join nu godhaa Share❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚
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Repost from 💖💚💖ORO ICT
Shortcut koompiitaraa kanneen bu'uuraa/Basic computer shortcuts/ Shortikatiileen bu'uuraa an armaan gaditti tartiibesse kunniin koompiitaroota fi sagantaalee koompiitaroota IBM wajjiin kan deemaniidha. Shortikatiilee kanneen beekuun barbaachisaadha. Kunis yeroo keenya qusachuuf waan nu qarqaaruuf. SHORTCUT:IBSA Alt + F:File menu Alt + E:Edit Alt + Tab:Switch between open programs F1:Help F2:Rename F5:Refresh Ctrl + N:Create a new, blank document Ctrl + O:Open Ctrl + A:Select all text. Ctrl + B:Bold Ctrl + I:Italics Ctrl + U:Underline Ctrl + F:find Ctrl + S:Save Ctrl + X:Cut Shift + Del:Cut Ctrl + C:Copy Ctrl + V:Paste Shift + Ins:paste Ctrl + K:Insert hyperlink Ctrl + P:print
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