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Semere_bekalu: I will write captivating content for websites and social media for $20 on

For only $20, Semere_bekalu will write captivating content for websites and social media. | Here's what you can expect when you choose my freelance content writing services:1. Tailored Content Strategy: Effective content starts with a solid strategy. I dive | Fiverr

From all the crowd 1 thing was missing and i was down and then u came up with ur mask andi didnt realise it untill i see you in between the crowd my cheeks starts to smile out of my control and my day finally came bright nust by your presence isnt it wierd?
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Some time some ones presence can change the whole vibe of your day
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When I love someone, it's purely unconditional. It's not because you're cute or good, but because I feel something truly unique about you. Love for me goes beyond superficial qualities, as it stems from a deep connection and a genuine appreciation for the special qualities that make you who you are.
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She again asked me as if she dont understand , "What are you give me answer?" and I replied that I am a giver. I always give what I have, my love, care, and companionship. Expecting to get it in return, Unlucky me i have never received the same in return, but I still hold onto hope. I am someone who gives selflessly without expecting anything in return now because i have leartnt from my past expectiong would only make me feel sad.
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"What are you?" she asked I replied am a giver i always gives what i have my love care conpanion but who never recived but still hoping to get the return Am a giver who have never recived
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ውድ ደንበኛችን Helena  እንኳን ወደ ኢትዮ ቴሌኮም/ የቴሌብር አገልግሎት በሰላም መጡ‼️ 💬 ይህ የማህበራዊ ሚዲያ ተደራሽነታችንን ለማስፋትና የቴክኖሎጂ ተጠቃሚነትን ለማበረታታት በ ኢትዮ ቴሌኮም የተዘጋጀ የ 3,000 ብር ስጦታ ነው‼️ 🗳 #እንዴት ነው #መጋበዝ ምንችለው? 1/ በመጀመሪያ 👥 Invite Friends 🔗 የሚለውን MENU ይጫኑ። 2/ በመቀጠል ለእርሶ የሚላክሎትን የራሶ መለያ 🔗ሊንክ ለሌሎች #ሼር  ( #Forward ) በማድረግ ይጋብዙ። 👇👇 3/ ሰዎች የእርስዎን ሊንክ ተጭነው ሲቀላቀሉ መልዕክት ይደርስዎታል። 4  በእርስዎ ግብዣ አማካኝነት የተቀላቀሉ ሰዎች ቁጥር 30 ሲደርስ የባንክ ሂሳብ ቁጥርና ስልክዎን ይላኩልን። ወዲያውኑ  #3ሺ ብር እና የ 3ወር ያልተገደበ ጥቅል እንልክልዎታለን። ለበለጠ መረጃ ሊንኩን በመጫን በቴሌግራም ገፃችን ይመልከቱ👇👇 ይህ የእርስዎ መጋበዣ መልዕክት ነው #SHARE ወይም FORWARD በማድረግ ውድድሩን ይቀላቀሉ፡
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