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Necesitamos una nueva teoría económica rusa Por Aleksandr Duguin Necesitamos una nueva teoría económica. Los antiguos economistas son todos incorrectos y parciales; no describen sino que prescriben según el principio de una profecía autocumplida. Esto es propaganda ideológica, no ciencia. Marx tenía razón en esto, pero solo se libró parcialmente de la hipnosis de la economía política burguesa. Si funciona o no tampoco es un criterio. Todo depende de los valores, el contexto y la cultura. Necesitamos una teoría económica rusa. Por ahora, es bastante rusofóbica. Aunque solo sea porque la principal ocupación de la inmensa mayoría del pueblo ruso a lo largo de nuestra historia, que es la agricultura, no se considera destino y vocación, sino atraso y arcaísmo. Aquí es donde Patrushev Jr. y Oksana Lut deben involucrarse. Y luchar por la dignidad de la agricultura. El pan es nuestro destino y nuestro futuro. Occidente comerá gusanos y gusanos, y nosotros comeremos pan ruso suntuoso y lujoso. Bueno, el CEMI (ЦЭМИ) debe idear algo con la métrica económica básica. Es un desastre. Editorial de Nuestra América. Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales: @nuestraamerica #geopolitica #economia #rusia
Le dialogue entre la postmodernité et la philosophie classique est aussi exotique et étrange que la postmodernité elle-même. Au cœur de la philosophie moderniste se trouve une stratégie étrange et complexe: il est nécessaire de démanteler complètement la modernité, en ne négligeant aucune pierre, mais en même temps, il est nécessaire de s'éloigner davantage de la tradition à laquelle la modernité s'est opposée et de poursuivre la cause du progrès. ✍️ Daria Douguina 🗣 Lumières et post-lumières : lumière ou ténèbres ?
You are probably aware that a very serious process of revising the core content of humanitarian knowledge has begun in Russia. This is a comprehensive initiative, as in the second year of the Special Military Operation, experts from the Ministry of Education and several other serious structures discovered that our education in the humanities is filled with Western-centric assumptions. These theories systematically underestimate the significance of Russian civilisation and Russian uniqueness, opposing Russia’s special path. We are dealing with methodologies built on the basis of the unconditional universality of the Western way of development, undermining the notion of Russia’s civilisational sovereignty. This situation was found in many, almost all, humanities disciplines. ✍️ Alexander Dugin 🗣 Enlightening Society with Russian History
Preparatevi a quella che potrebbe essere la bomba geoeconomica del 2024: l'avvento di un ecosistema monetario decentralizzato. (di Pepe Escobar) #ideeazione
GTI-Global Thinkers Institute (GTI) succeeded in interviewing Leonid Savin, a Geopolitical and Philosophical thinker from Russia about the dynamics of relations between the West and East bloc, Monday, 13 May 2024. 🗣 Leonid Savin; A Multipolar World Political Vision
多くの人々は非常に驚くかもしれませんが、現在インドは世界で最も急速に経済成長を遂げている国です。2023年には国内総生産(GDP)が8.4%増加しました。このままこの傾向が続くならば、2027年には世界で第三位の経済大国に躍進すると予測されており、2030年代にはアメリカや中国をも凌ぐ可能性があるとされています。 また、人口動態や情報技術(IT)分野においてもリーダーシップを発揮しています。インド人ディアスポラは、シリコンバレーの重要なセグメントを支配下に置き、英国の首相はリベラル・グローバリストの立場を取るリシ・スナックでありながら、民族的にはインド人です。さらに、共和党の著名な保守派政治家であり、トランプの熱心な支持者でもあるヴィヴェック・ラマスワミは、スナクとは思想的に正反対の立場をとっていますが、どちらにせよインド人は確実に前進しています。 ✍️ アレクサンドル・ドゥーギン 🗣 "AKHAND BHARAT ( 統一インド )"グレーター・インディア
NOW AVAILABLE FROM LEGEND BOOKS Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West The first volume of Oswald Spengler's The Decline of the West is a milestone in historiography. It is not a standard history book. Instead, it tries to explain the mechanisms that make different cultures tick. While classical culture had no concept of the past or future and was only fixated on the present, Western culture is focused on the past as memory and the future as unconquered territory. Like organisms that are born, mature, and die, cultures are the blossoming youth while civilizations usher in senility, decay, and demise. When a culture becomes a civilization, decadence sets in and the ensuing downward spiral becomes an inevitable whirlwind of self-destruction. The West is in terminal decline, desperately trying to revive the dead forms and traditions that animated the Faustian spirit in its exuberant heyday. It is all in vain as the West has become tired of itself and is unable to innovate in either the arts or philosophy. The West is on its way to the grave and what will see the light next must be something completely new and not just a corpse reanimated. Order Volume 1 now:
«In Europe, poetry has for a long time been increasingly pushed into the periphery, the functions of mythopoetics have been divided up, and the main authority was redistributed between theology and philosophy. Instead of mythos and poetic form, there is logos and its rational, privative relationship towards preceding tradition. On the whole, in the mind of church theology it is quite rightful that philosophy took the reigning place, because the philosopher is the one who understands ideas, expresses them, formulates them, and rules through ideas. In this lies the power of thought and the thinker, for absolutely everything within the world is understood through the prism of one or another philosophical system and sets of concepts which, according to Roland Barthes, settle even in the most inert layers of the broad masses in the form of stereotypes, clichés, and socio-political mythology. What seems to be objective and given by nature is always originally but a consequence of the philosophical work of the minds of a few. The last Lydian king, Croesus, probably imagined himself to be a great and bright ruler, but his state was swept away by the Persians and his memory faded into history. Standing on one of his palace’s balconies, he hardly could have thought that some Heraclitus living in his city of Ephesus was the true ruler whose thinking about Being would lay the foundations for all of Western European thinking for thousands of years to come. Heraclitus’ fragments would come to be analyzed and interpreted by the great German classics all the way up to Heidegger, who saw in Heraclitus one of the most important flashes of light at the end of the First Beginning of philosophy. Thus, philosophical power may be inconspicuous or completely detached from worldly government, but it is fundamental, because it is closer to the Divinities, to Being, and to the sources of beings and the beingful world. Philosophy is like an acorn which already contains in its compacted form all the power of a centuries-old oak or a whole forest, for philosophy contains everything without exception and it unfolds into all spheres of human life, even in the extremes of rift and self-denial. Philosophy’s departure from poetry and the sacred arkhe was long-running and far-fetched, ultimately entailing full-scale rationalization, positivism, logic, logistics, and the disenchantment of the world. But it is also in this respect that philosophy inherits, picks up, and appropriates the heritage of poiesis as the rule of the word, as the bringing of beings to presence, to structuring, to interpretation, and to the questioning of Being overall.» — Askr Svarte, Towards Another Myth (forthcoming from PRAV Publishing)
VERSO IL MONDO MULTIPOLARE - CONFERENZA CON PEPE ESCOBAR, ANDREA ZHOK e LORENZO MARIA PACINI Giovedì 16 maggio alle ore 17:30, presso l'aula A dell'edificio A dell'università di Trieste (sede centrale, ala destra), terremo una conferenza incentrata sul multipolarismo, ovvero quell'ordine internazionale che sta spazzando via il giogo dell' imperialismo occidentale. Tra gli illustri relatori avremo come super ospite il famoso e autorevole giornalista e analista geopolitico di fama mondiale Pepe Escobar. Ad accompagnarlo ci saranno anche Andrea Zhok, professore presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano, e Lorenzo Maria Pacini, professore presso UniDolomiti di Belluno. Nel corso dell'incontro analizzeremo questo "nuovo" scenario geopolitico e tenteremo di intravederne le conseguenze e opportunità. Ciò anche consapevoli del ruolo internazionale giocato da Trieste, il suo porto e le peculiarità giuridiche dettate dal Trattato di Pace di Parigi del 1947. @primaveratlt
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Natalia Melentyeva, filosofa, madre di Darya Dugina, presenta Ghejdar Džemal’. Premessa mia. A Mosca, a partire dagli anni Sessanta e fino agli inizi degli anni 2000 ha operato un sodalizio che va sotto il nome di Circolo Južinskij. Di questo circolo hanno fatto parte uomini di altissimo spessore, filosofi, esoteristi, tradizionalisti, poeti che, si può ben dire, sono stati tra gli artefici della rinascita dello spirito tradizionale russo. È all'interno di questo "circolo" che si è formato Aleksandr Dugin, ed è tra alcuni dei personaggi che ne facevano parte che Dugin riconosce i suoi maestri, in particolare Evgenij Golovin e Ghejdar Džemal’. AGA Editrice, grazie ad una motivatissima squadra di curatori) si ripropone di portare a conoscenza dei lettori interessati la natura e l'azione propria del "circolo", le biografie, le bibliografie e il pensiero degli uomini straordinari che ne hanno fatto parte. E a tal fine sono in via di traduzione e elaborazione non meno di una decina di libri dedicati a questi uomini e alle loro opere. Tra questi libri ce ne uno di Natalia Melentyeva dal titolo "Gli Altissimi sconosciuti" (titolo russo), in cui la madre di Darya dedica pagine poetiche ad ogni sodale di Aleksandr Dugin che componevano il "circolo". Quel che segue è uno stralcio del libro in questione che mette in luce la natura di Ghejdar Džemal’, autore dell'ultimo libro edito da AGA. * * * «Qualsiasi riferimento alla memoria, alla creatività, alla personalità di Ghejdar Džemal’ implica una riflessione sull'attualizzazione dei veri significati, dimensioni e contesti del suo pensiero. Viviamo in un tempo escatologico di particolare intensità e velocità degli eventi, con tensioni tra l'inizio e la fine dei tempi, tra memoria e progetto, tra mancanza e scoperta di significati che richiedono di essere estratti dai flussi caotici, compresi e decodificati. Stiamo vivendo gli ultimi tempi, definiti come "tempo della fine", "apocalittico" o "tempo messianico". E gli eventi mondiali si stanno evolvendo rapidamente. Finora abbiamo esercitato una certa riservatezza riguardo alla creatività di Ghejdar Džemal’, in particolare riguardo alla fissazione e all'attrazione dei contesti del suo pensiero. Abbiamo posto limiti alla ricerca di corrispondenze e parallelismi tra le sue intuizioni e altri complessi spirituali nella storia, ponendo le sue visioni su un piedistallo di unicità e senza precedenti, riconoscendo ciò che dice al di fuori del contesto. Ma forse è arrivato il momento di iniziare a esplorare l'abisso delle intuizioni, delle idee estremamente illuminate, dei sincretismi strani, delle armonie e delle visioni del pensatore. Saremo in grado di farlo e saremo abbastanza saggi da farlo considerando il tempo di grave carenza intellettuale e lo stato di coscienza misero e dannoso che il mondo moderno ci impone? Ghejdar Džemal’ credeva che le tesi fondamentali del suo unico messaggio metafisico non derivassero affatto da un dialogo o da una polemica con fenomeni intellettuali: egli considerava il suo pensiero come una *Voce venuta da Nessun luogo* e rivolta a Nessuno, come una Parola nella Notte. Egli riteneva che il suo pensiero fosse assolutamente autoriflessivo e che ogni parola del suo messaggio dovesse essere compresa nella completezza delle sue intuizioni, nel flusso unificato dell'ispirazione. Egli viveva il pensiero come un atto iniziatico, come un'esperienza d'invasione dell'Altro. E riteniamo completamente veritiero il resoconto del maestro, partendo dal presupposto che il suo pensiero si è illuminato come una rivelazione improvvisa e come l'annuncio di qualcosa di profondo e significativo[...]».
Pepe Escobar: BRICS+ decentralized monetary system will spur de-dollarization The global majority has had enough of the centrally controlled monetary framework put in place 80 years ago in Bretton Woods, as well as its endemic flaws like chronic deficits fueling irresponsible military spending, speculative bubbles, protectionism and politically motivated sanctions, says geoeconomic and geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar in his article for Sputnik. This is why businesspeople and financial executives from Russia came up with “The Unit” project of apolitical money that will be free from the Western elite’s pressure or “rules” that can be twisted at will. The project has already received backing from the BRICS Business Council and is on the agenda at the crucial ministerial meeting in Russia next month, which will work out the road map for the summit next October in Kazan. “A decentralized approach to the emission of a potential global trade currency, whose intrinsic value is anchored in physical gold and BRICS+ currencies, makes the Unit the most promising of several approaches being considered. It balances political priorities of all participants, while helping each sovereign economy develop along its optimal path," says leading Russian economist Sergey Glazyev. The removal of Western speculative capital shall free up local commodity trading and enable the pooling of investable capital for sustainable development. To unlock such a vast potential, the Unit may well be the key. Boost us! | Subscribe to @geopolitics_live
Recentemente, o filósofo Alexander Dugin foi entrevistado pelo jornalista estadunidense Tucker Carlson, em que o russo pode comentar sobre as raízes liberais do wokismo, bem como sobre a ponte entre esses elementos e o transumanismo.
Hezbollah Game of Drones
De-Dollarization Bombshell: The Coming of BRICS+ Decentralized Monetary Ecosystem This is indeed a GLOBAL BOMBSHELL. I have been following this story for over a year - from the inside. Major decisions about it in the next few days. Please spread the word.
Όταν προσπαθούμε να καταλάβουμε ποιος πρέπει να είναι ένας πολιτικός, τι πρέπει να είναι ένα κράτος, δεν μπορούμε να αγνοήσουμε τον Πλάτωνα και τη Πολιτεία του, η οποία αποτελεί την κορωνίδα όχι μόνο της πολιτικής φιλοσοφίας του Πλάτωνα, αλλά και του συνόλου των διδασκαλιών του για τη μεταφυσική, την ψυχή, την οντολογία και την κοσμολογία. ✍️ Ντάρια Ντούγκινα 🗣 Ο Πολιτικός Ανήρ ως Φιλόσοφος
“Our struggle is neither a colored revolution nor an attempt of separatism.” Aydınlık newspaper and Ulusal Kanal TV channel from #Türkiye met with #Sahrawi #Arab Democratic Republic Foreign Minister #MohamedSidati. Sidati answered questions of journalists #KıvançÖzdal and #AliRızaTaşdelen at the Boujdour Refugee Camp of the #Polisario Front on the border of #Algeria and Western #Sahara.
Abbiamo bisogno di una nuova teoria economica. Quelle vecchie sono tutte sbagliate e parziali, non sono tanto descrittive quanto prescrittive secondo il principio della profezia che si autoavvera. È propaganda ideologica, non scienza. Marx aveva ragione, ma si è liberato solo in parte dell'ipnosi dell'economia politica borghese. Anche il fatto che funzioni o meno non è un criterio. Tutto dipende dai valori, dal contesto e dalla cultura. Abbiamo bisogno di un'economia russa. Finora è piuttosto russofoba. Se non altro perché la principale occupazione della stragrande maggioranza del popolo russo nel corso della nostra storia - la coltivazione del grano - è considerata arretrata e arcaica piuttosto che un destino e una vocazione. È qui che Patrushev Jr. e Oksana Lut dovrebbero intervenire e lottare per la dignità dell'agricoltura. Il pane è il nostro destino e il nostro futuro. L'Occidente mangerà vermi e insetti, mentre noi mangeremo il lussuoso pane russo. Aleksandr Dugin Seguici su #ideeazione
Der amerikanische Journalist Tucker Carlson besuchte im Februar Russland, wo er die Gelegenheit hatte, den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin zu interviewen. Auf dieser Reise traf Carlson auch den Philosophen Aleksandr Dugin, mit dem sich der amerikanische Journalist zu einem philosophischen Gespräch zusammensetzte. ✍️ Markku Siira 🌐 Die Carlson/Dugin Debatte
Zapewne wiecie, że w Rosji rozpoczął się bardzo poważny proces rewizji podstawowych treści wiedzy humanistycznej. Jest to bardzo szeroka inicjatywa, gdyż w czasie konfrontacji z cywilizacją zachodnią, w drugim roku SWO, eksperci z Ministerstwa Oświaty i szeregu innych poważnych struktur odkryli, że nasza edukacja w sferze humanistycznej przepełniona jest zachodniocentrycznymi kierunkami. ✍️ Aleksandr Dugin 🗣 Oświecenie społeczeństwa poprzez rosyjską historię
Ao dialogar com um estadunidense, Tucker Carlson, o filósofo russo Aleksandr Dugin teve que ter o cuidado de explicar para ele um entendimento específico do liberalismo que pode ser, inicialmente, de difícil acesso para o público norte-americano. Essas especificidades conceituais dos povos devem ser investigadas. ✍️ Aleksandr Dugin 🗣 A Terminologia da Entrevista de Aleksandr Dugin com Tucker Carlson
At the end of April, Ukraine submitted an application to the Council of Europe for the partial suspension of certain paragraphs of the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedom in the country in connection with the martial law. The Ukrainian media also reported that in the territory where martial law has been imposed, the military command can forcibly alienate objects of private or communal property rights for the needs of the state and issue appropriate documents; impose a curfew; to establish a special regime for entry and exit, to restrict the freedom of movement of citizens, foreigners and stateless persons; to inspect things, vehicles, baggage and cargo, office premises and housing of citizens. ✍️ Leonid Savin 🌐 UKRAINE IS SET TO ABOLISH HUMAN RIGHTS
L'operazione militare speciale (guerra) russa in Ucraina, iniziata nel febbraio 2022, sarà vista nella storia come una svolta epocale, come una pietra miliare che segna una transizione tra le epoche. Anche se i processi non sono conclusi e sono possibili numerosi colpi di scena, tutto indica che segnerà il passaggio dal momento unipolare al multipolarismo. (di Raphael Machado) #ideeazione
トランスクリプト:タッカー・カールソンとの出会い:アレクサンドル・ドゥーギン アレクサンドル・ドゥーギンは62歳のロシアの学究的哲学者です。彼はモスクワで生涯を過ごしてきました。若い頃は反ソビエト体制の反体制派でしたが、今では「プーチンの頭脳」として、少なくとも英語圏のメディアでは世界中で有名です。 しかし、彼はここロシアでは政治的な人物ではありません。繰り返しになりますが、彼は哲学者であり、彼の考えは一部の人々にとって非常に不快なものです。2022年8月、モスクワで娘が車に仕掛けられた爆弾で殺害されました。アメリカの情報機関は、彼女はウクライナ政府によって殺害されたと言っています。そして、私たちはそれを額面通りに受け取っています。
Sự phức tạp về sắc tộc-tôn giáo của các nước châu Phi cũng đặt ra một số vấn đề nhất định liên quan đến cuộc đấu tranh giữa các thị tộc và các phong trào ly khai tiềm ẩn. 📝 Dịch Bạch Long ✍️ Leonid Savin 🗣 NGA Ở CHÂU PHI: PHÁT TRIỂN CHIẾN LƯỢC PHÙ HỢP (II)
Ghejdar Džemal’ – Verticale Nord Un’immensa e ordinatissima libreria codifica l’architettura della stanza secondo precise armonie sapienziali. Gli scaffali, come esoteriche partiture di un caleidoscopico arabesco, si colorano ritmicamente di testi sacri, arcani pamphlet e vecchi samizdat. Un uomo dall’aspetto mite e solenne, calmo e assorto, con un sorriso accogliente, giust’appena accennato, e uno sguardo acuto e pungente, sotteso a una profondità di pensiero pari solo alla sua grandezza interiore, polarizza l’attenzione dello spettatore: le lancette del tempo si arrestano come colte da un’improvvisa tempesta di ghiaccio e l’istante stesso sembra annunciare la discesa di una più alta, vibrante verità. ISBN: 9788898809769
🚨 الفيلسوف الروسي ألكسندر دوغين 🚨 تعيين أندريه ريموفيتش بيلوسوف وزيرا للدفاع! هنا خطوة حاسمة نحو حكومة النصر! وهذا أمر أساسي: نحن ندخل عصر التعبئة الحقيقية. ويبدو، نعم، وإن بحذر في الوقت الحالي، أننا نسير في اتجاه الهجوم. أمام زيلينسكي أسبوع واحد حتى نهاية رئاسته.
Usualmente entende-se o liberalismo nos termos de uma doutrina ou práxis econômica, perdendo-se de vista não apenas a sua amplitude como a sua profundidade. Nos últimos anos, o único pensador universal que conseguiu apresentar uma visão geral do liberalismo, inclusive demonstrando como o liberalismo confunde-se com a própria modernidade, foi o filósofo Alexander Dugin. Aqui apresentamos os elementos gerais da crítica duginiana do liberalismo.
Enlightening Society with Russian History Alexander Dugin discusses the necessity of revising humanitarian education in Russia to highlight Russian civilisation’s importance, safeguard it from Western biases, and proposes legal measures against disrespect towards Russian identity. Read the essay here:
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🇷🇺 Дугин: Русија мора још једном победити ▪️Геополитички резултати велике руске победе 1945. године украдени су Русији крајем 80-их и почетком 90-их година, иако смо залили Источну Европу руском крвљу и она нам је с правом припадала, пише Александар Дугин, руски геополитичар за сајт "Катехон". "Руси су ослободили источноевропске народе, а Источна Европа је постала део руског геополитичког организма. Штета је што тада нисмо могли да напредујемо даље, све до Атлантика. Тада би Евроазија постала нерањива. Источна Европа, Пруска (ДДР и Калињинград), као и балтичке државе, постале су руске по праву победе. Невероватно је да су се Горбачов и његово окружење усудили да све ово поклоне Западу", каже Дугин. -"Данас се поново присећамо те свете победе. Али, да бисмо је били достојни, морамо је поново освојити, још једном", наглашава он. ⏺Опширније ОВДЕ. 📷 Фото: globallookpress/Bulkin Sergey ⚡️ RT Balkan 😇Facebook 😛TikTok 😅Instagram 🤖X
☀️In Memory of Daria Dugina Памяти Даши Платоновой-Дугиной
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Recentemente, o filósofo Aleksandr Dugin foi entrevistado pelo jornalista estadunidense Tucker Carlson, em que o russo pode comentar sobre as raízes liberais do wokismo, bem como sobre a ponte entre esses elementos e o transumanismo. ✍️ Aleksandr Dugin 🗣 A Entrevista de Aleksandr Dugin com Tucker Carlson
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🇷🇺The rescuers regularly hold a “minute of silence” to listen to victims under the rubble. 16 have been rescued so far. 🔴@DDGeopolitics
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Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on the shelling of Russia's city of Belgorod by Ukrainian forces Subscribe to @SputnikInt
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Dugin, ao descrever o "ser" do indo-europeu e depois de comentar sobre o simbolismo da "carruagem da alma" em Platão, se debruça sobre a figura do "centauro" como sendo o tipo humano no qual o elemento guerreiro se sobrepõe desmesuradamente sobre os outros elementos; a figura do cavaleiro, fusão entre homem e cavalo, é a absolutização do princípio heroico. Não é casual, diz Dugin, que o mito grego descreve muitos heróis clássicos como tendo sido educados e preparados por mestres centauros. De fato, um texto antigo perdido chamado "Os Preceitos de Quíron" (fazendo referência ao mais famoso dos centauros, Quíron, tutor de Asclépio, Aquiles e Jasão), constituiria uma espécie de "manual" de religião e ética para jovens gregos, que começava pelo "culto aos deuses eternos" e continua também orientações sobre conduta pessoal e virtudes. O centauro, portanto, ao mesmo tempo que era a exacerbação do elemento heroico-guerreiro, não deixava de conter uma dimensão filosófica quando ele preservava a sabedoria e o respeito pelo sagrado, e não se deixava dominar por sua dimensão animalesca. No mesmo sentido, tem um papel importante na cultura gaúcha a figura do "sábio", não raro um gaúcho velho e experiente que condensa verdades profundas sob a forma de lacônicos ditos populares. Seria possível explorar muito mais a figura do cavalo e sua relação com o gaúcho, mas esses pequenos comentários e alusões bastam para se perceber que para o gaúcho o cavalo não é um "pet" tampouco um mero "animal" qualquer, sendo propriamente "metade" do seu próprio ser. A salvação do cavalo crioulo de Canoas, portanto, pode ser vista como um bom augúrio para o futuro do Rio Grande do Sul e do povo gaúcho.
كثر الحديث عن نهاية التاريخ وعصر الإيديولوجيات، وأنَّ مرحلة جديدةَ بدأتْ، تتمَيَّزُ بالبراغماتية وغياب التعصب الأيديولوجي، وسيادة العقلانية القانونية.. (إكس) ✍️ توفيق المديني 🗣 العالم ينتقل من القطبية الأحادية إلى التعددية القطبية.. قراءة في كتاب
Repost from Nuestra América
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Necesitamos una nueva teoría económica rusa Por Aleksandr Duguin Necesitamos una nueva teoría económica. Los antiguos economistas son todos incorrectos y parciales; no describen sino que prescriben según el principio de una profecía autocumplida. Esto es propaganda ideológica, no ciencia. Marx tenía razón en esto, pero solo se libró parcialmente de la hipnosis de la economía política burguesa. Si funciona o no tampoco es un criterio. Todo depende de los valores, el contexto y la cultura. Necesitamos una teoría económica rusa. Por ahora, es bastante rusofóbica. Aunque solo sea porque la principal ocupación de la inmensa mayoría del pueblo ruso a lo largo de nuestra historia, que es la agricultura, no se considera destino y vocación, sino atraso y arcaísmo. Aquí es donde Patrushev Jr. y Oksana Lut deben involucrarse. Y luchar por la dignidad de la agricultura. El pan es nuestro destino y nuestro futuro. Occidente comerá gusanos y gusanos, y nosotros comeremos pan ruso suntuoso y lujoso. Bueno, el CEMI (ЦЭМИ) debe idear algo con la métrica económica básica. Es un desastre. Editorial de Nuestra América. Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales: @nuestraamerica #geopolitica #economia #rusia
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Le dialogue entre la postmodernité et la philosophie classique est aussi exotique et étrange que la postmodernité elle-même. Au cœur de la philosophie moderniste se trouve une stratégie étrange et complexe: il est nécessaire de démanteler complètement la modernité, en ne négligeant aucune pierre, mais en même temps, il est nécessaire de s'éloigner davantage de la tradition à laquelle la modernité s'est opposée et de poursuivre la cause du progrès. ✍️ Daria Douguina 🗣 Lumières et post-lumières : lumière ou ténèbres ?
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Lumières et post-lumières : lumière ou ténèbres ?

Le dialogue entre la postmodernité et la philosophie classique est aussi exotique et étrange que la postmodernité elle-même. Au cœur de la philosophie moderniste se trouve une stratégie étrange et

You are probably aware that a very serious process of revising the core content of humanitarian knowledge has begun in Russia. This is a comprehensive initiative, as in the second year of the Special Military Operation, experts from the Ministry of Education and several other serious structures discovered that our education in the humanities is filled with Western-centric assumptions. These theories systematically underestimate the significance of Russian civilisation and Russian uniqueness, opposing Russia’s special path. We are dealing with methodologies built on the basis of the unconditional universality of the Western way of development, undermining the notion of Russia’s civilisational sovereignty. This situation was found in many, almost all, humanities disciplines. ✍️ Alexander Dugin 🗣 Enlightening Society with Russian History
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Enlightening Society with Russian History

Alexander Dugin discusses the necessity of revising humanitarian education in Russia to highlight Russian civilisation’s importance, safeguard it from Western biases, and proposes legal measures

Repost from Idee&Azione
Preparatevi a quella che potrebbe essere la bomba geoeconomica del 2024: l'avvento di un ecosistema monetario decentralizzato. (di Pepe Escobar) #ideeazione
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Bomba della de-dollarizzazione: l'arrivo dell'ecosistema monetario decentralizzato dei BRICS

Preparatevi a quella che potrebbe essere la bomba geoeconomica del 2024: l'avvento di un ecosistema monetario decentralizzato. Benvenuti all'Unità, un concetto che è già stato discusso dal gruppo di lavoro sui servizi finanziari e gli investimenti istituito dal Business Council BRICS+ e che ha buone probabilità di diventare una politica ufficiale dei BRICS+ già nel 2025. Secondo Alexey Subbotin, fondatore di Arkhangelsk Capital Management e uno degli ideatori dell'Unità, si tratta di un nuovo sistema di risoluzione…

GTI-Global Thinkers Institute (GTI) succeeded in interviewing Leonid Savin, a Geopolitical and Philosophical thinker from Russia about the dynamics of relations between the West and East bloc, Monday, 13 May 2024. 🗣 Leonid Savin; A Multipolar World Political Vision
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Leonid Savin; A Multipolar World Political Vision

GTI-Global Thinkers Institute (GTI) succeeded in interviewing Leonid Savin, a Geopolitical and Philosophical thinker from Russia about the dynamics of relations between the West and East bloc,

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多くの人々は非常に驚くかもしれませんが、現在インドは世界で最も急速に経済成長を遂げている国です。2023年には国内総生産(GDP)が8.4%増加しました。このままこの傾向が続くならば、2027年には世界で第三位の経済大国に躍進すると予測されており、2030年代にはアメリカや中国をも凌ぐ可能性があるとされています。 また、人口動態や情報技術(IT)分野においてもリーダーシップを発揮しています。インド人ディアスポラは、シリコンバレーの重要なセグメントを支配下に置き、英国の首相はリベラル・グローバリストの立場を取るリシ・スナックでありながら、民族的にはインド人です。さらに、共和党の著名な保守派政治家であり、トランプの熱心な支持者でもあるヴィヴェック・ラマスワミは、スナクとは思想的に正反対の立場をとっていますが、どちらにせよインド人は確実に前進しています。 ✍️ アレクサンドル・ドゥーギン 🗣 "AKHAND BHARAT ( 統一インド )"グレーター・インディア
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"AKHAND BHARAT ( 統一インド )"グレーター・インディア


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Repost from Eurosiberia
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NOW AVAILABLE FROM LEGEND BOOKS Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West The first volume of Oswald Spengler's The Decline of the West is a milestone in historiography. It is not a standard history book. Instead, it tries to explain the mechanisms that make different cultures tick. While classical culture had no concept of the past or future and was only fixated on the present, Western culture is focused on the past as memory and the future as unconquered territory. Like organisms that are born, mature, and die, cultures are the blossoming youth while civilizations usher in senility, decay, and demise. When a culture becomes a civilization, decadence sets in and the ensuing downward spiral becomes an inevitable whirlwind of self-destruction. The West is in terminal decline, desperately trying to revive the dead forms and traditions that animated the Faustian spirit in its exuberant heyday. It is all in vain as the West has become tired of itself and is unable to innovate in either the arts or philosophy. The West is on its way to the grave and what will see the light next must be something completely new and not just a corpse reanimated. Order Volume 1 now:
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«In Europe, poetry has for a long time been increasingly pushed into the periphery, the functions of mythopoetics have been divided up, and the main authority was redistributed between theology and philosophy. Instead of mythos and poetic form, there is logos and its rational, privative relationship towards preceding tradition. On the whole, in the mind of church theology it is quite rightful that philosophy took the reigning place, because the philosopher is the one who understands ideas, expresses them, formulates them, and rules through ideas. In this lies the power of thought and the thinker, for absolutely everything within the world is understood through the prism of one or another philosophical system and sets of concepts which, according to Roland Barthes, settle even in the most inert layers of the broad masses in the form of stereotypes, clichés, and socio-political mythology. What seems to be objective and given by nature is always originally but a consequence of the philosophical work of the minds of a few. The last Lydian king, Croesus, probably imagined himself to be a great and bright ruler, but his state was swept away by the Persians and his memory faded into history. Standing on one of his palace’s balconies, he hardly could have thought that some Heraclitus living in his city of Ephesus was the true ruler whose thinking about Being would lay the foundations for all of Western European thinking for thousands of years to come. Heraclitus’ fragments would come to be analyzed and interpreted by the great German classics all the way up to Heidegger, who saw in Heraclitus one of the most important flashes of light at the end of the First Beginning of philosophy. Thus, philosophical power may be inconspicuous or completely detached from worldly government, but it is fundamental, because it is closer to the Divinities, to Being, and to the sources of beings and the beingful world. Philosophy is like an acorn which already contains in its compacted form all the power of a centuries-old oak or a whole forest, for philosophy contains everything without exception and it unfolds into all spheres of human life, even in the extremes of rift and self-denial. Philosophy’s departure from poetry and the sacred arkhe was long-running and far-fetched, ultimately entailing full-scale rationalization, positivism, logic, logistics, and the disenchantment of the world. But it is also in this respect that philosophy inherits, picks up, and appropriates the heritage of poiesis as the rule of the word, as the bringing of beings to presence, to structuring, to interpretation, and to the questioning of Being overall.» — Askr Svarte, Towards Another Myth (forthcoming from PRAV Publishing)
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VERSO IL MONDO MULTIPOLARE - CONFERENZA CON PEPE ESCOBAR, ANDREA ZHOK e LORENZO MARIA PACINI Giovedì 16 maggio alle ore 17:30, presso l'aula A dell'edificio A dell'università di Trieste (sede centrale, ala destra), terremo una conferenza incentrata sul multipolarismo, ovvero quell'ordine internazionale che sta spazzando via il giogo dell' imperialismo occidentale. Tra gli illustri relatori avremo come super ospite il famoso e autorevole giornalista e analista geopolitico di fama mondiale Pepe Escobar. Ad accompagnarlo ci saranno anche Andrea Zhok, professore presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano, e Lorenzo Maria Pacini, professore presso UniDolomiti di Belluno. Nel corso dell'incontro analizzeremo questo "nuovo" scenario geopolitico e tenteremo di intravederne le conseguenze e opportunità. Ciò anche consapevoli del ruolo internazionale giocato da Trieste, il suo porto e le peculiarità giuridiche dettate dal Trattato di Pace di Parigi del 1947. @primaveratlt
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