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Ingliz tilini va Rus tilini noldan boshlab mustaqil o'rganing. Kanalimizdan Beginner va Elementary darajasidagi grammatik, audio va video darslar, shuningdek foydali maslaxatlarni topasiz Reklamalar bo'yicha chegirmalar bor. Reklama xizmati @reklama2595

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#КУН_ҚЎШИҒИ #ХАЙР_МАКТАБИМ Бугун 25 май, қайта қайта янграйдигaн қўшиқ.😇 "Хайр мактабим🔔" Синфдошлар группасига👇 @Islomiy_Videolarii
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📘 Book 6 | Unit 3 📑 Word list 🟨 strap [stræp] n. — qayish, tasma ◾️>> A strap is a thin long piece of fabric used to fasten, carry, or hold something. >> A strap bu biror narsani mahkamlash, tashish yoki ushlab turish uchun ishlatiladigan yupqa uzun mato. — She put the strap of her purse over her shoulder and walked out of the door. — U hamyonining kamarini yelkasiga qo‘yib, eshikdan chiqdi. 🟨 tangle [tæŋgəl] n. — tugun ◾️>> A tangle is something or many things twisted together. >> A tangle bu bir biriga tugilgan bitta yoki ko'pgina narsalar. — The laces of his shoes were in such a tangle that he could not untie them. — Oyoq kiyimining iplari shu qadar chigal ediki, u ularni yecha olmadi. 🟨 vanity [vænəti] n. — manmanlik ◾️>> Vanity is excessive pride or love of one’s own appearance or things one has done. >> Vanity bu haddan tashqari mag'rurlik yoki o'zining tashqi ko'rinishi yoki qilgan ishlariga muhabbat. — Her vanity won’t allow her to pass a mirror without looking at herself. — Uning manmanligi unga o'ziga qaramasdan ko'zgudan o'tishga imkon bermaydi. 🟨 vie [vai] v. — raqobat qilmoq, talashmoq ◾️>> To vie for something means to compete against others for it. >> Biror narsa uchun vie qilish, o'sha narsa uchun boshqalarga qarshi raqobat qilishni anglatadi. — The three boys vied for the prize in the chemistry contest. — Uch nafar bola kimyo fanidan sovrin uchun kurashdi. 🟨 vulgar [vʌlgər] adj. — madaniyatsiz, qo'pol ◾️>> If something or someone is vulgar, then they are rude or lacking in style. >> Agar biror narsa yoki birortasi vulgar bo'lsa, u qo'pol yoki modada qoloq bo'ladi. — Her vulgar behavior got her into trouble with her parents. — Uning qo'pol xatti-harakati uni ota-onasi bilan muammoga duchor qildi. @english_russian_uz | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
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#Хайр_Рамазон ❗️Бугун Рамазон ойининг сўнги куни, сахарликни охиргиси😢 Минг ойдан афзалроқ Рамазон ойим, Ризқ ва насибага, иймонга бойим. Сени соғинаман ўйласам дойим, Хайр, ойлар султони Моҳи Рамазоним😢👇🏻👇🏻 @english_russian_uz
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RAMAZONning soʻngi JUMAsi muborak! 🕌🌙💐 Rasululloh (sollallohu alayhi va sallam): «Agar ummatim Ramazon oyida ular uchun qancha fazilatlar borligini bilganlarida edi, yilning hammasi Ramazon boʻlishini xohlar edilar» degan muborak oʻgitlari hikmatini tuyish ila seni ketmasingdan sogʻindik, mohi Ramazon! Yaqinlarni Sayyidul Ayyom bilan qutlang✨🌙
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🔸appliance - asbob, anjom 🔸basin - rakovina 🔸broom - supurgi 🔸caterpillar - kapalak qurti 🔸cupboard - shikaf 🔸delicate - nozik, nimjon 🔸emerge - paydo bo'lmoq 🔸handicap - kamchilik 🔸hook - ilgak 🔸hop - sakramoq 🔸laundry - kir 🔸pursue - ketidan quvmoq 🔸reluctant - xoxlamaydigan 🔸sleeve - yeng 🔸spine - umurtqa 🔸stain - dog' 🔸strip - tasma 🔸swear - ont ichmoq 🔸swing - urmoq 🔸utilize - foydalanmoq @english_russian_uz 🇬🇧Eng sara dars va qo'llanmalar bizning kanalda
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📗 Book 5 | Unit 30 📑 Word list 🔰enigma [iˈnigmə] n. — jumboq 🔸>> An enigma is someone or something that is mysterious or hard to understand. >> An enigma bu sirli yoki tushunish qiyin bo'lgan biror shaxs yoki biror narsa. — The theft of the paintings is an enigma to the investigators. — Rasmlarning o'g'irlanishi tergovchilar uchun jumboqdir. 🔰fragile [frædʒəl] adj. — mo'rt 🔸>> When people or things are fragile, they are not strong and can be damaged easily. >> Agar odamlar yoki narsalar fragile bo'lsa, ular kuchli bo'lmaydi va ularga oson zarar yetadi. — The fragile glassware was carefully packed into boxes. — Nozik shisha idishlar ehtiyotkorlik bilan qutilarga qadoqlangan. 🔰hybrid [haibrid] n. — duragay, chatishma 🔸>> A hybrid is a mixture of different things or styles. >> A hybrid bu turli narsalar toki usullar aralashmasi. — In Greek mythology, a centaur is a hybrid of a man and a horse. — Yunon mifologiyasida kentavr - bu odam va otning gibrididir. 🔰innocence [inəsns] n. — soddalik, go'llik 🔸>> Innocence is a lack of experience of difficult or complex things in life. >> Innocence bu hayotdagi qiyin yoki murakkab narsalarni boshdan kechirmaslikdir. — Everyone who met her found her innocence to be charming. — Uni uchratganlarning barchasi uning soddaligini maftunkor deb bilishardi. 🔰merge [məːrdʒ] v. — qo'shilmoq, birlashmoq 🔸>> To merge two things is to combine them into one whole thing. >> Ikki narsani merge qilish bu ularni bir butun narsaga birlashtirishdir. — The storm clouds merged into one large menacing cloud that filled the sky. — Bo'ronli bulutlar osmonni to'ldirgan katta qo'rqinchli bulutga birlashdi. @english_russian_uz | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
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Stative and action verbs in english. ✅ Weigh/measure 🔸Oģirlik, masofa ma'nosini bildirsa holat fe'li ▪️The suitcase weigs 20 pounds (chamadonning vazni 20 funt ) 🔹Oģirlikni, masofani òlchamoq ma'nolarida esa harakat fe'li ▪️The architects were measuring the distance between the pillars.( arxitektor ustunlar orasidagi masofani òlchayapti) ✅ Appear 🔸Kòrinmoq, òxshamoq ma'nosida holat fe'li ▪️Donna appears confused ( Donna gangib qolgan kòrinadi ) 🔹Chiqish qilmoq, rol òynamoq ma'nosida harakat fe'li ▪️My favourite singer is appearing at the jazz club tonight ( Mening sevimli qòshiqchim bu oqshom chiqish qilyapti ) ✅ Miss 🔸Soģinmoq ma'nosida holat fe'li ▪️John misses Sally ( Jon Sallyni soģinyapti ) 🔹Òtkazib yubormoq ma'nosida harakat fe'li ▪️Debbie is missing her favourite TV program ( Debbi sevimli dasturini òtkazib yuboryapti ) ✅ Fit 🔸Mos kelmoq ma'nosida holat fe'li ▪️The coat fits 🔹Òrnatmoq, mustahkamlamoq ma'nosida harakat fe'li ▪️I'm fitting a lock to the window. ✅ Depend 🔸Boģliq bòlmoq ma'nosida holat fe'li ▪️Everything depends on you 🔹Ishonmoq, suyanmoq ma'nosida harakat fe'li ▪️I'm depending on you to finish the report on time ✅ Sound 🔸Eshitilmoq ma'nosida holat fe'li ▪️The music sounds fantastic 🔹Ovoz chiqarmoq ma'nosida harakat fe'li ▪️The animals are sounding strangely 🌐 @english_russian_uz
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Stop saying "VERY" | Use these alternatives to sound more powerful and advanced when you speak English. 🚫Very dear ✅cherished 🚫Very dull ✅tedious 🚫Very painful ✅excruciating 🚫Very wise ✅sage 🚫Very shiny ✅gleaming 🚫Very competitive ✅cutthroat 🚫Very cheap ✅stingy 🚫Very confused ✅perplexed 🚫Very exciting ✅exhilarating 🚫Very sleepy ✅lethargic 🚫Very thin ✅gaunt 🚫Very loved ✅adored 🚫Very tall ✅towering 🚫Very different ✅disparate 🚫Very empty ✅desolate 🚫Very scared ✅petrified 🚫Very serious ✅grave 🚫Very well-to-do ✅Wealthy 🚫Very poor ✅destitute 🚫Very calm ✅serene 🚫Very loud ✅deafening 🚫Very old ✅ancient 🚫Very slow ✅sluggish 🚫Very sharp ✅keen 🚫Very wise ✅sagacious #Vocabulary #Synonyms Share & follow 🚥 🏛 @english_russian_uz 🔥
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