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Noaptea minții: Unui elev care susține unirea Basarabiei cu România și memoria deținuților politici i-a fost scăzută nota la purtare și trimis la consiliere psihologică Reacția lui Claudiu Târziu: S-a depășit orice limită!
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🤬 55🤔 4😱 4👍 3🔥 3
Pr. Ciprian Mega, incendiar: Nu pot fi votați politicienii care ne-au confiscat Paștele în 2020, care ne-au obligat să ne îngropăm apropiații în saci de plastic. Ciucă sau Ciolacu vorbesc teleghidați ce i-au învățat consilierii Interviul, aici.
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👍 78👏 18
🔥 9👍 4 2😁 1
Repost from Casus Belli
❌Ziua de 14 mai va fi de acum -Ziua NAȚIONALĂ a prieteniei între România și STATUL Israel-.. Nimic din ce e subliniat nu este scris întâmplător.. Din păcate, pentru noi, românii, ziua de 14 mai este o zi de mare doliu, fiind deja prin lege -🇷🇴Ziua de cinstire a martirilor din închisorile comuniste☦️ -. Asta pentru că în noaptea dintre 14-15 mai 1948, autoritățile comuniste au arestat aprox 10000 de tineri români, elita studenției, pe care i-a repartizat ulterior în închisorile comuniste unde a fost distrusă o generație de tineri români, plus întreaga generație de intelectuali care nu s-au conformat regimului. Această dată coincide cu înființarea statului Israel. După cum vedem, steagul Israelului va fi arborat pe instituțiile de stat și o sesiune solemnă dedicată Israelului va fi ținută în Parlament. ❓Ați văzut o organizare la fel până acum de 14 mai, dedicată românilor distruși în închisorile comuniste? ❌După înlocuirea istoriei, acum înlocuirea memoriei..
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🤬 43🔥 8👍 1👎 1😢 1
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👍 42 10👏 4🤔 2
Părintele Adrian Agachi, noul consilier patriarhal numit la Biroul de presă.
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65👍 18👎 1😁 1
Repost from Wallachian Gazette
🇷🇴🚫💰🇪🇺 The European Commission revealed that the Romanian government failed to receive all the European funds allocated as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) reserved for 2023. The PNRR is the EU's post-COVID-19 economic relaunch package for the economies of its European states and Romania has some 29 billion EURs allocated for building new motorways, modernising railways, repairing and modernising hospitals, schools, etc. This money sits in the metaphoric coffers of the European Commission which is unlocked whenever the member state meets a number of targets assigned to the particular funds and these targets range from social justice/progressive causes like combating climate change, being "environmentally friendly", to virtually showing EU authorities the blueprints for the building/road that is to be constructed. The Romanian government failed to meet a single target in 2023. Both the Ciucă and Ciolacu cabinets have renegotiated time and time again the term limits for these targets to be accomplished but time and time again they failed to deliver on deadline. Now, in 2024, they are asking the Romanian people to trust them with their vote and choose PSD-PNL in 2024. 🔗
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🤬 23😁 9👍 5🔥 2😱 1
Repost from Wallachian Gazette
🇷🇺🇷🇴🌐—🇮🇹📰 Il Messaggero | Does Russia attack Romania? Bucharest is preparing for escalation, NATO troops ready to intervene "quickly". What is happening Less than 24 hours to defeat Romania. This is the time that Putin would take to attack and conquer Bucharest. The difficulties in moving NATO troops and ammunition, Russian influences in neighboring countries and a weak point in the territory would allow a victory in a short time. The possibility of a Russian attack in Romania frightens NATO. Also because, with the war in Ukraine, Moscow’s troops are less than 500 km from Bucharest. More precisely in Crimea. And ready for action is also the naval fleet in the Black Sea. Conditions listed in the Cepa (Center for European Policy Analysis) report coordinated by U.S. Army General Ben Hodges. An action by the Kremlin would paralyze Europe. That's why he's investing in defense. Bucharest is moving. “In the event of unforeseen situations that foreshadow a serious security crisis, with possible implications for Romania’s independence and national sovereignty, the North Atlantic Council may decide to deploy very high reaction forces on Romanian territory – the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF), to defuse the crisis and discourage its escalation.” This is the letter from President Klaus Iohannis and the Romanian Parliament. There are two possible ways analyzed for the attack. What is most worrying is a ground operation of part of Russia through the Focșani Gate. It is considered the most critical point for the defense of Romania, but also the most weak element of the NATO borders. It is a part of the territory of Bucharest between the Danube and Siret rivers. According to military experts, the Russian army, located on the northwestern coast of the Black Sea, would reach the capital in just over 24 hours. Some may not believe it, but NATO intervention in the event of a Russian invasion of Romania may not be so timely. Why is that? Precariousness of infrastructure and communications in the area. An amphibious operation launched from Crimea, occupied after the annexation in 2014, or an attack by land through the Black Sea. These are the possible scenarios of a Russian invasion. There is also another, albeit more remote, taken into account by analysts. That is, the possibility of occupying Ukraine and Moldova first, and only after Romania. There are, however, elements that make these possibilities very remote. It would take huge preparations for Russia for such operations. NATO would not ignore them. But if that were to happen, Romania could lose to Russia in less than 24 hours. This is the simulation of the academy of the Earth forces of Sibiu. Why is that? NATO’s response takes 48 to 72 hours to reach any place of the Alliance. But there would be difficulties in intervening in Romania because of the precarious infrastructure. To respond to a Russian attack, NATO is expected to carry 20 brigades (between 60,000 and 100,000 troops). In addition, 20 million liters of diesel and 12,000 tons of ammunition would be needed. Where would the defense operations start? From Germany, through Poland and Ukraine, or from the South, in particular from Italy, taking advantage of the ports of Greece, and then passing through Bulgaria. But not all rails, bridges and tunnels are able to withstand the transport of heavy equipment. So much so that the use of cranes is also taken into account to circumvent them. The most critical point? The Ruse-Giurgiu bridge on the Danube. If Russia hit him “it would lead to the failure of the Alliance forces movement.” The alternative is a barge system on the Danube that can create passages on the river and carry trains. 🔗
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😁 15👍 5🔥 3😱 1
Repost from Jack Posobiec
2 weeks ago, I predicted terror attacks in Russia I said 'Operation Gladio 2.0 is coming'
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👍 3
Guvernul bate clopotele pentru Programul Rabla Clasic. Mircea Fechet: Banii vor fi transferați către cumpărarea de mașinile electrice —) @r3mediaro
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🤬 24👎 6🔥 1
Pomenirea părintelui martir Haralambie Balamace, ucis în noaptea Sfintelor Paşti a anului 1914, sâmbătă, 23 martie, în mai multe biserici din România, Albania și Serbia
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22👍 5
Repost from Paul Joseph Watson
👎 14👍 1 1🔥 1
Știați că Sf. Iustin Popovici s-a născut pe 25 martie 1894?
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20👍 5
Repost from Dosare secrete
Amintiri despre Vasile Pârvan, un profesor exemplar ⬇️ Articolul complet
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👍 6 4
Repost from Dosare secrete
Ultimul interviu al lui Aurelian Andreescu. Artistul a murit pe 22 iulie 1986, la doar 44 de ani ⬇️ Articolul complet
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👍 12
Repost from Dosare secrete
Zâmbetul lui Nichita Stănescu ⬇️ Articolul complet
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👍 11
Repost from Dosare secrete
Vizita lui Rabindranath Tagore la București. Evenimentul a scos mii de oameni pe străzile Capitalei ⬇️ Articolul complet
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👍 8
Repost from Dosare secrete
Sebastian Papaiani, seducția sincerității ⬇️ Articolul complet
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👍 13 4
Repost from BucPress Cernăuți
Americanii au cerut Ucrainei să nu mai lovească rafinăriile rusești Statele Unite au solicitat Ucrainei să înceteze atacurile asupra infrastructurii energetice a Rusiei, avertizând că atacurile cu drone riscă să crească prețul global al petrolului și să provoace represalii, au declarat pentru Financial Times trei persoane familiarizate cu discuțiile. Avertismentele repetate din partea Washingtonului au fost transmise unor înalți oficiali din cadrul serviciului…
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😁 32🔥 5🤬 1
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