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SERVIAM- I Will Serve

To Jesus through Mary. Spreading the message of the Militia Immaculata of Traditional Observance Praying for the conversion of Heretics, Schismatics, Jews, and Freemasons

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“I have no better way of knowing if a man is for God than if he likes to say the Hail Mary and the Rosary." - St. Louis De Montfort, Secret of the Rosary
Quick thoughts: This is going to sound like common sense to most of you, but many of us think of Victory in the total sense, but we neglect the small victories that occur on a daily basis. Every action throughout the day can be done in a heroic way. Rejecting sin, going to mass, refusing to waste time, mortification (ex reading a book vs watching tv) etc all of these require an act of the Will. Heroes are made through their actions, even the tiniest ones. These small actions can add up, but you must persevere! Don't despair because things are bad. It took the enemies of the Church 200+ years of planning to get where we are today. We too must fortify ourselves on a daily basis and wage the battle one small step at a time. AMDG
Let us go, only one heroic act is necessary to bring about a victory. I can do all things in Him that strengthens me -Sr Mary of St Peter 
"There will be no moral resurrection of Europe without a deep spiritual life, so much so that, being Catholic, I have always felt perfectly at ease in a future with National Socialism." (taken from "Leon Degrelle in Exile", page 640)
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Lets look at the statistics on what Catholics in the USA believe, according to Pew Research. 75% don't believe in the Eucharist. 60% believe Abortion should be legal. 67% believe Morality is relative. 70% believe Homosexuality should be publically accepted.
Is Don Bukele implementing Catholic Integeralist policy in El Salvador? Not a meme question. Think about it. The son of a Muslim and Catholic has been able to reform a failed Satanic Cartel state with the use of military and popular culture. The last historical figure who was able to reform his country and step on the throats of his enemies was General Pinochet of Chile. Catholics in the West have allowed their world view, their Telos and Thumos, to be subverted by "the World". The thought of rallying together to create a uniform bloc to stomp on enemies is a foreign idea. This was once a political reality in the early to mid 20th century in many states- not anymore. Why is that? What happened? Why has the use of muscle to achieve goals been condemned? There is a Judas Spirit that exists among us. It must be called out and cast out. Cowardice & Apathy are the source of rot.
When Obedience Becomes a Sin There is a time when obedience becomes a sin – Pope Leo XIII teaches, “When a law is enacted contrary to reason, or to the eternal law, or to some ordinance of God, obedience is unlawful, lest while obeying man, we become disobedient to God.” This means that sometimes we must even disobey the Pope, as St. Robert Bellarmine teaches: “Thus, as it is lawful to resist a Pontiff who attacks the body, so it is lawful to resist a Pontiff who attacks the soul… especially if one who would strive to destroy the Church. I say that it is lawful to resist him in not doing what he orders, and putting obstacles to the execution of his will.” “There is a time,” says St. Catherine of Siena, “when those who obey, obey to their own condemnation.”
12 Apologetics against the Bogus Ordo who bring up St Catherine of Siena's quote on the Pope being satan incarnate
"It was Count Richard Eljiro von Coudenhove-Kalergi who in 1950 won the first Coudenhove-Kalergi prize, now better known as the Charlemagne Prize. This prestigious prize has been awarded every year (but sometimes in alternate years) to world-renowned statesmen for the promotion of “European integration”—a euphemism for multiculturalism, mass Third World immigration, and the slow and covert extinction of the White European people by means of miscegenation, mongrelization, and general interbreeding with the darker races of the Third World. It was Count Kalergi, in his 1925 magnum opus 'Practical Idealism’, who foresaw a future world built on the premise of  Jewish supremacy and the subsequent dissolution of all other national ethnicities. All the world’s separate races would one day be merged into a single mongrelized mishmash, he predicted confidently, with the single exception of the Jewish people who would remain inviolable and intact." - The Occidental Observer
Book Review: The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori
Physical discipline helps cultivate spiritual discipline. There’s no excuse for a Catholic man to be fat, to be weak, to not train his body.
"There is no question of deifying the State. If it is natural for man to integrate into a political community, it is natural for him to strive for the common good as its end. The State is not the  ultimate end  of man, but it is the end all the same. The part is naturally for the whole: “(…)  Every city is a fact of nature, if it is true that the first communities are themselves. For the city is the end of these, and the nature of a thing is its end  (…)” (Aristotle, Pol. I 2). “  Totus homo ordinatur ut ad finem ad totam communitatem cujus est pars  ” “  Bonum commune est melius et divinius quam bonum unius  ”  “  Imperfectum ordinature ad perfectum. Omnis autem pars ordinatur ad totum sicut imperfectum ad perfectum. And ideo omnis pars est  naturaliter  propter totum (…) Quaelibet autem  persona singularis  comparatur ad totam communitatem sicut pars ad totum  ”  [The whole of man is directed to the end of the whole community of which he is a part ... The common good is better and more divine than the good of one. The imperfect is ordered to the perfect. Now every part is ordered to the whole, as the imperfect to the perfect. And therefore every part is naturally for the sake of the whole (...) But each individual person is compared to the whole community as a part to the whole.'] It is Saint Thomas who declares this, and Saint Thomas is the common doctor of the Catholic Church. It is false to say that Catholic doctrine is anti-fascist. [...] And what is fascist is basically the doctrine of Saint Thomas, that is to say, the Catholic doctrine."
18 Keep Fighting my Brothers and Sisters. I am a Christian, and indeed a Roman Catholic, so that I do not expect ‘history’ to be anything but a ‘long defeat’ — though it contains (and in a legend may contain more clearly and movingly) some samples or glimpses of final victory. -JRR Tolkien
From the Romantic era to today, humanity has descended the ladder with bewildering speed, and we are arriving at the open destruction of religion, at the most passionate of class struggles, at the sole belief in the power of money and the material. The creation has defied the Creator. The arts, born out of rhythm, equilibrium, and respect of measure, from the line and from harmony, have now become a regretful disorder of cacophony, dissonance, imbalance, and genuine savagery that no longer addresses the human spirit or sentiment, but rather the destructive instincts and nerves of the human beast.
Following the Middle Ages, we no longer addressed either strong faculties or the pure spirit, but the weaknesses of reason and of feeling. The encyclopedic school masked spiritual values in the guise of skepticism, and the world descended toward Romanticism. Feeling, as a secondary faculty, dominated the arts. The removal of the foremost spiritual values gave rise to new material troubles: revolutions, negation of authority of divine right, anti-clericalism, proclamations of the equality of men that lead to class struggle. The cult of the material, which, for what it was worth, developed the sciences and multiplied the number of inventions, tended to gradually supplant the culture of the immaterial.
Stages of Decline The Middle Ages were, in the West, the apex of Christian civilization. Authority, recognized and accepted as the divine right of peoples, was stable and efficient. Class struggle was unknown and the workers, organized into corporations and guilds, rejoiced with a justice and happiness that one no longer recognizes. National life was mostly rural, that is to say, more befitting the genuine human instinct and natural law. The Middle Ages were the era of great philosophy and, what is more, of pure humanism. It would end as the apotheosis of the classical era, which included the most beautiful century of sculpture, painting, music, and literature, that all addressed the most pleasant faculties of the human spirit.
Flags of christendom as emoji 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇱🇧🇮🇶🇺🇸❤️‍🔥🇲🇶⚜️🇺🇸🇪🇸🇵🇹🇵🇹🇿🇼🇵🇹🇵🇹☦️
I'm old enough to remember when only Americans to care about D day were fellow military history Autistes.  Canada's national music awards are named after Juno Beach so it means more in different places. But for my entire growing up in the 80's and 90's june 6 was just another summer day. It wasn't until Saving Private Ryan, the Band of Brother HBO series and the Greatest Generation book came out that it became a semi official holiday. The reason we have to remember June 6th as some sort of semi sacred holiday is that we are whistling past the graveyard, pretending that d day was a good thing. No. It wasn't.  The Americans at Utah and Omaha Beaches, The British at Gold and Sword Beaches and the Canadians at Juno Beach all fought for a monstrous regime that has repayed their sacrifice by destroying their nations in less than a century. The anglophone nations sealed their suicide pact of service to ZOG in the blood of those men that died on those Beaches. If you want to Honor them, repudiate the system they fought for.
"One purpose for which the Blessed Virgin was created Mother of God is that She may obtain the salvation of many who, on account of weakness and wickedness, could not be saved according to the rigor of Divine Justice but might be so with the help of this Merciful Mother's powerful intercession." ⚜️ St. John Chrysostom
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ACT OF REPARATION TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS O Sacred Heart of Jesus, animated with a desire to repair the outrages unceasingly offered to Thee, we prostrate before Thy throne of mercy, and in the name of all mankind, pledge our love and fidelity to Thee! The more Thy mysteries are blasphemed, the more firmly we shall believe in them, O Sacred Heart of Jesus! The more impiety endeavours to extinguish our hopes of immortality, the more we shall trust in Thy Heart, sole hope of mankind! Cont..⬇️⬇️
The more hearts resist Thy Divine attractions, the more we shall love Thee, O infinitely amiable Heart of Jesus! The more unbelief attacks Thy Divinity, the more humbly and profoundly we shall adore It, O Divine Heart of Jesus! The more Thy holy laws are transgressed and ignored, the more we shall delight to observe them, O most Holy Heart of Jesus! The more Thy Sacraments are despised and abandoned, the more frequently we shall receive them with love and reverence, O most liberal Heart of Jesus! The more the imitation of Thy virtues is neglected and forgotten, the more we shall endeavour to practice them, O Heart, model of every virtue! The more the devil labours to destroy souls, the more we shall be inflamed with desire to save them, O Heart of Jesus, zealous lover of souls! The more sin and impurity destroy the image of God in man, the more we shall try by purity of life to be a living temple of the Holy Ghost, O Heart of Jesus! The more Thy Holy Church is despised, the more we shall endeavour to be her faithful children, O Sweet Heart of Jesus! The more Thy Vicar on earth is persecuted, the more we will honour him as the infallible head of Thy Holy Church, show our fidelity and pray for him, O kingly Heart of Jesus! O Sacred Heart, through Thy powerful grace, may we become Thy apostles in the midst of a corrupted world, and be Thy crown in the kingdom of heaven. Amen. From: HOLY HOUR OF REPARATION Copyright 1945 #SacredHeartOfJesus #FirstFridayDevotion #HolyHour #ActOfReparationToTheSacredHeartOfJesus
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𝐑𝐞𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 Vatican II has hurt the Catholic Church, and I am not speaking about Novus Ordo right now, but the Culture it allowed to exist in our Church. A Culture of Tolerance, Liberalization & Democratization. So called Liberal Modernist „Catholics“ try to change our Church. St. Pius X warned Catholics to not tolerate Modernism. We need to embrace Traditional Catholicism. If you want Female Priests, support of LGBT & Feminism, support of Race Mixing and Immigration. A Mass that seems more like a Protestant Service, keep supporting Modernists, but if you want to embrace the true Church of Jesus Christ, reject Modernism and embrace Traditional Catholicism. True Catholicism will rise again, and we will crush all Enemies of the Church. Let’s follow the Tradition of St. Pius X. Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to pray the Rosary. God bless.
Saint Maxmillian Kolbe formed the Militia Immaculata in 1917 to "lead every individual with Mary to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus." He instructed the Militia Immaculatae to wear the Miraculous Medal as a sign of their total consecration to Mary. Saint Maxmillian Kolbe wrote, “Now in this epoch of the Immaculate Conception the most Blessed Virgin has given mankind the 'Miraculous Medal'. Its heavenly origin has been proven by countless miracles of healing and particularly of conversion.”
Video Title: Modern Child Sacrifice YouTube Creator: Choice 42 Date Published: October 31, 2020 Full YouTube Video Link: Total Video Length: 2:33
Liberalism, condemned in religion by all religious authority, condemned in politics by the patriotic, is the beginning of modern Jewish action. The Protocols, whose authenticity is proven without a shred of doubt despite the denials repeated by the Jews, tell us all too clearly how powerful liberalism is as a weapon in the hands of the Jews. Once liberalism is established, Israel will set it in motion for its own particular ends because it understands better than all else its intimate workings. Everything given to the Jews through legislation, favors, and privileges was done through liberalism. After liberalism, it is socialism, introduced by the Jew Karl Marx and Lassalle; it is nihilism, financed by the Jews. It is then communism imposed by the Jews Kerenski, Lenin and Trotsky; it is the atheist movement launched by the Jews. Such doctrines are so Jewish, that, once imposed, only the Jews can gain from them. Look at Soviet Russia, where 160 million Christians were guided by twenty Jews. […]
''The Jew has no country. His future country, however, is the entire globe. he has the Talmudic mission to make them disappear. The Jew puts his agencies, his journals, his cinemas, his theaters, his industries that are subversive in the interest of internationalism to work, demanding the abolition of borders. The more people lose their morality, the stronger Israel will be. It subsidizes occult societies to dismantle the religious inclinations of people groups, since the more other races are irreligious, the stronger Israel, which finds its strength in the cohesion of its religion, will be. It will descend into party politics, spreading its divisive poison in imperceptible doses, whispering in the ears of the weak the eternal phrase “Tolerance!” Every single government will extend favors to strangers, and Israel will thus profit and gain strength. It creates philosophies constantly aimed at to weakening traditions.'' —Adrien Arcand, Serviam @FaithAndBlood
It is the Talmud that is taught in the synagogues. It is this book which forms the Jewish mentality, that directs Jewish activity. “All Israelis are Princes…”; “All Israelis are Saints…”; “The least child of Israel is a great philosopher”; “Only the Israelites are the children of God, only they are loved by God…”; and “we must kill the best gentiles like we kill the best serpents…” are some of the more common teachings in this immoral Talmud that does not forbid any evil committed against the Gentiles, and always finds evil committed against a “Christian dog” completely justified. Jewish law is, in and of itself, the mother of all fanaticism and all intolerance carried by their race.
Christian literature does not force nation and language upon its faithful. It opposes the Talmud, which does force a language upon its faithful, definitively sealing them in their own isolation. The Talmud, a book of hatred and injustice, a book of loathing and corruption, a book of lies, immorality and of guile! The Talmud blackens all the Jewish souls that rely on it. When it is read, one understands the words of Christ in John 8:44: “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof."
The Sole Materialistic Side The Old Testament, or the covenant of God with a single people, from which derives He who will bring forth their regeneration, is a compilation of religious, civil, racial & political laws, historical accounts, songs & prophecies. The Jew sees but the materialistic side, the promise to have all the riches of earth in his possession and to dominate over the Goyim races that he sees as beasts, who lack divinity and a soul. Everything is permitted to the Jew against the other nations who must become his servants. If the Jews of today are isolated, detested and repulsed, it is by their actions alone. No nation ever sought to isolate them; it was their decision, by their haughty pretensions to be the sole children of God, never having ceased their desire to be Jews and never having consented to become true citizens of the countries which received them. They loathe the rest of the world.
The Sole Materialistic Side The Old Testament, or the covenant of God with a single people, from which derives He who will bring forth their regeneration, is a compilation of religious, civil, racial and political laws, as well as historical accounts, songs and prophecies. The Jew sees but the materialistic side, the promise to have all the riches of earth in his possession and to dominate over the Goyim races that he sees as beasts, who lack divinity and a soul. Everything is permitted to the Jew against the other nations who must become his servants. If the Hebrews today are isolated, detested and repulsed, it is by their actions alone. No nation ever sought to isolate them; it was their decision, by their haughty pretensions to be the sole children of God, never having ceased their desire to be Jews and never having consented to become true citizens of the countries which received them. They loathe the rest of the world. They self-isolate and self-segregate because the cessation of their Jewish being would, for them, mean disavowing their dream of future domination.
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Also known as Protestantism refuted, and Catholicism established, by an appeal to the Holy scriptures, the testimony of the holy fathers, and the dictates of reason ; in which such portions of Scheffmacher's catechism as suit modern controversy are embodied by Fr. Stephen Keenan Find yourself a copy here

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The Three Categories of Political Philosophy (An Outtake from a talk on December 20th 2022)

How #Catholic Perennial Principles Drive True Nationalist Political #Philosophy (Integralism)

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I have no better way of knowing if a man is for God than if he likes to say the Hail Mary and the Rosary." - St. Louis De Montfort, Secret of the Rosary
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❤‍🔥 5
Quick thoughts: This is going to sound like common sense to most of you, but many of us think of Victory in the total sense, but we neglect the small victories that occur on a daily basis. Every action throughout the day can be done in a heroic way. Rejecting sin, going to mass, refusing to waste time, mortification (ex reading a book vs watching tv) etc all of these require an act of the Will. Heroes are made through their actions, even the tiniest ones. These small actions can add up, but you must persevere! Don't despair because things are bad. It took the enemies of the Church 200+ years of planning to get where we are today. We too must fortify ourselves on a daily basis and wage the battle one small step at a time. AMDG
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❤‍🔥 16
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Let us go, only one heroic act is necessary to bring about a victory. I can do all things in Him that strengthens me -Sr Mary of St Peter

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"There will be no moral resurrection of Europe without a deep spiritual life, so much so that, being Catholic, I have always felt perfectly at ease in a future with National Socialism." (taken from "Leon Degrelle in Exile", page 640)
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🔥 4
What mass do you think the majority of these supposed US Catholics attend?Anonymous voting
  • Novus Ordo
  • Traditional Latin Mass
  • Alexandrian Rite
  • West Syrian Rite
  • Armenian Rite
  • East Syrian Rite
  • Byzantine Rite
  • I'm gay, show me.
0 votes
Repost from N/a
Lets look at the statistics on what Catholics in the USA believe, according to Pew Research. 75% don't believe in the Eucharist. 60% believe Abortion should be legal. 67% believe Morality is relative. 70% believe Homosexuality should be publically accepted.
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Religious Landscape Study

Explore the geographic distribution and demographics of America's major religious groups.

🤮 2👍 1
Repost from N/a
Is Don Bukele implementing Catholic Integeralist policy in El Salvador? Not a meme question. Think about it. The son of a Muslim and Catholic has been able to reform a failed Satanic Cartel state with the use of military and popular culture. The last historical figure who was able to reform his country and step on the throats of his enemies was General Pinochet of Chile. Catholics in the West have allowed their world view, their Telos and Thumos, to be subverted by "the World". The thought of rallying together to create a uniform bloc to stomp on enemies is a foreign idea. This was once a political reality in the early to mid 20th century in many states- not anymore. Why is that? What happened? Why has the use of muscle to achieve goals been condemned? There is a Judas Spirit that exists among us. It must be called out and cast out. Cowardice & Apathy are the source of rot.
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😁 4👍 2
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Trailer: El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele

Corporate media is dead. Join us: “TUCKER” to 44055 for exclusive updates.#politics #tuckercarlson #interview #conservative #republican #e...