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Repost from DD Geopolitics
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Putin may offer Ukrainian men living abroad, who have been denied Ukrainian passports by the state, to obtain Russian passports. Such an opinion was expressed by former advisor to the Office of the President, Oleksiy Arestovych. 💬
"Putin will say - if Ukraine doesn't give you passports, then I will give you a Russian passport. And out of 10 million Ukrainians abroad, one million can easily go for a Russian passport. And he gets a super trump card - like, why are you telling me about atrocities in the occupied territories if people voluntarily came to get Russian passports? And he will create such a precedent from which we will not know how to get out," Arestovych said.
🔴 @DDGeopolitics
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Убийство в Донецке Рассела Бентли - мерзость и подлость вселенского масштаба. Это удар в спину всем интернационалистам - защитникам Донбасса, живым и мёртвым. Знакомый всем и любимый всеми «Техас» жил и рисковал с дончанами исключительно по зову своего огромного сердца. Я не имел чести быть с ним знакомым, но когда я пытаюсь себе его представить, как человека, почему-то сразу вспоминается Хемингуэй и его «По ком звонит колокол». Его жизнь была еще одним доказательством того, что нам мир делится не на русских, американцев, украинцев, китайцев и прочих, а на людей и нелюдей. В сожалению, в последний момент жизни он наткнулся на последних. Страшно и несправедливо, что преступление против Бентли не бросились расследовать немедленно и публично, как нападение на «Крокус». При всем огромном различии, это явления одного морального порядка. Дело не в «имиджевом ущербе», как пишут некоторые или очередном празднике на другой любоедской стороне. Искать правосудия ради спасения имиджа - лицемерие. Это вопрос не медийного имиджа, а человеческой этики. Совершена страшная непоправимая несправедливость и преступление, все обстоятельства которого - отягощающие. Это преступление против людей Донбасса и против надежды. Мне совершенно всё равно у кого и какой имидж после этого останется. Вместе со множеством дончан и нашими друзьям из разных стран, близких и далёких, жду и требую правосудия для Рассела Бентли. Сил Людмиле и близким. Всех приглашаю на мой канал
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“There is nothing more beautiful in this life than to be a poet-warrior.  And I am happy to consider myself to be one,” he wrote to me not so long ago. Now I know that for the rest of my life I will re-read my conversations with him, drawing strength from there and mentally reproducing my friend’s voice again. He truly was a warrior.  We had gone through so much together and experienced so much, and I had never once seen fear in him.  He had always rushed to wherever someone needed help.  With no self-interest or reservations, ignoring danger, he went to the rescue. Russell was a poet. He felt the nerve of time and knew how to express it in music. His huge heart was a guitar pick, and his soul was a sail that pushed us all towards something better and kinder.  For him, there was no other person’s grief - he sincerely experienced the pain of every injustice. "Texas" is one of the symbols of our struggle, and, for many in the world, he is a symbol of humanism that connects people across continents.  I know that when Russell left the city of Austin in 2014, he did not plan to die of old age.  He probably understood all the risks involved when he went to the site of the shelling on Petrovka on April 8.  He flew through life like a bright falling star and left as a martyr, showing us all an example of a real Danko of Gorky’s writings. We must remember him, read his words, and continue his work. Scum will get death and oblivion.  Truth will win!" From a close comrade with the call sign "Altai".
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Repost from DD Geopolitics
🇸🇾🇷🇺 "Russia welcomes Syria's interest in joining BRICS," according to deputy foreign minister Ryabkov Earlier Syria's ambassador to Moscow stated that Damasсus is seriously considering joining BRICS. 🔴 @DDGeopolitics
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Repost from DruschbaFM
🇵🇱🇺🇦Polen ist bereit, der Ukraine bei der Rückführung von Männern im wehrfähigen Alter zu helfen, sagte Verteidigungsminister Wladyslaw Kosinjak-Kamysz 📝 „Ich denke, viele Polen sind empört, wenn sie junge ukrainische Männer in Hotels und Cafés sehen und hören, wie viel Mühe wir unternehmen müssen, um der Ukraine zu helfen“, sagte der polnische Minister, ohne näher darauf einzugehen, wie Polen helfen wird. 📝 „Jede Art von Unterstützung ist möglich“, fügte Kosinjak-Kamysz hinzu, wie Polen reagieren würde, wenn Kiew um Hilfe bei der Rückkehr derjenigen nach Hause bitten würde, die nach Ablauf ihrer Reisepässe möglicherweise das Recht verlieren, in Polen zu bleiben. Unsere Website Unser Kanal auf Englisch
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Repost from Life in Russia
📌❗️🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 “It’s unlikely that there will be anything left of Israel in the next attack”—Iranian President Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said there would be “hardly anything left” of the Jewish state if it attacked the Islamic Republic: “If Israel makes the mistake of attacking Iranian territory again, it will face completely different consequences, and it is not clear whether it will remain something from Israel."
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Repost from Freie Sachsen
CDU fordert verwirkbare Social-Media-Lizenzen, um missliebige Bürger bei Telegram und Co auszusperren! Die CDU lässt weiter die Masken fallen und versucht, die sozialen Medien noch stärker zu kontrollieren, um missliebige Meinungen zu bekämpfen. Im Thüringer Landtag forderte Mario Voigt, ein nicht sonderlich sympathischer Fraktionsvorsitzender der Kretschmer-Merz-Partei, dass es "Social-Media-Lizenzen" geben solle, mit denen eine Teilhabe am Internet erlaubt sein solle. Im Klartext: Wer diese Lizenz nicht hat, soll zukünftig keine sozialen Netzwerke, Messenger usw. mehr nutzen dürfen. Das ist ein weiterer Angriff auf die Meinungsfreiheit! Zum Glück lässt sich das Internet nicht so leicht zensieren und wir werden zu jeder Zeit Mittel finden, diese staatlichen Schikanen zu umgehen. Freie Bürger lassen sich nicht mehr zensieren, sondern folgen selbstverständlich unserem Telegram-Kanal! Und, wer noch nicht folgt: Es wird höchste Zeit!
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Repost from red.
Italian communists led the anti-fascist resistance that overthrew Mussolini and helped end WW2. Today, Italy celebrates “Liberation Day” to commemorate the resistance’s victory. We should remember that the most significant armed resistance group was the “Garibaldi Brigades,” led by the Communist Party of Italy. Liberals and social democrats were also part of the resistance but played a much smaller role. However, the Communist Party did not always support a strategy of armed struggle against Mussolini, despite being urged by Lenin and Gramsci to do so. 🟡 Join @theredstream 🟡 Boost our channel 🟡 YouTube 🟡 Instagram 🟡 Patreon
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Repost from Intel Republic
😱😱 GERMANY WARNS OF MYSTERIOUS PUTIN PLOT AS "RUSSIA UPGRADES MASSIVELY" - German Defense Minister Pistorius becomes detective as he claims and warns "Russia is filling warehouses with weapons and ammunition (beautiful pic above), producing more than using in Ukraine", deducing that means Russian President is preparing for something big.
Most or part of what is now produced no longer goes to the front, but ends up in warehouses. One can be naïve and say that he is doing this only out of caution. As a skeptic, I would rather say that in this case he is doing it’s because he’s planning something or perhaps has something in mind - Pistorius claims.
Well, if true, village idiot just indirectly admitted Ukrainian army is just THAT easy for Russia, not even using half weapons available. 🤣 Boost us here @IntelRepublic
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Повторное обращение Василия "Тёркина", одного из ближайших боевых товарищей Рассела, настоящего воина, боевого офицера армии России, имеющего награды от Президента РФ В. В. Путина.
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