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Roman Wolf

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Nothing Is Mightier Than The Sword Our side believes our struggle is about ideas, i.e. "waking people up". It's not. Our stuggle is about power. When you control the levers of power, you can influence the minds and behaviors of the population as you see fit (including by coercion, when necessary). We've been waging a losing metapolitical culture war in America for decades now. We're losing precisly because real power comes from the monopoly on violence which is in the hands of our adversaries. Our ideas, no matter how convincing or eloquently expressed, are ultimately powerless to change this fundamental reality. Therefore, what's needed instead is armed struggle. Only through the use of force can we possibly take control of our own destiny and secure a future for our People. We will never do so via ideas alone. To achieve the 14 Words, we need the ability to dictate how society is ruled. The only way to do this is by gaining a sufficient amount of political power. And there's only two ways to gain that kind of control in America: voting or revolution. It should be painfully obvious by now that the former is not an option. However, the problem is that the later is not realistic either, i.e. we are not capable of completely overthrowing the US Government. But there is a third option–Separatism, i.e. carving out independent territory on the North American continent and establishing a sovereign ethnostate which we control. We may not be able to topple the System in toto but we can challenge its monopoly on violence enough to win a separatist insurgency. Although far from guaranteed to succeed, separatism takes into account our limitations in manpower, firepower, and money. It's a feasible solution which works within those limitations without shying away from armed struggle. It forgoes the notion of "taking it all back" but, if successful, separatism will grant us self-determintation via a new homeland ruled by us. And if we can get that far, there's no obvious reason why we wouldn't be able to eventually expand our territory further over time. Barring separatism, all we can really do is wait for Collapse and hope we'll be adequately prepared to take advantage of it. This is a reasonable strategy but it is fraught with uncertainty as to when or even if collapse will ever actually occur. In the meantime, White Genocide continues unabated. Nevertheless, the practical nature of preparing for collapse makes it preferable to the much less tangible strategy of spreading awareness which has yielded nothing useful at all (and never will).
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Active Club to Guerrilla Army Pipeline? If you follow my channel closely enough you might have noticed I'm somewhat critical of the active club concept. However, the one saving grace of ACs is the networking aspect. For this reason, I feel a closer affinity towards ACs than I do towards militants who aggressively promote lone wolf operations. This is because there's strength in numbers. And networking carries with it an inherent potential for organized resistance. The key word being potential. And this is where I feel ACs fall short. They don't offer a clear way to actualize that potential. If you don't believe me, try this simple mental exercise: Imagine an AC chapter growing to 1,000 members. Now imagine a chapter of The Base growing to 1,000. See the difference? Scale up the former and you still just have an active club chapter albeit a rather large one. But scale up the latter and you have a revolutionary guerrilla army which can pose a significant threat to the System potentially. Therefore, anything less than a deliberate effort to muster an organized fighting force is a half measure at best and, at worst, a deadend waste of time. It can only be hoped that some AC members are doing just that, i.e. using the networking opportunity to secretly form tactically competent guerrilla cells. The fact that the System is extremely fearful of this scenario proves it's the way to go. Personally, I'm very sceptical that this type of thing is actually occurring on a large enough scale (if at all) within ACs to make a strategic difference. But even if only very limited in scale currently, tactical training is substantially more worthwhile than group gym sessions alone or any other mindless ego stroking meathead activities with no strategic benefit for our People. And you've gotta start somewhere. So, even if they refuse to join The Base, I encourage as many ACs members as possible to make the System's nightmare a reality.
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Waking Up To What? The most damning evidence against "waking people up" as a useful strategy is the strategy's "success". Defenders of "waking people up" and "shifting the Overton Window" often claim our ideas and worldview are increasingly gaining mainstream acceptence. I have no idea what they base this upon because they don't provide any evidence. However, if it's true, I'd argue it's not activism that's waking people up, it's reality itself. Simply living as a conservative or traditionally-minded White person in USA is a powerful eye opener. But let's give these "redpillers" the benefit of the doubt and assume their assertion is correct, i.e. activism is causing a shift in consciousness. My question is, so what? In other words, what has all this awareness gotten us? How are we, as a race, better off today than we were before all these people supposedly woke up? If anything, the situation for White Americans, and more specifically for White American men, has continued to deteriorate over time. At the very least, it certainly hasn't improved by any measure. Are we to merely live happily with the satisfaction that everyone else around us is aware as we are about how shitty our existence is but without expecting anything to ever change for the better? I suppose this is the point where you have a choice to make: live a self-centered hedonistic or materialistic life, embrace nihilism and hope for collapse, or risk your personal comfort and safety for the benefit of others by taking real action to fight the System. And when I say "real action", I obviously don't mean waking people up.
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Fair Warning Throughout its existence, The Base has never had a beef with any other groups. On the contrary, TB has always sought to build bridges. Yet, as soon as we were attacked by the System, both in words and in deeds, almost everyone within the movement swallowed the mainstream narrative uncritically, and many jumped on the anti-TB bandwagon. Figureheads and influencers who are normally anti-System and very sceptical of the media, denounced The Base en masse. No one stopped to think that maybe the narrative was a lie. This attitude mainly came from Overton Window proponents who generally are critical of militantism so, while disappointing, it wasn't (and still isn't) much of a surprise. On the other hand, the reaction from TB's natural allies on the militant side of the movement was equally disappointing but for a different reason. They drew the entirely wrong lesson from the System crackdown on TB. These people, most of whom are proponents of lone wolf ops and who are against organizing, used TB as an example of what not to do and as evidence that their position is correct. They viewed the System crackdown on TB as a cautionary tale against organized resistance, and strongly encouraged their followers to seek refuge in self-sufficiency instead. What they failed to realize, and still do, is that there's strength in numbers. To this day, TB suffers from the fallout of the intense System crackdown of 2020. But not because TB was irreparably damaged or gutted by that event directly, as the System intended. Rather, the biggest stumbling block since then has been the pro-White movement itself. TB is merely a litmus test which challenges the closely held sacred cows of both self-described militants and movementarians alike. Therefore, the condition of TB, and it's success or failure, says alot more about the state of the movement than it does about TB itself. If we hope to achieve victory we must be militant but we must also be organized. There's no logical way to avoid this fundamental truth. The third major stumbling block prevelant across the board, in both militant and movementarian circles, is ego. And overcoming it is also essential to our victory. Too many group "leaders" see themselves as some kind of masterminds or heavenly ordained führer figures. They convince themselves that they have cracked the code on organizing with the perfect aesthetic or doctrine. They are so full of themselves that they look down upon TB as being anachronistic. They may have their moment in the sun but without cultivating cooperation, they will suffer the same fate as the counteless other groups which have come before them and which have now been relegated to the dustbin of history with not much if anything to show for it. This is because the third element to achieving victory, in addition to being militant and organized, is unity. All three of these stumbling blocks (i.e. lack of militancy, refusal to organize, and lack of unity) point to the same thing: the situation for our Race is not dire enough yet. If it was, we would not have the luxury of entertaining such counterintuitive strategies such as the mass movement approach or lone wolf ops, both of which, to the sober mind at least, have obviously proven themselves to be deadends. Similarly, if things were bad enough, there'd be little room for vanity projects which are more intended to stroke the egos of their creators than to produce tangible results. But we're not there yet. White America will need to almost vanish first. And if in the process TB and/or myself disappear along with it, please remember my words and don't say I didn't warn you.
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It has often been suggested to me to rebrand The Base. Considering the network's tumultuous and somewhat controversial history, it's undeniably a logical suggestion. Yet, I have resisted rebranding for one simple practical reason: Any similar group will eventually face the exact same persecution, vilification, and slander if/when it achieves a significant degree of recognition. In other words, these attacks by our enemies are an inevitable sign of success. So, why start from scratch with a new group identity, but without the name recognition, only to end up in the exact same place?! Our infamy is to be embraced as a badge of honor instead. And any similar group which thinks it can avoid our fate is gravely mistaken. I assume this faulty assumption is at least partially why newer groups refuse to cooperate with us. But if eventually you actually achieve the same level of success as The Base, you will learn the hard way and pay the same price. And the best way to withstand the pressure which the System will place on you is to join forces with a group which has already been through it and survived.
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Expectations Current demographic trends indicate that in 50 years White Americans will only be 25% of the total US population. That amounts to just under 100 million people. However, I'm afraid that number will need to dwindle much further until the harsh reality of our situation is fully appreciated. I'm thinking we'll need to sink to at least 10% of the population, i.e. 20 million. That'll be in 75-100 years. I'll be long dead and gone by then, as will most of you reading this. Of course, anytime before then, there could also be some kind of black swan event which leads to the catastrophic collapse of the anti-White system. But that most likely won't be a net positive for us considering that only 7% of Americans are prepared for a SHTF scenario and most of them are CivNats. So, let's pray it doesn't happen. Given these projections, what can we do right now that contributes to achieving the 14 Words in a worthwhile manner? Keep the torch lit as best as we can, and hope it doesn't get extinguished before our People are finally ready to rise up 75-100 years from now. That's the best we can do. But will doing this today actually make a difference in that distant future? Probably not. Those future White Americans will need to learn the hard way through firsthand experience. That's why to be in this struggle requires a religious type of devotion to the Cause. You won't be rewarded in this life or see the fruits of your labor and sacrifice. Your compensation will be only one thing: Dying with the satisfaction knowing that you did all you reasonably could to secure a future for our People, without expectation of victory. So, you must continue the struggle because you view it as your moral duty regardless of the final outcome. If you don't have this outlook, you will be bitterly disappointed. But if enough of us adopt this attitude, you might just be pleasantly surprised.
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I think what Hersant is actually referring to here is lone wolf ops not leaderless resistance. The image his video invokes of a guy sitting in his basement doing nothing and refusing to organize is typical of those who promote and/or identify as lone wolves. Often the two terms are used interchangeably for good reason–lone wolves are by definition leaderless. However, technically-speaking, the two terms are not synonymous. For example, an insurgent network can be leaderless by adopting a flat horizontal and loosely organized structure where there is no official leadership. This is what my comrades at AF are referring to here in response to Hersant. And I agree with their take that such a structure is inherently more secure. It's also arguably the best compromise between operational security and strategic impact, with lone wolves being high in security but low in impact on one side, and a highly centralized formal organization which is high in strategic impact but low in operational security on the other. But what's important to note is that for leaderless resistance to be effective, all insurgent elements must be consciously and explicitly working towards the same political goal and share the same definition of victory. If, for example, the only thing they have in common is some vague notion of being pro-White, this is not leaderless resistance, it's everyone going off and doing their own thing in multiple small groups with practically zero cooperation or coordination which is exactly what we have going on right now and is a big reason why we're strategically ineffective as a movement. So, in this regard, I sympathize with the sentiment Hersant is expressing. And if that is in fact the regretable phenomenon he's at least partially referring to, I agree with his take. It's undeniable that there's strength in numbers. It's also very true that too many of us cling to lone wolf ops as an excuse to avoid risk and do nothing useful, which is the point Hersant is trying to make. For an excellent histrorical example of leaderless resistance and how it can be implemented effectively, see the FLQ, a separatist movement in Quebec. Also, check out a network configuration I recently proposed which is designed to maximize the benefits of having coordinated leadership but with the OPSEC of a decentralized network.
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Exactly. This is one of the fundamental reasons why I'm critical of the "waking people up" strategy which has dominated the pro-White movement in America for decades. At least back in the day when Whites were an overwhelming portion of the population, it was still theoretically possible to change things via voting so political debates and metapolitics made some sense. However, now that they're on the cusp of becoming a minority, why should average White Americans support us, or even pay attention to us at all, when we lack a clear plan for obtaining political power necessary to practically improve their lives? A few of them may sympathize with our message and talking points, but we're going to consistently lose at the polls anyway, so why does it even matter? Or worse, do we expect the masses to revolt and do the dirty work for us which goes against human nature and a couple hundred years of history in the West? (At least this attitude openly recognizes we can't vote our way out of this mess which is a good start). We need to stop constantly complaining online (and wasting time trying to debunk liberal talking points) and start offering a real solution instead–A tangible solution that is, at a minimum, theoretically possible to achieve, and which White Americans may actually be willing to support financially and morally. "Realistic" means a plan which, in the first place, outlines a logical path to obtaining sufficient political power so we can implement our policies (not simply a pie in the sky laundry list of policy proposals without the foggiest notion of how to obtain power in order to implement them). Until we do this, no one is going to take us seriously. But if we're powerless to take matters into our own hands and take concrete measures ourselves to relieve the plight of Whites in America, we have no other choice than to wait and hope for the System to collapse. In that case, debating shitlibs online or waking people up isn't going to help at all anyway. We're much better off spending time and energy preparing to survive the coming chaos instead. If we prepare adequately enough, we may even thrive in it.
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Embrace Balkanization or Perish Even moderate movement figureheads and gatekeepers such as Jared Taylor and Keith Woods have finally begun waking up to the harsh reality that there's no political solution, and that balkanization of USA is the answer (granted Woods is Irish but still). This is on top of Torba and Gab recently acknowledging the same. Better late than never (I've been preaching this for almost a decade now). Somewhat surprisingly, White Nationalists have lagged behind mainstream Americans when it comes to the issue of balkanization. Polls continue to show an increasing trend in support of secession among right-leaning citizens. It seems even the most hardcore civic nationalists can now read the writing on the wall–America is beyond redemption. The day when my views no longer seem so radical and extreme, as they do now even among most White Nationalists, will be the day hope is born. I'm encouraged to see evidence accumulating suggesting we may actually be heading in that direction. One day, like it or not, we will all be accelerationists...That day appears to be getting closer. Today, I am vilified, shunned, and ostracized by many thought leaders in the pro-White movement who should view me as an ally. But eventually my ideas will be vindicated. Today, these same people wonder why I created The Base. In the future, they will understand and be forced to embrace unrepentant militancy as I have, or they will perish. However, my personal goal is not to wake up a majority of Whites, or even a majority of consciously pro-White Americans. Instead, I want to wake up and mobilize a revolutionary vanguard because the sooner we embrace balkanization, the higher our chances of victory. Afterall, our biggest enemy is time as the White population of USA is on a rapidly accelerating crash course towards extinction. The only way to hit the breaks on this runaway genocide train is by breaking away, and establishing a new homeland where we can survive and thrive. The first step, as I've stated, is organizing and preparing in real life. So, when you're ready to let go of the past and reactionary wishful thinking, message me or @TheBaseContact and together we can forge a new beginning for our People.
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Step Up or Step Aside Revolution isn't like the weather–It doesn't just happen spontaneously when the stars line up just right, or when multiple negative pressure factors pile up to the point where society "snaps". This is a common misconception. Of course, social tensions and economic grievances are the substrate from which revolutions emerge. But like a powder keg, this substrate needs a spark to explode. The spark is us, the vanguard, not some impersonal or abstract societal force. As I touched upon in my last post, the masses (including the vast majority of young White men) will never rise up no matter how bad things get. So, if you want it, you must make it happen. Don't wait for some perfect storm that will never come. Be the storm instead. Step one is organizing and preparing. But if you're too cowardly to do even these preliminary things, at least get the f*ck out of the way. Don't fed-jacket and countersignal to cope with your inadequacy while, at the same time, expecting someone else to do the heavy lifting required to liberate you from ZOG. Instead, sit in the rear silently, with the women and children, while the vanguard goes to work. However, if you consider yourself to be vanguard material and want to assume your proper place among the militant elite, message me or @TheBaseContact to take that first step.
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