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Dhaloota Qaroo

👉Sagalee jireenyaa(SJ) 👉yaada haaraa dhaloota hundaaf!

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Wal'aansoo, gufuuwwaniifi haalota har'a jiran keessa dabarree bora abdii yaadaa jirru bira gahuun hundi keenyayyuu gammaduuf jirra. Nuti immoo Du’ee du’a ka’uu isarraa abdii fi deebi’anii jirachuu baranneeras amanneeras. Ayyaana Gaarii!!   
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Luqas24:6 Innoo as hin jiru, ka'eera; Galiilaa utuu jiruu waan inni isinitti himee ture yaadadhaa! 7 'Ilmi namaa harka warra cubbamootaatti kennamuuf, fannifamuuf, guyyaa sadaffaattis du'aa ka'uuf jira' jedhe" ittiin jedhan. *********** Hordoftoonni Amantaa Kiristaanaa hunduu baga Ayyaana du’aa  ka’uu goofta keenyaa  Yesuusiin isin gahe! Dhiphina , gidirfamuu, harka jallootaatti dabarfamee kennamuu, itti qoofamu, badii malee ajjeefamuu…….. Du’ee, Awwaalamuu, Awwaala diigee ka’uu….. Ergamoota, duuka buutotaa fi warra isa hordofan hedduu jaalatus gaafa du’a ka’u garuu hunduma isaanitti al tokko hin mul’anne. Isaan abdii kutatanii hedduun isaanii jecha isaa dagataniiru. Warri kaan rafaniiru, gariin immoo hojii isaanitti bobba’aniiru. Akkuma inni du’aa ka’uyyuu waan hin amanneef iddoo awwalcha isaallee dhaqanii mirkaneeffachuu dadhaban. Abdii kutataniiru jechuu dha. Ta’us gaafa ijji isaanii baname, shakkii keessaa bahanii waa’ee isaa yaaduu eegalan. Kiristoos Du’ee du’aa ka’uun nuti har’a jiraanne. Inni cubbuu malee cubbuu keenyarraa nu fayyisuuf harka jallootattin ajjeefamuun nuun immoo garbummaa cubbuu jalaa bilisa nu baase. Gidiraa fi dhiphinni Yesuus Kiristoos kaleessa keessummeessee hanga lubbusaa kennutti isa geesse waan yakkeef osoo hin taane galmaa jireenya keenyaafidha Osoo uumaa ta'ee jiru uumamaa fakkatee nama ta'e dhalatee cubbuu bara bara nama irraa kaasuuf mul'atee.osoo humna qabuu humna dhabeessa ta’ee, osoo waan hundumaa gochuu danda’uu dadhabaa fakkachuun yeroo dhiphinaa hundaa ofirra dabarsee akeeka  fi kaayyoo dhufeef rawwatee. Baay’ee keenya rakkoon har’a mudatee fi mudachaa jiru rakkoo ilmi waaqayyoo ilma namaaf jedhee dabarseen wal bira hin qabamu. Rakkina booddee gaarummaa, dhiphinaan booda boqonnaa, du’aan booda jireenyi akka jiru isarraa waan baranneef raafamuu fi naaf dhumateera jechuu hin qabnu. Kanaaf nuti warri du’ee du’aa ka’uu saatti amannu rakkoo har’aaf   abdii kutu osoo hin taane abdi kutachuu abdii kutachisuudhaan ofirra dabarsuu dha. Akkuma kan isa waliin nyaachaa isa nyaachaa turan jiran, warri dubbisaa dhagahanii amanuun hanga dhumatti isa waliin hafanis hedduu dha. Kan obsaa fi rakkoo dandamachuu dadhabanii biraa hafanis baay’ee dha. Yihuudaan Maaddii tokkorraa osoo isa waliin sooratuu qarshii 30'n dabarsee isa kenne. Gara jabummaan yeroo sana Yihuudaa bira ture har’as namoota hedduu bira jira. Baay’eetu arrabaan akka dammaa midhaahee garaan akka dhagaa jabaata. Namni ammuma nama jaalatee namaaf qoricha ta’us, nama jibbees namaaf summii dha. Duuka buutonni hedduun bay’inni qormaataa kaayyoo isaarraa akka isa hin ittifne hubatanis, Jimaanni darbee Sambatni gaafa dhufu garuu baay'een abdii kutachuu eegalan. Kiristoos du'aa ni ka'a kan jedhame soba itti fakkaatee ture. Hanga gaafa fannootti ‘Jabaadhu! Jabaadhu!’ jechaa kan turanis abdii kutachuu eegalan. Innis dursee kana waan beekuf dubbii kana itti himaa tureera. Akka isa ganan, akka isa dhiisanii deeman innuu akeekkachisee ture. Nuti amantonnii ammaa du’ee du’aa ka’uu Yesuus irraa waan hedduu barachuutu nurraa eeggama. guyyaan sanbataa xiqqaa duuka butoota fi ergamoota akkasumas, warra Iyyasuusitti amananiif guyyaa hedduu dheeratee fi kan dhiphinaa ture. Guyyaa dhiphinaa fi kan baay'ee dheerate; guyyaa Roomaanonni gammadan, guyyaa Isiraa’eloonni immoo nuuf dhumateera jedhanii gaddan ture. Dhiphinni sanbata xiqqaatti isaan mudate garuu hanga dhumaatti waliin hin turre. Guyyaan du'aa ka'uu Sanbanni guddaan gammachuufi dhugaa bara bara fidee dhufe. Dhiphinni, boo'ichi, rakkoo fi haalli kaleessaa turan hafee guyyaa gammachuu ta’e. Yesuus awwaala diigee du’aa ka’uun ergamoota isaa boqochisee.Nuufis guyyaa har’aa kun boru itti hin fufu. Dhiphinni, rakkoo, gidiraa fi raafamnii waraanaa dhageenyu hunduu hafee bori akka dhuunfaatti akka sabati akka biyyaati  misiraachoo akka lallabnu abdiin jira.
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Repost from Reading PDF
"Becoming a Better Leader" Author: Routledge & CRC Press This book explores essential leadership principles. It delves into effective communication, decision-making, and fostering a positive organizational culture. The book emphasizes self-awareness and continuous improvement, guiding readers to develop crucial leadership skills. With practical insights and real-world examples, it provides a comprehensive guide for aspiring leaders to enhance their capabilities and lead with impact.   📚 ENGLISH PDF Page-159║Size-6.5MB share💯share💯share @Reading_PDF @Reading_PDF 🔺JOIN🔺
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Dhaloota Qaroo

👉Sagalee jireenyaa(SJ) 👉yaada haaraa dhaloota hundaaf!

Principle 6: Do it your way The idea of being a changemaker is often associated with fitting a certain mould or being a certain type of person. This is just not true. To be a changemaker, you must understand what makes YOU special - your strengths, your passion, what makes you stand out. You can do things on your own terms (and it's really important that you do). PS if you get stuck, we can help you. Here's how.  Principle 7: Own your power Power is often associated with status, money or dominance. But in fact, the dictionary definition of power is simply one's ability to take action. And that’s something we all have. So don't get disillusioned or distracted by those who seem to hold positions of, or exert power over others. Instead, focus on your ability to act and really own it. Revel in it, embrace it and most importantly USE it. Principle 8: Don't go it alone You cannot drive change alone. You need people that can support you, stand alongside you, complement and enhance your ability to make stuff happen, speak up and out for you and even open doors for you. Someone once said to me, imagine these people are your gospel choir - amplifying your volume, your reach and your impact by creating a beautiful, uplifting sound that cannot be ignored. But instead of the basses, altos, tenors and sopranos, you need a mix of sponsors, mentors, allies and advocates around you. Use your values to identify and connect with these people and reach out! So there you have it. 8 principles of being a changemaker. Review them, reflect on them and most importantly, put them into action. Because my dear changemakers, now more than ever, the world needs us to step up, speak up and stand out. I believe in you @Dhaloota Qaroo
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How to be change maker!. This article is inspired by the talk of the same name, that I gave at last week's Aspire Reimagination conference. I'm a changemaker. I say it proudly. I say it with a strong feeling of responsibility, especially now. I say it despite the fact that my ability to drive and effect change has been challenged in the past, and despite even questioning it myself at points.  I'm a changemaker. Now more than ever I have to be. We all have to be. So I'm fired up and I'm here to help.  The first thing I want to say is that to be a changemaker, you don't need to have a high-level position or lots of money. It's not about having unlimited time or building a huge following. It doesn't matter if your face doesn't fit or you've been othered your whole life. In fact, often these are the motivations of people that drive change. And as I've already highlighted, we all need to be changemakers right now. We can't leave it others to do the work. We can't wait for the right time. Our world needs to change and we ALL have a role in making this happen. And that starts now. So here are 8 principles of being a changemaker. 8 actions you can take, 8 behaviours to embed and demonstrate - if you want to be a changemaker. These are based on my own experience - I work with organisations that drive social change. I work with big corporates to help employees from underrepresented backgrounds get ahead. I work with leaders and changemakers to build their personal brands and I mentor ambitious changemakers to be  And here are the actions that I know make a difference. What are the differences between driving change and wishing something would happen, or that things will get better? Are you ready? Let's go. Principle 1: No excuses, take action Saying "I'd love to, but..." ,just won't cut it. Because you will face barriers when you seek to drive change. There will be obstacles. People WILL say no. Don't allow these barriers to become excuses not to start or attempt anything. Instead, say "I'm doing it anyway/even if/no matter what". Because then you will act and the obstacles won't hold you back. Principle 2: Have a clear vision Your vision will fuel you and inspire you to keep going. So it's really important that you articulate it as clearly as possible. And write it down, put it up on your wall and make it really visible. At Brand by Me, our definition of vision is the future if you're living your purpose. It makes sure that you include your role within it, not just the world you want to see. (If you want to know more, you might find this blog post useful. )  Principle 3: Understand and measure your impact What will success look like if we achieve the change we want to see? How will we know we've achieved it? Often we launch into action, without a clear idea of the impact we want to make - the tangible difference of a positive outcome. And this means that we might be doing stuff, but we don't know if or how it's making a difference. Especially if we don't measure it, in some way. Oh, and by the way, increasing awareness is not impact. Awareness can drive impact but its not a means to itself. Principle 4: Be intersectional It's really important that we don't just think about or tackle our single issue in isolation. We must consider how will it impact other groups facing discrimination and ensure that our actions are inclusive. Otherwise, we won't reach the people that are affected the most. As our team often say, 'If it ain't intersectional, we aren't here for it.'. Nuff said.  Principle 5: Use your values to define your value. Your values are your non-negotiable principles - the things that drive what you always and never do. As changemakers, it's really important that we understand and communicate the value we add. But this value is not just linked to your skills and experience - it's also how you do things and the principles you hold true. And these values will resonate with and connect you to the like minds and allies who can help you truly drive change.
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HEAR THIS 👂 Your happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are; it solely relies on what you think about what you have and who you think you are. It is all about your perception of how you see things in life. Choose to be happy regardless of the challenges you are facing; the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be! No one can make you feel inferior without your consent! Avoid negative people, for they are the greatest dream destroyer; surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you. Never be afraid to try something new; be adventurous, opportunities are always out there waiting to be taken by someone bold enough to just take that step. Never be afraid to move forward and take action. It is the key to your rising! Hear me, you are loved; you are valuable; you are crafted with beauty and purpose; I treasure you and this world needs you; for there is no one like you. You don't need to be like the rest or talk like the rest; you only need to be yourself and bring out your individuality. You are unique and so talented, but you need to uncover this within you. You are not a mistake! Know yourself! Listen, Stop comparing yourself to other people!  Live a life of purpose! Have a fulfilled day 🙏💕
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“Dammaqaa, amantiitti cimaatii dhaabadhaa! Ija-jabeeyyiidhaa fi jajjaboo ta'aa!”   — 1Qor. 16:13 Jireenyakeenya irratti wanta tahuu qabnu hedduutu jira. Wanta nun taanee jirru hunduu sirriidhas gaariidhas jechuu miti. Wanta taane ta'aa turuu caalaa wanta tahuu qabnu tahuutu dhugumaan nu fayyada. Kanaaf wantoota sadii namni tokko jireenya isaa irratti dirqama tahuu qabu. Hir'achuun tokkoo hir'ina guddaa uumuu danda'a jedhaman haa laallu. #1_dammaquu #be_active dammaquun jireenya irratti jiraachuu eegaluudha. Namni tokko hamma hin dammaqnetti waa'ee jireenyaa haasa'uus dhagahuus hin danda'u. Dammaquu dhiisuun caalaatti dhibuutti dhiyaachuudha. Dammaquun hubachuu eegaluudha. Dammaquun yaaduudha. Ifa sana arguudha. Hubannoon dhugaa sun yemmuu siif ifuu eegalu kun dammaquudha. Ifa sanaan socho'uu eegaluu,oogummaa sanaan murteesuu danda'uu,hafuura sanaan gaggeeffamuu eegaluun dammaquudha. #2_amantiitti_cimuu. #hold_on yemmuu dammaqxu wanti qormaata sitti ta'u inni guddaan wanta at argite namni arguu dhabuun humna si laaffisuu danda'a. Wanta gaarii at argite irraa illee si hambisuuf diinni si qoruu danda'a. Humna hin laafiin. Wanta argite sana keessa waaqayyoon galchi. Danda'ummaa isaatti amani danda'ummaa isaan gaggeeffami. amanaa kaayyoo qabu. Mul'ata qabu ta'i. #3_ija_jabina #confidence Ija jabaachuu(confidence ) jechuun wanti si bira qofa jiru sun gaarii/sirrii/dhugaa akka ta'e amanuudha. Namoonni hamilee dhaban wanta isaan adda godhu sun gaarii akka ta'etti warreen hin yaadneedha. Dhugaa at amantes ta'e dhugaa at taateen ija jabina qabaadhu. Wantooti kun sadan(dammaquu, amanuu,ija jabina qabaachuu) keessaa hir'achuun tokkoo jireenya nama sanaa raafama keessa galchuu in danda'a. Namni hin dammaqne jireenya isaa irratti tasa jijiirama arguu hin danda'u. namni hin amanne ammoo tasa gara jijjiirama sanaatti adeemuuf hin murteessu. Namni ija jabina hin qabne hamma dhumaatti deemuu hin danda'u.
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Allaattiiwwan jiran keessaa Harraagessatu muka irra taa’ee utuu boo’uu cophni imimmaan isaa harka Luba muka sana jala taa’aa turee irra bu’e jedhama. Yeroo kana lubni kun maali harraagessa nana Maal taate? Jedhanii gaafatani.Innis “ani allaattiiwwan hunda keessaa habaaramaadha, utuun hin uumamne ta’ee wayya ture, mee bifakoo ilaali akkam akka ani fokkisu” jedhe boo’ichaan. Lubni kun akkas ittiin jedhe “hin boo’iin waan Ati barbaaddetti si jijjiiruu nan danda’a, Maal ta’uu feeta jennaan “ Daakiyyee ta’uun barbaada” jedhe.Egaa utuu ani daakiyyee si hin taasisiin deemiitii jireenya daakiyyee qoradhuu kottu ittiin jedhe lubni. Harraagessis galaana qaxxaamuree daakiyyee bira ga'e. ''Baay’ee bareedda'' akka aannanii addaatta, uumamni akka kee gammadee jiraatu waan jiru natti hin fakkaatu” jedhee haasaa jalqabe. Daakiyyeen deebistee “lakki yaa obboleessakoo ani gammadduu miti jireenyakootti, halluu baay’ee babbareedaatu jira ani garuu halluu hin qabu, adiin halluu maaliiti? Ici” jettee imimmaan lakkuu lakkuu buuste. Itti aansitees dakiyyeen akkas jette “allaattiiwwan keessaa parrotiin baay’ee gammadaadha, halluu bareedaa qaba mee isa gaafadhu” jennaan harraagessi gara parrot 🦜 deemee “ oo kan akkakee bareedu addunyaa irra hin jiru, allaattiiwwan jiran hunda irra Situ bareeda, kanaaf ati gammadduudha” jedhee haasaa eegale. Isheen immoo deebistee “lakki ani jireenyakootti gammadduu miti, halkanii guyyaan sababa halluukoofan adamsama, yoo na qabatan immoo sanduuqa keessa kaa’anii akka faayaatti natti fayyadamu, baay’een rakkadha” jettee waakkii eegalte. “Mee immoo 🦚 ( peacock) bira deemi isheen ana irra bareedduudha “ jennaan ammas harraagessikee ka’ee 🦚 (peacock) barbaaduu deeme. Utuma jooruu namootni baay’een itti marsanii bareedina ishii yeroo dinqisiifatan argee itti maqanaan namoonni isa hari’an. Erga daawwattoonni irraa siqanii suuta jedhee itti siqee“ Ati allaattiiwwan hunda irra Iyyu baay’ee bareedduudha, anaan gurrachinakoof na jibbu, siin garuu qarshii kaffalanii si ilaalu, jireenyakeettis gammadduu fakkaatta “ jedhee haasaa eegale. Isheenis deebistee “eyyee anis akkan baay’ee bareedu beeka, garuu sababa bareedinakoof jedhanii na gidirsu, mana isaanii keessatti akka faayaatti nu gargaara jedhanii baalleekoo ciraa oolu, baay’ee na dhukkubsanii natti taphachaa oolu “ jettee boo’ichaan itti himte. Harraagessis baay’ee dinqisiifate, “erga ati jireenyakeetti hin gammannee, allaattiiwwan keessaa eenyutu jireenya isaatti gammadaree” jedhe. Isheenis deebistee allaattiiwwan hunda jireenya isaanii qoradheera. Hunda keessaa kan namoonni hin adamsine, fi kan hin gaadamne si qofaadha. Nuun garuu sababa halluu gogaa keenyaaf qabanii sanduuqa keessa nu oolchu, madda galii isaanii nu godhachuuf jedhanii bilisummaa keenya mulqu, yeroo darbe taa’ee si ilaaleen utuun harraagessa ta’ee iddoon barbaade gaheen bashannana mitii jedheen jireenya bilisummaa Ati qabdu kana hawwe” jettee naasiste. Harraagessis yeroo jalqabaaf harraagessa ta’uu isaatti gammadee balali’ee Luba sana bira deemee “ani allaattii Kamuu ta’uu hin fedhu, harraagessa ta’eedhuman bilisummaakoo wajjin jiraadha” jedhe jedhama. Jireenya kee keessatti namootaan of madaaltee, jireenyakee jibbita ta’a. Waan qabdu hin beektu waan ta’eef akka hiyyeessaatti of lakkoofta ta’a.Anis atis Kana keessaa baanee -waan dhabne lakkaa’uu utuu hin taane waan qabnuuf galateeffachuu jalqabuu qabna. -kan sii gad qabus, kan sii ol qabus jira. Jireenyakee kan namootaa waliin madaalta taanaan yoomuu hin gammaddu. Namni waan qabutti quufu fi galateeffatu yoo jiraate inni addunyaa kana irraa nama gammadaa dha. form waan dubbissee irraa.
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