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Roots of Khayr

توجه النفس نحو العمل مع رغبة وتصميم على القيام به

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Intricacies in Nature 🌳 وَفِى ٱلْأَرْضِ ءَايَـٰتٌۭ لِّلْمُوقِنِينَ "There are ˹countless˺ signs on earth for those with sure faith." {51:20} Imām al-Shāfi'ī (d.204H) was asked about the existence of an Almighty Maker. He put forth a short thought-provoking example: هذا ورق التوت طعمه واحد تأكله الدود فيخرج منه الإبريسم، وتأكله النحل فيخرج منه العسل، وتأكله الشاة والبعير والأنعام فتلقيه بعرا وروثا، وتأكله الظباء فيخرج منها المسك وهو شيء واحد "(Take the example of) the leaves of a berry bush, which all taste the same: • Bees consume it and produce honey. • Worms consume it and produce silk. • Sheep, camels, and cows consume it and produce dung. • Deer, eat it and produce musk. Yet, they all come from the same individual source." 📖 تفسير ابن كثير (١٩٧/١)
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Even a Shoe Strap 〰️ Ummu'l Mu'minīn, Ā'ishah رضي الله عنهما said:  سَلُوا اللهَ كلَّ شيءٍ حتَّى الشِّسْعَ فإنَّ اللهَ إنْ لم يُيَسِّرْه لم يَتَيَسَّرْ "Ask Allāh for everything, even if it be a shoe strap, for if Allāh does not facilitate it, then it won't be made easy." • أبو يعلى (8/44) وعمل اليوم والليلة لابن السني (349) Even those insignificant and overlooked items are to initially be sought from Allāh Man is indigent and ever indebted to its Creator.
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The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ is reported to have said: إذا سأل أحدكم فليكثر فإنه يسأل ربه "If one of you asks [Allāh], let him ask in abundance, for he is asking [none other than] his Rabb." • صحيح ابن حبان (٨٨٩) Nothing is difficult when sought through Allāh. Nothing is easy when sought through one's own self! #الدعاء_هو_العبادة
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Polished Words 💬 ‏تبارك من جعل كلامه شفاء لصدور المؤمنين، وحياة لقلوبهم، ونورا لبصائرهم، وغذاء لقلوبهم، ودواء لسقامهم، وقرة لعيونهم... "Blessed is he who made use of his words as a healing and coolness for the breasts of the believers; what enlivens their hearts, a light that aids their insight, food for their hearts, a healing to their sickness, and a comfort to their eyes... • الكلام على مسألة السماع ابن القيم
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Commensurate 💐 مَن استحي مِن الله عند معصيته استحي الله من عقوبته يوم يلقاه "Whoever feels ashamed before Allāh at the prospect of disobeying Him, Allāh will be reluctant to punish him on the Day He meets him." • الداء والدواء لابن القيم
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Dajjalic Ordeal  ☣️ وفتنة الدجال لا تختص بالموجودين في زمانه، بل حقيقة فتنته: الباطل المخالف للشريعة، المقرون بالخوارق، فمن أقرّ بما يخالف الشريعة لخارق؛ فقد أصابه نوع من هذه الفتنة، وهذا كثير في كل زمان ومكان "The tribulations of the Dajjāl aren't limited to those who'll be present in his era. In reality, they're related to every falsehood that opposes the sharī'ah and deemed highly unusual and bizarre. So, whoever accepts/endorses such violations is a proponent thereof. They are types of ordeal found aplenty in every time and place." • بغية المرتاد لابن تيمية
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Dajjalic Ordeal ☣️ وفتنة الدجال لا تختص بالموجودين في زمانه، بل حقيقة فتنته: الباطل المخالف للشريعة، المقرون بالخوارق، فمن أقرّ بما يخالف الشريعة لخارق؛ فقد أصابه نوع من هذه الفتنة، وهذا كثير في كل زمان ومكان "The tribulations of the Dajjāl aren't limited to those who'll be present in his era. In reality, they're related to every falsehood that opposes the sharī'ah and deemed highly unusual and bizarre. So, whoever acknowledges such violations is a proponent thereof. Its types of ordeal are found aplenty in every time and place." • بغية المرتاد لابن تيمية
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'Umar ibn al-Khattāb (ر) once heard a youth articulate the following du'ā: اللهم إنك تحول بين المرء وقلبه، فحل بيني وبين الخطايا، فلا أعمل بشيء منها "O Allāh, You stand between a person and his heart, therefore, stand between me and my misdeeds, so that I may not carry out any of them." 'Umar marvelled at these words and sought Allāh's mercy for him, and prayed for his well-being. • الإبانة لابن بطة (١٣٢/٤) #الدعاء_هو_العبادة
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Ignoring to Prevent 🚧 وَقُلْ جَآءَ ٱلْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ ٱلْبَـٰطِلُ ۚ إِنَّ ٱلْبَـٰطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًۭا And declare: "The truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Indeed, falsehood is bound to vanish." {17:81} 'Umar ibn al-Khattāb رضي الله عنه said: وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ لِلَّهِ عِبَادًا يُمِيتُونَ الْبَاطِلَ بِهَجْرِهِ وَيُحْيُونَ الْحَقَّ بِذِكْرِهِ "There are Allāh's devoted servants who bring an end to falsehood by simply ignoring it, and (similarly) there are those who revive the truth by mentioning/proclaiming it." 📖 كتاب الخراج (1/23)
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