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Repost from Kab
The dark forces of this planet needed to keep people ignorant of benevolent ETs because it invalidates centuries of brainwashing. The truth that we’re not alone- and some visitors are Angelic Forces and our Soul Family - is what elite cultists have been trying to hide all along. “Nephilim” was even invented to cover up visiting ET giants who were often peaceful. We are in the unveiling of truth (Apocalypse) and that’s why UFOs are in the news.
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New York Post

The government has been covering up the existence of UFOs because of religious objections, concerns over tarnishing its reputation and fears of inciting panic, according to Elizondo, who says he ran the program investigating 'unidentified aerial phenomena'

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Revolutionary 2023 Predictions

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The poles are shifting - 26.12.2023 🌨️Schnee in Miami Wir erleben einen Zyklus der glaube ich ca. alle 26.000 Jahre vorkommt. Die Magnetpole verschieben sich, und das verursacht Wetterveränderungen. Die Politiker nutzen dies zu ihrem Vorteil. #KlimaHoax Der Spiegel schrieb heute in einer Headline "Wir befinden uns im Krieg mit Mutter Natur" 😉 Finde ich mal gar nicht - Gaia richtet sich nur aus auf Wahrheit, Bewusstheit, Schönheit, Licht & Liebe! Und außerdem in diesem "Wir" vom Spiegel seh ich mich/uns erst Recht nicht, [SIE] befinden sich da drin aber nicht WIR - WIR gehen/schwingen mit Gaia nicht gegen Gaia 😉🙏 Also Angst braucht man davor nicht haben! Wozu auch?!? Es kann nur besser werden & es wird besser werden 💫😊 Polsprung = Bewusstseinssprung…?!? Wir werden sehen 🤩 Wir leben in biblischen Zeiten! Dieter Broers - Polsprung in 2023?!? 👇🏽 Birgit Fischer - Prophezeiungen 2023 👇🏽
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Merry Christmas 💛
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Repost from Kab
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"the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was" Merry Christmas, from our Family to yours 💫
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Repost from Cosmic Light Force
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Happy 12/21 — Strong Palindrome & Solstice Energy — Light & Shadow energy transmuting & releasing into the physical world. This brings the death of old systems & beliefs, birthing new ones & dissolving unwanted elements. 2023 will be a metamorphic Never-Experience-Before events in the physical collective realm. We are IN the End Game Energy — end of empires, the changing of guards & the transfer of Power. This is what the whole war have been all about. The Good, Bad & Ugly are all coming to surface with each Energy manifesting itself in its own timelines. Human FREE WILL choice, awareness of lack of awareness, consciousness, intention, actions, Karma & personal frequency will determine what timeline they will experience. Armageddon & Revelation Energy — we are HERE. GODSpeed. ✨🙏🏽👁🤍✨ @drue86
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Repost from Kab
To understand the ET situation on Earth, as well as many other disclosure topics, you must start with the basics. Why are we here? We're Souls having a human experience by choice. Human bodies were created for the purpose of soul incarnation (body by Elohim, Soul by God-Source) What is the reason for suffering and struggle? Why do athletes use weights? Resistance builds strength. We are in a duality matrix of free will choices. It's a school for soul learning, not a prison. Individual free will tests were planned for the greatest benefit of humanity. There are positive ETs who have been with us since the beginning. Some look human and some don't. Some have been called "Angels". They serve as our spirit guides and incarnate as humans too, choosing to forget. Many of us are their Soul Family and come from the same Soul Origin. There is not a God fighting a devil, just as there's not a struggle between positive and negative ETs for Earth. Galactic Federation always has the power. They continually stop attacks and disasters that we never hear about. They try to teach us to choose choose love over fear. They don't save us because this is about us saving ourselves by waking up to our true authority over evil. What is being awake? Learning how to live with inner peace, to choose morality and integrity, despite there being a concept of evil that can't be defeated in duality. All the crafts seen in our skies now are exclusively Galactic Federation or aligned with them. Most are Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian and Andromedan. They have lights because they want to be seen. They blend with human crafts because they don't want to cause unnecessary fear. Galactic Federation crafts were prophesied by Jesus as the "Son of Man" returning in the last days. It refers to Pleiadians who are 'like humans'. Jesus said crafts will be seen prior to the 'Day of the Lord', also called the Shift, ascension or biblical rapture. Galactic Federation crafts are seen near military bases because they meet with select military personnel and some military have gone to off-planet bases. GF crafts regularly maintain giant underground crystals that will serve as a form of technology to allow the Shift to happen. There have been negative crafts on Earth before but we are currently protected from all outside negative ET crafts by GF. Demonic entities are confined to astral and only have as much dominion in our world as we give them through our own free will choices between light and dark. Negative ETs we called anunnaki once walked Earth playing God and gave authority to cults who still worship them. They are the mainstream establishment. The entities Enlil and Enki still lead the cabal. They are imprisoned until the Shift but are summoned in cabal blood rituals. Generations alive now are here for the Shift to non-duality, which provides the expanded consciousness necessary to become a galactic civilization. Evil will be left behind in this timeline and the new 5D Earth will have Full Disclosure and Open Contact with Galactic Federation
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Unsere intergalaktische #Zukunft 💎 #NeueErde #Frieden #GalaktischeFöderation
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CONTACT Ep. 19 ~ THE FUTURE 20 YEARS FROM NOW - with Haben of Meton~ Dec 16 2022

I was invited once again onboard the Proxima Centauri mothership and what I saw was so beautiful... Meton High Commander Haben showed to me the updates regarding the near future of Humanity of Earth and the technologies that are being mass produced at the moment, in preparation for this glorious time. He also has a message for you all, and so has Thor Han... -MUSIC TRACK: "Hovern' engan" by Levon Minassian (Album: "Songs from a world apart") "The Seeders" is available at:

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