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Maryann Chambers-Begin Anew

New page and project given…prepare frogs for crossing over to new beginning… now this is gonna be the fun part. I love my frog family! WWG1WGA. Mar ❤️❤️❤️

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Try these garden hacks and be surprised by the results… Join @DrAlanMandellOfficial
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Garlic, honey and vinegar. The combination of these 3 ingredients can even defeat cancer! Asthma, arthritis, hypertension, infertility, impotence and even cancer - all these terrible diseases can not resist the healing elixir. The action of the medicinal drink is explained by a powerful increase in immunity and a decrease in the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body. Already after 2 weeks of constant intake of a mixture of garlic, honey and vinegar, even patients with a severe form of diseases show improvement. Has no side effects, and for perfectly healthy people elixir of honey, garlic and apple cider vinegar is a godsend. ▫️ 1 cup apple cider vinegar ▫️ 1 cup fresh natural honey. ▫️ 10 garlic cloves ✅ Peel the garlic from the skin. Mix whole garlic cloves with vinegar and honey, place the mixture in a tightly sealed jar. Take 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. You can wash it down with water or tea, but be sure not to eat for another 15 minutes after drinking the elixir. Join: @DrAlanMandellOfficial
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Teas for Mental Health Chamomile - anxiety and promote sleep. Ideal before bedtime and on exam day. Lavendar - sedative effect thar calms and soothes nerves. Best after coming to home from work. Saffron - release serotonin and produces positive feelings. Good when you are low in mood. Peppermint - contains menthol and fights headache. Sip it when u get headache. Passion Flower - produces calming effect on body. Ideal as bed time. Lemon Balm- Treats anxiety and sleep disorders. Take it at bed time. Turmeric - releases serotonin and improves mood. Ideal for morning time Green Tea - full of Antioxidants and improves energy and mood. Ideal as morning tea. Follow: @DrAlanMandellOfficial
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Radium, radon, and Uranium are all part of the 102 minerals that make up our body if you want to have all these 102 minerals inside your body just mix these 3 powder below ( they contain all minerals on the list ) and use them daily : * irish moss * bladderwrack * burdock root ( powder ) Join: @DrAlanMandellOfficial
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🟢 Honey water will cure all diseases, help you lose weight and much more. You will need: - 1 tsp cinnamon to 2 tsp honey. The mixture is prepared in the evening before going to bed, and the relief effect is noticeable in the morning. ➡️ Boil 200 ml of water. ➡️ Pour in the cinnamon, cover and leave to brew for half an hour. ➡️ When it cools down, add honey, because high temperature destroys the beneficial properties of honey. Drink half a glass before bed and the other half in the morning. There is no need to add anything to this recipe, nor to drink the mixture more often. Honey water helps everyone: ⏺ Normalizes digestion and the work of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Improves immunity. Chronic rhinitis and bronchitis go away, mucus is liquefied and discharged from the lungs (naturally through the intestines). All types of gastrointestinal parasites do not like yellow color, if they are irradiated with yellow rays, they stop reproducing. Follow @DrAlanMandellOfficial
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🔥 2
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Attention White Hats!!! You are NOT our prime creator! You are NOT God. You have ZERO right to withhold the truth, medbeds or nesara from WE THE PEOPLE! ZERO RIGHTS!!! By withholding medbeds from those in need you are committing crimes against humanity. It’s that simple. Many, many will die without the medbeds. The medbeds are ready NOW. Withholding them just for your own political agenda is very much a crime against humanity. Saying we cant release them cuz it will look good for Biden is such bullcrap!!! Tell the world RIGHT NOW that there is no Biden presidency nor was there ever. We will wait no longer. You said you were in control well if so then meet our demands NOW. We need the medbeds and financial assistance and truth TODAY! You didnt want a civil war on your hands but that is just what you will get shortly if our demands are not met. So tell me, White Hats….are you White Hats, Gray Hats or Black Hats??? If you are indeed White Hats then we want the medbeds etc rolled out NOW and not on your bogus self-indulging political agenda timeline. Listen to us or pay a very heavy personal price each and every one of you. Names will be revealed. You are not as secret as you thought. Mar ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 6/27/24-2
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
27🔥 10💯 5
How many people will die today that would not have if Medbeds were already released? Whose decision was it to delay the release of medbeds into the future? How many Alliance members who could have made a difference in relation to this decision actively choose to remain silent? How different is this scenario from the decision to passively allow doctors to poison their patients with Remdesivr? How morally culpable of passive genocide and complicit murder are the White Hats in relation to this scenario?
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
❤‍🔥 19👏 9🔥 1
Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.