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Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel

My Substack publication is Former big pharma & biotech research executive telling the truth about monumental frauds. Chat group has Chat on the end of the name.

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02 I enjoy Harry’s Garage less than I used to. He’s rich enough to tell the truth, or at least to challenge the lies. It’s sheer cowardice not to. My contempt is growing, not just for Harry, but for anyone who makes money from the public, but fails to even hint at the dangers we’re facing. Harry Metcalfe is a smart man. He was a leading automotive journalist for some years. I struggle to believe he accepts uncritically the “global climate boiling change” narrative. He’s also an experienced farmer, who takes a very obvious interest in what he adds and what he produces. I’m not expecting miracles, but a lot more objectivity, like he showed in his obvious irritation with the uselessness of huge, expensive EVs, would be most appreciated. I just tried a posting but, as I’ve mentioned, it didn’t stick & had been deleted when I refreshed the screen. That’s why I ask every one of you to carry the messages far and wide. I’m not permitted, digitally, a longer leash than Telegram and Substack. Best wishes Mike
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03 Interview with Jamie Andrews, who I don’t know personally, but who I’ve very recently been in touch with. Jamie ran a series of elegant and fundamental lab experiments which replicate the conditions you’ll find are always used in alleged “isolation of viruses”. Strangely, these always involve adding a sample purporting to contain the alleged virus to cells growing in culture (an absolutely basic lab technique, which I’ve done myself many times). Some days later, the cells begin to die and characteristic changes in appearance begin. It’s this change that they call “cytopathic effect” of the alleged virus. They see small objects which can be visualised using electron microscopy, and these images get printed & an arrowhead is placed pointing at what the authors claim is “the virus”. With me so far? Guess what happens when you run this exact same experiment, but you don’t add the clinical sample purporting to contain the alleged virus? Listen from 53 minutes to find out. Best wishes Mike Spoiler: it’s EXACTLY the same, with cells not “infected”. It’s the conditions of culture that causes the cells to fail and break into pieces.
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04 Sorry for “shelling” you with reading material. If you’re anything like me you’re heartily sick of more reading. It’s up to you to choose whether or not to read any of this. Best wishes and I hope you have a happy Sunday! Mike
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05 I cannot overstate the importance of this piece of writing, describing as it does, the heart of the fraudulent $cience that is viroLIEgy. It’s astonishing but true that the entire published collection of papers claiming to have “isolated” viruses are missing the appropriate control experiments. I’ve around 40 full, peer reviewed papers. I wasn’t very interested in publication because they’re not currency in commercial R&D, only in academia. But this I know: you cannot get anything published in any journal I’ve ever read that lacks the right control experiments. The use of controls (for the thing you’re interested in) is at the HEART of “the scientific method”, that post-Enlightenment process that we’ve agreed is the only way we can probe the physical world. The lack of controls in virology is in turn at the heart of the deception. It’s not complicated, just unbelievable to any published scientist. Yet there we have it. Best wishes Mike
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06 There was recently what was tagged as a debate between Steve Kirsch and Andrew Kaufman about viruses. While I didn’t watch the event, I commented yesterday on Steve’s brief Substack piece referring to it. Steve demands people answer questions that he thinks are relevant, for example “how come millions of people have samples taken & all contained the same sequence, if there wasn’t a pandemic?” This is called “leading the witness”. The right place to start isn’t with sequencing, a process which nobody but the high priests of sequencing can even claim fully to understand. It’s certainly not a field Steve knows anything about. Surely better places to start are by asking the question “Can you show me the evidence that there even was a pandemic?” If there isn’t any, then questions relating to what was allegedly found using “sequencing” become totally irrelevant. That data is the answer to a non question. A better question is “Why are wealthy people running a global sequencing operation, when there clearly wasn’t a pandemic?” There’s only one answer, and Ockham has his Razor in his hand. To deceive the unwary with distracting information. Best wishes Mike
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07 I’ve been watching Nigel Watson’s channel recently. A thoughtful guy. Most of his subscribers know full well we’re being deceived wholesale. It’s not only 91divoc that we’re being lied to about. If you’ve not heard about the allegory of Plato’s Cave, you might enjoy this walk & talk in a Finnish forest. Best wishes Mike
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08 Thanks to Suavek for assembling a somewhat coherent set of posts and videos, only some are mine! Best wishes Mike
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Spotted on the London Underground. The Beatles magic never ends. Best wishes Mike
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10 I didn’t get around to watching the debate, but I posted extensively below the Substack. Best wishes Mike
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Some say they’re merely Malthusians & eugenicists. Others that there’s selfish concern that we’re competing for scarce resources, not so much now, but in a century. Others that they’re genuinely satanic. I don’t care why.  All of this is enabled by rapid advances in digital technology. Hugely augmented by wall to wall propaganda. We stopped consuming anything from official sources in summer 2020. I find it literally unbearable, even 1 minute of TV would have me leave a room.  There is one way to prevent near term totalitarian dictatorship (next few years, no longer than 2030, I believe) and that’s to wake as many people up as possible and not to comply with the nonsense. Don’t sign up for a new, global format digital ID. Use only cash wherever possible. Never accept a vaccine ever again. If you’re that way inclined, pray. We should meet for a walk and talk. I’m bored telling people so we don’t only need talk about this.  Hope you’re well, Mike 
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A few days ago, I heard of the despair of a family who were our neighbours and friends back in the 1990. The husband knows that we’re saturated by propaganda, especially from TV. He no longer watches any of it. He cares deeply for his wife, who is unable to pull herself away from daily watching. So I sent him this message. Years ago, we got on very well and if anything, he was way more awake than I then was. So hopefully this isn’t too shocking. Maybe someone will find aspects useful. I do understand if you send such a message to a completely asleep person they will conclude you’ve gone mad! Best wishes Mike Dear XXXX, I hope you’re doing ok in the madness that is today’s world!? Do you follow me at all, on Telegram or Substack? These are the only places on the internet where I can post under my real name. Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel Dr Mike Yeadon When you’ve spent 4.5 years researching what’s going on, you inevitably learn that the way the world works is not at all as we imagined it. For a long time, all media outlets have been used to fire propaganda at us. It’s total, as this detailed article shows.  I’m sharing it to underwrite your own sense that literally nothing that comes out of the TV is true, certainly where it comes to news, current affairs, geopolitics etc. You’ve guessed or deduced that the entire covid crisis is fabricated, as is the global warming crisis & the overpopulation crisis. The world is bountiful and most people aren’t out to murder you.  Unfortunately there is a thin layer of enormously wealthy individuals, families and foundations who have very different ideas about how things should be. I don’t know who they all are, nor would it help to know. They were responsible for the formation of the UN & of the international banking system. The latter provides unlimited financing which, via various bodies pendant to the UN, affords them control of everything else, over time. None of us ordinary mortals understand how or why multigenerational families continue on the same path set by their antecedents, but that’s what the evidence shows. Population control has been their dream for a very long time. They funded the Club of Rome which, in the early 1970s, predicted societal collapse by 2040. They established the WHO, FAO, UNESCO, etc. They set up the IPCC which has been propagandising fake global climate change for decades. Scientists can only get grants for research topics aligned to that agenda.  The US military began simulations of viral pandemics in the 1990s, and more stakeholders were brought in over the years that they ran a dozen & more such simulations. Parts of the outputs were emergency drills which were disseminated worldwide quietly through government agencies and local authorities. By the time they threw the fake covid switch in early 2020, it all ran to plan. Multiple objectives. Wreck the economy and build debt to imperil the sovereign currencies. Destroy SMEs and render more people dependent upon the state. Terrify people. Incentivise rolling up sleeves for intentionally harmful injections. I think they’re about to repeat it with fake bird flu. Though they might throw in a fake or a real world war.  I think the end game is quite easy to see. Economic collapse like 2008, but 100x worse. All private assets seized. The end of sovereign currencies, replaced with central bank digital currency. Introduction of mandatory digital ID. At this point, absolutely everything is “permissioned” by presenting your valid, digital ID. No valid ID, no use of digital “money”.  No cash, so no alternatives. The denouement will be yet another pandemic. Drug companies wil manufacture fake vaccines. Governments will mandate them under guise of “public health”. They’ll make digital ID validity dependent upon having had the latest WHO recommended jabs.  Participate and eventually perish from built in toxicity. Decline and be excluded from society. Why they’re doing this, I really don’t know.
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Reminders of how all the politicians are not to be trusted.
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I am unable to judge whether the recent expiry of the agreement between USA and Saudi Arabia that the Saudis would only sell its oil prices in U.S. dollars will spell disaster for the currency. It ought to result in a depreciation of the US dollar against all other currencies. This in turn provides a major policy problem for “The Fed”, the US central bank. Most people think central banks are public institutions. They are in fact privately owned institutions, all reporting into the globalist Bank for International Settlements, set up between the world wars by America, Britain and Germany, ostensibly to manage reparations payable by Germany, imposed after WW1. In the past, if the US dollar falls in value, the cost of imported goods will rise. To counter that, the Fed would raise interest rates, making USD more attractive to own. But today, if they do this, the huge stock of debt will consume even more of the annual budget (not necessarily immediately: it depends on the fraction of total debt that must be rolled over into new debt, at the then higher prevailing interest rates). We can be reasonably sure that this isn’t an accident or coincidence. If it’s momentous, it would be because it’s intentional. Best wishes Mike
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Saudi Arabia Ends 80-Year-Old PetroDollar U.S. Agreement: Joins China-Led Central Bank Digital Currency Coalition This past Sunday (June 9, 2024) Saudi Arabia made the historical move to not renew an 80-year-old agreement with the United States that established the US Dollar as the world currency to purchase Saudi oil, in what should have been headline news, but seems to have been blacklisted in US financial news publications, even in alternative financial news. While I could find no major US publication covering this as headline news, there was plenty of discussion on Twitter/X. The petrodollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the US included more than the agreement to require purchase of oil with US dollars, as it also included a promise from the US to protect Saudi Arabia militarily, and contained provisions for establishing the State of Israel in 1948.
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17 I was reading some article about “global warming” & there was a reference made to the “Issue-Attention Cycle” as proposed by Downs in 1972. Here is that paper by Anthony Downs. It predicted that all issues facing society would go through five phases from pre-discovery to post-peak attention, each leaving behind echoes in the form of new bodies & regulations. It’s ironic that in 1972, with urban smog centre-most in the minds of middle class Americans, was predicted to go relentlessly through these five phases, though with a lagging final phase, because it is capable of sustaining a sizeable private industry (which Downs identified as the Eco Industry). Once it becomes clear that, in order to “solve” the problem, substantial changes in the way a majority live their lives, or permanently higher taxes are necessary, the public becomes threatened or bored by it and peak salience cannot for much longer be maintained in the fierce competition for attention. Here, Downs was talking about “urban smog”, which was a consequence of the majority gaining access to fruits of technological progress previously enjoyed by a wealthy minority. It’s noteworthy that, even as early at 1972, the author was able to reference claims that “unless changes are made, life on Earth will end in 30 years or so”. He accepted that he lacked the expertise to evaluate such claims, while leaning towards scepticism based on the fact that prior doom-mongering were proven wide of the mark. Unknown to Downs then & indeed to the majority now, a private industry had already begun to grow, through the expedient of identifying the root cause of almost all the problems in this Eco category. It was the Club of Rome and perhaps it’s most famous output that would generate longevity: the claim that “the greatest enemy of man is man itself”. Left to it’s own devices & to Downs’ Interest-Attention Cycle, anthropogenic climate change would long ago be in the post-peak excitement phase, where it belongs. Is there a growing consensus about this “problem” today, that sacrifices necessary to “solve” it are large & personal for many people? I think there is. And this despite total control of all propaganda channels. It helps tremendously of course that this environmental issue is a lie, and so predictions of doom date so badly. Downs articulation of inevitable progress through the Issue-Attention Cycle has never been more important. Best wishes Mike
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18 This is one of those “Did you know…” pieces. I must say, I knew that when we mention “The Nuremberg Code”, what’s meant is the list of absolute musts and must nots which apply to the doctor / patient relationship, places great burdens upon the doctor and arose out of the infamous “Doctors trials” which took place in the same place as the main trials of a very small sample of mostly senior Nazis, indicted on charges of war crimes. Just as doctors don’t swear the Hypocratic Oath (or, as far as I know, any oath or special undertaking), I don’t think the 1947 Nuremberg Code is used in any way these days. This is because it was superseded by the 1964 Helsinki Declaration (as amended from time to time), which directly addressed the subject of humans in clinical trials (of medical products or procedures). I do remember poring over every word at one point in my career, because I recognised that, while as a PhD, I would never run a clinical trial, or formally design such a trial, or do more than contribute to a decision about starting dose and dose escalation in light of preclinical toxicology and the extent of medical severity of the illness in question, I was, as therapeutic area head, expected to be all over such things. If anything went wrong & a volunteer in a trial of an investigational new drug, I would have felt responsible, regardless of whether or not I was responsible, legally. At that time, I don’t recall thinking “This requirement will be hard to justify or meet”, which was good. Soon after that time, there was an absolutely tragic incident at Northwick Park Hospital, where a “contract research organization” was running a clinical trial on behalf of a drug company, which was to be administered intravenously. There were in my opinion numerous failures to consider possible consequences. This was compounded by insufficient time-spacing between injecting the volunteers. Soon after dosing, one by one they developed serious or severe adverse reactions. You may remember a number of young men who lost fingers and toes, some also the tips of their noses. This is a nightmare on steroids. Now, I do not think anyone intended these harms to occur. Nevertheless, errors were made. Suitable sanctions should have followed (& presumably did). Best wishes Mike Ps: I’m sometimes asked to campaign for informed consent, in light of events relating to the “covid vaccines”. I understand the concern, but as these are not even classified as human medicinal products, in my opinion it’s not an appropriate thrust. The problem was much wider than a nominal failure to properly obtain consent.
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19 I second the sentiments in this tweet. I too welcome the newly speaking out, yet remain disappointed at how few said anything when it could have been much more consequential. We’re historically & culturally used to look out for leadership, for heroes etc. However, I don’t think it’s possible for genuine leaders to emerge. Censorship is so widespread and frankly effective that, if the perpetrators don’t want to allow an influential person or group to gain momentum and gather up supporters / followers / activists, they can easily tamp down on it. However, fortunately, we don’t need leaders & heroes. BE ONE YOURSELF 😎 Leaderless movements are more or less unstoppable. Best wishes, Mike
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20 This is so offensively unjust that if Dr Anne can use any help from me, for example in an appeal, she has it. She’s a thoroughly brave and good person. Best wishes Mike
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21 I think this is a useful introduction to the wider topic of how everything under a banner called “culture” is influenced or operated by those working for the Deep State. I can heartily recommend you listen to Mike Williams magnum opus, “Did The Beatles Write All Their Own Music?” Best wishes Mike
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22 In case you had any doubts about the extent of the lying that’s been going on & just how important it is to turn off your TV, permanently, try this. Best wishes Mike
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I am not seeing here what we can do in U.K. but hopefully we’ll see demonstrations etc closer to the date. Best wishes Mike This morning we woke to the news of Julian Assange’s final appeal date. Britain's Judicial Office has announced that the appeal will take place on 9 and 10 July 2024. In May, the UK High Court granted Julian the right to an appeal. The court found that a US diplomatic note was not enough to guarantee that Julian would not be discriminated against for being an Australian Citizen in relation to his freedom of expression rights. Now a date has been set, for what will be a two-day hearing that cuts to the very core of this unprecedented attack on the human rights of not just Julian, but everyone in the United Kingdom and beyond who publishes facts about state criminality of the highest order. The UK High Court now has a chance to rule on the right side of history and stop Julian being extradited to what the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has said would be conditions that amount to torture. Our work has been building up to this moment and you have tirelessly supported us by calling for the US to drop the charges and release Julian. The majority of Australian people and politicians want Julian to be returned home. And, in the United States, the number of Congressional representatives calling for Julian’s case to be dropped grows steadily; House Resolution 934 continues to gather cosponsors from all sides of the House in Washington DC. We have one month until the appeal and we need everyone to fight for justice for Julian. Will you join us once again to push hard for the US to drop the case? Here's what you can do... 1. If you are in the Australia, help us reach 150,000 signatures on our petition to the US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy by signing and sharing it with at least three people. SIGN AND SHARE THE PETITION 👉 2.  If you can, chip into our US campaign fund. CHIP IN 👉 3. If you are in the US, email your representatives to sign onto H. Res. 934 and add your signature to the petition to President Biden. EMAIL YOUR REP 👉 SIGN THE PETITION 👉 We'll keep you up to date with upcoming street actions you can join to support Julian in the lead up to the hearing. Gabriel Shipton Julian's Brother
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Remember, the important people weren’t frightened of 91-Divoc. That’s because they knew that there was nothing to be frightened of. Unless you’ve a better explanation? Best wishes Mike
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26 I like both Doc Malik the surgeon and Doc Roger the vet. This is an amiable conversation, one I applaud Roger for being willing to have. He knew much of the time would go on conversations about animal vaccines. It never became unpleasant. But judge for yourself what to make of it. Best wishes Mike
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27 This is for those catching up & understandably incredulous about “vaccines”. They’re not subject to proper regulation. In a sense, once you’ve grasped that horrible truth, it becomes easily to decipher the other aspects of “vaccination”. You see, it’s arranged so that it’s always somebody else’s job. Here, I’m standing on the shoulders of giants: Katherine Watt & Sasha Latypova. I have found that a useful positive indicator about a campaigner is a person with a consistent voice, who doesn’t benefit from amplification and makes no money whatsoever from their diligence. Best wishes Mike
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I must be into some fairly deep rabbit holes these days, because I knew all of this, except the specifics of certain programs carried by Netflix (& sometimes other companies previously). Best wishes Mike
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29 It looks like deception may have been going on a very long time before “covid vaccines” were a thing. If Katherine Watt is right, there are entire administrative processes that exist only on paper, but there are no staff overseeing the technical aspects implied. Effectively, no practical regulation of vaccines (safety, efficacy and quality) has ever existed. Nothing would surprise me anymore. After all, as I have said repeatedly, there are in the “covid19 vaccines” numerous, independent, unnecessary and (to those with relevant expertise) obvious toxicity risks, none of which have been evaluated (because they’re intentional, they’re there by design). Best wishes Mike
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30 I was doing some minor mechanical projects and left music on in the background. The lyrics of “Blue sky day” caught my attention. If you’re in any doubt that the writer knows, check the lyrics to his 2020 single, “Little Seed, Big Tree”, where that nice Mr Gates appears at the end. Best wishes Mike
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31 Mr Gates has been on video many times, but the fanboys & fangirls don’t seem able see the philanthropathic tendencies hidden by the woolly jumpers. Best wishes Mike
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32 I respect Mark Devlin enormously. He took exceptional risks when he realised the business he was working in was corrupted beyond belief. I’m very pleased to be in touch and to have recorded this exchange. Best wishes Mike Ps: please consider subscribing to Mark’s YouTube channel. It’s free and helps amplify his wider message about the world of “culture”.
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33 I thank Denis Rancourt for picking up on a recent post. Best wishes Mike
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If anyone knows Patricia Dyer, please pass on my thanks & also direct her to our Telegram channel 🙏
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35 My foreword & ending call to action is, respectfully, likely to be more catalytic than any amount of arguing about whether or not there was some new pathogen or whether tests actually found the thing it was ostensibly designed to find, or never did. Unless you can read the brief history in the superb piece in the middle, which I hadn’t read before (though all of its contents were familiar to me) & conclude there’s nothing to worry about, I put it to you that what’s in here demands all the attention you’re willing to give to your survival. I don’t often make bold claims & I don’t do it here lightly. Best wishes Mike
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I made every one of these arguments in 2021. It was always impossible to control the outcomes of being injected with the materials, as numerous aspects of its expected activity are unavoidably highly variable. I’m sharing this post because similar points apply to any related products using the same basic technologies. Best wishes Mike
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Dear @Renate_Holzeisen I have been listening to the interview you gave to Kontrafunk (I made a short version) and I think that after all your exposition of the EU's traps to defend itself against citizens' demands, you are on the verge of the “final solution”. I have realised that with Thomas Binder's arguments that have been replicated by Richard Redfield we can start a campaign for every citizen to initiate prosecution action in their country for the commission of a public health offence. Once we can demonstrate that antigen dosing is beyond the reach of current technology, a drug whose dosage you cannot control becomes a potential poison. Moreover, each person will react differently to the administration of a gene product. You don't control the tissue where it is produced, you don't control the specificity of the antigen produced, you don't control the amount of antigen produced, you don't control the duration of antigen production. A drug that you cannot control the dosage becomes a poison. If it is a poison, the public authorities are poisoning the population and therefore, both vaccinated and unvaccinated who are able to understand the fraudulent mechanism of action of these products, become witnesses to the commission of a crime and are therefore entitled to initiate the action of the public prosecutor for the decree of precautionary measures against the administration and distribution of these products and the initiation of investigations to determine who has allowed the poisoning of the population. In this way, every citizen is entitled to file a complaint because he or she is directly or indirectly affected by the circulation of these products. I believe that with the Schepis/Kruse documentation we can put together a dossier and a complaint form that any European or world citizen can present to the public prosecutor's office to file a complaint. If the public prosecutor's office ignores the citizens, too bad, and if it listens to them, even worse.
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Managing Consultant and Author PharmaFlow Ltd T: +44 1656 655664 M: +44 7734 961726 Book: Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry: Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics - Read Me
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An open letter to the U.K. medicines regulator, the MHRA, from my esteemed colleague, Hedley Rees. Hedley has even longer in supply chain management, pharmaceutical manufacturing & regulation, than I do in research. You can rely upon his assessments. He’s no motive to take the stance he does, other than he sincerely believes that all manner of activities, core to product quality, are in disarray. Best wishes Mike Sent: Friday, June 7th 2024, 08:30 Subject: Recall of AstraZeneca injections - it must happen   Dear All,   I have just posted this open letter on X (Twitter): Since AZ has sold these injections all over the world, including Australia, it cannot wash its hands of the mess of toxic materials that could be out there. MHRA has a procedural mechanism that can force AZ to stand up to its responsibilities (see below). MHRA is obliged to act NOW!:   This is the letter, on my website:     Open letter to Professor Cooke, interim co-chair at UKs MHRA: Should the need for a product recall of the AstraZeneca SARS-CoV-2 sterile injectables be investigated by the Defective Medicines Report Centre?   This is the text of the letter: Dear Professor Cooke, In the wake of AstraZeneca withdrawing its vaccines from sale, can MHRA confirm that the need for a product recall is being actively investigated by MHRA’s Defective Medicines Report Centre (DMRC)? If this is not the case, I would urge MHRA to immediately instigate investigation action, as laid out in ‘A Guide to Defective Medicinal Products’, published by MHRA. I note that the role of the DMRC is explained in the document, as follows: “The role of the DMRC is to minimise the hazard to patients arising from the distribution of defective medicines by providing an emergency assessment and communication system between manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, pharmacies, regulatory authorities and users” The prospect of defective medicines being present in the supply chain cannot be ruled out. No matter if MHRAs Executive believes this risk is low, prudence dictates that a formal investigation takes place, as detailed in your document above. This is because while AstraZeneca has halted the sale of these products, production and distribution supply chains remain active. It is typical for suppliers of raw materials to be working two or more years in advance of finished product manufacture. These raw materials will be sourced globally, particularly in China, and will have been delivered to the various downstream facilities producing drug substance (DS) and drug product (DP) located in many different countries. It cannot be assumed that adulteration of one or more of these materials has taken place, either accidentally or purposefully. This is a quote from a recent article of mine published in the Daily Sceptic: “The potential for harm by the pharmaceutical supply chain is incalculable and there is compelling evidence of that. During 2007-8, a blood thinning agent, heparin, become toxic when the product licence holder (Baxter) procured a substance that had been illegally substituted for the genuine material; it was 100 times cheaper. The report: ‘After Heparin: Protecting Consumers from the Risks of Substandard and Counterfeit Drugs’, authored by PEW Health Group, explained the horrible details, stating: “The FDA examined a subset of 574 adverse events, including 68 deaths, submitted between January 1st 2008 and March 31st 2008.” You will be aware that AstraZeneca retains full responsibility for ensuring that the public is kept safe during wind-down of production and activity in the distribution supply chain, including hospitals and pharmacies. Considering the above, your urgent response is requested. If you would like further evidence of the risk of defective products being present in these biologically sensitive supply chains, I would be more than happy to make it available to you and your colleagues at MHRA. Yours sincerely, Hedley Rees, Managing Director, PharmaFlow Ltd. Email: [email protected] Hedley Rees
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40 If you didn’t read it the first time, why not give it a go this time? I like this distinction between real things and stories about things. Green vs pink. Most deceptions, and all of those invoking “The $cience”, involve deliberately fooling you into accepting pink stuff for green stuff. Stories masquerading as truths. Sometimes, it’s done by accident. When someone has much to gain from you not noticing the substitution of a pink thing for a green thing, it’s never a mistake. Mistakes Were Not Made. I really liked the punchline. Why not try it on the next Cult Classic that comes your way? Best wishes Mike
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Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
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Photo unavailableShow in Telegram I enjoy Harry’s Garage less than I used to. He’s rich enough to tell the truth, or at least to challenge the lies. It’s sheer cowardice not to. My contempt is growing, not just for Harry, but for anyone who makes money from the public, but fails to even hint at the dangers we’re facing. Harry Metcalfe is a smart man. He was a leading automotive journalist for some years. I struggle to believe he accepts uncritically the “global climate boiling change” narrative. He’s also an experienced farmer, who takes a very obvious interest in what he adds and what he produces. I’m not expecting miracles, but a lot more objectivity, like he showed in his obvious irritation with the uselessness of huge, expensive EVs, would be most appreciated. I just tried a posting but, as I’ve mentioned, it didn’t stick & had been deleted when I refreshed the screen. That’s why I ask every one of you to carry the messages far and wide. I’m not permitted, digitally, a longer leash than Telegram and Substack. Best wishes Mike
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 37🤝 1 Interview with Jamie Andrews, who I don’t know personally, but who I’ve very recently been in touch with. Jamie ran a series of elegant and fundamental lab experiments which replicate the conditions you’ll find are always used in alleged “isolation of viruses”. Strangely, these always involve adding a sample purporting to contain the alleged virus to cells growing in culture (an absolutely basic lab technique, which I’ve done myself many times). Some days later, the cells begin to die and characteristic changes in appearance begin. It’s this change that they call “cytopathic effect” of the alleged virus. They see small objects which can be visualised using electron microscopy, and these images get printed & an arrowhead is placed pointing at what the authors claim is “the virus”. With me so far? Guess what happens when you run this exact same experiment, but you don’t add the clinical sample purporting to contain the alleged virus? Listen from 53 minutes to find out. Best wishes Mike Spoiler: it’s EXACTLY the same, with cells not “infected”. It’s the conditions of culture that causes the cells to fail and break into pieces.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Ep 99: The Most Important Project of the Century: The End of Virology with Jamie Andrews + Jacob Diaz - The Way Forward

Ladies and gentlemen, scientists and skeptics alike, today we are thrilled to announce a scientific project that will rock the very foundations of virology. In an unprecedented effort led by Jamie Andrews and sponsored by The Way Forward, a team of independent biologists are conducting the most exhaustive virological control…

👍 46 9🤔 6🔥 5👌 1 Sorry for “shelling” you with reading material. If you’re anything like me you’re heartily sick of more reading. It’s up to you to choose whether or not to read any of this. Best wishes and I hope you have a happy Sunday! Mike
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Dr. Mike Yeadon - The holy relics of the Pharma : antibodies, PCR tests and viruses - PART 2 : The question Steve Kirsch didn't want to ask.

Biased, one-sided reasoning ? You decide.

👍 66 7🔥 4😁 1🤡 1 I cannot overstate the importance of this piece of writing, describing as it does, the heart of the fraudulent $cience that is viroLIEgy. It’s astonishing but true that the entire published collection of papers claiming to have “isolated” viruses are missing the appropriate control experiments. I’ve around 40 full, peer reviewed papers. I wasn’t very interested in publication because they’re not currency in commercial R&D, only in academia. But this I know: you cannot get anything published in any journal I’ve ever read that lacks the right control experiments. The use of controls (for the thing you’re interested in) is at the HEART of “the scientific method”, that post-Enlightenment process that we’ve agreed is the only way we can probe the physical world. The lack of controls in virology is in turn at the heart of the deception. It’s not complicated, just unbelievable to any published scientist. Yet there we have it. Best wishes Mike
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Perhaps The Most Important Work of Our Time: The Elusive "Virus" & Jamie Andrews Controls

What the control experiment shows and why it's so important.

👍 64🔥 16 7🤯 3🤡 1🤝 1 There was recently what was tagged as a debate between Steve Kirsch and Andrew Kaufman about viruses. While I didn’t watch the event, I commented yesterday on Steve’s brief Substack piece referring to it. Steve demands people answer questions that he thinks are relevant, for example “how come millions of people have samples taken & all contained the same sequence, if there wasn’t a pandemic?” This is called “leading the witness”. The right place to start isn’t with sequencing, a process which nobody but the high priests of sequencing can even claim fully to understand. It’s certainly not a field Steve knows anything about. Surely better places to start are by asking the question “Can you show me the evidence that there even was a pandemic?” If there isn’t any, then questions relating to what was allegedly found using “sequencing” become totally irrelevant. That data is the answer to a non question. A better question is “Why are wealthy people running a global sequencing operation, when there clearly wasn’t a pandemic?” There’s only one answer, and Ockham has his Razor in his hand. To deceive the unwary with distracting information. Best wishes Mike
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Dr. Mike Yeadon - The holy relics of the Pharma : antibodies, PCR tests and viruses - PART 1 : How can we teach this to Steve ?

Dr. Mike Yeadon comments on the conversation between Steve Kirsch and Dr. Andrew Kaufman.

👍 74💯 31 19👏 9🔥 3👌 1🤡 1
Photo unavailableShow in Telegram I’ve been watching Nigel Watson’s channel recently. A thoughtful guy. Most of his subscribers know full well we’re being deceived wholesale. It’s not only 91divoc that we’re being lied to about. If you’ve not heard about the allegory of Plato’s Cave, you might enjoy this walk & talk in a Finnish forest. Best wishes Mike
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 74 16🔥 4👌 1 Thanks to Suavek for assembling a somewhat coherent set of posts and videos, only some are mine! Best wishes Mike
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Dr. Mike Yeadon : TOXIC BY DESIGN - PART 3. The beginning of the end of the most heinous crime against humanity in the history of this world.

It is time to finally speak plainly.

👍 73🙏 17 10👏 1
Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
Spotted on the London Underground. The Beatles magic never ends. Best wishes Mike
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 30💩 17🤮 7😁 2🤩 2🤡 2❤‍🔥 1 I didn’t get around to watching the debate, but I posted extensively below the Substack. Best wishes Mike
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
How can millions of people, all exhibiting signs of COVID have whole genome sequences that match the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome if viruses don't exist?

I really wanted to know the answer to that question from Dr. Andrew Kaufman, but I came away empty handed. Do you know?

🔥 22👍 17 7 6💯 4