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Healthy Life ☘️

All the most important things about health only here We will tell you how to keep your health young and beautiful🥦

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New Diabetes cure developed in China? Breaking News. Disclaimer ⚠️ Not medical advice. The information in this video is for educational purposes only. Follow us:☘️
Did you know? Warm lime water on an empty stomach early in the morning helps stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. Digestion improves, heartburn is reduced and it helps in the process of elimination. Follow us:☘️
Remove your Varicose veins with These simple Steps...🧘🏻‍♂️💮📿🔆🙌🏻 Follow us:☘️
🍉THIS is why I wanted a Watermelon Seeds!!! Sooo many benefits in the seeds! Did you know that watermelon seeds are one of the most nutritious seeds you can consume? You can roast the seeds or make a tea out of them! You can also make watermelon seed milk! Recipe: Scoop out seeds and clean well, removing all pulp. You can also soak in water for a couple hours. Let dry overnight. Drizzle with a little avocado oil and seasoning of choice. Roast on 320 for 15 minutes. Let cool completely! Eat them as a snack or top your salads, Buddha bowls or oats with them! Oooh maybe even add them to granola! Follow us:☘️
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Eliminate Parasite and stop itching from Behind. ✨ Follow us:☘️
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⚠️Harvard scientists caught taking bribes to publish false research about causes of heart attacks. This is how the sugar industry shifted blame to fat. The sugar industry paid scientists in the 1960s to play down the link between sugar and heart disease and promote saturated fat as a culprit instead. The internal sugar industry documents were recently discovered by a researcher at the University of California in San Francisco and published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Follow us:☘️
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Did you know ??? Paprika is basically just dried and ground up sweet peppers? Different cultures have different methods, but most of the time it’s a Capsicum annuum variety of pepper. You might know those by their more common names like bell pepper, Hungarian sweet peppers, etc. Last year, we grew a ton of peppers and threaded through the “caps” with some twine and a needle, then hung them in our garden shed for a few months. The key here is drying in low humidity, otherwise you get rot like we did with a few of ours. Then, when dry you take them down, cut the tops off, and chop into small pieces. Use a spice grinder instead of a food processor, it’ll help get to a fine powder. Follow us:☘️
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Daily workouts 🕺 Follow us:☘️
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⛔️ 40 ANCIENT SETTLEMENTS HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED BEHIND ANTARCTICA, WHERE 2 MILLION DESCENDANTS OF GIANTS LIVE. The author of the book "Lost Worlds: What's Hidden Behind the Ice Wall of Antarctica?" has created his own Telegram channel, where he provides evidence that there are 30 times more continents on our planet. ➤ Images of a large city located behind the ice barrier, whose technology is several centuries ahead of ours [open] ➤ Secret diagram of the globe from the CIA archives, confirming the "circular worlds" theory, according to which we live in one of 178 single cells [open map] ➤ In the past, there was a civilization of giants. Today they live in a neighboring cell behind the ice wall of Antarctica [evidence] Do you think this is nonsense? Look around you, everything is possible in our world....👇👇 ❗️
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✅ Home methods for removing papillomas on the body 👀 1 recipe: In a bowl, mix 1 tsp of baking soda and 1.5 tsp of castor oil. Apply the resulting paste to the papilloma for 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. 👀 2 recipe: In cold water, add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and mix well. Clean your skin and apply the mixture to the papilloma. Perform this procedure 3 times a day, after washing your skin with apple cider vinegar using a cotton swab. 👀 3 recipe: Apply lemon juice to the papillomas and do not rinse it off. Do this procedure 3 times a day. Follow us:☘️
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Would you try this? This ancient remedy helps you slow down premature aging. Just one tablespoon a day in the morning on an empty stomach will improve your brain and liver functions, relieve constipation, boost your mood, improve your skin and skin tone and help prevent gallbladder disease. Keep it in your fridge in a glass jar. Shake well before consumption. For best results follow with a glass of warm water. Ingredients used: 50 ml EVOO, 100 ml fresh lemon juice, 200ml wildflower raw unfiltered honey Follow us:☘️
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STOP!🛑 Using MouthWash!!?😳😨 Follow us:☘️
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Did you know ? Freezing turns starch in the bread into resistant starch. Resistant starch in turn acts like fiber and resists digestion and absorption in the small intestine. It not only feeds our gut bacteria but also reduces the glycemic response ( blood sugar response). So, this your reminder to freeze your bread and toast as needed , not only to prevent it from getting stale faster but for health benefits as well! ☺️ So, how do you plan to eat your bread 🍞? Follow us:☘️
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Beginner tips!💪🏻 1. Start Small, Dream Big: Begin with manageable workouts that fit your lifestyle. Aim for consistency over intensity in the early stages. Even 10 minutes a day of body movement or strength training can set a solid foundation for aging gracefully with strength. 2. Listen to Your Body: As we age, our bodies communicate more loudly. Pay attention to what it tells you. If something hurts or doesn’t feel right, adjust your activity accordingly. Safety first, always. 3. Find Activities You Love: The key to longevity in your health journey is enjoyment. Whether it’s yoga, dancing, weightlifting, or walking, choose exercises that bring you joy. You’re more likely to stick with it if you’re having fun. 4. Fuel Your Journey: Nutrition plays a crucial role in fitness, especially as we age. Focus on a balanced diet rich in proteins, vegetables, and whole grains to fuel your workouts and overall health. Hydration is also vital - don’t forget to drink plenty of water! 5. Build a Supportive Community: Surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you. Join groups, whether online or in-person, focused on health, fitness, and aging well. Sharing experiences can provide the motivation needed to keep moving forward. Follow us:☘️
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🤔 Feeling that familiar tug in your ear that signals an infection coming on? 🚨 Before you rush off to the doctor for antibiotics, why not try a remedy that’s as natural as it gets, and has been passed down through generations? 📜 Did you know that onions have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times? This humble vegetable was revered by the Egyptians for its healing qualities, and it’s been a staple in home remedies around the world ever since. 👂 Ear infections can be a real pain, leading to discomfort, sleepless nights, and sometimes, fever. They’re especially common in children, making a gentle, natural solution like this one invaluable. 🔍 Onions contain quercetin, an antioxidant that helps soothe inflammation and fight infection. The warmth of the onion juice also helps to relieve pain, offering a double-whammy against earaches. 😯 Ingredients You’ll Need: - 1 fresh onion 🧅 💥 Benefits of Choosing Nature’s Way: - Reduces earache pain 🛌 - Fights infection without antibiotics 🚫💊 - Safe for kids and adults alike 👶👵 🗒 Recipe for Relief: - Slice an onion and extract its juice. - Use a dropper to apply a few drops to the affected ear. - Best used at the first sign of pain for immediate relief. 🕖 When to Expect Results: - Pain relief can be felt shortly after application. - Continue once or twice daily as needed. Follow us:☘️
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Curious about the magic of turmeric and its healing properties? Dive into the 13 health benefits of this tonic! 1. Anti-inflammatory 2. Antioxidant 3. Helps with depression and cancer 4. Helps also with dementia, arthritis, heart disease 5. Improves memory and brain function 6. Burns fat 7. Improves digestion 8. Lowers blood sugar 9. Clear congestion 10. Lowers blood sugar 11. Reduces insulin resistance 12. Boosts immunity 13. Supports heart health Ingredients: Green Tea Cinnamon Stick Cayenne Pepper Black Pepper Turmeric Powder Orange Juice 3 tots of Apple Cider Vinegar Follow us:☘️
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Nurse drops truth bomb 😱 Follow us:☘️
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Did you know? 🤔 The color of the egg yolk gives you a good idea of the nutrition and health of the chicken that produced it, which reflects the nutritional value of the egg itself. 🥚PASTURE-RAISED chickens produce a dark orange and nutrient dense egg. They are raised outdoors in the sun and eat a natural diet of seeds, grass & insects. 🥚FREE-RANGE have some access to outdoors, and are fed a diet of mixed grains and grass feed. 🥚CONVENTIONAL chickens produce a pale yellow yolk. They are confined indoors without sun and are grain fed. Follow us:☘️
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🟢 8 simple exercises that will change you! It would seem that these are 8 simple exercises. But in fact, more than 50% of those who start quit on the second day. But don't give up! If you can stand it for at least a week, these exercises will become your good habit for life. 1. Heel raises: you can do them sitting on a chair or standing. Repeat 40 times. 2. Toe lift: now we lift only the socks, the heels remain in place. Also 40 times. Excellent prevention of varicose veins and edema. 3. Retract the buttocks: 50 times. Do it with a lot of effort. 4. Pull in the abdomen: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. And as you exhale, pull in your stomach. 20 times. 5. We bring the shoulder blades together: the back is very straight, the shoulders are straightened. 50 times. With great effort. 6. Clench your fists: your arms can be along your body, bent at the elbows, or spread apart - any way you like. The main thing is to clench and unclench your fists with effort. 40 times. 7. Head rotations: slowly turn your head left and right, 90%. 20 repetitions. 8. Stretch the chin: sitting/standing upright, pull the lower jaw forward with all your might. 20 times. An excellent exercise for the second chin. The skin tension should feel very good almost to the collarbones. ⚠️ Important! If it says "40 times," then that's exactly how many times you need to do it, you can do more, but not less. And don't forget about proper nutrition. Follow us:☘️
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Your nail fungus will disappear rapidly thanks to this natural recipe I’m going to reveal to you today. Be sure to save it carefully to quickly restore beautiful and healthy nails. Start by taking cloves, and put them in a blender to get clove powder. Clove treats skin infections caused by fungi in the nails. Put a tablespoon of clove powder in a pan, and add 6 tablespoons of olive oil. Olive oil helps grow healthy nails and strengthens them. Then, heat the mixture over low heat for 5 minutes and store it in a small jar. Apply this mixture with a cotton swab on your nails, and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and dry your nails well. Apply this recipe to your nails twice a day until the fungus disappears completely. You should see improvement in your nails from the first few days. Follow us:☘️
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Have you ever tried this? This drink is a homemade remedy to deworm and detox your colon. To make this, you will only need: Ingredients used: 1 and 1/2 cups of water 1 cup of papaya 1 cup of pineapple 1 tablespoon of papaya seeds 1 tablespoon of ginger 1 tablespoon of honey Blend all the ingredients and drink this as one (1) glass each day for 3 consecutive days. Follow us:☘️
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Sunglasses: 170,000,000,000$ Industry. Wonder why? Tips for eyesight healing: -Getting rid of sunglasses -Training the eyes -Pinhole glasses -Sun gazing -Pearl powder -Removing LEDS and Wi-fi from the home -Candle light gazing If we block all the UV spectrums from entering the eyes they fall apart: Sunglasses, Windows, Windshields, etc. Follow us:☘️
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Did you know ??? 😱 Garlic : Garlic can harbor botulism-causing spores which in poor storage, can become active. Any time the humidity levels pass over 60% mold can begin to grow. the humidity levels in refrigerators tend to be even higher than 60%, and there are also many types of fungi that can survive in colder temperatures. Storing it in the fridge can stimulate growth which leads to sprouting. Molds on garlic can produce toxic compounds known as MYCOTOXINS which can cause serious health complaints if ingested. Green mold: is most likely a strain of penicillium, which produces Ochratoxin A that is a common food-contaminating mycotoxin. The most sensitive and notable effect is kidney damage, but the toxin may also have effects on fetal development and on the immune system. Follow us:☘️
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Ready for a sleep hack that starts at your feet? Join me as we explore a fun and unexpected trick to enhance your sleep. Here’s a fun sleep hack with your feet! 💤 🦶🏼 Kidney 1 (KD1) and Liver 3 (LV3) are two amazing point combinations commonly used in acupuncture treatments, but you can have it right here at home with acupressure and experience the effectiveness of Chinese medicine. THE DATING PROFILES: 💧 Kidney 1 (aka “Yongquan” or Gushing Spring) is a great foot point for someone who’s “in their thoughts”; it can also treat night sweats, heart palpitations (racing sensation), and hot flashes (for those in menopause). 💧 Liver 3 (aka “Tai Chong” or Great Rushing) is a cooling foot point for the stressed out ones, but more importantly, it’s also great at relieving menstrual cramps and suppressed anger. It can even help with dizziness in some cases. You can do this daily right before bedtime 😴 Do a few rounds or just one. Treat yourself well 🥰 Follow us:☘️
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I tried this as a face scrub last night, and it was so awesome 🙌🏼❤️ Edgar Cayce recipe for the win: baking soda and castor oil 50% of each mixed together makes an excellent scrub for each spots and hyperpigmentation. It’s also helpful for acne and acne scars. You can leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes or you can just rinse it off right away and then apply a moisturizer on top. Follow us:☘️
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✨Homemade ginger ale 🫚✨ Why drink a store bought ginger ale that is packed with sugars & artificial ingredients when you can make it yourself at home in minutes! I’ve been wanting to make ginger ale for a while now & it did not disappoint! Tastes much better & is actually going to naturally support gut health ✨ Ginger is known to soothe an upset stomach which makes this recipe perfect for when you’re feeling under the weather 🤒🫚 Ingredients: (directions in video) 6-8 inches of fresh ginger root 2 cups filtered water 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice 1 tbsp pure maple syrup 2 cups sparkling water Follow us:☘️
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💡Did you know that lime juice has been used for for a long time to soothe stomach upsets? 👋 Say Goodbye to Stomach Bugs with a Simple Lime Juice Trick! That's right! Rubbing your belly button with lime juice can help you get relief from a stomach bug. But how does it work? 🤒 Stomach bugs can cause: • Diarrhea • Vomiting • Nausea • Abdominal pain. They're usually caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites that irritate the stomach and intestines. How to Use Lime Juice: 1. Gently rub the swab around your bely button. 2. Repeat 2-3 times a day for best results. Try this simple lime juice trick and other natural remedies for stomach. Follow us:☘️
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PREVENT CANCER BY 97% A recent study from the University of California showed the act of fasting triggers a switch to flip in the body, signaling it to begin a "stem-cell based regeneration of the hematopoietic system." It required the body to utilize up its stores of glucose, fat, and ketones, as well as started to break down a large number of white blood cells. The loss of white blood cells flagged the body to, in turn, restore brand-new immune system cells. Follow us:☘️
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Frequency can heal you 🙏 What do you know about BRAIN WAVE RITUAL❓ If you have two ears and 7 minutes, you can attract money to you.. You have come to a very real crossroads in life where you must make a choice between two very different outcomes. Since helping thousands of others like you in the last year, this is not something to be taken lightly. Watch Video Now: 👇👇 ➡️ ➡️ Just go to the following link and watch the video carefully, it will help you like thousands of others before you❗️
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Even when these brushes are new, the wire bristles can break off, stick to the grill grates and surfaces, and they end up in your food! ‼️Wire bristles when swallowed can cause so many internal injuries and even life-threatening complications. 🔥My favorite method: heat your grill to high, letting the grate get hot will do a lot of the cleaning by burning off the residue. Once hot, cut an onion in half, pierce it on your grill fork, then rub it up and down the grate. 🧅Onions have natural acids that will help loosen and remove grease and char. Onions also have a compound called allicin, this is the chemical that makes you cry, and this compound has antimicrobial properties! Follow us:☘️
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Avocado 🥑 seeds..1-3 Boil the seeds for 5 minutes. Take out and place on cutting board..the outer skin will peel off. Cut it into quarters. Put back into boiling water for 5 more minutes. The water will change to a pinkish color. Let it cool and enjoy aith a squeeze of Lemon or sweetener of your choice. Follow us:☘️
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Did you know that In Russia, microwave ovens were banned in 1976 because of their negative health consequences as many studies were conducted on their use. Shockingly The ban was then lifted after Perestroika in the early 90’s. From a food aspect Microwaved foods lose 60-90% of their nutritional value and is having 2.4ghz radiation applied to it which also accelerates the structural disintegration of food. It is well known it alters elemental food-substances, causing digestive disorders and alters the food chemistry which can lead to malfunctions in the lymphatic system and degeneration of the body’s ability to protect itself against cancerous growths. Microwaved foods lead to a higher percentage of cancerous cells in the bloodstream and this is why it’s paramount they shouldn’t be used for consumption of food. Follow us:☘️
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10 minutes daily exercise 💪🏻 Follow us:☘️
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This powerful remedy can not only fight of fever and cold like nothing but also fight almost every other disease! Especially when it has seamoss Have tried it? Recipe : • 1/2 tbsp Elderberry • 1/2 tsp Turmeric • 1/2 big lime or whole small one • 1 tbsp Sea moss gel (link in bio) Benefits : Elderberry 💜 : • May help to reduce the risk of chronic disease • Helps to improve exercise performance • Helps to reduce symptoms of the flu Turmeric 🧡: • Improve heart health • Prevent against Alzheimer's and cancer • anti-inflammatory Key lime 💚: • Helps prevent kidney stones • Helps with iron absorption • Fight sinfections Sea moss (Irish moss) 🌊: • Increases good gut microbes by 4x • Get rid of any skin problems • Improves metabolism, which leads to weight loss You may think agave is unhealthy but if its organic it’s perfectly fine! You know why this remedy is so powerful? Because of sea moss, it has 90% of minerals and things our bodies are made of! There are many more benefits of sea moss, if you would like to know rest of them check out our website, link in bio. Share this amazing remedy with someone who has been feeling sick lately, this will help them 💯 Follow us:☘️
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Did you know that mustard is great help for migraines? If you're suffering from migraines, or headaches or tension headaches, you need to try this method! Directions: You need a basin of hot water as hot as you can tolerate it and you need organic mustard maybe 2 tablespoons. Dissolve it in the water and you want to soak your feet. The heat from the water and the mustard will pressure in your head. Also, release the constricted blood vessels in the head and bring the blood flow to your feet as well as reduce the pain. Follow us:☘️
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🥗 Eat Varied, Colorful Foods: Fill your plate with a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Aim for 50% fruits and veggies, 25% whole grains, and 25% protein. Fiber intake should be 25–30 grams daily. Avoid trans fats and limit saturated fats. Opt for healthy fats like monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats. 📝 Keep a Food and Weight Diary: Track what you eat and your progress. Use a paper diary, mobile app, or website. Regular self-monitoring helps you stay on track. 🏋️‍♂️ Engage in Regular Physical Activity: Exercise is essential for weight loss. Mix it up with cardio (running, swimming) and strength training. Overcome plateaus by varying your workouts. 💧 Stay Hydrated: Drink water throughout the day, especially during workouts. Proper hydration supports weight loss. Follow us:☘️
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Athletes foot? Do this and it’ll be gone in a week or so. 🤝🏾 Follow us:☘️
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New Diabetes cure developed in China? Breaking News. Disclaimer ⚠️ Not medical advice. The information in this video is for educational purposes only. Follow us:☘️
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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Did you know? Warm lime water on an empty stomach early in the morning helps stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. Digestion improves, heartburn is reduced and it helps in the process of elimination. Follow us:☘️
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 7 2🤔 1
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Remove your Varicose veins with These simple Steps...🧘🏻‍♂️💮📿🔆🙌🏻 Follow us:☘️
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
An9OvWoXTgaRdi6JlgfwRVnHDcbaqbhKpedZhBsjpKhgOdysFRsx5eOfOww0LKP.mp414.42 MB
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🍉THIS is why I wanted a Watermelon Seeds!!! Sooo many benefits in the seeds! Did you know that watermelon seeds are one of the most nutritious seeds you can consume? You can roast the seeds or make a tea out of them! You can also make watermelon seed milk! Recipe: Scoop out seeds and clean well, removing all pulp. You can also soak in water for a couple hours. Let dry overnight. Drizzle with a little avocado oil and seasoning of choice. Roast on 320 for 15 minutes. Let cool completely! Eat them as a snack or top your salads, Buddha bowls or oats with them! Oooh maybe even add them to granola! Follow us:☘️
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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👍 11 4
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Eliminate Parasite and stop itching from Behind.Follow us:☘️
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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👍 11 2🥴 2🤪 1
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⚠️Harvard scientists caught taking bribes to publish false research about causes of heart attacks. This is how the sugar industry shifted blame to fat. The sugar industry paid scientists in the 1960s to play down the link between sugar and heart disease and promote saturated fat as a culprit instead. The internal sugar industry documents were recently discovered by a researcher at the University of California in San Francisco and published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Follow us:☘️
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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Did you know ??? Paprika is basically just dried and ground up sweet peppers? Different cultures have different methods, but most of the time it’s a Capsicum annuum variety of pepper. You might know those by their more common names like bell pepper, Hungarian sweet peppers, etc. Last year, we grew a ton of peppers and threaded through the “caps” with some twine and a needle, then hung them in our garden shed for a few months. The key here is drying in low humidity, otherwise you get rot like we did with a few of ours. Then, when dry you take them down, cut the tops off, and chop into small pieces. Use a spice grinder instead of a food processor, it’ll help get to a fine powder. Follow us:☘️
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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Daily workouts 🕺 Follow us:☘️
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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👍 8 4❤‍🔥 1
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⛔️ 40 ANCIENT SETTLEMENTS HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED BEHIND ANTARCTICA, WHERE 2 MILLION DESCENDANTS OF GIANTS LIVE. The author of the book "Lost Worlds: What's Hidden Behind the Ice Wall of Antarctica?" has created his own Telegram channel, where he provides evidence that there are 30 times more continents on our planet. ➤ Images of a large city located behind the ice barrier, whose technology is several centuries ahead of ours [open]Secret diagram of the globe from the CIA archives, confirming the "circular worlds" theory, according to which we live in one of 178 single cells [open map]In the past, there was a civilization of giants. Today they live in a neighboring cell behind the ice wall of Antarctica [evidence] Do you think this is nonsense? Look around you, everything is possible in our world....👇👇 ❗️
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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✅ Home methods for removing papillomas on the body 👀 1 recipe: In a bowl, mix 1 tsp of baking soda and 1.5 tsp of castor oil. Apply the resulting paste to the papilloma for 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. 👀 2 recipe: In cold water, add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and mix well. Clean your skin and apply the mixture to the papilloma. Perform this procedure 3 times a day, after washing your skin with apple cider vinegar using a cotton swab. 👀 3 recipe: Apply lemon juice to the papillomas and do not rinse it off. Do this procedure 3 times a day. Follow us:☘️
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 7 1
Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.