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Every race carries a certain record of super-physical and subjective phenomena through its blood stream, and it is these memories which manifest our race mythos and ancient origins. Through genetic memory we carry the entire lineage of former civilizations, gods, demi-gods, heroes and patriarchs. These entities, no matter how distant, cannot be forgotten; they are locked within the blood record-the subconscious mind. As the blood reveals our past it, also, reveals our future, for within it are set up the vibrations and patterns by which the future estate of the race is to be determined. Blood has long been referred to as "the river of life," coursing endlessly through the veins and arteries of our bodies and passed on to our children. But more than that, it is the vehicle of ethnic continuity, our consciousness and our natural salvation. The race is the foundation of every great culture, and likewise, the blood is the foundation of every great race. Thus, in the unmixed blood is expressed the essential power of our ancestral being, which fortifies the character and essence of our present and potential being. The very blood which we possess today in our bodies is the undying, life liquid of countless centuries of history, the great arcanum of life.
- Temple of Wotan, Ron Mcvan. โ›ต โ€ข Einheitspakt โ€ข โ›ต
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I left my mind wander back to the Day of Destiny: the 20th of April 1889, at 6:18 in the afternoon. (Someone had also told me the exact time, once, years before; and I remembered it.) "A spring day like today," I reflected. And the little town, with its broad, open square, its picturesque side streets, its houses built over the stream, that sent back their images like a mirror; its neat and homey shops, cannot have looked much different from what it does now. The old houses were already old. And the magnificent chestnut tree, now taller than a two-storied building, was, unless I be mistaken already there: young, and, just as now, in all its spring-like splendour; covered with blossoms. Alois Hitler, a customs officer well over fifty, and twice a widower, lived in that house that I had been shown five minutes before "not the one behind the chestnut tree, but the next one" with his third wife, Clara, who was then twenty-nine. The child to which the latter was about to give birth was neither her first one nor her last one. Just another baby in the family. But the unseen Powers, Whose inscrutable Play lies behind the mystery of heredity, had ordained that all the intelligence and intuition, and all the willpower and heroism of generations and generations, all the virtues and genius of the privileged Race, fated to rule should find in that Child their highest expression; that the Babe should be a godlike one: whose consciousness was, one day, to be none other than the deeper consciousness of his people and of the Race at large, for all times to come, and whose dream was to inspire a new civilisation. And far beyond the clear blue sky of the little town and the thin atmosphere of this little planet, in the cold, dark realm of fathomless Void, the unseen stars had very definite positions; significant positions, such as they take only once within hundreds of years in relation to any particular spot on earth. And at the appointed time 6:18 in the afternoon. the Child came into the world, unnoticed masterpiece of a twofold cosmic Play: of the mysterious artistry of Aryan blood in infinite time; of the mysterious influence of distant worlds in infinite space. Apparently, just another baby in the family. In reality, after centuries, a new divine Child on this planet; the first one in the West after the legendary Baldur the Fair and, like He, a Child of the Sun; a predestined Fighter against the forces of death and a Saviour of men, marked out for leadership, for victory, for agony and for immortality. Around me, women chatted in a low voice and children ate cakes in silence. "German mothers and German children "his" people," thought I. "The agents of the forces of death now forbid them to praise his name. Many of the little ones probably have never even heard of him... But that is only for a time; only until the next war rids us of our persecutors. After that..." After that, I expected this place would become, for thousands and hundreds of thousands, what it already was for me: a place of pilgrimage.
- Pilgrimage, Savitri Devi. โ›ต โ€ข Einheitspakt โ€ข โ›ต
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White, is not a race, it is a color, European, is not a race, it is a place named after the goddess Europa. Caucasian, is not a race, it is a place and mountain range. Gentile, is not a race, it is a biblical name that was given to describe Aryans as non-Jews. Aryan is the biological correct name of our race! Aryan is who we are by blood and the genetic source of our being and beginning. All the numerous names, German, French, Irish, Scotch, Polish, Italian, Norwegian and on and on are simply the many tribal names of the Aryan people.
- Way of The Druid, Ron Mcvan. โ›ต โ€ข Einheitspakt โ€ข โ›ต
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The general foundation for the symbolism of the mountain is simple: since the earth has been associated with everything human (the etymology of the word human is from humus, "soil"), the earth's peaks, which reach to the sky and which are transfigured by perennial snow, were spontaneously regarded as the most apt material to express, through allegories, transcendental states of consciousness, inner spiritual realizations, and apparitions of extranormal modes of being, often portrayed figuratively as gods and supernatural beings. Thus, we read not only of the mountains as symbolic "seats" of the gods, but we also encounter pertinent traditions, such as those of the ancient Aryans living in Iran and in Media, in which people, according to Xenophon, never erected temples for their deities, but used mountain peaks to celebrate the cult of and the sacrifice to fire and the god of light. These cultures regarded mountains as worthier, more grandiose sites, analogically closer to the divine than any man-made temple or sacred building. According to the Hindus, the most divine mountain chain is the Himalayan, a name that means in Sanskrit, "the seat of the snows." More specifically, Mount Meru is the sacred mountain and is believed to be located in the Himalayas. It is important to note two things. First, Mount Meru is conceived to be the place in which Shiva, the great ascetic, performed his meditations. Second, it is from here that Shiva incinerated Kama, the Hindu god of love, when the latter tried to expose his heart to passion. In the Hindu tradition, the idea of absolute asceticism and stringent purification of nature is associated with the highest mountain peak. This idea is inaccessible to anything coming from lust and desire and is therefore stable in a transcendent sense. Hence, in the ancient Vedic formulas for the consecration of kings, we find the image of the mountain symbolizing the stability of the power and of the imperium the king will assume. Moreover, in the Mahabarata we see Arjuna go to the Himalayas in order to practice asceticism because it is written that "only on the high mountains could he have achieved the divine vision." Likewise, the emperor Yudhisthira traveled to the Himalayas to achieve his apotheosis by climbing onto the "chariot" of the "king of the gods."
- Meditations on the Peaks: Mountain Climbing as Metaphor for the Spiritual Quest, Julius Evola. โ›ต โ€ข Einheitspakt โ€ข โ›ต
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The Spaniards are a coarse, greedy, pious, mean band; only Sandoval does not. The Aztecs have a Greek ideality, a Germanic courage, they are frank, friends of honor, courageous, perhaps with an exaggerated sense of honor; a sublime religion.
- Oswald Spengler.
What should we commemorate, then, in this 500th year of the "discovery" of America? Perhaps, with the arrival of the Jewish Colรณn where in the just parts of Spain on the same day "the last Jews not converted were expelled" he came with a mission to destroy the last refuge of the Hyperboreans, so as to grant power to his "anti-race" in the inexpugnable "Secret Cities", where the "White Gods" are hidden? We will not celebrate this.
- Miguel Serrano.
This culture is the only example of a violent death. She did not die from decay, she was neither hindered nor repressed in her development. She was murdered in the fullness of her evolution, destroyed like a flower that a passer-by decapitates with his stick
- Oswald Spengler. โ›ต โ€ข Einheitspakt โ€ข โ›ต
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In Germany the most serious and concrete attempt to create an elite is constituted by the above-mentioned S.S. corps (abbreviation of Schutz Staffel). It is interesting that Heinrich Himmler, head of this corps, which may be called 'Guard and Order of the Nazi Revolution', is at the same time head of the Secret State Police (Gestapo) and that other leaders under his command have similar positions. Notably, Himmler along with his entire corps are answerable directly and solely to Hitler. What we learn from this is the necessity that the concept of 'police' go beyond the narrow scope that was one's own in the old democratic and positivist State, in which it had only to do with delinquents and, at most, with subversives in the most narrow and direct sense of the word. The new totalitarian State represents an organism which must defend itself against not only true lesions, but also against every subtle infiltration, everything that may weaken it and facilitate the action of germs and toxins. What is needed, in these respects, is an action that is not only defensive, but also preventive and counter- offensive. In this connection, the tasks that become apparent do not have much to do with some paragraph of the penal code or other. They require rather a subtle action of surveillance and of protection, which considers the moral and spiritual as very important and has the nature of a Holy Office in the best sense more than it has the nature of a 'police', because of the awareness that the true power of revolution lies in the vision of the world and in its great fundamental ideas and that their distortion or their weakening would also herald a fatal decline of the party-political organism in the narrow sense of the term. In this field too, it is evident that nothing would be more lethal and ineffective than bureaucratism, nothing more essential than a subtle sensitivity, a racial sensitivity, an instinct able to develop even in areas bordering on the occult. [...]Naturally, before getting to that stage, a long period of training. selection and internal and external, political and social organisation of the elite in question will be needed. At this stage, however, the main thing is to become aware of the requirements and to set down the principle: to go beyond the generic, political, propagandistic and popular stage of racial awareness, to arrive at the constructive, serious, discriminating and educative stage by setting up appropriate institutions and entrusting with precise responsibilities those who possess by historical good fortune suitable qualifications to lead, with more than just words or theories, what could really be called a seminar of future leaders.
- Towards a New "Order", Julius Evola. โ›ต โ€ข Einheitspakt โ€ข โ›ต
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In our previous article in the Diorama, we wondered whether, besides. the general applications of racial and national hygiene, and, naturally, the defense of our genetic heritage against cross-breeding and hybridisation, the doctrine of race should be limited to being a matter of 'teaching' or, in our country, should sooner or later become the basis of a true 'education', with special tasks of a spiritual and political nature with respect to a certain racial elite. In other words, it must be wondered whether, at home, given similar necessities, we should undertake projects similar to those of German National Socialism, which, despite its being of more recent development than Italian Fascism, have already taken concrete shape, such as their setting up of the Adolf Hitler Schule, of the cadets of the Order Ordensburger, of the S.S. corps and its schools for leaders and with the national Politische Hermehunganstante. In fact all these German institutions show a definite intention to proceed to a political selection, in which racial considerations must have a fundamental role and the value of a real formative force.
- Race as a Builder of Leaders, Julius Evola. โ›ต โ€ข Einheitspakt โ€ข โ›ต
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- Environmentalist's case against immigration. (Pentti Linkola) โ›ต โ€ข Einheitspakt โ€ข โ›ต
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Among the Tupi people there is a being known as "Pay Sumรฉ". This entity was seen by the indigenous people as a man who came from the sea and "civilized" them by transmitting a series of knowledge regarding agriculture, social order and the creation of fire. This deity would have appeared in a mysterious way and was a white man, with a beard and long hair, who walked or floated in the air. This entity may have a parallel to the ancient whites in the Pre-Columbian Americas, having similarities with Viracocha (Virkosh) and Quetzalcoatl. The Legend of Pay Sumรฉ reached Peru, originating first in Brazil, passing through Paraguay. This path is known as "Peabiru" (Path of the Sun Mountains or Path to Peru). Catholic colonists believed that Pay Sumรฉ was actually Saint Thomas, a Christian apostle who traveled to India to evangelize the people there. However, it would have been lost, and reached the Americas before Columbus. Jesuits said that Saint Thomas had been expelled by the indigenous people after prohibiting cannibalism and polygamy in the tribes, thus disappearing forever.
Above an illustration of Pay Sumรฉ. โ›ต โ€ข Einheitspakt โ€ข โ›ต
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Repost fromย Neuer Ordensstaat
"O bolchevismo, assim, revela-se como o ARQUI-INIMIGO da CIVILIZAร‡รƒO e da RAร‡A. O bolchevismo รฉ o renegado, o traidor dentro dos portรตes, que trairia a cidadela, degradaria a prรณpria fibra do nosso ser e, em รบltima anรกlise, lanรงaria um mundo rebarbarizado e RACIALMENTE EMPOBRECIDO na mais degradada e DESESPERADA MESTIร‡AGEM."
โ€” Lothrop Stoddard. โ€” ๐Ÿ”— The Rising Tide of Color. โ˜ ๏ธ โ€ข Siga o Neuer Ordensstaat e o Einheitspakt! โ€ข โ˜ ๏ธ
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