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IsraFront - Real Israel News

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

🥵 In Tel Aviv, +40.7 °C was recorded - the hottest April month in Gush Dan since 1907. The meteorological service reported that today is the hottest day in Gush Dan for the month of April since 1907. Historical records for the last hour were broken in Tel Aviv +40.7 °C, in Yavne +42.2 °C and in Nitzana/Ashkelon +43 °C. It's important to drink more water, stay in cool places and avoid sports and other physical activities. --------------- @israfront - Israel's live news.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
⚡️The USA approved a financial aid package for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and Gaza, totaling $95.2 billion. The Senate confirmed it and Biden signed it: • $60.8 billion for Ukraine. • $17.4 billion for Israel. • $9 billion for humanitarian aid, including aid for the Gaza Strip. • $8 billion for Taiwan. The approved package also includes a potential ban of the social network TikTok in the USA. --------------- @israfront - Israel's live news.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🥳 Today marks the holiday of Passover! Holiday time: from the evening of April 22 to the evening of April 29. 🚌 Transportation on April 22 and 28 operates as on Fridays, and on April 23 and 29 on Saturday schedules. From the 21st to the 29th of April all government institutions will be closed. Passover is a holiday remembering past slavery and the Exodus from Egypt; it is a holiday of freedom, freedom of each Jew and freedom of the entire Jewish people. It begins on 15th of Nisan and lasts for 7 days: the first and seventh days are festive (Yom-Tov), and the days between them are festive weekdays (Chol HaMoed). Passover Traditions: 💸 On the eve of Passover, it is customary to give charity to those in need - "Kimha de-Pischa". 🍞 The preparations for Passover involve removing all chametz(leavened bread) from the house. 🍽️ All dishes that have come into contact with chametz are either removed or koshered. 🔥Chametz is burned the morning before Passover, or sold to a gentile, and then redeemed after Passover. Using a feather and a candle, people conduct a meticulous inspection of the house on the eve of Passover to ensure that no chametz remains. 🍷 The festival begins the following evening with the Passover Seder - the story of the exodus from Egypt and a ceremonial order of meal fixed in the Passover Haggadah. 🥬 During the meal, they eat matzo, maror (bitter herbs), charoset (a mixture of nuts, wine and apples or dates), drink 4 cups of wine, and finish the meal by eating the afikoman (a piece of matzo hidden at the beginning). ♥️ Happy and kosher Passover to all subscribers and lovers of Israel! --------------- @israfront - Israel's live news.
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🔞Terrorism in Jerusalem: Arab terrorists in a car ran over peaceful Israelis, after 150 meters ran over more peaceful Israelis, then got out of the car with Carlo type machine guns and tried to shoot people, but the machine guns jammed. The terrorists were detained. A big miracle happened today, otherwise everything could have ended with a big bloody terrorist attack. --------------- @israfront - Israel's live news.
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🥵 A severe heat wave and sandstorm are approaching Israel: the temperature this week will exceed +40C. The meteorological service is warning of a strong sandstorm (sharav) this coming week - the highest temperature for the month of April in the last 30 years. A drop in energy, deterioration of mood, and lethargy are possible. It is especially dangerous for people with asthma, the elderly, infants, and people with chronic and cardiovascular diseases. It is important to drink more water, stay in cool rooms, and avoid sports or physical exertion. --------------- @israfront - Israel's live news.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
⚠️ From April 30, a foreign passport (dragon) and teudat zeut can be arranged online and received at home without physically visiting the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the website [More about this innovation. --------------- @israfront - Israel's live news.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
In the port of Haifa, 55 kilograms of cocaine were seized. Drugs were brought in on the cargo ship MSC NOA, which was heading from Costa Rica to Israel via Belgium, in a container with tropical fruits. --------------- @israfront - Israel's live news.
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The relevant news arrived. Shabbat shalom to those who observe! The channel is going offline for Shabbat. We hope you will understand this ♥️ Peaceful Shabbat and clear skies above! Yours, «Voice of Israel» --------------- @israfront - Israel's live news.
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Iranian media are promoting the official version that it was launched from Iranian territory. An Iranian official told Reuters, "We have no plans to respond immediately. It's unclear who is behind the attack." They are doing everything to avoid responding to Israel. ⚡️ --------------- @israfront - Israel's live news.
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👎 3
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The shekel plummeted sharply against the backdrop of reports of an attack in Iran. The dollar exchange rate is 3.8 shekels! --------------- @israfront - Israel's live news.
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