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TrueMinds | Words of Wisdom

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It takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 days to form a lifestyle. Here are 6-morning habits that will transform your life in 90 days: Health Fitness Tips
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Normalize this by age 30. 1. Talk slow 2. Be clear 3. Never mumble 4. Don't interrupt If you want to improve your communication skills, read this...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
REASONS FOR STRESS 1. No exercise 2. No sunlight 3. Garbage food 4. No meditation 5. Procrastination 6. Poor sleep habits 7. No passion/hobbies 8. Too much social media 9. Bad management of time 10. Disconnected from yourself
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
💯 5
Every time you feel weak after a workout, keep going. If you feel dumb, while learning something new, keep going. Don’t trust your feelings, trust the process. Because the path to growth is often unexpected, and our feelings can mislead us. The reality is, that pushing through challenging workouts is making you stronger, even when you feel weak. Learning new skills that make you feel dumb initially is actually making you smarter. Investing in your personal development might make you feel financially strained, but you're becoming richer in knowledge and experience. Consistency is the key to progress, but it can make you feel like you're stuck in a rut when you're actually steadily growing and evolving. Just because you feel a certain way doesn't mean that's the reality. We must train ourselves to recognize that our feelings are temporary and can be misleading. So, the next time you feel weak, dumb, poor, or stagnant, remember that these sensations are likely indicators that you're on the right track. - Welcome the discomfort - Trust the process, - Take consistent action. That's how you leverage your efforts to create lasting positive change and achieve your dreams. HealthFitnessDietTips
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
5👍 1🔥 1
5 Things To Keep Quiet About: 🤫 1. Your big plan. 2. Your love life. 3. Your income. 4. Your next move. 5. Your family issues.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
"It's okay.. You'll be okay. Maybe not now but one day you will. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing your best already. Maybe you're feeling so overwhelmed and exhausted. Maybe you feel like giving up everything all at once because you just had enough.. But you're stronger than this. I believe in you. I'm rooting for you."
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
6 Signs You're Mentally Stronger Than You Think: 1. You understand life is cool when nobody knows anything about you. 2. You embrace consistency and discipline, not motivation and self-help books. 3. You let people win arguments on purpose to conserve your mental health. 4. You have trained your mind to master your feelings and control your ego. 5. You have forgiven your parents and love them for who they are. 6. You no longer entertain family members and friends who have zero ambition in life. TrueMinds
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 8👏 2 1
Work on things people can't take away from you: - Your skills - Your body - Your mindset - Your character - Your knowledge - Your work ethic This is how you become unstoppable. TrueMinds
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🔥 8 5
10 Rules to Upgrade Your Life: ✅ 1. Lift weights 2. Eat real foods 3. Face your fears 4. Positive self-talk 5. Never stop learning 6. Prioritize your sleep 7. Lower your screentime 8. Wake up with gratitude 9. Enjoy the present moment 10. Choose your circle carefully TrueMinds
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
6🥰 1
9 Fundamental Rules of Life: ✅ 1. Talk slowly 2. Observe more 3. Speak less 4. Trust no one 5. Always prioritize your health 6. Never stop self educating 7. Control your ego, urges and anger 8. Smile more & quit worrying 9. Family over everything TrueMinds
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 6 1