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Caldera Quest 6 is Now Live! βœ… Complete here: Quiz Answers: - Question 1: All of the above - Question 2: All of the above and more - Question 3: 20, plus more... - Question 4: All of the above - Question 5: All of the above - Question 6: All of the above
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Wormhole $W Staking is Now Live! Do This ASAP! βœ… Wormhole has finally introduced $W staking for governance. Stake now to potentially qualify for: 🟒 Future Wormhole airdrops (they have already confirmed there will be more airdrops) 🟒 Monad airdrop (very likely) Remember, Monad raised $244 million in funding. Stake before Monday, June 10th, to unlock the "Steakorrr" Discord role in Wormhole! β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Steps to Stake & Delegate: 1. Go to: Wormhole x Tally 2. Click on Start. 3. Select a delegate. - You can delegate to yourself if you can actively vote on the governance portal. - Or you can delegate to someone else; if your delegate votes, you'll also be counted as a voter. - If you want, you can delegate to me: wiss7.eth
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Tally | Connect Account

Tally is a DAO operations platform. DAOs use Tally to create and pass proposals, enable delegation, and power voting.

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Aethir Airdrop Update! πŸͺ‚ - Aethir token ticker: ATH - Total supply: 42 billion - Season 1 airdrop: 630 million ⏳ Aethir Cloud Drop claiming date: June 12th Announcement: Link Airdrop participants will need to provide the wallet addresses with which they participated in the Aethir Cloud Drop campaign to claim their dedicated ATH allocations.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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#Ionet #Airdrop #Season3 #Crypto io. net  Season 3 Campaign: New Quest πŸ”„ ➑️ Campaign Link 🟒Only complete social tasks & claim 250 points Deadline: 2024/06/29 04:00 UTC πŸ’ 
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
0️⃣ Update: new sybils doc Bryan Pellegrino published the third table with Sybil's addresses πŸ”— Check your wallet here
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 5.32.32β€―AM.png8.11 KB
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➑️ Wormhole has launched staking and voting Wormhole announces the launch of staking and voting for $W holders To stake $W, you need to transfer tokens to the EVM network Supported networks: Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism and Base More details in the article
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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πŸͺ‚ Sanctum Airdrop We have already written about this project Sanctum announces the end of the first season and publishes tokenomics 50% of tokens will be unlocked immediately and the rest within 7 days The token will be launched on Jupiter LFG β€’ Ticker: $CLOUD β€’ Total supply: 1,000,000,000 (1B) β€’ Initial circulating supply: 180M (18%) β€’ Launch Liquidity: 18% β€’ Community Reserve: 30% β€’ Strategic Reserve: 13% β€’ Jup LFG: 1% β€’ Team: 25% Investors: 13% More details
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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πŸ₯± The fifth quest by Caldera is live Caldera launched the 5th week of quests To complete the tasks, you need to have Galxe Passport V2, Humanity Score >= Level 2 and 10 transaction on Ethereum πŸ”— Complete the quest here (Quiz answers: G, C, E, B, E) πŸ“† Deadline: June 9 Only those who have completed all weeks' tasks will receive the NFT
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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0️⃣ LayerZero: The sybil bounty hunting Bryan Pellegrino published tables with Sybil's addresses πŸ”— Table 1 | Table 2 If you're in THIS report (i.e. these spreadsheets) and clear false positive or can prove the methodology faulty, sound off...More details in the post ...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ‘ 1
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πŸ₯‰ IO net on Binance Launchpool Binance announced the 55th project on Binance Launchpool - IO.NET ($IO) Users will be able to stake their BNB and FDUSD into separate pools to farm IO tokens over four days, with farming starting from 2024-06-07 00:00 (UTC). Binance will then list IO at 2024-06-11 12:00 (UTC) and open trading with IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD, and IO/TRY trading pairs IO Launchpool Details β€’ Token Name: IO.NET (IO) β€’ Total Token Supply at Genesis: 500,000,000 IO β€’ Max Token Supply: 800,000,000 IO β€’ Launchpool Token Rewards: 20,000,000 IO (4% of total token supply at Genesis) β€’ Initial Circulating Supply: 95,000,000 IO (19% of total token supply at Genesis) Supported Pools β€’ Stake BNB (webpage will be available in around 5 hours): 17,000,000 IO in rewards (85%) β€’ Stake FDUSD (webpage will be available in around 5 hours): 3,000,000 IO in rewards (15%) β€’ Farming Period: 2024-06-07 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-06-10 23:59 (UTC).
Hammasini ko'rsatish...