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Top 9 Lessons from "ATOMIC HABITS" by James Clear 📚 - 1. What is a HABIT A habit is a routine that is performed on a regular basis, generally unconsciously. Changes that appear minor and insignificant at first might accumulate over time and make a substantial difference. 2. How To Create A Good Habit When the habit levers are in the right place, creating healthy habits becomes effortless. 1. Cue – make it obvious 2. Craving – make it attractive 3. Response – make it easy 4. Reward – make it satisfying 3. Don´t Focus On The Result Focus on trajectory over results. You get what you repeat – your life is an accumulation of your lagging habits. True behavior change requires a change of identity. 4. Sticking To Your New Habits When starting a new habit, saying what you're going to do and when you're going to do it increases the likelihood that you'll do it. Another effective technique is habit stacking, by using existing habits to cue the formation of new habits. 5. Proximity Motivation is overrated. The environment is far more important. Create a productive environment with visual cues to encourage healthy habits. Make every effort to design it in such a way that it avoids any negative temptations. 6. Importance Of Starting If you want to master something, simply start. Repetition is better than a perfect plan. Quantity leads to quality. The right question is not “how long will it take to form a new habit?” but “how many will it take to form a new habit?” 7. Accountability Habit tracking, habit contracts, and accountability partners are wonderful ways to start positive habits or stop unhealthy ones. There a lot of apps that can help you with that as well but ideally, you write a journal using pen and paper. 8. Deal With Boredom One of the characteristics that distinguishes the greats is that they enjoy boredom. They are willing to persevere even when they are not in the mood or want to do something else. The greatest threat to success is boredom, not failure. 9. Personal Strengths And Interests Make sure to take your interests and proclivities into account. What comes easy to you that is hard for others? Becoming successful is a lot easier when you´re doing something you like and enjoy.
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1️⃣5️⃣ lessons from the book "Mind Full to Mindful: Zen Wisdom From a Monk's Bowl" by Om Swami: 1️⃣.  The moment you realize that you are not your thoughts, you become free. 2️⃣.  The present moment is the only reality. It’s the only place where life unfolds. 3️⃣.  When the mind is full of thoughts, it loses its clarity. When it is mindful, it regains its clarity. 4️⃣.  Don’t seek happiness outside yourself. It lies within, waiting to be discovered. 5️⃣.  The mind is like a wild horse, running in all directions. Meditation is the art of taming this horse. 6️⃣.  Be grateful for everything in life, big or small. Gratitude opens the doors to abundance. 7️⃣.  Letting go is not about giving up; it’s about surrendering to what is and finding peace within. 8️⃣.  Silence is not the absence of sound, but the presence of inner stillness. 9️⃣.  In the silence of the mind, you can hear the whispers of your soul. 1️⃣0️⃣. Be kind to yourself and others. Kindness is the language of love. 1️⃣1️⃣.  True freedom lies in breaking free from the limitations of the mind. 1️⃣2️⃣.  Don't dwell in the past or worry about the future. Find your peace in the present moment. 1️⃣3️⃣.  Life is a journey of self-discovery. The more you explore within, the more you understand the world. 1️⃣4️⃣.  Embrace the impermanence of life. It teaches you to cherish each moment. 1️⃣5️⃣.  The true essence of mindfulness is being fully present and engaged in whatever you are doing.
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👍 4
10 best freelance websites every one should know 💵💵💵 1. Upwork Upwork may be one of the best freelance websites for finding work no matter what type of freelancer you are. Those in web development, graphic design, customer support, and even freelance writing will find that Upwork has much to offer. 2. Designhill Designhill gives employers looking for freelance designers a few ways to find them. Employers can create a project contest to find creative freelancers and receive a variety of design entries to choose from. 3. Toptal Toptal pitches itself as a place to find the top 3% of freelance talent. Their screening process is so rigorous that out of the thousands of submissions they get every month, they only accept a few into their ranks. 4. We Work Remotely We Work Remotely boasts that they get around 3 million users a month. That’s huge. They have a multitude of job postings in categories like programming, design, sales, marketing, customer support, and more. 5. SimplyHired SimplyHired has a lot of great resources that go beyond a simple freelance job board. You’ll find guides on resume writing, cover letter writing, and other information to help you out. SimplyHired even has a free online resume builder if you need to revamp yours. 6. Fiverr Fiverr got its name because it originally facilitated quick freelance gigs for five dollars — but it’s grown quite a bit since then. Now, you can set your own starting prices, packages, and add-ons. I believe that's it who doesn't know about Fiverr? 7. PeoplePerHour PeoplePerHour markets itself as doing a better job of pairing clients with professionals compared to other websites for freelancers. PeoplePerHour aims to bring freelancers and clients together in a more streamlined, precise way. 8. Guru has an authentic, grassroots feel to what they do. They encourage transparency on their freelance platform and value trust, making sure that whatever your role, expectations are met. 9. 99designs is another great website for freelancers that allows designers to connect with businesses around the world. If you’re a designer looking for freelance work online, 99Designs is a great place to start. 10.👈 Freelancer is one of the best websites to find work regardless of the type of freelancer you are. Hope you enjoyed it.
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THE 20 MAIN DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WINNERS AND LOSERS. Which side are you on? - 📍1. Winners focus on the solution. Losers focus on the problem. 📍2. Winners take responsibility. Losers blame others. 📍3. Winners find opportunity crisis. The losers complain about the crisis. 📍4. Winners enjoy the present and learn from the past. Losers live in the past. 📍5. Winners make a decision and stick to it no matter what. Losers promise but never deliver. 📍6. Winners think about how they can achieve this. Losers ask for forgiveness. 📍7. Winners Emphasize personal development. Losers neglect personal development. 📍8. Winners face their fear and embrace it, jump over it and move on. Losers live in their own fears. 📍9. Winners are constantly expanding their comfort zone. Losers stay in their comfort zone. 📍10. Winners are constantly on the move. Losers refrain from action, they lack consistency. 📍11. Winners learn from their failures. Losers fear failure and shun it no matter what. 📍12. Winners try different strategies when they don't get the results they wanted. Losers do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. 📍13. Winners set goals. Losers lack purpose. 📍14. The winners are planning. Losers don't like to have plans. 📍15. Winners believe there are always things to learn. Losers consider themselves experts, yet they know little. 📍16. Winners are humble. Losers are selfish. 📍17. Winners continue to hone their skills every day without concessions. Losers create little effort by honing their abilities. 📍18. Winners work hard. Losers avoid work. 📍19. Winners give their all to the goals they decide to achieve. The losers do everything halfway. 📍20. Winners make good use of their time and indulge in activities that will lead them to achieve their goals. Losers lack time management, indulge in activities like playing games, watching endless replays.
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👍 3
🔥 ZEX Airdrop Is Live! 🎁 Joining Reward: 100 ZEX (24$) 👨‍👨‍👦 Per Refer: 75 ZEX (18$) 🔗 Your Refer Link =
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Have you heard of the book "HOW TO ATTRACT MONEY" 📚 by Joseph Murphy? It's a guide that explains how to bring wealth and abundance into your life, and here are some key takeaways. - 1. Your thoughts shape your reality, so it's essential to cultivate positive and prosperous thinking patterns. 2. Visualizing your desired financial outcomes helps you align your subconscious mind with your goals. By imagining yourself already in possession of the wealth you desire, you attract the circumstances and opportunities that lead to its manifestation. 3. Use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind and shift your mindset. Repeat affirmations such as "I am prosperous," "Money flows freely to me," and "I attract wealth effortlessly." 4. Practicing gratitude for the money and abundance you already have in your life opens the door for more blessings to flow in. 5. Identify and release any limiting beliefs you have about money and replace them with positive beliefs that support your financial goals. 6. Positive thoughts alone are not enough, so it's crucial to take inspired action towards your financial goals. Act on opportunities, be open to new ideas and take calculated risks. 7. Building wealth takes time and effort, so persistence and perseverance are vital. Stay committed to your financial goals and trust in the process, even if results don't come immediately. 8. Giving and sharing your wealth creates a positive energy flow. Consider tithing a portion of your income as a way to keep the flow of abundance circulating in your life. These principles require consistent practice and application. By incorporating them into your daily life, you can attract and manifest the wealth and abundance you desire. Thank you for reading 📚 ❤️
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👍 2 1
How to work on upwork 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵 💡💡💡💡💡💡💡💡 Upwork is a platform for freelancers to offer their skills and services to potential clients. Therefore, having specific skills is essential to succeed on this platform. However, if you are willing to learn new skills, there are many resources available online that can help you develop the skills you need to work on Upwork. Here are some steps you can follow: 1. Identify your interests: Identify the areas you are interested in and passionate about. It could be writing, graphic design, social media management, data entry, virtual assistance, etc. 2. Research your chosen field: Once you have identified your interests, research the skills required for the field you want to work in. There are many free online resources available that can help you learn new skills. 3. Take online courses: There are several online courses available that can help you develop new skills. Websites like Udemy, Coursera, and Skillshare offer courses in various fields. You can also take advantage of free online tutorials and YouTube videos. 4. Practice your skills: Once you have learned new skills, practice them as much as possible. You can start by offering your services for free to friends and family or by volunteering for non-profit organizations. 5. Build your portfolio: As you gain experience, build your portfolio by showcasing your work online. You can create a website or use platforms like Behance or Dribbble to showcase your work. 6. Create an Upwork profile: Create an Upwork profile and highlight the skills you have learned. Be honest about your level of experience and share your portfolio with potential clients. 7. Start bidding on projects: Once you have created your profile, start bidding on projects that match your skills and experience. Remember:- Be patient and persistent in your efforts. With time, you will gain more experience and build a reputation on the platform.
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10 Lessons from the book "HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS" 💡 1.  Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It takes grit, determination, and a willingness to fail over and over again before you finally succeed. 2.  Your customers are the lifeblood of your business. Without them, you have nothing. So, always make sure you're delivering value and exceeding their expectations. 3.  Don't try to be everything to everyone. Instead, focus on your niche and become the go-to expert in that area. 4.  Hiring the right people is critical to the success of your business. Look for individuals who share your values and have the skills and experience you need to take your business to the next level. 5.  Invest in your own education and development. The more you learn, the more you'll be able to grow your business. 6.  Keep an eye on your finances. Always have a solid understanding of your cash flow and expenses, and be prepared to make adjustments as needed. 7.  Marketing is key to growing your business. Make sure you have a solid marketing plan in place and that you're tracking your results so you can make informed decisions about where to invest your resources. 8.  Never stop innovating. Always be on the lookout for ways to improve your products and services, and stay ahead of the competition. 9.  Building a successful business takes time, patience, and hard work. Don't give up when things get tough. Keep pushing forward, and you'll eventually achieve the success you're looking for. 10.  Remember that your business exists to serve your customers, not the other way around. Keep their needs and desires at the forefront of everything you do, and you'll be well on your way to building a thriving business.
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11 Tips to achieve your goals. 1️⃣. Think in writing. A goal that is not on paper does not exist. 2️⃣. Set the goal specifically by answering the questions: what, where, when and how? 3️⃣. Limit the goal in time: a goal without time is just a dream. 4️⃣. Think about who other than you will benefit from your goal? 5️⃣. Formulate the goal in an affirmative form in the present tense. 6️⃣. Divide goals into subgoals, prepare a detailed scenario for achieving the goal. 7️⃣. Take responsibility for your actions towards your goal. 8️⃣. Determine the intermediate results of achieving the goal. 9️⃣. Think about the end, not about the means to achieve it. Set your final destination and go. 1️⃣0️⃣. Create an image of the future, where you have achieved the goal, and fix this image. 1️⃣1️⃣. Behave as if you were guaranteed success.
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