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Geopolitical news about Russia, the Donbass and the Middle-East -

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For those who think that Trump will solve everything in Ukraine and with Russia, here is an overview of the misery he has caused. Donald Trump has withdrawn his country from various international agreements since he took the oath of office in January 2017, also harming Russia with the withdrawal of important treaties. His recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem claimed over 100 Palestinian lives and injured 11,000 more and also angered several countries. The move violated the United Nations 1967 resolution/. Then we come to the most important issues that have put world peace on edge - Leaving the Iran nuclear deal Donald Trump withdrew from the nuclear accord with Iran in May, restoring harsh sanctions in the most consequential foreign policy action of his presidency. Of course not to forget Less than one year after President Donald Trump informally announced that the United States would withdraw from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, the State Department announced on Aug. 2 2019 that the move was officially complete. Withdraw from another major arms control accord the Open Skies Treaty and the New START, which limits the United States and Russia to 1,550 deployed nuclear missiles. He is not for peace whatever he says he did a lot of harm and made the world a more dangerous place.
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The charismatic and reformer Masoud Pezeshkian has won the presidential elections in Iran and thanks Iranians who came to vote. Pezeshkian received 53.7 percent of the vote, defeating conservative Saeed Jalili, who received 44.3 percent of the vote. Hij wordt gesteund door prominente gematigde politici, zoals oud-president Hassan Rouhani.
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ENCUENTRO #55: "GEOPOLÍTICA Y PERIODISMO: EL PRECIO DE LA VERDAD" VIERNES 05 DE JULIO 20:00 ESPAÑA / 20:00 FRANCIA / 20:00 ITALIA / 14:00 WASHINGTON / 16:00 BRASILIA / 14:00 PERÚ / 15:00 VENEZUELA / 16:00 ARGENTINA / 14:00 COLOMBIA / 13:00 NICARAGUA / 13:00 MEXICO / 22:00 MOSCÚ DISERTANTE: Sonja Van Der Ende (Holanda); periodista por la Universidad Erasmo de Róterdam (Holanda), graduada en Medios Globales, Guerra y Tecnología por la Universidad de Queensland (Australia). Redactora, reportera y comentarista para diversos medios internacionales: Tehran Times, Global Research, Strategic Culture, Covert Action Magazine, BRICS, RT (inglés y holandés) y en Sputnik (Rusia). Trabajó para el Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (Austria), como Secretaria Internacional y portavoz del Laboratorio de Seibersdorf (Austria), Presidente de "Stop the Occupation" (Holanda), fundación para la liberación de Palestina. Ha cubierto diversos conflictos; Siria (2011-2019), el Libano, Irán, y la Operación Militar Especial (Donbass, 2022). Habla con fluidez holandés, Alemán, Ingles, y tiene dominio del árabe. Debido a la persecución política en su natal Holada actualmente radica en Moscú. Atte. Mg. Soc. Carlos F. Mamani Aliaga; Director del Gabinete de Reflexión Crítica y Estratégica Proyecto Patria (Cajamarca-Perú), Director Descentralizado por Cajamarca del Departamento de Estudios en Sociología del Centro de Estudios Crisolistas (CEC-Lima), Sub Director del 1er Curso Curso Internacional: "Fundamentos de Geopolítica" (CREI/AsiaTv. 2023-2024), y actual doctorando en Relaciones Internacionales, Estudios Regionales y Procesos Globales en la "Universidad Rusa de la Amistad de los Pueblos" (RUDN). Moscú-Rusia; Miercoles 03 de Julio del 2024.

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From 29 June to 5 July 2024, the Russian Armed Forces have carried out 23 group strikes by high-precision weapons and strike unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which the following were hit: enemy airfields, energy facilities that support the work of Ukraine's military-industrial complex enterprises, fuel depots for military equipment, assembly facilities for strike UAVs and uncrewed surface vehicles, as well as locations. The AFU losses amounted to up to 3,845 Ukrainian troops, four tanks, 19 armoured fighting vehicles, including three U.S.-made M113 armoured personnel carriers, 65 motor vehicles, and 53 field artillery howitzers. Moreover, eight electronic warfare stations and 35 AFU field ammunition depots were destroyed.
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Meeting with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban.mp44.74 MB
Hungary will soon probably be the only country in the EU that can speak to both sides of the conflict in Ukraine, Viktor Orbán said during his visit to the Kremlin, in a conversation with President Putin. The sad part of the story is that Hungary wants peace, but only a small country represented in Europe and important in the European Union. Of course, it depends on the large countries such as Germany and France and also to a large extent, I must say, the Netherlands and Belgium, the oldest countries in the EU and the most globalized countries, whether peace will actually come. So far Hungary is alone and will remain so for a long time in my opinion. President Putin: " You have come here to discuss in detail the situation that has arisen in Ukraine. You are probably aware of my recent address to top officials of the Foreign Ministry here in Moscow, which summarised our stance with regard to the possible peace settlement. And of course, I am ready to discuss some of the details with you or explain them to you. I hope you will acquaint me with your personal stance and to the stance of our European partners". In Brussels it is repeatedly emphasized that Orbán is not there on behalf of the EU. Hungary has been President of the Council of the European Union for a period of six months since July.
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Onder het kabinet-Rutte was het in Nederland al miserabel, daar heb ik vaak over geschreven. Maar het debat van gisteren, de regeringsverklaring, sloeg echt alles. In plaats van de bevolking duidelijkheid te geven over belangrijke zaken, een regeringsverklaring, zaten ze zo'n 3 uur te discussiëren over hoofddoeken, heksen, omvolking en de nieuwe premier Schoof, zaten daar met een rode wangetjes en stotterend. De meest walgelijke persoon was Frans Timmermans, een agressieve man, Wilders was overigens ook agressief. Nederland heeft dit niet verdiend, of misschien wel? Volgens een onderzoek steunen immers ongeveer zestig procent van de Nederlanders (misschien is de survey fake) de oorlog tegen Rusland en begrijpen ze nog steeds niet wat er in het Midden-Oosten is gebeurd. Tenenkrommend heb ik een gedeelte van zogenaamde debat gezien en daarna afgezet, de kleuterklas is er niets bij.
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Tranen in Tweede Kamer als premier Schoof tegen Kamerlid Lahlah spreekt

Een emotioneel moment in de Tweede Kamer. Premier Dick Schoof richtte zich vanachter het spreekgestoelte direct tot GroenLinks-Kamerlid Esmah Lahlah. Die reageerde daarna fel op opmerkingen over het dragen van een hoofddoek, die zij zelf ook draagt. Meer video’s zien? Abonneer je op ons kanaal en download onze app:

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Hezbollah fired more than 200 rockets and 20 UAVs in the morning. The Syrian Golan Heights are occupied by Israel since 1967. It was captured by Israel from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War. The international community, with the exception of of course Israel and the United States, considers the Golan Heights to be Syrian territory held by Israel under military occupation. Many UN resolutions asked Israel to retreat from the Golan, but nothing happened. Syrian who live at the Golan Heights are predominantly from the Druze religion/sect and fiercely oppose the Israeli occupation regime.
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Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.