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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

Repost from Shaykh Ahmad Gems
The sun does not illuminate any day like it does on a day such as today… The pinnacle of the year and the epitome of the season of good deeds…. The most opportune day for heartfelt duaa… The optimal time to make duaa starts at Thuhur and lasts until Maghrib, a cherished period by many in the past who saved their yearlong needs eagerly awaiting the chance to seek Allah's blessings and address their needs on this day. May Allah swiftly release our sisters in the camps, free all our captives, protect our brothers and sisters in Gaza and beyond, and grant victory to the Muwahideen that brings joy to our hearts. _______ Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله Dhu al-Hijjah 9, 1445
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
'Umar ibn al-Ward said that 'Atā' said to him: إن استطعت أن تخلو بنفسك عشية عرفة فافعل If you can be alone during the evening of 'Arafah, then do so. [الحلية (٣\٣١٤)]
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Remember to fast for ‘Arafah tomorrow, in it is huge reward. Stay away from sin and increase in goodness as much as possible so you can receive the full reward, إن شاء الله.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Voting in elections, part 1.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Voting in elections part 1 - Abu Baraa.pdf8.65 KB
5❤‍🔥 1💯 1
Perhaps putting this all in a PDF is easier, it's more than expected 🤔
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 1 1
Point 3: Let's say somebody turned around and said to you, "Come on, let's all whistle to save Ghazzah. Blow on this whistle, play this flute in order to save Ghazzah." I give this example because we know that blowing a flute or whistling it is one of the very minor issue in terms of the sins some people could even argue that it's only Makrūh in some cases and sometimes. But nobody's going to say it's Kufr. And yet, anybody will look at it and say, "Well, hang on a second, I understand protesting, I understand boycotting. But blowing a whistle?" You might have a person say, "Look, honk your horn for Ghazzah." Okay, honk my horn, no problem. As soon as you whistle, "Well, hang on, I don't whistle as a Muslim. It might not be a major thing, it might not be a kufr deed, but why am I going to do that and why do I think that's going to help us anyway? If I do it, I might make myself feel better, but nothing will happen as a result of it in reality and all I would have done is I disappeared on that." This is an example of something very minor and very small. So we have to understand this principle first of all that if we want to help the people of Ghazzah, there are limits to what we can do, it must be lawful. And when I say lawful I mean it must be lawful according to the Sharī'ah. The Sharī'ah must first define what is legal, lawful means of protest, of repelling the ethnic action. Not only is there laws limiting what is permissible what is not, the Sharī'ah also defines the correct methodology of how to effect change, how to protect and preserve the sanctity of the Muslims, how to respond to an attack such as this genocide, what are we supposed to be doing. The Sharī'ah says one thing, and it's not to go and vote in the elections and appoint the people. This is the first thing we want to make clear. Nobody can ever claim that the Sharī'ah has ordered us to take as our methodology to remove the occupation in Ghazzah and stop the genocide, that the way Allah wants us to do that, the way Allah has ordered us to do that is by joining the governments of the very governments are our world Muslims or appointing their ministers and their MPs. That is not and it never has been part of the methodology to solve it.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Point 2: Right now we have a conflict in Ghazzah, a genocide going on. Israel committing worst crimes perhaps seen in the lifetime of anybody in this earth, and we are exposed to these images. So naturally, it's a very emotional time. People are calling for action, they want us to do something about it, even if it's little. Any real effective method or means to put a stop to this are cut off by the governments, because the government does not intend to stop this war. If you do too much, they will arrest you, if you say too much they will arrest you, if you say anything or do anything that will really challenge their narratives and their processes, they will come down on your very hard. That's a telltale sign of actually what works and doesn't. Things that actually work, they get terrified and they shut it down. Things that don't work, they encourage it. Because they're not worried about!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
You have: - Local elections - Council elections - Referendums - Sort of of mini elections (in the society of specific jobs or posts) - Democractic consultations (home affairs select committees where people debate and take evidence from people) - Anything that which involves some kind of selection process or voting petitions (like your school, i.e. any kind of vote to select people in positions which might have nothing to do with anything bad, something entirely normal.) Point 1: Democracy has been used to refer to almost anything which is deemed as good because that is the prevailing religion or ideology of the government here in the UK. So when people hear about justice, they call it democracy. When they talk about fairness, they call it democracy. So we don't want to be like the tyrants, we are democracy. They want to promote it as the idea of democracy is good and everything else is bad. And this is heavily promoted! People here these words and think of good things, not bad things or any potential downsides/evils inherent with democracy. But, these do have roots. They do have implications. And what you do in your actions and your speech is in relation to that, in interaction with that, does have consequences and has accountability. This is a very important point, that we are accountable for everything we do. We are accountable for everything we say.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
There are still so many ignorant people who don't know the reality of this matter, and it's upon us to spread the truth. Even if there isn't any election going on in your country, or it already passed, it may come in the future. Or perhaps you know people who are in a country where these elections are going on, or are upcoming.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.