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Following the Forest Passage

Channel for the editor, writer, and occasional publisher John Morgan.

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This look VERY interesting indeed! Free download of a compendium of essays about Indo-European linguistics, archaeology and mythology. New from Stockholm University
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Stockholm University Press

<p>Current scientific advances are reshaping our understanding of prehistory, offering unprecedented insights into the movements and kinship patterns of prehistoric populations. These new advances provide us with detailed information on several aspects of the early speakers of Indo-European and their lives. However, the prehistoric humans that we know through bones and potsherds were once real people speaking real languages and having specific beliefs, mythological tales and poetic expressions. </p> <p>With this book, we want to apply a multidisciplinary approach that combines historical linguistics, archaeology, and comparative religion in order to improve our understanding of the early speakers of Indo-European. The book is a collection of papers by specialists in historical linguistics, archaeology and comparative religion, each examining different facets of the early Indo-European speakers, including their language, culture, and religious practices. </p>

Repost from N/a
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Sir Oswald Mosley, 6th Baronet. Son of Sir Oswald Mosley, 5th Baronet and Lady Katharine Maud Mosley (née Edwards-Heathcote). Founder and leader of the British Union of Fascists, Member of Parliament for Harrow (1918-1924), Member of Parliament for Smethwick (1926-1931), Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (1929-1931), and Lieutenant and Pilot in the British Army during the First World War. The Mosley surname is of Norman origin (original surname de Mosley), and Sir Oswald descends from Lord Ernald de Mosley, a prominent Norman nobleman in the 12th century.
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Repost from Zentropa
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Those who harbour illusions about the possibility of a purely political struggle and the power of this or that formula or system, with no new human quality as its exact counterpart, have learned no lessons from the past. Julius Evola
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“Whatever you may be, you are not the verbal labels in your passport any more than you are the word ‘self.’ So you must be prepared to prove at all times that you are what you are not.” — William S. Burroughs, The Revised Boy Scout Manual: An Electronic Revolution
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Molchat Doma - Son (Official Music Video) Молчат Дома - Сон

From the upcoming album Belaya Polosa, out on September 6, 2024 on Sacred Bones Records. Pre-order / pre-save:

Writer/Editor/Producer/Director: Bryan M. Ferguson Cinematographer: George Harwood SFX / Runner: Vari Ferguson Runner: Darryl Girvan Cast: Biliew Luak Jack Leggatt Vari Ferguson Darryl Girvan

Сон: Красными искрами валится небо на нас, Купол надежды расплавив в тот час. Жалкими взглядами их не провести. Поздно скрестись: нас не спасти. Сон, мой страшный сон. Есть только он, мой странный сон. Я ставлю на кон, Всю свою жизнь меняю на сон. Тихо! Послушай, как ветер зовёт за собой, Шепчет на ухо: «Заигрались с судьбой!» Глянь на следы, что оставили мы. Ветер развеет их вскоре — дальше иди. Сон, мой страшный сон. Есть только он, мой странный сон. Я ставлю на кон, Всю свою жизнь меняю на сон. Dream: The sky is falling down on us like red sparks, The dome of hope melted during that time. You can’t deceive them with pitiful glances. It is too late to do the sign of the cross: we can’t be saved. Dream, my terrible dream. There is only it, my strange dream. I am betting on it, I change my whole life for a dream. Quiet! Listen, how the wind calls for you, It whispers in your ear: “tempt fate!” Look at the footprints we left behind. The wind will blow them away soon – carry on. Dream, my terrible dream. There is only it, my strange dream. I am betting on it, I change my whole life for a dream.

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Repost from Modern Kshatriya
‘The true equation is ‘democracy’ = government by world financiers.’ ‘The main mark of modern governments is that we do not know who governs, de facto any more than de jure. We see the politician and not his backer; still less the backer of the backer; or, what is most important of all, the banker of the backer. ‘Throned above all, in a manner without parallel in all past, is the veiled prophet of finance, swaying all men living by a sort of magic, and delivering oracles in a language not understood of the people.’ J.R.R. Tolkien, interview with Cabdour Magazine, 13 July 1956,
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Repost from RISING RACE
"Since the fall of Napoleon, any appearance of gallantry has been strictly banned from provincial mores. People are afraid of being deprived of office. Rogues look to the Congregation for support, and hypocrisy has made great strides even among the liberal classes. Boredom has become acute. The only pleasures left are reading and agriculture." — Stendhal, The Red And The Black
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Repost from 𝕋rue 𝔸narchy
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The exercise of the virtues is itself a crucial component of the good life for man. - Alasdair MacIntyre 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝔸𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕪
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