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Red Ideologies

Documenting the extensive links between Red and Brown ideologies

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Goebbels' Marxism on full display here. "greedy love of wealth, excluding thereby 17 million German proletarians" "Seventeen million people see class struggle as their only hope" "we don't have the moral right to complain against proletarian class struggle.. [until we] thoroughly destroy the bourgeois class state and replace it with a new socialist structure" In typical sneaky Goebbels fashion he employs bafflegab to confuse the reader. He says he's "against the idea of class struggle" and then affirms class struggle in the very next sentences, calling for Marxist class warfare against the state, the wealthy, etc. Goebbels was a crypto-Marxist who hid his Marxism behind a veneer of ethno-centrism. @redideologies
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πŸ‘ 5πŸ”₯ 3
Repost fromΒ Martinez Politix
Natsocs: Free Palestine! Jewish territorial expansion against Arabs is wrong! Also Natsocs: Hitler's Lebensraum was justified! Germanic territorial expansion into Slavic lands is based! They are not against territorial expansion, only when groups they don't like are doing it. They will even support territorial expansion against other Whites if the "master race" Germanics or Nordics are the ones doing it. Zionism = Jewish supremacy Nazism = Germanic supremacy It's a fight between two groups of supremacists both aiming for world hegemony.
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πŸ’― 16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Œ 2πŸ˜‡ 1
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David Irving confirms the Goebbels diaries are authentic. He personally recovered the microfiche glass plates from the Russian archives. @redideologies
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Joseph Goebbels Diaries - Film & Video Stock.mp46.50 MB
πŸ† 7
Repost fromΒ White America
We Defeated the Wrong Enemy β€œGentlemen, I have come this morning to the inexcusable conclusion that we have fought on the wrong side. This entire war we should have fought with the fascists against the communists and not the other way around. I fear that perhaps in fifty years America will pay a dear price and become a land of corruption and degenerate morals." Gen. George S. Patton. (July 21, 1945) These alleged quotes by Gen. Patton continue to be spread despite its inauthenticity. To put it bluntly, they’re forgeries. Nowhere in Gen. Pattons official diary entries, nor recorded speeches can any of the above rhetoric be found, because he never would have said such a thing. The three sources which attributes a paraphrased version of the quote are: β€œWhen he went to Berlin to receive the kiss of death from the Russians he remarked shortly, "I think we've been fighting the wrong people all this time, but I've oiled my belly so I can stay with them on the Vodka. My front will be as good as theirs." We Called Him Uncle Georgie Betty South The National Guardsman, 1953 β€œPatton was relieved of command of the 3rd Army by Eisenhower just after the end of the war for stating publicly that America had been fighting the wrong enemy β€” Germany instead of Russia β€” a sentiment that many in both America and Britain would come to share” Body Guard of Lies Anthony Cave Brown pp. 802, 1978 [Source] We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. But while we're here (on the Soviet border), we should go after the bastards now, 'cause we're gonna have to fight 'em eventually. Cannon Fodder: Growing up for Vietnam Philip Coleman Chapter 7, 1987 The issue with the sources above is that they are hearsay, and lack proper primary sourcing; nothing more than a secondary accusation. The only official release of Pattons conversations are the Patton Papers published by Martin Blumenson and the Library of Congress where you can view his diary as is. Gen. Patton was not a fascist/nazi sympathizer. He took offense when the media claimed he was pro-fascist, viewed fascists as ill-informed and wanted to kill hitler himself. A case for Gen. Patton, and one of the reasons he was removed by Eisenhower, is that Patton viewed denazification as pointless and hindered Americas success from beating the communists. He believed their denazification program would lead to another hitler and that he never fought to denazify Germany. In his letter to his wife, September 2nd, 1945 he explicitly states that he didn’t fight to denazify Germany, and if the process continues then Russia will swallow it whole. In his private diary on September 22nd, 1945, he believed building Germany up as a buffer state against Russia would help assist defeating communism. If America failed to do this, then Germany would fall to communism which would β€œwrite the epitaph of democracy in the United States”.
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⚑ 9πŸ”₯ 2
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Nazi Germany bombed Northern Ireland in 1941. @redideolgies
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⚑ 4πŸ‘ 3
Repost fromΒ Martinez Politix
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Europa Last Battle meme debunked (they list Allied & Neutral countries as "on Hitler's side") @MartinezPolitix
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Europa Last Battle Meme Axis SIde Debunked.mp435.50 MB
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The Germans had 600,000 Russian POWs shot. Saving the White race 600,000 dead Russians at a time. @redideologies
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⚑ 7πŸ‘ 4πŸ˜‡ 2πŸ‘ 1
Repost fromΒ Martinez Politix
The Hitlerian meme docs have spread the myth that Poland was "executing" Germans in large numbers before Germany invaded. You hear that repeated verbatim by the bots who only watched those docs. That's refuted by the simple fact that the Nazi Party had seized control of the Danzig Senate shortly after Hitler came to power, it was run by pro-Nazi forces the whole time, Nazi flags draped on every building as you can see in this video below from 1937. Poles had minimal control there so the idea they were marching around "executing" Germans in a city run by Nazis is laughable.
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GdaΕ„sk - Danzig 1937 [HD COLOR].mp4172.34 MB
⚑ 5πŸ‘ 4
Repost fromΒ Martinez Politix
Jewish Zionists: If you don't worship jews as faultless living saints you're canceled! National Socialists: If you don't worship Adolf Hitler and 1930s Germans as faultless living saints you're canceled! While these two deranged cults oppose each other, they're very similar in nature, especially in their totalitarian pursuit to silence anyone who disagrees with their flawed worldview. NS/Nordicism is Judaic "chosen people" supremacism for North-West Euros.
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πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Œ 2
Repost fromΒ Martinez Politix
Franco rejected the "unsound racialism" (Nordicism) of the Nazis and pledged not to be a "Hitler puppet". This is why the Nazis hated Franco and called him a "bourgeois coward" for not being a useful goyim for their expansionist plans. @MartinezPolitix
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πŸ’― 11πŸ‘ 7
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