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EZZY Game /新闻/

📱 EZZY游戏是最简单的M2E和P2E游戏! 走路或玩耍都可以得到GEZY代币的奖励。新手 - 运动鞋作为礼物! 聊天 - 应用程序 -

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Repost from Memcoin City
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📈 New withdrawal limits - unlimited development opportunities Previously, withdrawal limits were fixed, which created limitations for development in the game. There was no point in users taking more than a certain amount of Sneakers, because it was impossible to withdraw more tokens anyway. On the EGO token, the concept of limits has been drastically revised. Now you can withdraw 10% per day of the total reward of all your Sneakers for the whole Longevity period. In other words, you can withdraw all tokens received per day as a reward for training and games from all your Sneakers. At the same time, the minimum exchange threshold - from 0 to 70 EGO - is available to ALL, even if it is less than 10% of the reward amount from all Sneakers. There are no restrictions on the minimum withdrawal size, you can withdraw even 0.01 EGO. 🔥 This approach allows you to develop your account to a huge scale, now there are absolutely no restrictions on entering the game. No matter how much you put into the game, rest assured that you can withdraw all tokens including the reward in 10 days. What do you think of the new withdrawal limit system? Awesome - 🔥 It was better before - 👾
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Repost from Memcoin City
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🔥 NEW TOKEN LAUNCHED 🚀 MEET THE FIRST COLLECTION ON EGO Meet the new EGO Fitness app, the new EGO token and the first EGO Launch collection. Early adopters get a steep discount: ✅ 10% for NFT EzzyBrezzy holders. ✅ 7% to those who had active EZY or GEZY Sneakers (who have walked so far). ✅ 5% for anyone who was registered in the game before the new token was launched. Your addresses have already been added to Whitelists - to get the discount, just pick the collection you want (10%, 7% or 5% off) and pick up the Sneakers. 👉 You can take a maximum of 3 Sneakers at the discount. Discount is available for a few days, but may disappear at any time. 👉 Without the discount you can take an unlimited number of Sneakers. 👉 Starting exchange rate 1 EGO = 0.777 USDT. Start liquidity equivalent to 30,000 USDT in total. Contract address: 0x128f397237b6489de867c4d4e749689e284d58a4. Link to the pair. 👉 Everyone still has old referrals, but referral points on the new token must be received again. 👉 New formula for EGO withdrawal/exchange: 10% per day of the full reward amount from all active Sneakers. For example, your Sneakers will bring a total of 10,000 EGO, so 1,000 EGO per day is available for withdrawal. The minimum exchange threshold - from 0 to 70 EGO - is available to ALL, even if it is less than 10% of the reward amount from all Sneakers. 👉 It's your steps that count in workouts, so workout rewards are earned even indoors. There may be bugs in the background, we recommend keeping the app open for now. 👉 Final website and White Paper on the EGO token will be a bit later. 🚀📲Let's go: P.S. On EZY and GEZY: within a few days for all your Sneakers and staking you will be credited tokens already together with the reward. Unlimited withdrawal of GEZY and EZY will be available. You will be able to exchange them to USDT and then to EGO on PancakeSwap if you wish. EZY/GEZY exchanges within the app are closed due to low liquidity of EZY/GEZY.
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Repost from Memcoin City
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❄️ New Year collection - at the Factory! New Year collection of sneakers with increased parameters and old-school design is already at the Factory! Grab the new Sneakers and plunge into the times when EZZY Game was just taking its first steps on the path of development.📈 And the increased reward is a nice bonus to our favorite players.❤️
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已开通 GEZY 取款 昨天我们修复了应用程序中的交换工作,但在极少数情况下仍会出现错误。这就是为什么我们开放了 GEZY 取款。 您可以将 GEZY 提现到外部钱包,然后通过 PancakeSwap 兑换 USDT 和其他代币。您也可以在外部钱包中将 USDT 兑换为 GEZY,然后用游戏内代币为您的账户充值。 兑换直接链接 - 👉附注:提款限制与交易所相同。了解更多限制信息 - 附注:我们将很快更改 BNB 网络节点,以彻底消除交易所出错的可能性。
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EZZY 游戏中的免费游戏:轻松向您的朋友介绍 M2E 和 P2E 应用程序 EZZY Game 为那些想在不使用真实代币的情况下试用应用程序并了解如何获得奖励的用户提供了免费游戏模式。 📌 注册后,立即购买试玩球鞋并行走/玩耍,积累奖励,奖励将暂时冻结。 📌在任何时候,用试玩运动鞋的金额换取可玩运动鞋,即可解冻奖励。 📌然后您就可以继续使用游戏中的运动鞋进行训练和游戏。从中获得真实的代币奖励,增加你的运动鞋收藏,不断成长! 📈 👉 在我们的网站 上了解更多有关尝试 Sneakers 的机制。 邀请您的朋友和熟人尝试在 EZZY 游戏中获得活动奖励,这在新代币推出之前尤为重要。🔥 👉 下载 EZZY 游戏 -
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⚡️👌GEZY 交易所已正常运行 昨天,由于 1inch 聚合器的原因,EZZY 游戏应用程序内的交易所出现了中断。目前问题已完全解决,一切正常。请使用它!❤️
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建议新代币的名称 📊 5 个最佳名称的作者将获得由 Sneakers 提供的 30 000 GEZY。 我们已经有了一些新代币的名称选项,但我们对您的想法非常感兴趣。 请在评论中提出您为新代币及其代码选择的名称。最好附上简短的说明,并解释为什么要使用这个名称。 🏆 为了增加趣味性--我们认为拥有最佳变体的 5 位用户将获得 "运动鞋",这将带来 30 000 个 GEZY。比赛将持续一周,直至 12 月 6 日。届时我们将总结比赛结果并宣布获奖者。 请在评论中写下您的想法。👇
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❄️ 恶劣天气还是懒惰?待在家里 - 转移能量或抓金币! 在许多地区,天气已经很冷了,下雪了,结冰了,有些地区还在经历暴风雨。所有这一切都不鼓励您出门获取奖励,您想和您的爱人待在家里,为自己煮些可可,看一部冬季电影或连续剧。幸运的是,有了 EZZY Game,即使在每年的这个时候,您也有能力获得奖励。 🎮首先,您可以坐在家里的沙发上玩游戏,并因此获得奖励。用运动鞋换取 EZY 或 GEZY 代币,在应用程序的主屏幕上选择游戏,然后捕捉掉落的硬币。不需要去任何地方,就能像健身一样获得令人满意的奖励。 ⚡️ 第二,你可以积累能量--每个 Sneaker 最多可以积累 10 天。如果你不想玩游戏,但又想训练,你可以今天或明天不出门,以后再消耗所有能量。最重要的是确保你的球鞋寿命不会提前耗尽。 💕 通过 EZZY Game 充分利用它!
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与 Dexart 一起开发新的代币计量学项目 我们提出了一个很酷的代币经济学项目,与其他任何项目都不同。我们开了很长时间的会,计算了不同的模型,请数学家预测了各种方案,最后得出的结论是,从长远来看,这不会奏效。😅 由于我们与 Dexart 的共同目标是创建一个平衡、可持续和持久的生态系统,因此我们决定另辟蹊径。我们将与您分享一些见解: 📌我们希望提供一种能产生 "附加值 "的产品。为此,我们计划与广告商合作,让他们在我们的生态系统中为其产品做广告,从而创造对游戏内代币的需求。用户将可以前往 Dexart 的特定地点,观看广告并获得额外奖励。 📌 Dexart 坚持创建完全去中心化的机制,智能合约参与所有流程。我们完全支持去中心化,但可能无法将所有任务转移到智能合约中。有些东西必须留在服务器端。我们正在考虑这一点。 总的来说,工作正在进行,程序员正在制作功能,营销人员正在准备启动营销活动--一切都在按计划进行。☺️
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🧐 新代币? 我们前几天进行了一项调查,发现大多数玩家都希望看到项目在新代币上 "重新启动",这样他们就可以像以前一样获得高额奖励,清楚地看到发展情况,并真正享受与 EZZY Game 一起漫步的乐趣。 为了实现向新代币的最佳过渡,您需要开发新的代币经济学,分析并确定从 EZZY 和 GEZY 过渡的策略。这是一个复杂的解决方案,应该对玩家和 EZZY Game 项目都尽可能有用和有趣。 因此,我们召集了所有分析师,要求他们对这一问题进行深入研究。我们将开发过渡到新代币的概念,然后我们将愉快地向您展示。💙
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