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Q +++ Military Government. GOD AND COUNTRY. Enemy Combatants and Traitors are met with fury. PedophiIes get the rope ☠️

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👍 35💯 10🙏 3
Repost from Forbidden History
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Since ancient times, women have been known to have long hair which was not only seen as a symbol of beauty and health, as well as a sign of fertility, and it was also seen as a connection to the divine. People with long hair have been thought to possess greater insight, intuition, and spiritual awareness. In some cultures, it is believed that those with long hair can communicate with the spirit world and even see into the future. For example it is widely known that Vrill Society which widely influenced Hitler, was a secret society mostly made up of clairvoyant women. They claimed to have kept their hair long in order to act as an antenna to telepathically channel communication with extraterrestrial civilizations. The real reason why hair is so powerful is because of the key mineral found in hair called Silica, which is one of the main compositions of Quartz crystal. It acts as an antenna that's able to transmit and recieve frequencies. Yours, Richard Wilson. Join us now: Forbidden History
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26👍 5
Repost from Forbidden History
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10 Legendary Lost Cities That Were Discovered Yours, Richard Wilson. Join us now: Forbidden History
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15👍 4
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The last stand. Play the Q card. POTUS. Q+++
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111🙏 34👍 11💯 7
Repost from Forbidden History
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The Renewable Green Energy Paradox Did you know that after about 15 years, solar panels lose their effectiveness and are no longer useful, after which they go to waste. However, this waste is not like ordinary garbage, it is incredibly toxic and poses a significant risk to the environment. In fact, solar panel waste is 300 times more harmful than nuclear waste, and its disposal requires a costly and specialized method. Unfortunately, many countries send this toxic waste to poorer nations. This issue is only going to get worse as by 2030, we will have 8 million tons of "green" waste, and by 2050, that number will balloon to a staggering 80 million tons of solar panel waste that will likely have reached the end of their lives. So my critical thinking side of the brain is acting up again. Yours, Richard Wilson. Join us now: Forbidden History
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👍 33😡 13
Repost from Forbidden History
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Free energy 👆 Yours, Richard Wilson. Join us now: Forbidden History
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👍 37🤣 1
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Real-time airplane surveillance app👁🥷 A plane circles over the most densely populated parts of an Italian city. And later, a massive flood hits Italy. What was going on there? 🥶 Join us now: Forbidden Texhnologu
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😈 34
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This time I surprised my students with something new 😳 A steam engine powered by a candle 🕯 The engine is simply a coil of copper pipes filled with water. Steam builds up, pushing water out in an explosive jet, which then causes a partial vacuum in the coil, which draws in more water to repeat the process 💦 The water is ejected as a jet from the end of the pipe, while the refill returns to the pipe at a high angle, so in the balance the motor moves in the opposite direction to the direction of the jets 🗜 Join us now: Forbidden Texhnologu
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27👍 5🙏 5
🥷💀THE FORBIDDEN TECHNOLOGY IS FINALLY IN THE PROCESS OF BEING REVEALED 🤫 Hello dear American brothers and sisters, We are a group of scientists who still nurture the idealism that inspired our work. We make the announcement that soon in a couple of stages we are going to reveal and release the truth about the PROJECT ZELDA💀 This is hacked scheme of a military-private partnership based on secret government-backed contracts. The secret platform with lucrative yet unimaginable and amazing technologies is hidden from the eye of the public. The world is on the verge of a deadly escalation in the possible form of WW3 while humanity has an incredible opportunity to end all war and live forever in wealth and prosperity. Our mission is hard and we will try to play our part in this conflict that is the end of a seemingly eternal war between good and evil. Your help is greatly needed and appreciated. Your dedication and trust are the foundation of your freedom-loving American spirit. Please share this great announcement and help us spread the word. The FORBIDDEN TECHNOLOGY is going to be EXPOSED! That is our OATH 🙏 Join us now: Forbidden Texhnologu
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Forbidden Texhnology ⚛️

The future that lies ahead is about to give humanity unthinkable advantages. The forbidden technology must be revealed. Join our community if you are awake 🧬

👍 20🙏 8 3
Repost from MedBeds Technology
🚨🔔 MASSIVE UPDATE COMING FROM EUROPE !!! This is a great announcement that can help improve the MedBed technology itself. Americans should be happy to finally have the opportunity to acquire personal medbeds and change their lives. The tool used for this space lab research is known as CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats). So far, this technology has been widely applied in medicine to edit genes in cells of humans as well as terrestrial flora and fauna. CRISPR allows scientists to detect specific DNA parts within the cell and alter those. It’s been especially prolific as an advanced malignant cell research mechanism: ‘CRISPR is becoming a mainstream methodology used in many cancer biology studies because of the convenience of the technique’ (Dr. Jerry Li, Division of Cancer Biology, NCI). Since human expansion into space will involve extended off-planet stays, exposure to ionizing space radiation is a major factor conditioning the success of future missions. As cosmic rays can trigger severe DNA damage, radiation protection is a topical issue for the global research community which was addressed at the I Asgardia Space Science and Investment Congress in Darmstadt, Germany. The Asgardian panel on space radiation gathered a constellation of world scientists who shared their latest insights with the public. JOIN TO LEARN MORE 👇👇👇 https:// MedBedTechnology MedBedTechnology ✅️ Find out more about the study:
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Can DNA Repair in Space?

Asgardia is a free borderless model of society, with knowledge, intelligence, science and the recognition of the ultimate value of each human life at its very core.

👍 18🙏 5