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ChatGPT 4.0 | Bot - 中国

About neural networks and technologies. 🔥 AI Bot: @ChatGPT_General_Bot

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⚡️Important Announcement About ChatGPT 4.0 & [🅼🅹] Bot : Dear friends! We value the accessibility of our services for everyone and aim to ensure our product supports the growth and success of our users. With this goal in mind, we are excited to announce significant updates in our offerings: ### 🎉 Limits and the number of available requests on premium tariffs have been changed:    — The request limit for GPT 3.5 is now unlimited.    — The request limit for GPT-4 and Midjourney has been increased 30-fold! Now, you get 30 times more opportunities for the same cost. This means you can do more, create more, and achieve more, without worrying about limits.    — Premium subscription holders now receive up to 60% discount on purchasing any additional requests in the bot and 🧠 Claude tokens. ### 🚀 Two new tariffs have been added:    — 🍬 Mini — the most economical tariff for a wide range of users. You get access to the latest GPT 4 + Turbo, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and computer vision — all for just $3.8.    —💥 Alpha — the flagship unlimited tariff. Provides unlimited, unrestricted access to all bot capabilities for realizing any ideas, every day without limits. Now, your imagination is the only limit. 💡 We are determined to continue improving our service and offering you only the best. Thank you for your support and trust ❤️ Sincerely, The ChatGPT 4.0 & [🅼🅹] Bot Team 🤖 Enter Bot ➡️ ChatGPT 4.0 & [🅼🅹]
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🔄 Introducing Role Update: New Features and Diverse Choices for Everyone! 🌟 🚀 Are you ready to experiment with the innovative exoskeleton for your brain and mental potential? 🎭 We have made significant changes to the GPT role system (command /role), expanding their number to 99 and improving functionality. 🤡 To change the bot's personality and behavior, use the command /role and choose the option that suits you 👀 🎉 Our role list includes something for everyone, regardless of your interests or professional field: ➡️Full list of roles are here ☘️ Hope you will enjoy this update! 🤖 Enter Bot ➡️ ChatGPT 4.0 & [🅼🅹]
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✈️ Notcoin is a new project from Telegram that attracts millions of users Notcoin is the fastest growing game on Telegram, having already attracted 1.7 million users in the first 5 days. The project is actively supported by Telegram and was presented by Pavel Durov. Participation in the game is free, and as part of the game, users receive Notcoin by simply clicking on the coin image, making it available to all users. Notcoin is also fully supported by TON, which makes this game on Telegram even more interesting. The project is here➡️ @Notcoin_Bot
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🔄 We have added to our bot the ability to work with any files and documents up to 500 pages. 🧠 Claude 2.1 - the latest artificial intelligence and "ChatGPT" killer for working with files and documents, is now available in our bot and for the first time in the history of Telegram. 📰 What we were all missing: 🖥 Analyzes data and documents up to 500 pages in length, providing intelligent insights and solutions directly in chat. 📈 Download files and documents in any format, from technical documentation and code to literature and scientific research, and get comprehensive analysis, solutions and answers to your questions. 🔬 Finance, IT, law, jurisprudence, marketing, media, education, etc. - Claude 2.1 is universal in any field . 📄 Supported file formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .xls, .csv, .eml, .epub, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .json, .html, .htm, .msg, .odt, .png, .pptx, .ps, .rtf, .tiff, .tif, .txt and many others. 💳 To activate the dialogue mode and process documents, you need Claude 🧠 tokens, which can be purchased in /premium, then send your files to the bot in the appropriate format and enjoy the magic ✨ 💼 There are two versions of Claude in the bot: — 🏆 Claude 2.1 is the flagship version designed to work with extensive documents up to 500 pages of text. This model is ideal for complex tasks that require in-depth analysis and thorough research, while spending 6 times more tokens compared to Claude Instant. Context limit: 200 000 tokens. — 🚀 Claude Instant - this version is optimized for more compact documents of up to 250 pages of text and is excellent for faster tasks that do not require complex calculations or particularly deep reasoning, while spending 6 times fewer tokens than Claude 2.1. Context limit: 100 000 tokens. *1 token is equal to 4 characters in English language and 1 character in other languages ⚙️ Changing between 🧠 Claude and ChatGPT models is available in the settings section using the /settings command. 🤖TRY IT: ➡️ ChatGPT 4.0 & [🅼🅹]
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2.30 MB
我們有好消息要告訴您! ✅ 新增了6個新的 GPT 人工智能模型,包括迄今為止最強大和先進的 GPT-4 Turbo,截至 2023 年 4 月擁有世界知識🔥。您以前無法解決的問題和疑問,現在都不是問題了(現在可以在/settings中選擇模型並查看其描述) ✅ 人工智能現在具有視覺功能,新增了 GPT-4 Vision,現在它可以看到並理解照片上的內容,並解決任何問題和疑問(發送照片並在標題中提出您的問題或任務,或者發送照片並選擇 GPT-4 Vision) ✅ 新增了轉發處理功能(轉發其他頻道/聊天室的帖子給機器人,它可以對其發聲、概述內容、重寫、基於該內容寫文章、撤資概述,或者執行您的個人任務) 🛠 改進了語音回答並修復了錯誤。 ⚙ 使機器人的工作速度提高了6倍(現在是 Telegram 中最快的神經機器人) 祝您使用愉快!🍀 🤖 ChatGPT 4.0 | Telegram Bot
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ChatGPT 4.0,世界上第一个连接到全球网络的生成人工智能,在 Telegram 中展示。 它可以帮助用户解决各种各样的任务: 1.文案和改写 2. 解决任何问题 3.编写和编辑代码 4. 任何语言的翻译 5. 解析非结构化文本并进行总结 6.聊天 7.语音通讯与控制 8.通过文字描述和照片生成图片、动漫。 9. 根据实时从全球网络接收到的数据生成响应。 昨天不可能的事情今天已经成为可能。 机器人 👉 @ChatGPT_General_Bot
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使用 ChatGPT 提示创建内容 🔸 为一家向 B2B 公司销售数字解决方案的小型零售店撰写 10 篇博文创意。 🔸 为关于预算旅行提示的一系列 YouTube 视频生成 5 个引人入胜的内容创意。 🔸 创建 7 篇关于远程工作者有效时间管理的内容丰富的文章创意。 🔸 为职业道路测验提出 5 个互动内容创意。 🔸 为搬迁播客剧集列出 10 个自定义内容创意。 🔸 准备 7 个关于冥想好处的信息图表想法。 🔸 为一系列关于按预算装饰房屋的 Instagram 帖子提出 5 个视觉上吸引人的想法。 🔸 设计 10 个关于个人发展和自我提升的鼓舞人心的 Pinterest 图板创意。 这些是您可以直接在 ChatGPT 4.0 的 Telegram 中为您的项目更改的提示示例 | 电报机器人🔥 机器人 👉 ChatGPT 4.0 | 电报机器人
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ChatGPT 4.0 | Telegram Bot

This bot allows you to use ChatGPT 4.0 to generate text, images and has a network access. Support: @GPT_TechSupport

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Решив показать свою незаменимость, строительная компания подшутила над девелоперами многофункционального ChatGPT, разместив на стройке призыв: «ChatGPT доделай этот дом». Интересно, долго эти товарищи будут язвить, учитывая что нейронки уже спокойно создают объекты на 3D-принтере 😄 Бот 👉 @ChatGPT_General_Bot
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Энтузиаст собрал генератор виртуальных девушек — теперь одиноких парней станет меньше (но это не точно) 👾 Парень по имени Enias Cailliau создал клон своей девушки, который штампует безграничное количество таких же девчонок, но только на базе искусственного интеллекта. Для создания сервиса GirlfriendGPT, он использовал языковую модель от OpenAI, нейросеть ElevenLabs для имитации голоса, Stable Diffusion для генерации собственного изображения, а также сервис Steamship. Если вам не хватает общения с противоположным полом — добро пожаловать в клуб «одиноких» парней! Бот 👉 ChatGPT 4.0 | Telegram Bot
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4.25 MB
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ChatGPT 4.0,世界上第一个连接到全球网络的生成人工智能,在 Telegram 中展示。 它可以帮助用户解决各种各样的任务: 1.文案和重写 2. 解决任何问题 3.编写和编辑代码 4. 任何语言的翻译 5. 解析非结构化文本并进行总结 6.聊天 7. 语音通讯与控制 8.通过文字描述和照片生成图片、动漫。 9. 根据实时从全球网络接收到的数据生成响应。 昨天不可能的事情今天已经成为可能。 机器人 👉 @ChatGPT_General_Bot
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