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Investigative Journalist and Bioethics Whistleblower

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

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The Ukrainian side seem to forget they have absolutely zero leverage. Putin doesn’t have to make any proposals. Russia will accomplish their goals regardless. He is merely offering a route to the same destination, without any more bloodshed. It’s like Russia have Ukraine in an arm bar. Ukraine can choose to tap to save their arm, or they can choose not to tap, and Russia will break the arm anyways. Both scenarios end in defeat, one is just significantly more painful than the other. If the West don’t like Putin’s proposal, they shouldn’t have lost the war. @WarClandestine
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 2
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If the Biden regime think American citizens are going to comply with a draft and fight in Ukraine, they are mistaken. The majority of us would rather die fighting the US government, than die in a trench in Ukraine, fighting a rich man’s war. That’s not a threat. It’s a promise. @WarClandestine
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 13 6
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Trump’s plan to secure elections: -One day voting -Paper ballots -Proof of citizenship -Voter ID The only people who do not approve of these measures, are Democrats, because this removes their ability to cheat with illegals voting. Flashback to 11/04/2016: Obama, days before the 2016 election, was encouraging illegal immigrants to vote, and assuring them they will not be prosecuted if they try to vote. Trump wants to secure our elections to prevent the Dems from doing this, and the Dems want to maintain their illegal immigrant vote, hence why they don’t want to secure the border and why they don’t want to secure elections. It’s never been about “democracy”. It’s about election fraud. They don’t like the way Americans vote, so they ship in new voters and buy their vote. The Dems will claim all these proposals to secure our elections are racist, and that “every vote should count”. It’s all a lie for them to retain their power. @WarClandestine
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The FBI now admit Hunter’s laptop was real. This confirms that the DNC, MSM, Big Tech, Government Agencies, and NGOs, all coordinated to WITTINGLY manipulate the public, in an effort to interfere in the 2020 election. One of the greatest proofs that the Deep State exists. @WarClandestine
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🔥 18👍 4
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I’m a huge fan of Vivek, and would love to see him as VP or one of the cabinet positions. However, I think he would be most valuable as Press Secretary. His greatest skills are talking, and ripping MSM reporters to shreds. When I think about who I want facing the media everyday, it’s Vivek, and it’s not even close. He is easily the best at articulating and relaying Trump’s message, and he is sharper than any MSM propagandist. Not to mention how stark the contrast would be, going from the absolute clown show that is Karine Jean-Pierre, to the incredibly impressive Vivek Ramaswamy. It would be an undeniable display that the adults are back in charge. Maybe this would be an underutilization of his full potential, but he would be the press’ worst nightmare day in and day out. @WarClandestine
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 14🔥 2🙏 1💯 1
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It’s amazing how far we have come. Back in 2016, Trump supporters were demanding to “lock her up” and to drain the swamp. The normies said that was fascist and that the swamp didn’t exist. Now they are criticizing Trump for not locking everyone up the first time, even though they would have believed the media and called him a totalitarian dictator if he arrested anyone. Trump had to earn the public’s trust first, and we had to destroy the trust in the MSM. Now after “Russian Collusion”, Covid, Ukraine, and four years of the disastrous Biden regime, the broader public don’t trust the MSM, and they are demanding Trump drain the swamp. We got them right where we want them. Arresting corrupt swamp rats is the easy part. It’s getting the brainwashed public to go along with it that’s the challenge. @WarClandestine
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 13 3🔥 1🙏 1💯 1
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Trump brings up his slogan again. “Too big to rig”. Until we can move to all paper ballots and secure elections, the plan is to simply outvote the attempts to steal the election. We have to overwhelm mail-in ballot harvesting with huge numbers. It’s the only plan we’ve got. @WarClandestine
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Russia are sending a warships, including a nuclear submarine, to Cuba for joint exercises in the Caribbean. Russia and Cuba claim will be no nuclear weapons aboard any vessel, posing no threat to the US, but Russia have stated that they plan to arm US enemies with long range weaponry, after Ukraine used US-made missiles to strike inside Russia earlier this week. This could be the opening stages of another Cuban Missile Crisis… We are inching closer to nuclear escalation. @WarClandestine
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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The biggest loser from this “convicted felon” fiasco might be RFK Jr. RFK Jr.’s campaign revolves around being the alternative to the “duopoly”, implying Trump is part of the Deep State. But this blatant lawfare has solidified that Trump is the biggest threat to the Deep State. Trump is drawing more attention and eliciting a bigger response from the enemy than RFK Jr. is. This blasts a hole in the entire RFK Jr. narrative and campaign strategy. How are they going to convince people that Trump is part of the Deep State, when the Biden regime are expending this much ammunition to stopping him? The enemy are telling us who they fear most with their actions. It’s Trump. @WarClandestine
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
💯 11👍 1
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Fauci made up social distancing and mask-wearing, and passed it off as “the science”. Then US intelligence agencies instructed Big Tech companies to censor anyone who questioned any of this. The US government fired 50+ million “non-essential” workers overnight, all based on a complete fabrication. It all started from a man-made pathogen that THEY created, which led to mass mail-in ballots, which opened the door for massive voter fraud, and resulted in the Deep State’s preferred candidate “winning”. It’s the single greatest crime ever committed, and they are all still walking free… @WarClandestine
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
💯 9👍 1 1