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Slavyangrad Analytica ☭

Specially written/translated texts, genuine news, analysis, and insight in relation to the war in the Donbass and the wider global struggle against Empire and fascism. "Tout anticommuniste est un chien" J-P. Sartre

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

PS. I don’t see any sense in the conspiracy theory that Ukraine set it all up during the arrival of Modi [to Moscow], Orban’s trip or the eve of the NATO summit. Ukraine could not have staged a large-scale Russian attack on several facilities in Ukraine. What they could do and did immediately is use the (involuntary) tragedy that had taken place to demonize any impending talks and once again beg Europe for money. If Russia hoped to achieve any non-military goal with this attack -to show something to someone or convince them of anything-, then the accidental (I am sure) hit at civilian facilities disrupted these plans and the Russian media worked out the situation in the worst possible way. Alas.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...

​​О вчерашней беде Целились ли специально в детскую больницу в Киеве (жилой дом в Кривом Роге и т.д.), как это утверждают украинские медиа, снова получившие замечательную возможность провозгласить всех русских кровавыми упырями, а войну с ними вечной и экзистенциальной? Наверняка нет. Правдивы ли три классические версии («ничего не было», «сами себя», «криворукое ПВО»), которые тут же, оправдываясь, выдали российские медиа? Боюсь, что нет. Фотографий ракеты много, на них видны и «крылышки», и турбина, и все остальное. Но предположим, дело действительно в «криворуком ПВО». Что это меняет? Когда американская ракета (или осколки от ракеты, сбитой российскими ПВО) прилетела по пляжу в Крыму, западные и украинские СМИ точно также объявили виновными «криворукое ПВО», естественно российское. Все это бред ровно потому, что не доказывает ничью правоту, но лишь усиливает самооблучение и взаимную ненависть. Я не посмею рассказывать военным, как им правильно воевать. Как минимум потому, что нет компетенций. Но в медийной…

👍 2👎 1
About yesterday's troubles Were they specifically targeting the children's hospital in Kiev (or an apartment building in Krivoy Rog, etc.), as claimed by the Ukrainian media, who once again received a wonderful opportunity to proclaim all Russians bloody ghouls and the war against them eternal and existential? Probably not. Are the three classic versions (“nothing happened”, “they did it themselves”, “failed air defense launch”) that were immediately given by the Russian media trying to justify itself true? I’m afraid not. There are a lot of images of the rocket, which show both the “wings”, the turbine and everything else. But suppose that what happened is really a “failed air defense launch”. What does that change? When an American missile (or the fragments of a missile downed by Russian air defenses) fell on a beach in Crimea, Western and Ukrainian media similarly proclaimed guilty a “failed air defense launch”, Russian in that case. All this nonsense doesn’t prove anyone’s case and only increases self-exclusion and mutual hatred. I wouldn’t dare to tell the military how to fight properly. For starters, because I’m not qualified. But I’m somewhat qualified in the media sphere, both in practice and in theory. So, I’ll talk about this side of the question. All three versions given by the Russian mainstream media are bad from the point of view of the propaganda, since it will be believed without question only by their “unconditionals”, while will believe it on the other side. They won’t believe, that’s how it works. The task of coming up with different versions is precisely so that it’s believed on the side of the opponent, which means that they at least start doubting the correctness of their leadership’s actions. That’s how the unrest begins. But it doesn’t because they don’t believe the versions given here, just like in Lugansk they don’t believe the "air-conditioner” version. The longer the war goes on, the more civilians will be killed, even if nobody specifically commits war crimes. This is an undisputable fact. For those who lost their loved ones, the other side will always be the one to blame, even if you tell them about the “failed air defense”. There will always be one answer to this (be it in Ukraine or in Russia): if you hadn’t shot, the fragments wouldn’t have fallen on us. The only truthful interpretation in a situation where everything is bad in principle is this interpretation: 🔹We did not target the hospital and, in principle, we never target civilian objects; 🔹But there is a war going on and no one can guarantee that these hits won’t happen (even if this time a Ukrainian “failed air defense launch” is to blame); 🔹We sincerely sympathize with all those who have suffered and we won’t even try to justify ourselves, because any excuse looks shameless; 🔹At the same time, we remind everyone that we are willing to sign a peace treaty even today, if it guarantees the security of Russia and those people who support Russia in Ukraine; 🔹We also remind you that the Ukrainian authorities refused to sign the previous peace treaty, which we were ready to sign before there were so many victims; The longer the Ukrainian authorities, fearing losing power after the end of the war, persist in their unwillingness to compromise, the more civilians will die. Not because we want it to, but because that’s how wars are. That’s all that needs to be said, nothing else. Every version of mutual accusations causes grief-stricken people only hatred and such a result is a failure of propaganda.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 6 1👎 1
The episode shows the obvious: it is always easier to conduct intelligence and espionage activities in friendly countries than in enemy ones. This was the case when it became known that the United States was spying on the mobile devices of the leaders of European NATO member states and listening in on Angela Merkel's telephone conversations. The then US president pulled on his charisma and promised that from then on, they would pick up the phone to ask what the European position instead of spying in silence, an argument that can hardly be considered an apology to an ally. War gives Ukraine certain licenses that would be impossible during peacetime, as this case shows. Kiev hasn’t had to apologize public publicly for the actions of its agents in Spain, nor has it had to explain anything at all. “Upon receiving an internal report describing the facts, in the week of January 15th, the Defense Chief of Staff, headed by Admiral Teodoro Esteban López Calderón, decided to expel the agent from Spain”, writes the only media outlet that has dealt with the issue. However, the result was not the expulsion of the agent. According to El Periódico de España, the political command of the Ministry of Defense led by Margarita Robles requested that the expulsion order be rescinded “to avoid disturbing the Ukrainian authorities”. War justifies everything, including espionage work in a foreign territory directed against citizens, in this case Spaniards, of a country that has taken in Ukrainian refugees, soldiers and apparently also spies.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Espionaje en territorio extanjero

“Tendremos un momento verdaderamente histórico con la apertura de las negociaciones formales con Ucrania y Moldavia, la celebración de las primeras conferencias intergubernamentales son el fruto de…

👍 3😁 1🤬 1
The SBU: spying far away from Ukraine "We will have a truly historic moment with the opening of formal negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, the holding of the first intergovernmental conferences is the result of the work carried out during the Spanish Presidency," boasted the Spanish Secretary of State for the European Union, Fernando Sampedro, taking credit for the start of negotiations for the accession of these two countries to the European Union. Like other European countries, Spain has sought every chance to highlight its own importance in the common war effort. This was recently the case with the signing of the bilateral security agreement, which involves an outlay of more than a billion euros in military equipment that neither the opposition, nor the government coalition parties, nor even the military authorities claimed to know about. The surprise at the investment involved in the military commitment has not reduced the level of support for Ukraine in either the government or the opposition, both of which are focused on presenting themselves as staunch defenders of Kiev despite any challenges. Those problems are not limited to the large demands of the Ukrainian government, which has never hesitated to protest about the state of the arms shipped, the perceived slow flow of military deliveries or the perpetual shortages that the Ukrainian Armed Forces keep complaining about. Any complaint is ignored to highlight continental unity against Russia and insist on the high numbers of Ukrainian troops trained on Spanish territory. “The EUMAM-UA mission to train Ukrainian soldiers trained in Spain for the defense of their country exceeded the 4,000 troops back in May, and it has resulted in repeated thank you messages from the Ukrainian authorities", wrote an article published in El Periódico de España, which, however, adds that “the machine works not without some creaks”. The newspaper is owned by the same group as El Periódico de Catalunya, which in the last two years has shown its unconditional support for Ukraine. Hence the publication of accusations against Ukraine is even more relevant. “A tense moment took place last January, at the height of EUMAM-UA, when an SBU officer left his base in Toledo without credentials to move around Spain and carried out unauthorized work such as seeking information about Spanish nationals influenced or compromised by the Kremlin", the article states as it describes Ukrainian counter-intelligence work. According to the paper, “this is not a case of espionage against Spain, nor has it been interpreted as such by the authorities, but it is a case of overreach by the SBU”. Trying not to cause more stir than necessary, the article does not provide any context on the activities of Ukrainian intelligence throughout the war, which have included, for example, targeted assassinations on territory under the control of the People's Republics and now Russia. "The aim was to obtain information about pro-Russian activists and entities that promote or participate in events such as talks in clubs or the Immortal Regiment March, which every spring goes out to mark the Soviet victory over the Nazis in the Second World War ", the media outlet writes without stressing the relevance of foreign secret services investigating civilians on purely ideological grounds, in this case for the crimes of opinion that Ukraine has attributed to them.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🤬 1
Hot on the heels of this sleepless night. Yesterday's attempted military coup in Bolivia was highly bizarre, improvised and doomed to failure from the start. If there was a world competition of poorly prepared coups, this would be the winner. The military did absolutely nothing to actually seize power. Older generations of Bolivians, who have a good understanding of coups d'etat, can easily compare the bloody massacres of the past with the latest attempt. At the same time, the general assessment of the events is unchanged: the Bolivian oligarchy and the United States want to overthrow the current legitimate government of Bolivia at any cost and restore the colonial status quo in one of the richest countries in the region. The enemy’s work in this direction does not stop, and decisions here are not made by insane traitor generals with tin eyes (and not only because in Bolivia, along with lithium, there are tin, gas and a lot of other things, not even explored yet). In all likelihood, this clumsy putsch attempt was a test of strength and, most importantly, a tool for measuring the reaction of different layers of Bolivian society and other countries to an army mutiny. One thing is absolutely clear—the tragic split in the ruling party MAS (“Movement Towards Socialism”) between supporters of the historical leader Evo Morales and the current President Luis Arce is more dangerous than any actions by the military today. Both groups have a large social base and there are practically no political differences between them. The main irreconcilable conflict lies in the political ambitions of the respective leaders. The current coup attempt, rather than uniting and reconciling the parties, is likely to further divide them, with the result that MAS risks losing the next presidential elections even without any coup. The recent governments of Evo Morales and Luis Arce have done more for the Bolivian people than all the previous governments combined, returning to the country its basic wealth, national independence and improving the standard and quality of life of the majority of the population, especially the poorest. Their enormous role in overcoming the racism of the white élites in the most Indian country of Latin America is also immeasurable. Many years ago, back during the reign of Evo, when we were making a film in Bolivia about Che Guevara’s final guerrilla struggle, following in his footsteps through the most forgotten corners of the outback, I remember how even then I was surprised and amazed by the real war within the MAS party. At that time, solely because of power, many officials and random people enlisted en masse in Evo’s party. And almost immediately their struggle for power and control began. Of course, despite the mass of beautiful slogans and declarations, there was nothing political in it. The main and incredibly difficult task of the Bolivian social movements is to overcome this split, which is equally deadly for everyone. The next coup, military or electoral, could be real.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Олег Ясинский

По горячим следам этой бессонной ночи. Вчерашняя попытка военного переворота в Боливии была в высшей степени странной, импровизированной и изначально обреченной на провал. Если провести мировой конкурс плохо подготовленных переворотов - этот стал бы победителем. Военные не сделали совершенно ничего, чтобы реально захватить власть. Старшие поколения боливийцев, хорошо понимающие толк в государственных переворотах, могут легко сравнить кровавые замесы прошлого с нынешней постановкой. При этом общая оценка событий неизменна - боливийская олигархия и США хотят любой ценой свергнуть нынешнюю законную власть Боливии и восстановить колониальный статус кво в одной из богатейших ресурсами стран региона. Работа врага в этом направлении не прекращается и решения здесь принимают не обезумевшие генералы-предатели с оловянными глазами (и не только потому, что в Боливии, вместе с литием, есть олово, газ и очень много всего разного, даже ещё не разведанного). По всей вероятности - эта неуклюжая попытка путча была пробой силы…

👍 6🙏 3 1👏 1
About the coup attempt in Bolivia. Fortunately, it was thwarted. President Luis Arce swore in a new commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The troops withdrew from Plaza Murillo in front of the presidential palace. The main putschist, former commander-in-chief, General Zúñiga, is still at large, but, in all likelihood, his arrest is just a matter of time. The forces behind the conspirators are also quite clear: the Bolivian racist oligarchy and their historical northern curator and master, extremely concerned about Bolivia's independent foreign policy. Bolivia, which has set its sights on building socialism, has 24% of the world's lithium reserves. In December 2023, Rosatom and the Bolivian state-owned company YLB signed an agreement to begin the joint development of lithium. A month ago, during Luis Arce's visit to Russia, Bolivia submitted a formal application to join BRICS. The Russian factor, while probably not the leading one, is one of the important ones in the ongoing plans to overthrow the Bolivian government. The main goal of the putschists is broader: to destroy this example of successful independent development of a country that was until recently the poorest in South America as a result of constant robbery by local and foreign elites, “a beggar on a golden throne.” And also, the world record holder of the last century for coups d'état. After the suppression of the rebellion, large unresolved questions remain. The main problem is a split in the ruling party MAS (“Movement Toward Socialism”) between supporters of Luis Arce and of Evo Morales, which threatens a fall from power in the next elections. And the need for a deep reform of the security forces and security services, which should be preventing events like today’s.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Олег Ясинский

О попытке переворота в Боливии. К счастью, он сорван. Президент Луис Арсе привел к присяге нового главнокомандующего вооруженных сил. Войска покинули площадь Мурильо перед президентским дворцом. Главный путчист, бывший главнокомандующий, генерал Суньига пока на свободе, но по всей вероятности, его арест - дело времени. Силы за спиной заговорщиков тоже вполне понятны - боливийская расистская олигархия и их исторический северный куратор и хозяин, крайне обеспокоенный независимой внешней политикой Боливии. В Боливии, взявшей курс на строительство социализма, находится 24% всех мировых запасов лития. В декабре 2023 года "Росатом", и боливийская государственная компания YLB подписали соглашение о начале совместной разработки лития. Месяц назад, в ходе визита Луиса Арсе в Россию, Боливия подала заявку в БРИКС. Российский фактор наверняка не ведущий, но один из важных в постоянных планах по свержению боливийского правительства. Главная цель путчистов шире - в уничтожении этого примера успешного независимого развития…

👍 8
Interesting statistics about the course of the new world war...  The Houthis actually helped Russia to monopolise the Suez Canal. According to the European company Kpler, which specialises in the logistics of energy flows and maritime transport, the total transit of oil and petroleum products passing through the Suez Canal in both directions decreased by 34% in May compared to the previous month, and by 65% ​​compared to the same period last year. However, most of the oil passing through the Suez Canal to the south is now of Russian origin—92% in May.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Волынец Алексей

Любопытная статистика о ходе новой мировой войны... Хуситы фактически помогли России монополизировать Суэцкий канал. Как сообщает европейская компания Kpler, специализирующаяся на логистике энергопотоков и морских перевозок, совокупный транзит нефти и нефтепродуктов, проходящих по Суэцкому каналу в обоих направлениях, в мае сократился на 34% по сравнению с предыдущим месяцем и на 65% по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года. При этом большая часть нефти, проходящей через Суэцкий канал на юг, теперь имеет российское происхождение — 92% в мае.

It's being said that this article by the former national security adviser in the US presidential administration in 2019-2021 is a foreign policy program in case of a Trump victory in this year’s autumn elections. Trump himself calls it “Peace Through Strenght". These are the main theses: China is the enemy number 1: it is necessary to degrade and sever its relations with its neighbors, particularly with Russia; The Ukrainian conflict must be resolved through negotiations, but at the same time continue to supply weapons to Ukraine at European expense (!!!), which would keep Russia in a limbo, hinting at the possibility of stabilizing relations while pushing NATO to concentrate more forces on the borders with the Russian Federation; Ukraine should be accepted into the European Union as soon as possible; Strengthen the US alliance with “democracies” and actively promote dissidents in opposing countries. This is a really cool program. I have repeatedly stated that the “spiritually close conservative” Trump is more dangerous for Russia than all the openly hostile interventionist left-liberal pro-LGBT people combined. Simply because the ruling class of the Russian Federation can fall for this wolf in sheep's clothing, who will promise the Russian authorities the carrot of restoring relations, while at the same time destroying Russia's ties with its actual allies, arming Ukraine and strengthening NATO at European expense. The chance that they will be dupped is very high, because it’s not the first time.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
The Return of Peace Through Strength

Making the case for Trump’s foreign policy.

👍 7👎 1
What happened to the DPR and LPR mining sector? The authorities of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (LPR and DPR) have leased 15 coal mines to Russian companies since the beginning of the year, and three more mines in the DPR will be transferred in the coming months. The tenants promise to invest more than 65 billion rubles in the received facilities.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
What happened to the DPR and LPR mines?

Original Article: RBK The authorities of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (LPR and DPR) have leased 15 coal mines to Russian companies since the beginning of the year, and three mor…

👍 6
In the end, Milei has either come to his senses or someone pulled him back for some reason at the last moment and he will finally go to a conference on Ukraine. I must admit I am happy with the news. For completeness of the image and impressions, I would miss him very much at the illustrious event in the Swiss Bürgenstock. The Ukrainian tragedy is a litmus paper on which pseudo-leftist hypocrites in the service of corporations and their openly fascist servants like Milei always appear in the same color, no matter how much they position themselves as irreconcilable and opposing political forces. The Ukrainian massacre unites and inspires them, as the main anti-Soviet dream of many generations of the “democratic left” and professional cannibals who sincerely and selflessly hate communism finally comes true. In Switzerland, whose memory of neutrality today resemble the nostalgia of an elderly frau with reduced social responsibility about the distant days of her virginity, everything will now be really bright: the duo of genre professionals Zelensky and Milei will stir up even the most inert audience. The Ukrainian president will be able to play whatever he wants on the white keys of the ribs of his compatriots, and his Argentine colleague will sing to him in the rhythm of one of those tangos his political idols once turned on at full volume in the secret prisons of the fascist dictatorship so that the screams of the victims would not be heard. Then Argentina can give Ukraine a Hercules military transport aircraft, one of those from which the military dropped still alive “missing” “enemies of the nation” into the ocean. Zelensky will certainly fit in well. The Democrats present at such moments will habitually avert their eyes and words, because if there is one thing they’re professionals in, this is it. And none of the representatives of this international political rabble, who arrived at the expense of taxpayers to hang out on the surroundings with Alpine landscapes, behind the fragrance of Edelweiss -you know whose favorite flowers- will turn inside out from the stench of corpses from the distant Ukrainian fields plowed by death, and no one's blood spilt from the veins will turn the surface of Lake Lucerne into a tsunami to wash away the still living bodies of the festive lawn of Europe, where its gravediggers gathered to talk about peace.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Олег Ясинский

Милей всё-таки одумался или его кто-то за что-то в последний момент одёрнул, и он все-таки поедет на конференцию по Украине. Признаюсь, я рад этой новости. На известном мероприятии в швейцарском Бюргенштоке, для полноты картины и впечатлений, мне бы его тоже очень не хватало. Украинская трагедия - лакмусовая бумага, на которой псевдолевые лицемеры на службе корпораций и их откровенно фашизоидная обслуга типа Милея всегда проявляются одним цветом, сколько бы они не позиционировались как непримиримые и противоположные политические силы. Украинская бойня их роднит и вдохновляет, как сбывающаяся наконец главная антисоветская мечта множества поколений «демократических левых» и искренне и самозабвенно ненавидящих коммунизм профессиональных людоедов. В Швейцарии, воспоминания о нейтральности которой похожи сегодня на ностальгию престарелой фрау с пониженной социальной ответственностью о далеких временах её девственности, теперь все будет действительно ярко: дуэт профессионалов жанра Зеленского и Милея расшевелит…

👍 8💯 3
Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.