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آخر اختبار لحد الان 2023/6/1
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هذا المقطع باذن الله يغينكم عن كل شي فيها كل الإجابات وكل الاسئله اللي ممكن تجيك ولا تنسوني من دعائكم ❤🤝
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Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Cambridge English Placement Test DEMO

Cambridge English Placement Test (CEPT) - Types of CEPT Questions The CEPT test is a computer-based, online test divided for Reading and Listening. In the test, you will have to answer questions on screen. These can be in a variety of different types. Reading Tasks Read and select Candidates read a notice, diagram, label, memo or letter containing a short text and choose the sentence or phrase that most closely matches the meaning of the text. There are three possible answers. Gapped sentences Candidates read a sentence with a missing word (gap) and choose the correct word to fill the gap. There are four choices for each gap. Multiple-choice gap-fill Candidates choose the right word or phrase to fill the gaps in a text. There are four choices for each gap. Open gap-fill Candidates read a short text in which there are some missing words (gaps) and write in the missing word in each gap. Extended reading Candidates read a longer text and answer a series of multiple-choice questions. The questions are in the same order as the information in the text. Listening Tasks Listen and select Candidates listen to a short audio recording and answer a multiple-choice question with three options. Extended listening Candidates listen to a longer recording and answer a series of multiple-choice questions based on it. The questions are in the same order as the information they hear in the recording.

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