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Israel Radar

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1. At least 90 rockets fired at Israel this morning after assassination of high-ranking Hezbollah commander last night. IDF expects heavy barrages to intensify during the day, Northern Command on highest alert. 2. Israel reportedly killed Abdullah Taleb, head of Hezbollah’s Nasr unit, in strike on high-level terror operatives in southern Lebanon, eliminating at least 4 Hezbollah members. Taleb is the most senior Hezbollah military commander eliminated in the war so far. (via Maariv Online & Ynet)
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ™ 46πŸ‘ 18❀ 1🀬 1
IDF spokesman: Israeli forces raided 2 homes in heart of Gaza to rescue 4 hostages under fire; hundreds of troops took part in operation; 1 member of YAMAM anti-terror unit seriously wounded.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ™ 60❀ 15πŸ‘ 9😒 4πŸ—Ώ 1
❗️IDF rescues 4 Israeli hostages from Gaza in special operation; heavy strikes reported in central Gaza earlier.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
❀ 87πŸ‘ 12πŸ™ 12πŸ—Ώ 1
Israeli government authorizes IDF reserve call-up of up to 350,000 troops, N12 News reports; if needed, army can mobilize these forces until August 31, Ynet says. Move signals readiness for large conflict vs Hezbollah.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ™ 59πŸ‘ 6❀ 6πŸ€” 1
1. IDF urges Israeli leadership to approve massive campaign of airstrikes in Lebanon; in case of Israeli assault, Hezbollah expected to respond with high-precision barrages at strategic sites plus attacks across Israel; fighting likely to last weeks, Ynet reports. 2. Top IDF officers agree only major military campaign can break deadlock on Lebanon front; defense chiefs are pushing for action at any price; army says Israel should strike first, possibly eliminate high-ranking Hezbollah members.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ‘ 56πŸ™ 24πŸ”₯ 4πŸ€” 1
IDF completes 3-week operation in Jabaliya, northern Gaza; forces kill 600 terrorists, expose 12 km of tunnels; army trapped terrorists underground by taking over all shafts in 12 hours based on precise intel; tunnel system blown up as IDF exited camp; 10 soldiers killed, 7 bodies of hostages retrieved during the operation. via Maariv Online
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ‘ 41πŸ™ 22❀ 4🀬 1
❗️Mossad warns: Iranian terror plots in Europe 1. Terrorists directed by Iran may target Paris Olympics; Israeli embassies, Jewish communities are on highest alert. 2. Terror squads assumed to be in place and planning attacks; Tehran works with local crime orgs in Sweden, Belgium, other locations. 3. Mossad cooperates with European security services, several terror plots already exposed and foiled. Via N12 News & Ynet
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ‘ 45❀ 4πŸ™ 4πŸ€” 1😒 1
8-10 rockets fired from Gaza at central Israel; shrapnel reported in towns north of Tel Aviv, at least 1 person lightly hurt; rockets fired from Rafah, this was the first attack on central towns in 4 months; Gaza terrorists use up remaining arsenal as IDF moves closer to launch sites.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ™ 28πŸ”₯ 17πŸ‘ 2
Israel vs. Hezbollah: Status update 1. IDF builds second line of defense near Lebanon border to stop potential Hezbollah assault Ynet reports; dozens of new outposts built to block invasion deep into Israel, in case Hezbollah breaches border to take over Israeli towns. 2. In parallel, army reinforces positions on first line of defense in towns adjacent to border; trucks are coming in daily with concrete barricades, communication gear, more ammunition for forces deployed near the tense frontier. 3. IDF is pushing the government to approve massive airstrikes on Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon, without a ground invasion; political leadership objects to intensive air campaign for now, as it could trigger a regional war with Iran axis.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ™ 49πŸ‘ 13
800,000 Palestinians already left Rafah ahead of expansion of IDF assault; most of them relocated even before army urged them to evacuate; Israeli security cabinet meeting tonight to discuss next phase of military operations in city. via Channel 13 News
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ‘ 49πŸ™ 14πŸ”₯ 1