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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

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This video shows how AI turns WiFi routers into "Cameras" that basically detect people through walls Join @awakenedspecies
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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[RG911Team] The day after 9/11, lead ABC anchor Peter Jennings asked a question that he wasn’t supposed to ask… and the answer was beyond belief. What does it reveal about the 9/11 attacks?
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
GOOD NEWS!!!! Hackers broke into all the pharmaceutical companies and stole all the vaccine media data thank goodness! The Great Awakening took off!!! Forward this link everywhere!!!! Shows the number of deaths and disabilities associated with each batch/batch number = indication of relative toxicity of one batch/batch compared to another ** Currently no one knows the reason why some lots/batches are associated with excessive deaths, disabilities and adverse reactions (up to 50x). Until we know, it's best to be cautious ["Batch code" = "batch number" = the number they write on your vaccination card.] Here is the link to the site where you can see the live links listed below. Download and save as many articles as you can in case the site goes down!!! Check your lot code (lot number) Check your lot code (lot number) * Moderna lot codes * Pfizer lot codes * Janssen lot codes * Moderna (outside the US) *Pfizer (outside the United States) *Janssen (outside the United States) Latest information on boosters * Bad Lots of the month Variation in toxicity * Cumulative toxicity over time PDF * Video: variation in toxicity between batches * Death by Lottery PDF * Video: Non-GMP Conforming Batches Associated with Death and Disability * Video: Enigma Team - Covid Vax variability * Video: VAERS reveals supertoxic batches THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES HACKED WE NOW KNOW NUMBER OF DEATHS, sick people, etc. because of those vials, BY COMPANY
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 1
Repost from Big Brother Watch
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🚨Live facial recognition alert🚨 Police are using intrusive live facial recognition in Whitechapel & Westminster This technology is costing the public purse and the privacy of all those in these boroughs. ⬇ STOP FACIAL RECOGNITION ⬇ Subscribe | @BigBrotherWatchHQ
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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"Can you call a supervisor because you have no jurisdiction on this property?" "Well, technically, you're the public servant here, not me." 😂😂😂
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
This article from Zerohedge indicates a false self satisfied approach of Western mentality when analyzing a battlefield they are clearing lying about. Israel’s bold unprecedented attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus was an act of war. And could be interpreted as nothing else. Iran has been responding in a relatively reasonable way…lobbing old weapons as a deterrent . This is a cat and mouse game where Israel and the West fall for thinking that Iran does not have nuclear and scalar DEWS and other high tech weaponry that would actually be a very real threat to the existence of Israel. Why write such a deceptive article? It is Israel that is “goading Iran” and not the other way around. Anyone who followed my interviews with Iranian nuclear physicist MT Keshe ( would know just how deceptive this Zerohedge article actually is.…”The new reality is that Iran has goaded an Israel that has numerous nuclear weapons and dozens of nuclear-tipped missiles in hardened silos and on submarines. Tehran has zero ability to stop any of these missiles or sophisticated fifth-generation Israeli aircraft armed with nuclear bombs and missiles.”
Hammasini ko'rsatish...

On Tuesday night at 8:30 pm UK Time (12:30 pm PT) I will be interviewing M.T. Keshe, the Iranian nuclear

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😈 1
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BREAKING: Protesters have stormed the Hamilton Hall at Columbia University in New York Follow @insiderpaper
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