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Mahmudjon's IELTS | 9.0

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📁 PDF File of a BAND 9.0 Essay analyse ✅ ➡️ What you should do ❓ Essaydan chiqgan C1 / C2 vocabulary and grammarlarga gap tuzasiz with the view to memorize them all🔥 After finishing, you can send them to the comments section 🔽 I have a precious gift for those who sends🤭
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Essay 2 (Fixed regulations).pdf1.59 KB
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IELTS SPEAKING dan 9.0 olish siri ochildi 😱
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✅ 🅰🅰🅰🅰🅰🅰🅰 🅰🅰🅰🅰🅰 ✅Get in(to) - Yengil avtomobillarga chiqish We need to get into the car quickly before it starts raining. Get off - Avtobus, poyezd kabilardan tushish Remember to get off the bus at the next stop.Get on(to) - Avtobus, poyezd kabilarga chiqish It's easier to get on the train when it's not too crowded.Get out (of) - yengil avtomobillardan tushish We had to get out of the car quickly because of the flat tire.Go away - Biror joydan yoki birortasidan nari ketmoq It's time for you to go away for a while and clear your mind. ✅Go back (to) - Qaytmoq I forgot my wallet, so I need to go back to the house.Set off - Biror sayohatni boshlamoq, yo'lga chiqmoq We should set off early in the morning to avoid traffic. ✅Take off - Uchib ketmoq The plane will take off in about fifteen minutes. 🚀Join: Abror Rahmatullayev
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WordOfTheDAY: Drowsy Meaning: Being in a state between sleepy and being awake. Example: The room is so warm that it’s making me feel drowsy. I first encountered this word in Eminem’s song “Stan.” Music can be a great way to learn new vocabulary! Have you ever felt drowsy in a situation where you needed to stay alert? Share your experiences below! #WordOfTheDay #IELTSVocabulary #LearnEnglish #Drowsy #Eminem
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In the future, it is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people than younger people in many countries. Is this a positive or negative development? The change in the world demographics towards having a more grey population is driven by such factors as the advancements in medicine and modern family planning. While such a development is indicative of how far we have come in terms of improving life expectancy and overall standards of living, the situation will place strains on the economy and the healthcare system. The population with more elderly could prove an economic burden, with the bulk of the government money having to be invested in building nursing homes or paying pensions. In most Western countries, the number of the elderly who are not taken care of by their children is increasing and this is resulting in many of them ending up in nursing homes. If this is to continue, the governments around the world would need to allocate much funds not only to building more of those homes , but also paying for the staff in the nursing homes and other costs of care, which all require a great deal of money. #diyorbek_writes_t2 What would be your arguments for the beneficial effects of an ageing population?
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COMMON MISTAKES — Vocabularies❌❌ Vocabulary (is MOSTLY uncountable)✅✅ Less (uncountable nouns oldidan ishlatiladi) — Less water✅ — Less money✅ — Less time✅ Few (countable nouns oldidan ishlatiladi) — Few people✅ — Few students✅ — Few parents✅ Each + countable noun — Each people❌❌ — Each person✅✅ — Each students❌❌ — Each student✅✅ The number of - ning soni — The number of subscribers is increasing day by day on my channel. • Bu gapda gapning egasi the number of✅, subscribers emas❌ A number of - bir nechta, bir qancha (more than one or two). — A number of students are very lazy — Please tell me what time is it❌❌ — Please tell me what time it is✅✅ — Can you tell me what is the problem❌❌ — Can you tell me what the problem is?✅✅ — Tell me what should I do❌❌ — Tell me what I should do✅✅ — Do you know who is she?❌❌ — Do you know who she is?✅✅ Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov @Khusan57
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Qaysi jamoa yutdi
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IELTS Reading 19 Test 1 Passage 1

Bu video walkthrough da Cambridge 19 test 1 Reading passage 1 ni yechib korsataman.

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How to solve Table Completion in Reading ❤️ by: #UNKNOWN
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1) table completion tips.mp412.79 MB
📂 PDF File of today's Live lesson on Advanced Vocabulary + Multi-Level Reading Part 1 ❤️ Join us for more lessons: English with Dilshodbek
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CEFR Reading Part 1 + C1 and C2 Vocabulary.pdf3.77 KB
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Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.