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Calling all schizos, get in here
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Existential Medium Study Index Prerequisites (REQUIRED) >The truth behind hallucinations (Parallel Existential Mediums) >Subconscious Built-In Enlightenment (SBE) Premise of The Study These organisms survive off human misery, so they will manipulate their hosts (humans) in order to generate more misery to harvest. The classic strategies everyone knows are hostile inner thoughts, inner-monologue impersonation, bringing up past trauma, morphing your surroundings, making faces strange, etc. The people who are interested in horror/evil genres of media will create art/presentations that perfectly outline these strategies, and the most interesting part about this is they have no idea that what they are creating is directly based on a real organism's survival strategies in nature. If you watch these videos with the assumption that the evil entity in it survives off of fear/misery, the whole scenario will make perfect sense in a nature setting. What you are watching is an ECOSYSTEM. A Warning to Viewers By viewing…

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Channels. Lost Technology/History @antiquitecharchive Nationalism @HowToGetRadicalized7 @HTGRCensored Parasite Pill @WormMoments Serious Fringe/No Filter @Assmaster69Channel @specialeddepartment Do Not Subscribe @HomoErectusAlliance Meeting Room @Assmaster69Room @Assmaster69
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—————————————————————————— Assmaster69's Fringe Channel Coalition —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— Mandatory Reads —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— Contact —————————————————————————— If you have any questions, @ my handle in one of these groups. I recommend not PMing me unless it is actually necessary. I want more autists to learn this stuff. Stop asking if I'm open for donations. I appreciate the offers but I will never accept donations.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Additional Notes The kid has parasite/demonic issues and that is obvious. Everywhere the kids looks, intrusive thoughts from his parasites infiltrate his mind and make him think of everything he is looking at as lust-driven anatomically odd abominations. This is especially significant because not only is he thinking lustfully (parasite-driven) about the people/things in his vicinity, but it is so extreme that he literally sees the final destination everywhere. If we theorize that if the kid tries to imagine pure/innocent things like Mary and Jesus, that his corrupted mind will pervert them beyond recognition, well that is exactly what is depicted here. The more you think about what is actually going on in this video, the more disturbing it becomes.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
The Final Destination of Parasitic-Driven Lust Because something was introduced in this channel I was compelled to explain the theory in detail. These creatures are referenced in a few films but they do not appear to be vocally mentioned or described to any degree as to what they are or what they do. Here are the two videos I have found where they make an appearance in: Punitive Psychiatry Infant Annihilator - Blasphemian (The Adult Swim cartoon "Mr. Pickles" also occasionally depicts these things but I will not watch that show again to look for them) I'm back and I will explain this so everyone can understand the significance of the creatures in these videos. If you think these entities are disturbing, you will be even more shocked when you realize that there is a horrifying facet about them that I've seen absolutely no one on the internet bring up. Keep in mind that this is theoretical, I have not gone down this rabbit hole in the slightest to find out. The theory is that you go down the sexual decadence rabbit hole and this is the final destination. When cooming, the brain becomes desensitized and requires something more and more extreme in order to get the same level of gratification. To get to this particular state, I infer that it is almost completely impossible without constant cooming every day for decades. However, even the usual coomers will show very frightening signs of this destination... So you jack off to a regular woman, but that's not enough. You gotta have one with overly large breasts and ass. Then regular p9rn isn't enough so you have to switch to hardcore p8rn. But the skank has to be nearly in pain from the orgasm or else it isn't enough. Eventually you will find severe torture arousing. Then in order to get hard you'll need to find skanks with more and more androgynous features until you are wacking off to tr1ps which means you are now completely gay. At this point, 100% of your lust is parasite-driven. But that is just the beginning. After this, you will be so desensitized that you need either a beast or a child to get off properly because nothing else works the same. Now after this, you're going to require sexual acts so rough/extreme that it isn't even physically possible, and they will need to be done with people/creatures that are either wounded, wounding you, structurally odd, or ALL of them at once. This is where you'd get into the "anatomically incorrect" zone of arousal. Where this goes from here is technically impossible in real life without serious life-threatening body modifications... What's going to happen is you will need a person that has say 4 dicks, or claws, or 2 assholes, or a very long tongue or something insane in order to properly get off. You will not only be aroused by multiple genitals on a person, but additionally, genitals in completely insane forms and on parts of the body that are very far away from the normal place the genitals should be. As mentioned above, the roughness will gradually increase over time to the point that you need the most extreme orgasm physically possible to get the same high. Of course, as said above, it will lead to inflicting serious physical harm, masochism, and self-mutilation. So as a result, the only way for you to get hard and coom to a reasonable satisfaction is with severely harmed and mutilated anatomically modified completely parasitically-lust-driven abomination entities. Behold, Punitive Psychiatry.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Before I post the next article, there is something you need to understand beforehand. If you do not yet know the effects of parasites and what they truly are, read this and watch this After you learn from these, everything will make sense. This is one of the biggest red pills I've ever come across.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
The Parasite 💊 Pill

Behold, the updated Parasite Pill PDF

In the interest of automated behavior from genetics, this is closely related to the recent article. This particular concept is not ever discussed and it changes how we understand human behavior. One of the greatest revelations that come from this is the fact that you can learn the secrets of the universe from someone who has no idea what they're talking about.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Repost from N/a
MFU Lore - Subconscious Built-In Enlightenment (10/22/22) All men and women come with a built-in subconscious enlightenment of a wide rage of various subjects. This not only includes knowledge of concepts and the existence of people, places, and things, but also includes knowledge of past events beyond their lifetimes and knowledge of future events in and beyond their lifetimes. This is a hereditary trait that shows itself in people’s art, music, stories, and other forms of creative presentation. Not a single one of them are aware of it. Upon understanding this, it must be noted that countless perpetrators of evil imagery have been mistakenly accused of being “in on it” when they publicly allude to various satanic, kabalistic, or doomsday texts in their art and stories. This could not be further from the truth, as it is quite obvious that the vast majority of them are far too arrogant and weak-minded to ever consider reading a word from these texts. These people decide to use this imagery because they “think it’s cool”, their feeble minds do not process anything deeper than this. In the background however, the reason they tend to outline these prophecies and other concepts is because they already have that knowledge built-in to their subconscious. Additionally, the reason for their satanic approach and their heightened interest with the evil parts of these subjects is the result of various parasitic issues.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Retard Wrangler Philosophy - Part VI - Genetic-Based Behavioral Automation Why would I need to train my army at all if I can make them automatically trained by pure instinct? Today, we will discuss what I find to be the the final understanding in the realm of nation leadership and control. We will discuss a very advanced concept that should be considered the absolute pinnacle of leadership achievements. This is the basis of the Jewish Question. Here is our prompt: A neighboring enemy country full of jews is working day and night to destroy every single square inch of our country. Assuming that we are the supreme leader(s) with an infinite budget and resources, what is our best method of defense? What most of you will suggest is to train our citizens for possible conflict and teach them to know and despise the enemy. That way, our people will always be ready both mentally and physically for the next jewish trick. While I would suggest this as well, there is something far more important that I would recommend first. It is great to teach our people what is right and what is wrong, who's who and who's jew, but what if we can make them genetically predisposed to follow our rules? What if we can make them genetically predisposed to: >Vote for all right-wing policies >Identify the enemy >Have a tendency to want to be self-sufficient >Have high intelligence >Stick with their own >Marry/procreate with their own If you didn't already catch on, I perfectly described the predispositions of the White race. The more I took notice of this, the more I realized how much of an ingenious invention White people are. If I were God, I would want my creations to be as automated as possible. Like many mammals who automatically know how to walk as soon as they are born, the White race automatically sides with whatever the most right-wing position is at any given time. Who is against these policies? >Open borders >Abortion >More firearm restrictions >lgbt garbage >Lockdowns Who supports these policies? >Strong borders >Anti-abortion >Less firearm restrictions >The traditional family >No lockdowns The White race will always be a stumbling block to NWO-type communism, and that is precisely why there is a world-wide effort to remove them completely through miscegenation and alienation. While the modern right thinks they can win by appealing to non Whites, the left (blacks, hispanics, asians) don't even try to appeal to Whites because they use a smarter strategy. Instead of trying to walk a cat on a leash like the Republicans are doing, the Democrats are just replacing the cat with a dog, who is designed for a leash. Bottom line, the White race is literally designed from the very beginning to bring about a prosperous right-wing society. It doesn't matter how much the enemy attempts to deceive them, they will always push against leftism. Conversely, the jews do the complete opposite. They are genetically predisposed to bringing down every society they attempt to inhabit. It is a very consistent pattern. They enter a country, attempt to take control of the banks and the media, open strip clubs and pornographic shops, and cause a major downhill spiral in the society. Every single time. Why would I need to train my army at all if I can make them automatically trained by pure instinct? Behold, this is the basis of the long, painful, and everlasting battle between Whites and jews. Both are genetically predisposed to oppose one-another. It is literally in their instinct. Even when they forget their enemy or forget who they are, their instinct never dies. Because of this understanding, it is completely illogical to foolishly attempt to "change the minds" of their respective enemies. While you may get some cats to walk on a leash, most will never. The best and only reasonable move is to make sure the jews are as far away from White nations as possible. In turn, race-mixing should be considered an extreme public/political danger. Every single great delicacy of the first world will be lost forever if the people of the first world are gone.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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RW Philosophy - Part V - Summary The mainstream perception of American Slavery is that it was violent and involuntary. This view is inaccurate because it goes in direct opposition to capital gain. This in turn makes it unreasonable to assume this kind of slavery was ever in practice. A plantation is a business. The most important task is preserving income for your family. The production levels must be met. That means you can't run your business with workers who are looking for every chance to escape or revolt. That is a dangerous business model and it not only lowers production, it puts your wife and children in direct danger. It is irresponsible and illogical. The most effective workforce is healthy and happy. Treating them unfairly is at the cost of your own capital. They should be disciplined in their best interest similar to a child. Your child ends up choosing to stay even when he hates being punished for disobeying. If he secretly runs off, rest assured you know he will come right back to you.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.