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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda... Zorro Calls "Big Whales" Pepe the owner of is another example of noname beggars callers DMing devs begging them to hire him, never posting the call and immediately blocking the dev on all socials. Screenshots attached. Kind of self-explanotary. The devs paid Zorro for a call, this scammer asked for the payment before the call, and as soon as he received it, blocked them on tg, deleted the chat, and and banned them from his bum channel. here is the scammer's wallet. You can see that he is very poor, trading with pennies, and immediately dumps whatever airdrops he manages to scam the devs for. I already talked about it here but I guess I need to repeat it. If you are a dev and you see some random noname shitfluencers sliding in your DMs telling you cool stories about "kols group of whales" "pepe whales" etc it's always a lie. Literally always. They have no connections, no volume, nothing. If they did, they wouldn't have been cold calling and begging random shitcoin devs in their dms. At best, you'll get a call from them which will bring 0 volume because they have no volume with their channel full of botted subs/comments. At worst, they will just take your money and block you. I see it happen very often. We can clearly see that even "big name" telegram callers struggle to bring any volume nowadays, they got completely overshadowed by CT people in the past few months and now tg callers are simply irrelevant. So if you see some struggling bums you never heard of begging you in DMs to hire them , they should be treated the way they deserve to be treated and go straight to the trash. Especially if these bums don't even call and literally take your money and run away, like the scammer I'm posting about.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
video_2023-08-09_18-25-44.mp41.57 MB
Xbets is launching in a few hours. Another incubation attempt from scammer Bossy, now partnering with serial farmer @ETH_CAPONEE the owner of . ETH CAPONE farmed 5 tokens in less than 2 months. NIBBLER was his first token and the most successful one. He had a big first mover advantage to start farming on ETH pinksales, back then everything was mooning, so presale buyers did 4x and then the token died in 1 day. THOMAS was his second token. Went down instantly after presale, every presale buyer who bought lost money. BROOK was the third token. He wasn't able to fill the soft cap, only 3.3/50 filled, so had to cancel the presale completely and relaunch it as stealthlaunch "stealthred" . Tg deleted. ZACUCK was his fourth token. chart After obvious struggles and failed attempts on pinksale, he decided to stealth launch on ETH. Impressive ATH of 7k market cap and 23 holders. 10 of them are airdrops to fresh dev wallets link hoping to dump on everyone but nobody bought his trash anyway. Xbets is his fifth token. ETH CAPONE realized that he just got very lucky with Nibbler, he cant use Nibbler's name anymore after 4 failed launches, so decided he needed help of a bigger scammer, the dirty jeet Bossy. And here we are. Screenshots proving that the same dev is behind all these tokens are attached. ETH presales are dead nowadays, as I warned all of you guys a month ago. They are dead because bsc farmers and pinksale killed them. Considering the current state of eth presales, combined with 2 scammers behind this launch, I can only offer my condolences to whoever buys this scam.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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jfl stay safe out there. Utility bot token meta got farmed and died in 1 day.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Another amazing launch from scammer bossy. "Incubated by Bossy" and down 95% in a single day, right after launch, from ath 1mil to $50k. Anything Bossy touches dumps to 0. I am not sure who bought this scam and why but thanks for letting him steal more. You can read more about this dirty jeet in my posts here or here He is a serial scammer who's rugged more than 10 tokens and he's been rugging for years. His promises and his word mean 0, and only brainless cattle will believe anything this thief says. His past record speaks for itself. Godfather is no different. He says it's his "first incubation" and will probably be the last. They collected 69 eth but chose an option to add liquidity manually because stealing 50% wasn't enough, they wanted to steal more. Attached is a screenshot with his excuse of why they added so little to liquidity and how "it's all part of the plan. " They collected 69 eth, added 20 eth to liquidity Transferred the rest 45 eth here did 8 buybacks from that wallet (1.25e + 0.2e + 0.35e + 0.1e + 0.15e + 0.14e + 0.2e + 0.26e) = 2.7 eth total in buybacks. Where did the rest 42.3 eth go? You can see where they went here all transferred for USDT and siphoned away. As usual. "Some bad guys" supposedly scammed poor devs and Bossy for $10k, so now all 42 eth is gone, jeets won. Sorry guys, better luck next time! But it's okay, not too late to migrate everyone to Bossy's ratboy. I mean rat protocol. Oh wait, it's at 100k mc down 90%, dead and abandoned as well. Oh well. Surely, next Bossy's token will be different.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
[2/2] The second issue is that this scam was incubated by brothers marketing. Usually, when anon team rugs, they can just disappear and there is nobody to hold responsible. Now holders can hold their incubator, marketer, and partner responsible for this scam. It's funny how so many people were bullish on it just because bsc brothers marketers were helping another bsc farm team. Literally join the tg and see how many people were hyped because of brothers marketing incubating it or look at the attached screenshots. Brothers marketing was paid for their involvement in this scam, for their marketing role, just like they always get paid to incubate various pinksale scams.The very least they could do is refund holders with that money that they received from ROFL devs. They choose not to. They were extremely active while ROFL was filling its presale, posting hundreds of messages, trying to squeeze as much eth as possible. As soon as the team rugged, brothers marketing completely washed off their hands and disappeared from the chat. They are already shilling new bsc scams, completely ignoring what happened in their ROFL token. The only "marketing" they delivered for ROFL is on the attached screenshots. Just spamming the chat with absolutely clown shit like "buy the dip" " buy more" " we are hyped" etc. All this negative IQ spam stopped immediately right after the rug. Brothers marketing got paid and got paid a lot by this team and they have the money to refund with. They chose not to. Because they know that in a few weeks, everyone will forget about their involvement, and nobody will care. Btw, I told you guys 3 weeks ago that bsc farmers devs moving to eth on pinksale will kill eth presales, just like this cancer killed bsc. It was a question of when, not if. Looks like it took less than a month.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
[1/2] Pinksale grifters recently introduced another new feature that looks good on paper but ends up being useless just like the rest of all their badges and features. The buyback feature and the first hyped ETH launch using it. Useless Audit, KYC, SAFU badges - ✅ $100 youtuber guy reading text off the website for his botted subs - ✅ Regular empty promises in the presale description from a typical BSC farmer team - ✅ Incubated by bsc clowns brothers marketing - ✅ Instant dump on launch and never going above presale price - ✅ all typical red flags as I mentioned here If this was just another daily farm fair launch from pinksale that instantly went to 0, I wouldn't bother making this post but I want to address 2 issues in this rug The 1st issue is their "we got hacked guyz!!!" excuse. First of all, it's extremely likely to be a lie. Second, it doesn't even matter if it's a truth or a lie. Whenever the devs cry about getting hacked and use this as an excuse why the coin is rugged and all eth stolen, they should be treated as thieves, regardless of whether it's actually the truth. Simply because it is the devs' responsibility to ensure that the eth is safe in their wallet and it's safety very easy to achieve. If you can't safely hold the money that doesn't belong to you, do not become a dev. We should never treat devs that use the "I got hacked" excuse differently because regardless of whether it was malicious or just horrible negligence, the result is the same. And let's be honest in 99 out of 100 cases of devs using this excuse, it's just a lie, and they are scammers who want to pretend that they "lost" money because of their negligence instead of admitting the theft.
Hammasini ko'rsatish... the owner of channel and is a scammer who is rugging devs for both bnbs and free tokens, dumping his bags and deleting his promo posts right after he receives the payment. Attached are the screenshots of this trashy scammer cold-calling small microcap teams, DMing them, and begging them to pay him in exchange for his promo posts on twitter/tg. After he gets paid, he deletes all his posts and runs away. BabyLTC team agreed with him on 2 bnb payment + 2 bnb worth of tokens in exchange for twitter + tg posts. Here is his bnb payment from the team for the promo: bnb payment 2 token payments: txn#1 txn#2 Him dumping all tokens right after he received them Shortly after he dumped his bag of free tokens, he blocked devs everywhere, and deleted all posts. In general, as a dev, when you see some noname shitfluencers/callers DMing you first begging you to pay for their amazing services with "Pls pay for my package sir", its never worth it. Only bottom of the barrel trash is mass DMing and cold calling microcaps. Good callers/influencers have plenty of devs in their DMs already. Btw, that pinned pic on his twitter is photoshopped lol. here is the recording of what he tried to photoshop. You can look at participants, and you aren't going to see him speaking at all, you can see on the screenshots that he is a 3rd worlder who can barely speak English. It's honestly just funny that he bothered to photoshop this picture but I won't even attempt to understand what was going in this subhuman's mind when he thought it was a great idea. Naturally, he is botting both his twitter and telegram views/followers because nobody follows or even heard of him. Anyways, avoid this trash and any other shitfluencer accounts associated with him.
Hammasini ko'rsatish... is a scammer who is rugging devs for both bnbs and free tokens, dumping his bags and deleting his promo posts right after he receives the payment. Attached are the screenshots of this trashy scammer cold-calling small microcap teams, DMing them, and begging them to pay him in exchange for his promo posts on twitter/tg. After he gets paid, he deletes all his posts and runs away. BabyLTC team agreed with him on 2 bnb payment + 2 bnb worth of tokens in exchange for twitter + tg posts. Here is his bnb payment from the team for the promo: bnb payment 2 token payments: txn#1 txn#2 Him dumping all tokens right after he received them Shortly after he dumped his bag of free tokens, he blocked devs everywhere, and deleted all posts. In general, as a dev, when you see some noname shitfluencers/callers DMing you first begging you to pay for their amazing services with "Pls pay for my package sir", its never worth it. Only bottom of the barrel trash is mass DMing and cold calling microcaps. Good callers/influencers have plenty of devs in their DMs already. Btw, that pinned pic on his twitter is photoshopped lol. here is the recording of what he tried to photoshop. You can look at participants, and you aren't going to see him speaking at all, you can see on the screenshots that he is a 3rd worlder who can barely speak English. It's honestly just funny that he bothered to photoshop this picture but I won't even attempt to understand what was going in this subhuman's mind when he thought it was a great idea. Naturally, he is botting both his twitter and telegram views/followers because nobody follows or even heard of him. Anyways, avoid this trash and any other shitfluencer accounts associated with him.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
[2/2] As I've mentioned in the first post, BSC farmers are now actively farming on ETH, so here are a few simple ways to recognize them : 1) If you see trashy cheap youtubers on their presale page like these 2 guys on the screenshot above : it's a 100% bsc farm team. 2) If you see "SAFU/BASED" or in general many badges on their page, it's almost certainly a bsc farm. 3)If you see a lot of emojis and unrealistic delusional promises/lies in the presale description, then it's 100% a bsc farm team. Some notable examples: "💰Direct listing on Tier 1 Central Exchange & Dex! " "✅ Times Square Billboard AD! 👀" "| 50+ Twitter Influencers 🎯|" "🚀 Last Project done $500M Cap!" etc etc And it's the exact same teams farming you every day, every week. Now on ETH. Generally, nowadays all ETH Pinksale presales consist of either: 1)pinksale fair launch = Pinksale's favorite farm model. Always dumps after listing, and almost always never recovers. It's best to buy on launch, especially if you see a lot of people aping in this trash, then either skip or if you really want to buy, then buy the postlaunch dip. 2) small hard cap WL only presales with WLs where 80%-90% go to the team and the rest to your favorite shitfluencers who will shill any trash for a chance to get their 0.2 eth max contribution WL spot. In case you haven't realized, the "mini bull run" is mostly over and the market has been much worse past 2 weeks or so. If you missed out, then either wait for a better time to gamble with your money or be very cautious. I am sure that the trend with ETH Pinksales will die very soon, it's only a matter of time. BSC is already dead and will always stay dead as long as Pinksale jeets rule the space.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
[1/2] Grifters Pinksale and BSC farmers are actively moving to ETH now after they've already killed BSC. Go through the weeks. Pinksale went from collecting $100k on average per week from ETH presales for years to getting $3-$4mil every week nowadays. BSC is now at the worst it's ever been, thanks to both Pinksale and farmers devs they work with. Now this cancer is actively trying to move to ETH. Attached is a screenshot from Maestro, the biggest defi trading bot. I saw this poll yesterday BEFORE pinksale botted it with their "Dexview" charting website, and it wasn't even top3. Now they botted both polls and have their jeet army in the comments yelling "dexview the best". I really hope that the Maestro team will realize that nobody on eth is using dexview. Literally nobody. All callers are posting either dexscreener or dextools charts. I have a lot of friends, and everybody I know is using either dextools or descreener, nobody even heard of dexview. Most ETH ppl who know about Pinksale, despise it. Do not give any more power to the rugger Saul Pink and Pinksale. He was one of the main reasons BSC died, so he should stay where he belongs, on the dead chain in the dirt. I don't think I ever shared this article on my channel, so I'm sharing it now for exposure sake. Whoever wrote it did a really good job. Saul is a rugger and a cancer, the degen space will be much better without both him and Pinksale.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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