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ORGONE LIGHT 💜🌬✨️ Orgonite & More

Love is the Key ❤️‍🔥🌬✨️ Creating healing and protective Orgone Tools, Tensor Technology & Energywork 💎⚡️💥 DUTCH/ENGLISH

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Time to announce the winner of the Earth Pipes Give Away 🫶🏼✨️✨️ My son thought this garden is beautiful but can also use some extra help 😉 The 5 Earth Pipes will be going to Catalunya Spain 🇪🇸 ⚡️ We hope you will find the perfect spots to hammer these powerhouses in the ground Nica!! I will contact you privatly to arrange shipment so they will be with you asap 🙏🏼💚 ✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️ Tijd om de winnaar bekend te maken van de Earth Pipes Give Away 🫶🏼✨️✨️ Mijn zoontje vind deze tuin prachtig maar denkt ook dat er wel wat extra hulp gebruikt kan worden 😉 De 5 Earth Pipes gaan naar Catalunya, Spanje 🇪🇸 ⚡️ We hopen dat je de perfecte plekken vindt om deze krachtpatsers in de grond te slaan Nica!! Ik neem privé contact met je op om de verzending te regelen, zodat ze zo snel mogelijk bij je zijn 🙏🏼💚 Love is the Key ❤️‍🔥🌬✨️ @Lehsa22
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My dearest and most loyal friend for 15 years.. my dear Joey... ❤️🐶 We will have to say goodbye to him this upcoming monday.. when he goes on his journey to whatever comes next. ✨️✨️  I'm so grateful for all the years we were able to spend with him.. eventhough he had this heart problem, which made the vets say he wouldn't reach an old age... well this tough boy showed them wrong 🙏🏼 He will be missed but always remembered with a smile 🥲💖 *This also means that the announcement of the winner of the Earth Pipes give away, that I planned this upcoming monday, needs to be postponed.. I will move it to Monday evening July 8th.  I hope you all understand 🙏🏼 ✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️ Al 15 jaar mijn liefste en trouwste vriend.. mijn lieve Joey... ❤️🐶 Aanstaande maandag zullen we afscheid van hem moeten nemen.. wanneer hij op reis gaat naar wat het ook is dat hierna komt. ✨️✨️  Ik ben zo dankbaar voor alle jaren die we met hem hebben mogen doorbrengen.. ook al had hij een hartprobleem, waardoor de dierenartsen zeiden dat hij niet oud zou worden... nou, deze stoere jongen heeft het tegendeel bewezen 🙏🏼 Hij zal worden gemist, maar altijd herinnerd worden met een glimlach 🥲💖 *Dit betekent dat de bekendmaking van de winnaar van de Earth Pipes give away, die ik aanstaande maandag had gepland, moet worden uitgesteld.. Ik verplaats het naar maandagavond 8 juli.  Ik hoop op jullie begrip 🙏🏼 Love is the Key ❤️‍🔥🌬✨️ @Lehsa22
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💖⚡️Torus Crystal Grid Orgonite charging tray ~ 26x18cm Searching for her forever home. NL in comments ⬇️ The power of the universe is infinite and all-encompassing. 💞 In this first OG charging tray I have conveyed the intention to let her work as a tool that will help you manifest everything you need in this moment. 🤲🏼✨️ My personal belief is that manifestation does not work by repeating affirmations and your wishes endlessly. 🗣🗣 By continuously asking the universe for what you desire, you will achieve the opposite, because you only reinforce what isn't yet... This OG charging tray was created, among other things, to make you trust the intent and energy you emit. 🫴🏼✨️ Have faith in the universe that your wishes are heard and that the path to this is achieved by letting go and being happy and grateful with what is NOW. 🫶🏼 Write down your wish as if you are already living in that reality, or speak it as if you are already experiencing it. 🥰 Be grateful for everything you are experiencing in this moment and deliver it to the Torus OG charging tray, where your universe is located 🤍🌬 ✨️✨️✨️ the place from which everything can be created 💫💥 and just trust with a full heart. ❤️‍🔥 The bottom of this beauty is filled with 2 layers of my complete Orgone Matrix recipe for all the powers and properties that all my Orgonites possess ⚡️🔥 In addition, her crystal grid contains a combination of Amazonite, Larimar, Kunzite and Garnet to activate and empower all her extra powers. 💙🩵🩷❤️ The detailed descriptions of these additional crystals can be found below in the comments. Of course you can also use this OG charging tray to cleanse and activate other crystals or spiritual tools and of course this tray also works as a powerful protector like any other Orgonite.⚡️ Do you feel that this beauty can help you live with surrender and trust? 🙏🏼 Please send me a message for more information 💌✨️ Love is the Key ❤️‍🔥🌬✨️ @Lehsa22 🎵 Full of life - Michael FK
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Time for a Give Away 🤲🏼❤️🤩 5 OG Earth Pipes are looking for their forever home 🫶🏼 The growing season has started a while back, but it sometimes seems as if it still has to begin... extreme (manipulated) rainfall 🌧🌧🌧 and other "inconveniences" create tough challenges in our garden... 🥴😮‍💨 Mother Nature and the Earth can really use some extra help to make up for lost time and still achieve a successful harvest 🙏🏼🌱☀️ You can see how I'm conquering all this in the video 😉💥 Could your vegetable garden also use some extra help? Or do you know a local organic farmer who you would like to help out? I'm donating 5 of my powerful OG Earth Pipes to one lucky winner 🤲🏼⚡️✨️⚡️ How do you enter? ⬇️ Share a photo (or several 😁) below this post, it can be a picture of your own vegetable garden, or the farmer's land where you would like these powerhouses to do their work. 📸💚 On Monday evening, July 1st, I will let my son choose one winner from all the photos that are shared. 🥰🤞🏼 Love is the Key ❤️‍🔥🌬✨️ @Lehsa22 *I will pay for shipping costs inside the Netherlands, outside the Netherlands I only ask for the additional shipping costs. ✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️ Tijd voor een Give Away 🤲🏼❤️🤩 5 OG earth pipes zijn op zoek naar hun forever home 🫶🏼 Het moestuinseizoen is al eventjes bezig, maar het lijkt soms alsof het nog moet gaan beginnen.. extreme (gemanipuleerde) regenval 🌧🌧🌧 en andere "ongemakken" zorgen voor pittige uitdagingen... 🥴😮‍💨 Moeder natuur en de aarde kunnen in ieder geval wel wat extra hulp gebruiken om de verloren tijd in te halen en toch nog een succesvolle oogst te behalen 🙏🏼🌱☀️ Hoe ik deze strijd ben aangegaan, zie je in het filmpje 😉💥 Kan jouw moestuin ook wel wat extra hulp gebruiken? Of ken je een lokale biologische boer die je graag wilt helpen? Ik doneer met alle liefde 5 van mijn krachtige OG Earth Pipes 🤲🏼⚡️✨️⚡️ Hoe kun je winnen? ⬇️ Deel onder deze post een foto (of meerdere 😁) van jouw eigen moestuin, of van het land van de boer waar jij graag zou willen dat deze krachtpatsers hun werk gaan doen. 📸💚 Op maandagavond 1 juli zal ik mijn zoontje één winnaar laten kiezen uit alle gedeelde foto's. 🥰🤞🏼 Love is the Key ❤️‍🔥🌬✨️ @Lehsa22 *Binnen Nederland zijn de verzendkosten voor mijn rekening, buiten Nederland vraag ik alleen de extra bijkomende verzendkosten terug..
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❤️🔥 OG Amulet beaded necklace 'Brigid' (○5cm) Searching her forever home... NL in comments ⬇️ This Orgonite is created with unconditional love and the intention to embody the energy of the goddess Brigid.⚡️ Brigid is the Celtic goddess of healing, protection and the eternal flame. ❤️‍🔥 She symbolizes feminine strength and inner fire. When we work with Brigid, we are, in essence, working with the element fire. 🔥✨️ Brigid brings a soft form of fire energy that is sweet, spacious, gentle, and that works passionate and careful at the same time. 🤲🏼  In this way, Brigid is the bringer of human inspiration, healing, perseverance, abundance and wisdom. This OG amulet will help you to discover your inner strength and wisdom and shines her light and warmth in every corner of your soul. 💫🙏🏼 She will guide you to discover and manifest whatever makes you happy and refills your energy, so that your able to conquer everything that comes your way. Challenge yourself to walk your true divine path towards inner happiness and abundance 🥰 This Beauty of course contains my complete Orgone Matrix recipe, for all the powers and properties that all my Orgonites possess 💥⚡️2 528MHz tensor rings, a 5D phoenix Obsidian, Mookaite and Pyrite to activate and enhance her properties. ❤️🤎💛 The descriptions of these extra crystals can be found in the comments below ⬇️ Furthermore, she is finished with a necklace made out of Ebony, Copper and Carnelian beads. 🫶🏼 Are you drawn to this fiery beauty? 🙏🏼🔥 Please send me a message for more information. 💌 Love is the Key ❤️‍🔥🌬✨️ @Lehsa22 🎵 Affection - Vesky
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Another custom request in the making 🦚💚 With this 'Peacock' OG pyramid I'm going to try something new... 🤩 The sides of the metal bottom/base part will take waaaay more time, but it will be so beautiful! ✨️✨️ Hopefully it works out as I'm visualizing it 🤞🏼😁 Curious what I'm talking about?? Stay tuned for the final result in a few weeks 🙏🏼💥 ✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️ Weer een persoonlijk verzoek in de maak 🦚💚 Met deze 'Peacock' OG piramide ga ik wat nieuws proberen... 🤩 De zijkanten van de metalen onderkant/basis zullen nu nog veeeeel meer tijd in beslag gaan nemen, maar het zal zo de moeite waard zijn! ✨️✨️ Hopelijk pakt het allemaal uit zoals ik het visualiseer 🤞🏼😁 Nieuwsgierig waar ik het over heb?? Stay tuned voor het eindresultaat over een paar weekjes 🙏🏼💥 Love is the Key ❤️‍🔥🌬✨️ @ Lehsa22
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💜💫 OG Rodin Torus Coil Necklace 'Pure Essence' (4 cm) Nederlands in de opmerkingen. 🇳🇱⬇️ I hate to disappoint you from the start 😬 But this Rodin Torus Coil OG is, just like the first one, is already meant for someone. 💙✨️ I finished the necklace to the wishes of her keeper, with copper, Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Lapis Lazuli beads. 🥰 At the moment I still have a waiting list for these powerful pendants, so the next ones also won't be available for sale. 😅 Let all of them be an inspiration for your own personal RTC Orgonite 😉🙏🏼 Send me a message for more information 💌 The power of a RTC Orgonite 💥⚡️ A Rodin Torus Coil is a “Scalar balanced toroidal vortex wave generator” that generates a large pulsating electromagnetic field (PEMF). This energy promotes well-being for both body and mind, as it reflects the same energy pattern found in every living cell of our body and in nature. 🌿🌀 We are influenced by beliefs, programming and energies that we experience and that are projected onto us in our daily lives, but also in other/previous lives. As a result, we can carry unresolved issues embedded in our physical and emotional bodies, disrupting health and the ability to manifest properly. In fact, we are continuously thrown out of balance by all the unnatural energies that are fired at us. By consciously using and wearing a Rodin Torus Coil, these energies will be neutralized, blockages will be healed and it will provide more balance and attunement to higher, divine frequencies. ⚡️❤️ The magnetic field of the Rodin Torus Coil in a closed circuit has the capacity to synchronize with your personal energy field and heart frequency, thereby increasing and strengthening your personal magnetic field. 💥✨️ This results, among other things, in better health, joy, compassion and love for all that is. ❤️‍🔥 The Rodin Torus Coil is Sacred Geometric technology, this combined with my Orgonite matrix 🔥⚡️and Rose Quartz and Amethyst as extra crystals 🩷💜 working together with the Clear Quartz inside, will generate an energy field that is almost impossible to describe in earthly words. 💎💫 A piece of energetic jewelry to wear close to your heart. You will feel the connection with divine source and your higher self like never before. ⚡️⚡️ Love is the key ❤️‍🔥🌬✨️ @Lehsa22
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Some of the latest custom Orgonite requests. ❤️💥 Feel free to contact me and tell me all about your wishes for your own custom creation 💌 ✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️✨️⚡️ Enkele van de laatste custom Orgonite verzoeken. ❤️💥 Neem gerust contact met mij op en vertel mij alles over jouw wensen voor jouw eigen creatie op maat 💌 Love is the Key ❤️‍🔥🌬✨️ @Lehsa22
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‼️‼️ Beware! There is a scamming account active! When you're getting messages from this account, they are not from me! Please block and report! 🙏🏽 I always contact privately only through my personal account @Lehsa22 and never unrequested. Opgelet! Er is een scam account actief! Wanneer je berichten krijgt, deze zijn niet van mij! Graag blokkeren en rapporteren 🙏🏽 Ik stuur altijd alleen priveberichten met mijn persoonlijke account @Lehsa22, en nooit ongevraagd.
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💚🌼 OG Amulet beaded necklace 'Áine' (○5cm) RESERVED NL in de opmerkingen ⬇️ This Orgonite is created with unconditional love and the intention to embody the energy of the goddess Áine.⚡️💛 Áine is a powerful and important deity in Celtic mythology, often described as a goddess of love, fertility, sovereignty and she is also known as the 'Queen of Fairies'. 🧚🏼‍♀️✨️ The beauty, strength and grace of Áine brings hope to women and reminds them of the warmth of summer and more pleasant times. ☀️ Aine is also an inspiring goddess for artists and writers.  💫🖌 This Orgonite makes a heart flooded with tears feel warmth and hope again. 💧💚 She will help you remember that every bit of sadness ultimately creates a stronger and bigger heart full of love that needs be shared.  🤲🏼❤️✨️ Experiences that left your heart feeling broken can heal and transform into strength, allowing you to fully blossom. 🪷  This power has been within you for a long time, you can trust it.  🙏🏼 This Orgonite Amulet of course contains my complete Orgone Matrix recipe, for the powers and properties that all my Orgonites possess 💥⚡️ A 528MHz tensor ring, Quantum Quattro, Peridot and Pyrite are also added 💙💚💛 the descriptions of these extra stones can be found in the comments below. ⬇️ Her necklace is created with Copper, Ebony and Agate beads, which provide good grounding. 🪵🤎 Are you drawn to this divine beauty? 🙏🏼🥰 Please send me a message for more information. 💌 Love is the Key ❤️‍🔥🌬✨️ @Lehsa22 🎵 Dreams of Light - Autana
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Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.