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Poppy's Field Project

Global seers untie the dream to see truth. Donate for all the volunteer work: send to Venmo #9096 For an astrology reading for a fee or if you were removed and think it may be a mistake. Email: [email protected]

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Lack of gagnesium phosphate causes many illusions of the senses and queer mental disorders, as it is closely allied with Kali or potassium.
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Green Lion is meant UNDYING ENERGY the ever present and undiminishing life force; creative force undepicted. This is the yardstick or measuring rod which we must apply in our analysis of marriage. Two opposite renderings of the 'word lion are MAGNAMINITY .. and FEROCITY. true that the first word is derived from the same root (mag=to move) as magnesium while ferocity has the same root as the chemical term Ferrum or iron. It is also a fact that these two salts work together. As no MOTION can be produced without ENERGY, so Ferrum or iron is necessary in order to BEAR ENERGY ALONG ITS \VAY, which is interpreted as MOTION.
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"Israelite," was a sacred/scared/sacrificial Egyptian term and referred to the knowledgeable ones. Is-ra-el, was later transformed to press the coming together of the Cults of Power. The term Israelite used by each Cult, including the Solar Cult of Aton. Connotative rather than denotative. Applying to the Welsh, Scotts, Irish and English = referring "British." The Bible's conception, in Rome, the word and idea of Is-ra-el should be personified. Reasons which are veiled, Jacob - son of Abraham - renamed Is-ra-el by God. This act of "renaming" (Genesis 35:9) is one of several clever illusions used by the Bible's mythographers in Babylon and Rome to distort history and to leave false trails.
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Aton/Adam/Amen/Amun and the 13 Steps to the Foreign/Annunaki false God.
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The eye of Aton/Jehovah/Adonai/Annunaki, god of the monotheistic Akhenaton and his bloodline. The elite or predatory class who rule the Western World now refer to themselves as the "Illumined Ones', AKA "Luciferians" the all-seeing eye, is imprinted on documents of nefarious and powerful secret society, called the Illuminati, which infiltrated Freemasonry and others. Adjacent to this symbol, on the dollar bill, is the bald eagle with the thirteen arrows and olive leaves, a symbol for the Tribe of Manasseh, used by the Rothschild Dynasty (one of the major servants of the descendants of the renegade Cult of Aton). The symbol with the eye is on innumerable corporate logos, on the emblems of governments, religious organizations, and media consortiums, either owned or controlled by selfsame oligarchies. Neither the pyramid nor the eagle are American symbols. The branded terms "Israelite" and "Hebrew" share people who spent time in Egypt, and is not a racial or religious term. A title, that were adopted to represent Jews and other sundry tribes; racial groups that were residents in Egypt who affiliated, and served, the Cult of Aton (Adonai/Jehovah Yahweh). The non-racial term "Israelite" a disguise of ancestry and origin. Scholars, and history, find little trace of any "Israelites" the ruse was an excellent one, and has worked supremely well thus far.
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PUPIL The core of the eye. The sun/son which is always considered the pupil or eye of Horus, the sun god. The sun is the eye of day. Students as "pupils," representing facts of wisdom and education were one is no illumined as the sun. The word alumni connotes the same. Fredrick Nietzsche wrote: As long as one is committed to the idea that the stars are something above the head, they will lack the eye of knowledge. A Biblical motif regards this ancient and mystical doctrine. The movement of the sun was far less important to the Siderealists than later cults.The rising, a night sky with veiled with mystery, revelation was dimmed. Stars were shrouded and life became external and industrial. The sun the was considered under the sidereal ethos as Lucifer, literally the "Son of the Morning." He, Lucifer, obscured the truth and the goddess. Only truth to the Siderealists whose worship is the sun are "Luciferians" in the truest sense of the word. "All Seeing Eye" the god of light. The Illuminated Ones.
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🥰 1
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PUPIL The core of the eye. The sun/son which is always considered the pupil or eye of Horus, the sun god. The sun is the eye of day. Students as "pupils," representing facts of wisdom and education were one is no illumined as the sun. The word alumni connotes the same. Fredrick Nietzsche wrote: As long as one is committed to the idea that the stars are something above the head, they will lack the eye of knowledge. A Biblical motif regards this ancient and mystical doctrine. The movement of the sun was far less important to the Siderealists than later cults.The rising, a night sky with veiled with mystery, revelation was dimmed. Stars were shrouded and life became external and industrial. The sun the was considered under the sidereal ethos as Lucifer, literally the "Son of the Morning." He, Lucifer, obscured the truth and the goddess. Only truth to the Siderealists whose worship is the sun are "Luciferians" in the truest sense of the word. "All Seeing Eye" the god of light. The Illuminated Ones.
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Magna Carta
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Magna Carta, no one owns anything, unless you make it with your own material.
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