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全民起義,唯一出路; 武裝革命,屠共救港。 光復中華民國、全民制憲、聯省自治。 香港流亡手足 #何歡喜 🇹🇼 和 #卡比 🇬🇧 於2022年11月27日正式與中國共產黨宣戰,全力支持全球華人推翻暴政。 我們歡迎任何人以任何形式搞鳩港共份子。 香港警察,狗屎垃圾。 *投稿與本台立場無關

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Pro-Beijing activist asks China official to clarify security law, ‘soft resistance,’ says Hongkongers too afraid to speak up
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Pro-Beijing activist asks China official to clarify security law, ‘soft resistance,’ says Hongkongers too afraid to speak up

A pro-Beijing activist has petitioned a visiting top Chinese official, urging for clarification on "soft resistance" and the national security law.

Hammasini ko'rsatish...
😢 4 1
一打英文po啲人就走晒 😉👍🏻
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🤣 4
本台所有admin搬晒去Peterborough Come and get us 等緊你喔蕭澤頤!😉👍🏻
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
💯 2
睇完啲咩£5 for a "British Hongkogers are British" magnet 之後,得出嘅結論係所有在英港人組織做緊嘅嘢都一樣,就係同流亡手足講:「你付出幾多都唔係香港人,冇將你放在眼內,冇有幾慘吓睇唔到,你要出嚟打然後流亡係你嘅事,香港人幫香港人唔計你。」 我係難民,我係香港人,我喺英國。我2019年堅持抗爭到依家。So what? Why do I hate BNOs? That's why. I do recognise and appreciate there's still someone out there who cares about us. Thanks, really. But well, for all the rest of you who don't, you can rot in hell with the Chi-na commies. You're so much worse than them.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🙏 2
All new laws and policies are based on what happened in 2019. The beautiful new Hong Kong narrative. :)
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hong Kong gov’t uses 2019 protests to justify new security legislation without fully learning from them
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hong Kong gov’t uses 2019 protests to justify new security legislation without fully learning from them

For months during 2019, Hong Kong was rocked by increasingly violent anti-government protests. Demonstrators focused initially on an unpopular extradition bill that the government seemed determined…

希望啲kam人組織唔會又喺度周圍屈我佔領曬所有台 呢度自由社會有言論自由 何歡喜嘅個人意見係佢嘅意見 唔好入我數又喺背後話我屌人
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🤡 6🌚 3
以前叫人屌死啲垃圾BNO組織 而家呢就衰過嗰啲垃圾BNO組織 人哋效率高 出信快 幫唔到就一句幫唔到 係囉 請埋啲Kam 人聽電話 一個口疏 一係就啞嘅 而家係 #何歡喜 屌鳩你移民顧問 唔好以為我喺台灣乜都都唔知呀 😉
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🙏 2