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Продаю аккаунты PURE VPN (работает в рф) подписки до 2025-2029г 70р/шт Писать сюда: @hash_attackk
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Top Unlocks of June 🪙 Unlocking is the release of tokens that were previously blocked as raised investments. Phased unlocks are needed to maintain asset price stability over the long term. This prevents large token holders from selling out en masse, thereby collapsing the price. 😶 There are 3 major unlocks coming very soon: 🐴 1INCH - going to unlock 249.8 million tokens on June 2. That's about $100 million, or 16.6% of the total supply. 🖼 BLUR - will unlock $101.8 million in its tokens on June 14, 2023. 6.5% of the total supply will be added to the circulating supply. The coin is currently trading at $0.501. 🔴 OP - in as little as 5 hours (May 31 is almost June) 9% of the current Total Supply will be unlocked! Potential seller pressure will be $572 million. Investors are currently averaging ~6x of their investment, this will be the first unlock for them. 😶 On Optimism, we can't help but also mention that their team is releasing a core network update on June 6 that will reduce deposit time and lower network fees. Whether they will be selling off their tokens before this update is a mystery. ❕ Unlocking is not an indication that the token will necessarily sell off! The direction of the price movement mainly depends on the work of the market maker and how much investors believe in the project. Often the market maker will raise the price of the asset in advance of the split in order to smooth out the sellers' pressure. So be careful in the market and don't turn your money into market maker fodder!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Now you don't have to use the seed phrase 🈚️ ⠀ One of the main factors in keeping your funds safe is the seed phrase, which can easily be lost if not properly handled. However, there is a new "technology" known as account abstraction (ERC-4337) that avoids having to search for a lost 12-word paper. 📦 ERC-4337 is a new Ethereum standard that enables the creation of abstract accounts. It has the potential to bring smart contracts functionality to wallets. ⚫️ What does account abstraction mean? Imagine that your pocket wallet is a smart wallet. With it, you can use all payment methods through one mechanism to accept them. It adjusts to you and your tasks as much as possible. 🎛 The main advantages of ERC-4337: 🔵Pay for gas with any token. You can pay with any ERC-20 token. In addition, services using this standard can make gas payment in fiat through smart contract enhancement. 🔵Recovering the account. For ERC-4337 smart accounts, they will introduce "group access" to wallets. If you lose a seed phrase, you will be able to regain access through previously assigned custodian contracts. 🔵Bundled transactions. Smart accounts allow you to bundle transactions and send them as one. This saves gas fees in multiples. 🔵Sponsored transactions. User transactions can be paid for by the dApp itself. This can then act as a marketing move from many projects. ⚫️ However, not everything is so rosy. In order to implement all of the above, you need an extensive infrastructure. More specifically, nodes that will bundle transactions into packages, thereby reducing the high gas fee. Despite this, ERC-4337 can become a key aspect of mass adopting, because ease of use is one of the advantages of this standard.
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☠️Китайские labs sell synthetic opioids for BTC and USDT According to analytics company Elliptic, ( 90 Chinese chemical laboratories making the opioid analgesic fentanyl are selling it in bulk overseas by accepting payment in BTC and USDT. About $27 million worth of crypto-assets have been transferred to these addresses in the past five years, with a 450% increase in the number of transactions in 2023. #NEWS
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Chinese Businesses Fueling the Fentanyl Epidemic Receive Tens of Millions in Crypto Payments

The Elliptic research team set out to determine how widespread the sale of fentanyl precursors for crypto is in China. Read the article to find out more.

выкладывать мануал по легкому абузу бота в тг? (200-300р с одного аккаунта в день)Anonymous voting
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ОЧЕНЬ жирная акция от «Мегафон» (19.03.23) Привет, друзья . Старейшему оператору сотовой связи недавно стукнуло 30 лет и в честь этого события «Мегафон» запустил мини-игру, в которой каждый желающий может выиграть ценный приз. Разумеется, акция только для абонентов «Мегафон». Всего призы делятся на 3 уровня — чем выше уровень, тем он дороже. На первом уровне раздают промокоды на минуты и гигабайты, а так же всевозможные подписки на сервисы «Яндекс.Плюс», «ЛитРес» и т.д., но все они по большей части бесполезны. На втором уровне подарки гораздо щедрее — пауэрбанки, наушники, худи, шопперы. И на третьем самые шикарные — умные часы, электросамокаты, сертификаты для «Мегафон Ритейл» с балансами 30 000 и 100 000₽. Что делаем? Открываем приложение «Мегафон» (PlayMarket/AppStore) —> находим мини-игру (если ее нет, то необходимо обновить приложуху) и по желанию вводим реферальный код 3672946475 (далее у вас появится своя рефералка) —> играем в мини-игру, а так же не забываем приглашать рефералов до тех пор, пока не соберем баллы на что-либо ценное —> PROFIT! С полным списком призов и правилами проведения акции можно ознакомиться здесь. Мы будем очень благодарны за то что вы введете наш промокод, 3672946475 также можете просить родных и друзей вводить ваш промокод, ведь призы стоят того!:) Всем удачи ✌️
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Телеграм раздает премиум на 30 дней🔥 @PremiumBot
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Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.