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HOW TO KEEP ORDER AND CLEANLINESS 1. Plan on a calendar - daily and weekly - the time you will devote to cleaning. Set a timer for 15 to 30 minutes and do only the cleaning, and after the signal, put off what's not sorted until the next time. 2. Concentrate on one area at a time. Say only the kitchen or only the bathroom. 3. Make decisions quickly. Rely on your intuition - in these things, it usually does not fail. If it seems to you that the thing is unnecessary and has no place in the house - get rid of it. 4. Immediately after cleaning throw out all the trash and mark what you decide to sell / give away. Don't hesitate. 5. Take pictures of all the rooms in a condition that you are completely happy with. If something breaks it, you can always put it back the way it was.
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Is it time to worry? Checklist for assessing your emotional state How do you practically know when to accept your feelings, when to express them, and when to change them? Cognitive psychotherapist David Burns, in his book, offers a checklist, a list of questions to help you decide: - How long have I felt this way? - Am I doing something constructive to deal with the problem, or am I just thinking about it wistfully, just to avoid dealing with it? - Do my thoughts and feelings match reality? - If I express my feelings, will it help me or make it worse? - Am I upset about a situation that is beyond my control? - Am I avoiding a problem by denying that I am really upset about it? - Are my expectations of the world realistic? - Are my expectations of myself realistic? - Do I feel hopeless? - Do I have low self-esteem?
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Characteristic signs of infantilism 1. Tendency to live in fantasies Infantile people make up things that did not really happen, replace reality with imagination and sometimes ignore the real facts. 2. Lack of willpower They pass up in the face of difficulties and quit when faced with an obstacle that is not even serious to those around them. 3. Difficulty in making decisions They have difficulties making decisions independently, often ask for help and advice - they want someone else to decide or do something for them. 4. Self-centeredness. Think that the world revolves around them, that those around them are constantly discussing them. They live with an eye on others - what will people think? 5. Lowered criticality. They see a catfish in someone else's eye, but don't notice the big log in their own; they want people to take care of them, but they don't offer anything in return because they are incapable.
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Thirty is a time to take an honest look at your life. It's time to realize our place in the world and start moving where we want to go. How do we do that? - Examine yourself, your desires, your possibilities and limitations. Exactly what you can do, what is important and valuable to you, what you aspire to and what you avoid. This forms the basis for loving yourself. - Set your priorities consciously. Don't be guided by other people's opinions, leave it to yourself to decide. If you have gaps in some area of your life, do not rush mindlessly catch up. Stop and think about what you want, and then move in the chosen direction. - Listen to yourself. Do not put off for a long time new fears and attitudes. It's better to consciously work through them. Do not worry and do not be afraid, courageously and with interest master the new experience. The first step to growing up is to take responsibility for your life. The better you work on the problems of this stage, the easier it will be to move on.
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Smile from the heart 😁 A personality capable of resisting manipulation is holistic, harmonious, cheerful. These traits can be acquired, developed. πŸ‘ŒStart with the attitude: I am open to a cheerful mindset! Nothing and no one is going to stop me from doing that! It is today that for the day, you become part of an experiment: your own on yourself. The essence of it is simple: from morning until the end of the day, smile when interacting with someone. What you get: β€’ suppress all the unpleasant feelings in you; β€’ tell your opponent that you sympathize with him in some way; β€’ you make people communicate on your terms. By smiling you start to like them back. Smile with a real smile that comes from within. Allow yourself joy as the energy that will nourish you. Join us for more -> @psychologiesi πŸ’‘
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The holidays are coming to an end: the main mistake of the first work week - check yourself How to tune in to work after the holidays? And even if you love it, it's not always easy to get into the workplace after a long vacation. The more so if you've made a common mistake, which we're now going to tell you about... πŸ“Choose the right goals. You shouldn't expect too much of yourself. By setting the bar high, you will inevitably be disappointed. Try to strike a balance and plan only for what you are truly capable of accomplishing. πŸ“ Be proud of yourself. Name at least three things over the holiday season that you are proud of. When you return to work, scroll through those pleasurable moments in your mind-these are the tasks you have accomplished. πŸ“Make a plan for the first few days of work. Ideally, do this ahead of time so you can get in the mood for work in time. But it's not too late to start now! Especially if you've already gotten the feeling that you hate work and want to quit.
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9,950,000 coins! That's the amount of coins you could already have in 4 days in the acclaimed Hamster Kombat! In Hamster Kombat already has an open premarket, which means that you can already exchange your coins for dollars. But very soon the coin will appear on major exchanges such as Binance, Bybit and others. And you will be able to sell the clicked coins at the exchange rate and withdraw the money to your card of any bank. Do not lose the chance, everyone is advised to participate! You can now really easily monetize your free time, while the project does not require you to make any investments. And to all those who don't believe, for example Not coin, which is now trading at around $0.02 per coin, we all clicked inside the same mini clicker game too. Get free coins now in official bot app πŸ‘‰ click
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Diet saboteurs: who and why prevents us from losing weight - 5 types of people You may be hearing this word for the first time, but you have probably met the "saboteurs" themselves more than once. As a rule, they are around everyone who is trying hard to get rid of excess weight. They are the ones who assure us that we already look great, and are mortally offended if we refuse to eat puffy cakes. 1. those who want to lose weight themselves 2. Those who genuinely don't understand you. 3. those who identify food and love 4. those who are afraid of losing you 5. Your spouse Join us for more -> @psychologiesi πŸ’‘
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How do you learn to stand up for yourself? 1. Recognize: this problem is on my turf, and it's up to me to deal with it. No one else needs me to be my friend. And the prince on a white horse will not come. The most effective therapy begins when the "sleeping beauty" aka the "dead tsarevna" realizes that the prince is herself, and the crystal coffin is broken from the inside. 2. Seek helpers and support. For some it is psychotherapy, for others - books, spiritual practices, a circle of like-minded people. 3. to work honestly in this direction. 4. Overcome resistance to change. The person who begins to love himself becomes uncomfortable with those with whom the relationship was based on his dislike of himself. This obstacle course needs to be overcome. Join us for more -> @psychologiesi πŸ’‘
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