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Memoirs Of A Truther 🖊📜

Writings, musings and ramblings of a truth-seeker

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

Hey Everyone, we’re sorry we were unable to post any entries this past week. Whatever we revealed to you last week has caused all kinds of retribution for us. One of our team members is suddenly dealing with kidney malfunction and we’d like to ask you to send your prayers in hopes we may return to posting SOON. We need “STRONG PRAYERS” at this time, as it’s been confirmed we are dealing with a little ‘death magick’. Not our first rodeo and but we must be proactive with prayers as quickly as possible! We will need all the prayer we can get. Thank you so much in advance! Please keep your vibes up, remain close to Creator and pray 🙏 incessantly. Remember, this is a time where your FAITH will be tested and stretched to its limits. As long as humanity remains, there is still HOPE. The Creator works for, by, and through THE PEOPLE. It’s always been that way…please never forget that. 💛💛💛
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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This woman was talking about how much and how badly they lie to us. She said even the good guys in Space Force or in world government become corrupted over time. Most people aren’t aware of this but we are. We never follow BIG people for too long. What was interesting was how she talked about the same thing we’d witnessed over the years. She said the Matrix was designed to corrupt and that the Soul of those sent here to help us needed to swapped out from time to time, because the Matrix was like a computer and eventually a file ( or good leader on the world stage) becomes corrupted and a new leader must come in to replace him. What a thought, hmm? But we honestly would not have believed her if we had not seen it for ourselves. We really can’t trust anyone but ourselves and The Most High. And if anyone is going to clean up this cesspool it’s going to be us and the Creator. You need to get your heads around this because IT IS TRUE. You are so powerful and don’t realize it. Remember? You are THE SPARK OF CREATION. These are not just words, it is part of the JOB WE ARE HERE TO DO. Please try to understand this within your heart of hearts. We know you can do it so start believing in yourselves again. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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32👏 2🥴 2
So we come here not as often as we’d like in effort to help SAVE the people. As many as we can, no matter how they fight, argue with us and true to sully our name and deeds, we press on, under duress from our friends followers and heavy persecution from the elite, black magicians and you name it. We press on because we know the Creator has the final say. We have NEVER had as much FAITH than we do today and we struggled through so much to get here. We warred with things you don’t even want to know about to be here today. People scream at us in a way mocking us, “No good news today!?” No friends, there is NO GOOD NEWS TODAY. Would you like to know why? Because YOU haven’t yet awakened. You have NOT LEARNED and you have not accepted the one truth even we hated to know. NO ONE is coming to SAVE US, but we must somehow arise from the ashes of our former selves to COME TO OUR OWN DEFENSE. Honestly, how messed up is that, but it is no less THE TRUTH. We are so sorry that it is the truth. Sometimes it brings even our embattled hearts to tears. The problem is very good liars are using their powers and even their black magic to lie to the masses, and they are very good at what they do. And you see, people like us have no cunning and otherworldly powers that the enemy possesses. They are cunning like the book of Genesis describes them, the most cunning of all of God’s creation. We’ve talked about this before because that makes our job a million more times impossible, because this IS an impossible job; but yet, we are forced to remember that no one is smarter than the Creator and like we said we had to learn to trust God more than anyone else in the world. Because of that our team is still here, alive and kicking though definitely worse for the wear, lol. The issue none of you know or realize is that even the enemy is pushing you towards your divinity and because of this things will get worse. However, the enemy lies to you and says if you vote for the right guy, if you take the jab, if you follow the elite, if you give in or give up, things will be better for you. No friends, that is not the plan—that is not the Creator’s plane. Creator wants us to seek our DIVINE SELVES; soon, nothing will be left and we will be forced to SEEK THE FACE OF GOD as they say. We prefer we seek and find something beyond our humanity before then. We agree it is a terrible thing to say no one is coming to help us, but it is indeed true. I know how I felt when I learned this: defeated. That was until I learned that we as humans have the biggest role in our survival than anticipated. We Must Wake Up (to truth) in order to complete the mission. That’s why no matter what happens behind the scenes, we come back here. Do you understand? The elite are forcing us to wake up with their harsh draconian laws and fabricated mandates to make life hard to live. We are to dig deeper than ever thought possible to stay on this EARTH. It is ours. Do you remember what Kennedy said in the famous speech that cost him his life? In the real version not the doctored version he said, “There is a plan to kill every man woman and child on this planet.” Just like George Washington never said ‘I chopped down a cherry tree’, what he did was defraud an indigenous people out of their own country - so yes, not the “fairytale version of the story. Kennedy knew and he tried to tell us all, so we could protect ourselves. Our work here is no less important and all the more complicated because we are not the powerful elite and the truth, the whole truth is more frightening than anyone out there will tell you… but we just did. We found a woman on TikTok recently. She was a former member of the Secret Space Program. We watched one video and began following her, we knew she was being truthful. As soon as we followed her, her entire channel was removed. Happens to us a lot. If you only knew how this system was ran, it’s insane. Certain people they do not want talking or getting together. We’ve seen this many times and they know who we are and what we do.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🙏 18👍 2 2
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NOTE: We wanted to talk about this because we see scads of people all over the internet believing they are untouchable and that everything they do is fun and games with ZERO consequences. We’ve had run-ins with these people too, as we’ve stated, and from a magical standpoint. W still have ongoing challenges in that regard which we will get into much later. These people mean business and that is something we know first hand. FIRST, they will WARN YOU, then they will threaten YOU and if that doesn’t work, they just might pay you a visit. We feel so bad for newcomers who literally do not know what they are truly up against. We try to warn people when we can but not everyone knows. We recently found a woman who is former employee for Estee Lauder. She’s a former Vice President for one of their perfume lines in UK, when she decided to sue then for discrimination. She has been on the run for months, moving from hotel to hotel. She’s being gangstalked and poisoned in every hotel she’s been in and no one is helping her. She posts videos every day of strange occurrences and how often she calls the police. No one helps her. The problem is, she has no idea that Estée Lauder is one of 13 Black Nobility families…👿, so who can really help her? Right now, her streaming is keeping her alive. Please pray for her if you can, her name is Ella. -Rest in Peace Kyle 🩷
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🙏 18👍 2
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Many people were deeply saddened over the sudden death of Kyle Marissa Roth on the April 9th. At the time she was feuding with both TikTok and Jennifer López because TikTok had banned Kyle’s main TikTok account earning her over $700k / per month. We were curious and decided to see (or remote view) what happened to Kyle. We took a quick peek long enough to see Kyle in her home and just as she was putting something from her hands to her mouth (TRIGGER WARNING!) we saw her eyes rolls back into her head and she collapsed to the floor. Whatever it was, it was so potent that when it hit her mouth she was already leaving her body, so we suspect whatever it was was laced with fentanyl. We could not see anything else working that quickly, sorry to say. We also saw some MAGICKAL interference from a certain celebrity Kyle was on the outs with. This person was not “directly” involved, but looks as if she may have sent some bad JUJU Kyle’s way for Kyle refusing to drop her as a main talking point of Kyle’s.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
😱 13🔥 3
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Within a week of each other 3 extremely popular influencers died around the week of the solar eclipse. One of those influencers was a popular astrologist who became possessed, killed her fiance, and threw her two children from her car into the 405 express way in Los Angeles and another was Kyle Marissa who became famous for reading Crazy Days and Nights blind items on TikTok…We made a series about all the influencers who seemed to die mystery a while back, noting that influencers dying too young was becoming a disturbing trend all over the world…
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Another staged train derailment in Arizona
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AI slowly but surely taking over, we warned about this as well beginning in 2021. If there is another lockdown, AI will be replacing jobs behind closed doors. We know there’s talk of UBI (universal basic income but it will in fact be social credit rating by a different name).
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And now they are wearing real people as meat suits as well. I know what you’re thinking but we HAVE TO talk about this stuff so that you and those you love can stay protected. Knowing the enemy is 50% of the battle. #AMORUP 🛡️🛡️🛡️
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