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White Israelites

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And the serpent sent out of its mouth after the woman as much water as a river, in order that she may be made washed away by the river. -Revelation 12:15
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 17
Repost from Cross Identity
The Bible proofs that some of the Pharisees were Edomites.  Notice the verse below:  John 8:33  They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? The Pharisees told the Messiah that they had never gone into bondage.  This could only apply to the Edomites because the tribe of Judah was taken into captivity in 585 BC by Babylon.  They would have never told the Messiah that they never went into captivity.  THIS VERSE PROOFS THAT THE EDOMITES WERE MIXED AMONG THE PHARISEES.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 8
Highest IQ papist
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 3👎 2
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>Incorrect book citation >”Greek” is just English spelled with Greek letters >Reddit strawman Papists are idiots
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Proof that Israel sells US secret military tech to China here: Proof that the Jewish sacred Talmud promotes pedophilia here: Proof that Israel is a pedophile haven here: Proof that the whole tranny agenda is entirely JEWISH in origin, and Israel is making BILLIONS selling us the hormones used to mutilate the children being brainwashed: Proof that Jewish power has total control over the US body politic: Proof that Jewish power controls the US financial system: Proof that Jews control the Media: Proof that Jewish power is behind the ongoing ethnic replacement of White people (aka Europeans) in their own countries (which is genocide, aka ethnic cleansing): Proof that Israel is anti-Christian: Proof that Jewish power is at war with the 2nd Ammendment: Proof that Jews are NOT White (White means European, and Jews come from the Middle East): This is a crosspost from someone I know on discord, but it's worth reposting.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Israel sells US secret military tech to China. This makes supporting …

archived 11 Jan 2023 06:40:10 UTC

👍 16👎 1
What pagan religion did your ancestors follow before they converted to Christianity?Anonymous voting
  • Celtic Paganism
  • Germanic Paganism
  • Slavic Paganism
  • Roman Paganism
  • Hellenic Paganism
  • Canaanite Paganism
  • Other
0 votes
What is your least favorite race?Anonymous voting
  • Arabs and Jews
  • Blacks
  • East Asians
  • Aboriginals
  • Indians
  • Mestizos/Native Americans
  • Whites (I'm jewish)
0 votes
👍 7
Of these 4 options, if you were forced to do one of the four, which one would you pick?Anonymous voting
  • Race mix
  • Gay Sex
  • Never have sex for the rest of your life
  • Commit Suicide
0 votes
👍 3
John 8:42-47 Therefore Jesus says to them: If God were to be the father of all you, at any rate, you all would have loved me; I truly proceed and come from God: neither really do I come from myself, but He sent me. How come you don't understand my speech? Because you're not able to hear my manner of speaking. You all are from your father the Devil, and you desire to do the will of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he did not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his possessions, because he is a liar, and is his father. I on the other hand, if I speak truth, you don't believe me. Who from you accuses me of wrongdoing? If I speak truth to you all, why don't you believe me? He who is of God, hears the word of God. For that reason you don't hear, because you all are not from God As we can see in the bible, the jews are not from God. They are from the Devil, because they are devils themselves. Denominational Christians can cope all day about verses like these, but fundamentally, they prove the biblical message without doubt.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 12
John 8:42-47 Therefore Jesus says to them: If God were to be the father of all you, at any rate, you all would have loved me; I truly proceed and come from God: neither really do I come from myself, but He sent me. How come you don't understand my speech? Because you're not able to hear my manner of speaking. You all are from your father the Devil, and you desire to do the will of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he did not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his possessions, because he is a liar, and is his father. I on the other hand, if I speak truth, you don't believe me. Who from you accuses me of wrongdoing? If I speak truth to you all, why don't you believe me? He who is of God, hears the word of God. For that reason you don't hear, because you all are not from God As we can see in the bible, the jews are not from God. They are from the Devil, because they are devils themselves. Denominational Christians can cope all day about verses like these, but fundamentally, they prove the biblical message without doubt.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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