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The End Times Reveal

Welcome brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, this channel is about Biblical Prophecy, Scripture and daily news relating to the End Times.

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322 Skull and Bones! You just couldn't make this up even if you tried. Everything is scripted and with the discernment that The Holy Spirit provides, we have no fear and we can see right through the mumbo jumbo.
The Telegrah… The truth is finally coming out!
Here is the Pfizer patent document that graphene oxide within the vaccine.
Here is the total transcript document that is tied into the video.
Greetings, blessings and love to you beautiful family in Jesus, I pray that you are all well. As promised I have done the video on the Grimes Tablet. Please read the post thread for context. I am absolutely blown away that the Grimes prophecy tablet is aligned both with the Book of Daniel and Revelation. After all the research myself and a dear sister have done over the last 4 days, we have found so much information. The mRNA Corona vaccines is not just about changing your DNA, it is about taking the spirit of a vaccinated individual and trapping it into the metaverse which is the utopia world of the fallen angels. It sounds like science fiction but it is all truth which you will have a very detailed explanation of in the video. This is Revelation 13:15 Rev 13:15  And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. When it says that the number of the beast is a man; the body is made up of 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons which proves this is about the body but the dragon has gone one step further whereby he will try to trap the spirit into the metaverse. This is where the infinity meta symbol comes in which means transcendence. This goes so much deeper than I anticipated and I am beyond words to explain how evil this is. The metaverse is tied directly to the occult where they can carry out their rituals, digital alchemy and a heck of a lot more. The worst part is when the switch of the quantum system takes place, the vaccinated will be switched on and taken into the metaverse. I cannot upload this video to YouTube, it will get taken down in an instant because that is how controversial this is. Before this switch happens, the fake alien invasion has to take place first. Download the video and please share it with people. I would strongly suggest that we tell people to repent and ask Father to restore them because Jesus raised people from the dead so only through the Blood of Jesus can they be restored. I won't put our Father and Jesus in a box because with Father, all things are possible. The Book of Revelation is not sealed (Revelation 22:10). Rev 22:10  And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. This means they can take out or add anything they want and I would not put it past the devil to take out verses that say you can repent. If you would like to discuss anything relating to the video, you can contact me directly at @theendtimesrevealresearcher. This is all crazy but I love you all and may Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit bless you and protect you all.
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The moderator of a World Economic Forum panel, titled 'Shaping a Shared Future: Making the Metaverse': The wealthy will be able to travel, but the poor will use virtual reality headsets to travel to the same place, from their own couch. "In many ways, it's actually going to create even more distance between those two people."
Greetings, blessings and love to you all beautiful family in Jesus, Please read the post thread for context. I said I would do a video showing what the Grimes prophetic tablet
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1
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Saved by @download_it_bot Spirit of the Antichrist I happened to see a video that covered some of the more interesting reactions outside the New York courthouse after Trump’s guilty verdict. One of them stood out above all the others. Check out what this one man said. "The Supreme Court will probably give him a pass. But for one day we can look at this – and this is not just republicans or democrats – this is about the Kingdom of God. They made this man out of a latter day Jesus Christ. They told me that over there! And I told them he’s got the spirit of the Antichrist." He said he was speaking with other people, and they said that Trump was a latter day Jesus Christ. Think about that for a second. Would any other politician – or any other person on the world scene – be described in the...
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Copied: Donald Trump and 88 (interesting numbers considering it is also the meta symbol which means transcendence) Charged with 34 felony counts There are 54 pending charges 34 charges + 54 charges = 88 Outatime Yet another layer of prophecy, the little horn of Daniel receives another head wound. 🔥 Revelation 13:3 - “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” Civil War will be the outcome. It’s only a matter of time. The 200 million man army of revelation 9 will be activated when civil war begins. 🔥Revelation 9:14-16 14 The voice said to the sixth angel who had the horn, “Let the four angels loose that have been chained at the big river Euphrates.” 15 They had been kept ready for that hour and day and month and year. They were let loose so they could kill one-third part of all men that were living. 16 The army had 200 million soldiers on horses. I heard them say how many there were. 📝 Right wing, left wing, same bird 🦅 Do not be deceived by any man
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In many cases, the less said is better Quarreling does nothing but sow discord and division Walk in the Spirit. Hold your tongue Love your enemies like you love your neighbors It’s not always easy— hence why we have Christ as our intercessor Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble (Prov. 21:23) Stay away from foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they grow into quarrels (2 Tim. 2:23)
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One of the only Jews in Mexico has become the president of Mexico somehow. Follow | Watch | Support | Prepare
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This has now been resolved: You can see what the evil ones are doing here, backwards and forwards, making people think this is it, the chaos is coming; just to be a big nothing burger. This is a form of mental torture, psychological warfare coupled with spiritual warfare. Fortunately we have Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit to guide us and give us peace. We know what this is all about by now; destroying the old system, to bring in the new.
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Alex Jones "cries" during a live stream, claiming the government is attempting to shut down InfoWars If Bill Hicks doesn't get an Emmy for his portrayal of the character of Alex Jones, I'll be shocked It’s all theatre Yet so many eat this stuff up
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BREAKING: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) probing "technical issue" after some stocks incorrectly show drops up to 99%.
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What are the odds 🧐
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Please read the post thread for context. What a day of revelations. Since November 2023, I have been posting about Elon Musk's girlfriend Grimes who is a music producer. Grimes put out a Grimes prophetic tablet image on her Instagram in September 2019; on the same day as her album Violence was released. It has an outline of events in emojis that included the album release with I_O who later died, the corona virus with three vaccines, the UFO disclosure, a war event (Russia and Ukraine), the total solar eclipse, 7 exclamation marks which denote weeks, two dragons and a Hibiscus flower, a biological nuclear war and then the end. I have discovered that Grimes has put up an updated prophecy tablet on 09/11/2023 (notice the 911). The updated tablet has everything except the nuclear war line which is the last one on the first tablet. There are three new lines which include a rocket, Saturn, Rocket and then earth, the next row after that has the DNA strand with a meta sign which is the infinity symbol, the next row has AI with a heart and a ghost. This means that the alien deception is next and the reveal of the Annunaki which ties into the new age religion of 5D ascension. A sister sent me some mind-blowing information from Chat GPT that provides an overall picture and complete breakdown of the Grimes Tablet and Chat GPT wrote and implied that the Grimes prophet tablet ties into both the Book of Daniel and Book of Revelation and it provided all the verses too. I will be doing a feature video on this tomorrow morning because the information is just too much to put into a post. The new tablet is showing transhumanism at the end where the DNA will be changed and the ascension into the metaverse. This is the devils version of eternity trapped in the metaverse before Father can send them to the abyss. This ties into Daniel with the mixing of iron and clay as well as the toxon that brings forth seed.
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Greetings, blessings and love to you all beautiful family in Jesus, I pray and hope that you are all have a blessed day, that you are strong in your faith and keeping your eyes on Jesus. I have not done a deep Bible study with all of you as I have had a lot on my plate but also I am so tired, but I keep marching on and dealing with each day as Father and Jesus provide love, peace and courage to endure no matter what. Today's study is not like any of the ones I have done before. I found some verses that blew me away and I will place them below and then you can have an understanding of the direction this deep study is presented. Act 7:38  This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:  Act 7:53  Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.  Heb 2:2  For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward;  Joh 1:18  No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.  First Jesus says that NO MAN has seen Father at any time, only Jesus the Begotten Son and both Stephen and Paul said it was not our Father that gave the law but angels. I am absolutely blown away by all of this because everything is really starting to make sense why Jesus had to come to break the curse that the Israelites took upon themselves. Neh 10:29  They clave to their brethren, their nobles, and entered into a curse, and into an oath, to walk in God's law, which was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the LORD our Lord, and his judgments and his statutes;  If you would like to message me directly to have fellowship to discuss the video, you can DM me at @theendtimesrevealresearcher. I pray that this video edifies you as it did me. I love you all and may Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit bless you and protect you.
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hello , i saw you talking about june 6th and found this. He post in march.
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Everything that was hidden, is being revealed 🙏
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I shared the attached post thread on 12th April 2024 which includes a video that I did about the Grimes tablet. Grimes is the mother of Elon Musk's children and she shared the image of an emoji tablet on her Instagram on the same day that her album violence came out. The post on Instagram was in September 2019, 6 months before we went into a worldwide lockdown for the Corona virus. On the tablet you will see the Corona virus together with three vaccines. The lines below that include the total solar eclipse on 8th April 2024, 7 exclamation marks which denote 7 weeks which brought us to 27th May 2024. This was the same day the WHO did not reach the deadline for the pandemic treaty and the next thing to come is two dragons and a flower which I believe is going to be very soon. What is mind-blowing is that it ties into the Daniel 12 timeline to the day. After the two dragons and flower, there is an arrow through the heart and then nuclear war with the end written as the last thing in the row. It is now a waiting game and I would like to close off with this. Jesus said in Matthew 13:30 30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. This is out the mouth of Jesus that the tares are removed first and the wheat is gathered into the barn. So please there is no rapture. We will witness everything and we need to be prepared. If you have faith, you will endure and I am only telling you this out of love and kindness but the good news is we are almost done. You will need every ounce of your faith and you will get through what is coming. Those that endure to the end will be saved.
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Greetings, blessings and love to you all family in Jesus, I pray and hope that you are all keeping well and your eyes are all on Jesus because we are in a time like never before. A majority of the world have no idea what is coming, just as in the Days of Noah. Jesus very plainly said that the End of Days would be as in the Days of Noah, where they will be eating and drinking, getting married and giving in marriage; they will be building and planting, this is all taking place as we speak. We have just overcome a plandemic, let us call it what it is and with the pandemic treaty not coming fully to fruition; the WHO have stated that they will get it done by no later than May 2025. That means they could get it done in two months time or maybe 10 months time. For the meantime though, many think that we have won, just like when WHO ended the mandates on 5th May 2023. I shared with you a month ago that AirBNB have updated the major disruptive events policy which will take place on 06/06/2024; no refunds will be given back after this date if a region is affected. This in itself sounds ominous and why the date of 06/06/2024? I have a feeling that another false flag event is coming and I am not fearmongering; I am merely saying we need to ensure we have our faith in check. On another note, I have been sent a video which I am in the process of watching and I have just checked the verses in Scripture that this brother presents and honestly I am astounded and confirms what I have been led to by our Heavenly Father through the guidance of The Holy Spirit. I will be doing a deep Bible study video tomorrow because this video is not about prophecy being fulfilled but undeniable truth that cannot be refuted. If you would like some insight so you can grasp the level of truth that is being revealed, go and read the whole of Acts Chapter 7 but before you do start with Acts 7:53. The chapter is all about the speech Stephen gave to the high priest before getting stoned to death. This was his last word of truth before he died for his apostleship and love for Jesus and this truth has been under our noses the whole time. I will leave this with you because this is meat of Scripture. 2Co 3:14  But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.  Much love to you all and remember that you are under the Blood of Jesus who Sacrificed Himself to die a cruel death so that you could be reconciled back to our Heavenly Father. Believe on Him who saved you from yourself. May Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit bless you and protect you all.
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🌏The earth has begun to 💥crack 🇨🇳China: Gigantic 💥cracks appear in Guangdong, with great danger of large earth movements 𝖁𝖔𝖎𝖈𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 🕊
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You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. 1 Corinthians 10:21
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For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Matthew 7:14
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BREAKING: Thousands of Londoners break out in Trump chants as they rally for Donald Trump “to save Western civilization” "His leadership is needed to save the West."
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29 SAUDI crashes the Federal Reserve Bank ponzy-fiat-currency... they'll be creating a 'false flag' to then bring in their 'digital currency'. The BEAST system is getting into place for when 🐏 TRUMPSTEIN 🐏 moves in, noticed yet? ➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Join and Share: 🔗 Expats in Portugal ENG Channel
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Dust storm in Nohar of Rajasthan, India 🇮🇳 (01.06.2024) Subscribe to @Disaster_News
✨John 14:3-4✨ And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. 𝖁𝖔𝖎𝖈𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 🕊
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Brace Yourselves Tomorrow is June 1st The beginning of Sodom and Gomorrah awareness month What does the Bible say about Pride? That it “comes before destruction” The hour is late my friends The world can not and will not continue on such as for much longer Turn to Prince of Peace Stop depending on the world to bring you peace It will satisfy temporarily, but it will never fulfill All that is of the world is vanity Jesus Christ is the only way out of this mess “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2)
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Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15
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322 Skull and Bones! You just couldn't make this up even if you tried. Everything is scripted and with the discernment that The Holy Spirit provides, we have no fear and we can see right through the mumbo jumbo.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Here is the Pfizer patent document that graphene oxide within the vaccine.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...

Here is the total transcript document that is tied into the video.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Grimes Tablet Breakdown.pdf1.59 KB
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Greetings, blessings and love to you beautiful family in Jesus, I pray that you are all well. As promised I have done the video on the Grimes Tablet. Please read the post thread for context. I am absolutely blown away that the Grimes prophecy tablet is aligned both with the Book of Daniel and Revelation. After all the research myself and a dear sister have done over the last 4 days, we have found so much information. The mRNA Corona vaccines is not just about changing your DNA, it is about taking the spirit of a vaccinated individual and trapping it into the metaverse which is the utopia world of the fallen angels. It sounds like science fiction but it is all truth which you will have a very detailed explanation of in the video. This is Revelation 13:15 Rev 13:15  And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. When it says that the number of the beast is a man; the body is made up of 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons which proves this is about the body but the dragon has gone one step further whereby he will try to trap the spirit into the metaverse. This is where the infinity meta symbol comes in which means transcendence. This goes so much deeper than I anticipated and I am beyond words to explain how evil this is. The metaverse is tied directly to the occult where they can carry out their rituals, digital alchemy and a heck of a lot more. The worst part is when the switch of the quantum system takes place, the vaccinated will be switched on and taken into the metaverse. I cannot upload this video to YouTube, it will get taken down in an instant because that is how controversial this is. Before this switch happens, the fake alien invasion has to take place first. Download the video and please share it with people. I would strongly suggest that we tell people to repent and ask Father to restore them because Jesus raised people from the dead so only through the Blood of Jesus can they be restored. I won't put our Father and Jesus in a box because with Father, all things are possible. The Book of Revelation is not sealed (Revelation 22:10). Rev 22:10  And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. This means they can take out or add anything they want and I would not put it past the devil to take out verses that say you can repent. If you would like to discuss anything relating to the video, you can contact me directly at @theendtimesrevealresearcher. This is all crazy but I love you all and may Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit bless you and protect you all.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Grimes Tablet.mp4273.78 MB
Repost from Orwellian Dystopia
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The moderator of a World Economic Forum panel, titled 'Shaping a Shared Future: Making the Metaverse': The wealthy will be able to travel, but the poor will use virtual reality headsets to travel to the same place, from their own couch. "In many ways, it's actually going to create even more distance between those two people."
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
SorkinWEF.mp412.73 MB
Greetings, blessings and love to you all beautiful family in Jesus, Please read the post thread for context. I said I would do a video showing what the Grimes prophetic tablet
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Repost from Lord is my Light
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Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
IMG_4770.MP42.02 MB
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Saved by @download_it_bot Spirit of the Antichrist I happened to see a video that covered some of the more interesting reactions outside the New York courthouse after Trump’s guilty verdict. One of them stood out above all the others. Check out what this one man said. "The Supreme Court will probably give him a pass. But for one day we can look at this – and this is not just republicans or democrats – this is about the Kingdom of God. They made this man out of a latter day Jesus Christ. They told me that over there! And I told them he’s got the spirit of the Antichrist." He said he was speaking with other people, and they said that Trump was a latter day Jesus Christ. Think about that for a second. Would any other politician – or any other person on the world scene – be described in the...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
spirit_of_the_antichrist_ppsf6rk_tbu_30dd7858.mp418.50 MB
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