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Rabies, Pasteur And The Rabies Vaccine Rabies Past Present in Scientific Review By Millicent Morden (Physician & Surgeon)
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Rabies, Pasteur And The Rabies Vaccine | Vaccination Information Network

Rabies Past Present in Scientific Review By Millicent Morden (Physician & Surgeon) Rabies was an old superstition — a relic of the times when devils ran to and fro between animal and man carrying disease. Do You Want to Remain Informed about the Latest Vaccine News? ​YES, I WANT TO BE INFORMED Pasteur, who had […]

The War on AIDS Bryan Ellison #HIV/AIDS
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War on AIDS by Bryan J. Ellison.pdf11.19 MB
Appendicitis, John Tilden, M.D. PDF - 89 Pages #health
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Appendicitis (John H. Tilden, M.D. M... ( KB
Impaired Health ITS CAUSE AND CURE A Repudiation of the Conventional Treatment of Disease BY J. H. TILDEN, M. D. #health PDF - 139 Pages
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Impaired Health Its Cause and Cure, V....pdf7.82 KB
Why Taxes Are Harmful : A Response to the Woke Salaryman By Patrick Carroll Foundation for Economic Education March 17, 2023 #taxes
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Why Taxes Are Harmful: A Response to The Woke Salaryman

A webcomic called The Woke Salaryman recently published a piece discussing the benefits of taxation and encouraging people to pay their taxes. Since these same talking points come up so frequently, it’s worth taking time to respond to each of them in turn

Repost from Hacking Library
MILTON J. ROSENAU, M.D. - August 2, 1919 The experiments here described were performed on an island in Boston Harbor, on volunteers obtained from the Navy. The work was conducted by a group of officers detailed for that purpose, from the U. S. Navy and the U. S. Public Health Service, consisting of Dr. G. W. McCoy, director of the Hygienic Library, Dr. Joseph Goldberger, Dr. Leake, and Dr. Lake, all on the part of the U. S. Public Health Service; and cooperating with those medical officers, was a group also detailed for this purpose on the part of the U. S. Navy, consisting of Dr. J. J. Keegan, Dr. De Wayne Richey and myself. Summary - Influenza is not contagious. #germtheory #influenza #virology
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The experiments here described were performed on an island in Boston Harbor, on volunteers obtained from the Navy. The work was conducted by a group of officers detailed for that purpose, from the U. S. Navy and the U. S. Public Health Service, consisting of Dr. G. W. McCoy, director of the Hygienic...

Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Beyond the Doors of Perception into the Dreaming of Earth by Stephen Harrod Buhner (2014)
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Plant Intelligence by Stephen Harrod Buhner.pdf4.32 MB
Repost from Humanley
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In 2018, one of the most comprehensive reviews on the transmission of respiratory viruses was published in a leading virology journal. Their conclusion? Even after a century of investigation, we still have no idea how any respiratory virus is transmitted. Why is it that despite all of the time, resources, money, energy, man power and research that has been put into investigating respiratory viruses, virologists are still scratching their heads about how these so called 'infections' are transmitted? Maybe it's because they have been investigating a false paradigm? Maybe it's because they aren't transmissible? There is NO scientific evidence showing a respiratory infection is spread from person to person in a cough or a sneeze. If you 'believe' that it is spread that way, that's all it is, 'belief'. Follow me on Telegram:
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Parasitic Infections and the Immune System #health
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parasitic-infections-and-the-immune-system.pdf3.80 MB
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What on Earth Happened? - EwarAnon - Complete (Part 1 - 13)

All 13 parts of Ewaranons first series in one single video Ewaranons new YouTube channel

Ewaranon PL


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