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Blair repeated last night a series of questions he asked at the National Workers Alliance meeting. Who are we? What is our goal? And who is our enemy? We are Whites, we are Europeans we are Aryans. We want a future for Whites, we want to build towards the Coming Man. Our enemy is anyone in our way. Traitor, jew or brown, anyone trying to pull us down, or stop us, we must overcome. Simply, we are our Ancestral God. An upward force. Higher being, Beauty, Strength, Honour, Wisdom, even freedom in its truest sense. Our enemy is their Ancestral God. A downward force. Ugliness, weakness, dishonour, ignorance and slavery. We want healthy White babies. They want to kill White babies, or turn them gay, or mutilate them, or turn them brown. Do we have the strength to fight for White babies. Or are we too weak to protect our own young. Do you love your offspring enough to struggle for victory. Do you love your offspring enough to sacrifice your life if challenged. Where is your line in the sand? I'll fight, and I'd rather die with honour, than live as a slave who can't protect our children's future. I won't be lectured by traitors, or faggots, or cowards, or jews, or browns. 14 words, Hail Hitler.
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Two young girls set up a lemonade stand and give one of "them" a free cup because he didn't have any money. Instead of thanking them, he steals their money and flips over their lemonade stand. Children cannot even run a lemonade stand without falling prey to these predators. Luckily the girls older brothers were there to run the guy down and get the money back, good on them. @TheWesternChauvinist7
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On doxxing cont. It's hard to rebuild your life after being doxxed, but its better to rebuild early in your life than later on, every year passes and the anxiety gets greater until ultimately you make the changes necessary, or a little piece of you dies and you spiritually become the boomer you once despised. If you build life on the truest foundation, you will be the least affected by doxxing. Because if you build life on the truest foundation, you are the most immune to struggle, or suffering. For me I was "honest to a fault" enough in my personal relationships that everyone knew what my political thoughts were, every stage of the way. So it wasn't a hard drop when i got involved in politics, it was just a series of smaller but increasingly difficult drops. So I had a progressive overload of the social/economic stressors impacting my psyche, which allowed me to grow and overcome at each stage. Constantly adapting and moving through my environment, I not only begun simply learning about our worldview, but our worldview was unfolding in my very life. I began to actually feel existence itself, the struggle of the lifeform to a higher world. I was always fascinated by how many guys got doxxed and then dropped off. It was astounding, they just got their path, and then did a 180 on it. Most people will never have their metal tested, and in which case how do they know that it was really inside of them, whether they were defenders of the folk, or whether they were just along for the ride. A mere spectator in the journey of life. Our journey is very different to other journeys. We are a link in a chain, but not every chain faces the same stressors. We are hardening our ancestral collective God/Soul. It was weak in this area, and so our lifetime mission is to be the generation of men who are capable of sacrifice and in its own and unique particular way. Sure, at some point things will go 'hot' or even 'material', but in the meantime, things are being fought in a class between our ancestral God and their ancestral god. Some could even see that things are always being fought in this way, but physical or hot battles are climatic for mortals. I think there is a place for doxxed and undoxxed, we need to stay flexible, we need different types of members and organisations to build the superstructure of our resistance. What I want you all to take away from this rant is not that you must doxx yourself, or that doxxing doesnt matter, but that if that is the card you are dealt, you play your best fucking hand. You go all the way.
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Far-left terrorists firebombed the Melbourne office of a Jewish MP. No arrests have been made. Follow: @NoticerNews
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If you're in West Melbourne, come tribe and train with us and get active ⚑ @NSNcontactbot @siegtorians4
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We'll be live shortly Rumble Odysee Cozy Send a superchat
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Australian TV icon Damien Richardson gave an inspiring speech at an event on stopping mass immigration and child grooming in Melbourne on Wednesday night. Follow: @NoticerNews
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Active Club was always the foundation. β€˜72 and β€˜23. @Croweater2 @NSNContactBot
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Anti-immigration and a demand for education reform were the subject matters at the first National Workers Alliance meeting in Melbourne this week. Join us on stream tonight at 8:30pm AEST for a full rundown of the event ⚑️
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Last night Melbourne members from The European Australian Movement attended the National Workers Alliance meeting in Rowville. The speakers discussed the negative effects of Mass Immigration, and detailed the horror of the State mandated sexualisation of children. Overall the speakers were very passionate and well researched and the crowd were very receptive to the majority of the talking points. There was one dubious question during the QandA in response to the speakers bringing up the need for Australians to protect their European Identity. The audience member was upset that the speakers dare bring this subject up, as according to him this was "playing into the hands of the elites, who want to control us through divide and conquer". After the event most people mingled outside or in the catering room and I approached the organisers to thank them and the Polish club for putting on the event. During our conversation a very agitated man accosted the lead organiser and tried to berate him over not begging for forgiveness from the Aboriginies for "stealing their land". The lead organiser was very calm and simply stated that they have completely different worldviews and aren't going to see eye to eye on the subject. The agitated man continued to spout the same pathetic nonsense that without worshipping at the alter of boongs, we can't have a legitimate position on anything. I asked the man why he came to a meeting about mass immigration and protected children from grooming, to prostrate himself over aboriginals. Like all big mouth system bootlickers, he was rude and aggressive to my polite line of questions, which as you can imagine caused a more steadfast response from myself, ultimately leading to the invitation to conduct mutual combat outside, which was unfortunately declined. I am sick of the cult of self flagellating cuckholds and losers and refuse to argue with these bad faith agents who want the White Race to perish. We are the conquerers, and the conquerors do not beg for forgiveness from the vanquished.
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Ash ran White Stag Active Club before the (((system))) decided he needed to go to prison for 5 years for having a "racist file" on his computer. A file that was never opened. What's happening to him is worse than what is happening to Sam and he doesn't have a huge support Network behind him. If you have the money please donate.
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Many people are rightfully concerned about Sam Melia but what our brother Ash faces is even more dire and his story similarly compelling. These men, these fathers are losing chunks of their lives and precious time with their children over the perception of their intentions... held by state forces who would have us all share the same fate. Please do not forget Ash. He is the best of us.
Eco-terrorists just vandalized Stone Henge. Death penalty.
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Indian man Khateebulla Mirza, 37, who raped a woman in her Sydney apartment while armed with a meat cleaver and a choke chain, has been cleared of criminal responsibility by a judge after telling psychiatrist David Greenberg he thought he was in a video game. Follow: @NoticerNews
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Daruk Boy's Home boss turned federal Liberal MP Alasdair Webster has lost his bid to avoid trial on child sex abuse charges. Follow: @NoticerNews
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Big first meeting for the NWA in Melbourne. β€œI am here because I don’t want my children to be gay communists.” –Speaker, Nick Patterson.
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This Tuesday, June 18, oral arguments about the selective prosecution committed by the government against him will be livestreamed at 1pm EST (10am PST) at This freshly dismissed case stems all the way back to a 2017 free speech rally that Rob attended, where he provided security and defended himself and others against armed Antifa who came to shut down the event using everything from bike locks to home made explosives. The FBI only chose to go after Rob and his co-defendants due to their political views, charging them with felonies of rioting and conspiracy to riot, both carrying a 5-year prison sentence. Despite the allegations, there is not a single injury reported in his case nor any use of weapons. This case boils down to a minor fist-fight, yet the federal government has dumped enormous amounts of resources over the last 7 years to pursue Rob, including the use of a private jet to extradite him from Romania. At this time, Robert Rundo is currently in federal prison, being held without any release date, despite the charges having been dropped against him, and having been granted bail. Please share to shed a light on this blatant injustice.
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IMPORTANT: SHARE EVERYWHERE New bill up for vote: S.3589 It would outlaw: - Militias (a literal Constitutional right) - Boxing and/or martial arts classes - Speaking out of turn in any governmental assembly, including local townhall meetings - Protesting governmental functions Share this bill with everyone you know. Contact your state and federal representatives and let them know that you oppose this bill. Credit NAR on GAB:
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This is Max Rose, he helped to drive the push to get the US State Department to designate the Pro-White organization Nordic Resistance Movement as "Specially Designated Global Terrorists" (SDGT) The other one who led the push is Elissa Slotkin
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The average person will only be a coward and parasite if you somehow manage to corral him into our revolutionary movement
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Indian spies were caught infiltrating Australia, and targeted defence technology, airport security protocols, politicians and a state police force. But instead of telling the public successive prime ministers signed terrible trade and immigration deals. Follow: @NoticerNews
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Show some respect @RealBlairCottrell
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Adelaide Crew continues to Tribe & Train! Stop LARPing, Start Lifting! @Croweater2 @EuropeanAustralianMovement πŸ’¬ @NSNContactBot
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There's yet another senate enquiry on today into "Right Wing Extremism" in Australia, and the entire program for today is just jewish groups seething to the Australian government.
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Hail Australia!
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Racist Banter is so crucial to mobilising our people. It cant be censored, it can't be fully monitored, there's just too much of it and it is interpersonal. It expands through the public consciousness like a righteous wildfire. Your racist banter inspires others to racist banter. Our enemies can't understand it and they have no idea how to stop it. All their efforts result in them appearing like a hall monitor or the fun police. Their authority will never be genuinely respected. They can try to scare it out of the youth but it will only strengthen their natural spirit, it will only suppress it for so long.
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If you're a racist White Australian and you haven't met me irl yet wtf are you doing? We need to nationally socialise. The distance between where we are right now and becoming a movement that can mobilise serious numbers behind our political goals is only going to be traversed by YOU making the effort to network with fellow racists. This is especially true if you live in Melbourne, but over the next 6 months or so I will be visiting the other major cities at least once and organising pub meet ups which you will not be invited to unless you make the effort to connect. I will be making a big invite only group chat for Aussies ONLY to participate in, so your step 1 is DMing me @joeldavis and requesting to be added to it. Every city in Australia has thousands of White Nationalists in it. If you ever want there to be street marches against immigration with thousands of people attending, if you ever want to get White Nationalists elected to any form of office, if you ever want a network of WN-sympathetic business owners who will make sure WN activists who get doxed have secure employment to fall back on to feed their families - a precondition is forming large communities of White Nationalists who know each other personally, spend time together, trust each other and support each other. We won't be in a position to rebuild White society until we build White community. Or even better maybe you aren't interested in the pub but just want to come lift and box with a bunch of racists, get vetted and join EAM - @NSNcontactbot But if you're just passively consuming content at home without networking with fellow White Nationalists in some way, you're part of the problem.
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As men we need to mobilise to be able to change the status of these protected species, into invasive species.
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Imagine going for a walk in your local park and seeing hundreds of brown simps on their knees, begging for their gods attention.
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Today I took my son out to our local park in the heart of Melbourne, Australia. I wanted a sunny morning, not a Sunni morning. Some imam has filled my local park with muslims, turning it into a mosque.
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The "democracy" wants social cohesion with our enemies so we can be silently replaced without any resistance. That's why they clamp down harder on those who declare social cohesion dead, than those stabbing people in the street. The traitors fears White men who fight back, they fear us having the strength to band together and mobilise against them and the aliens they have brought in to destroy us. There is no polite way out of this. The traitors have brought war on us, our families and our Race. At all times, attack the social cohesion, make it "us and them", agitate the invaders into feeling unwelcome, push them to show their true colours, heighten the contradictions. Navigate the state and its terror squads. Push for greatness, build Man anew, then in great numbers, Triumph.
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The Edmonton Swastikas, a Canadian girls' hockey team, 1916.
Blair repeated last night a series of questions he asked at the National Workers Alliance meeting. Who are we? What is our goal? And who is our enemy? We are Whites, we are Europeans we are Aryans. We want a future for Whites, we want to build towards the Coming Man. Our enemy is anyone in our way. Traitor, jew or brown, anyone trying to pull us down, or stop us, we must overcome. Simply, we are our Ancestral God. An upward force. Higher being, Beauty, Strength, Honour, Wisdom, even freedom in its truest sense. Our enemy is their Ancestral God. A downward force. Ugliness, weakness, dishonour, ignorance and slavery. We want healthy White babies. They want to kill White babies, or turn them gay, or mutilate them, or turn them brown. Do we have the strength to fight for White babies. Or are we too weak to protect our own young. Do you love your offspring enough to struggle for victory. Do you love your offspring enough to sacrifice your life if challenged. Where is your line in the sand? I'll fight, and I'd rather die with honour, than live as a slave who can't protect our children's future. I won't be lectured by traitors, or faggots, or cowards, or jews, or browns. 14 words, Hail Hitler.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🫑 142
Repost fromΒ White Lads Aesthetics
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🫑 80
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🫑 68
Repost fromΒ The Western Chauvinist
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Two young girls set up a lemonade stand and give one of "them" a free cup because he didn't have any money. Instead of thanking them, he steals their money and flips over their lemonade stand. Children cannot even run a lemonade stand without falling prey to these predators. Luckily the girls older brothers were there to run the guy down and get the money back, good on them. @TheWesternChauvinist7
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
1.17 MB
🫑 115
On doxxing cont. It's hard to rebuild your life after being doxxed, but its better to rebuild early in your life than later on, every year passes and the anxiety gets greater until ultimately you make the changes necessary, or a little piece of you dies and you spiritually become the boomer you once despised. If you build life on the truest foundation, you will be the least affected by doxxing. Because if you build life on the truest foundation, you are the most immune to struggle, or suffering. For me I was "honest to a fault" enough in my personal relationships that everyone knew what my political thoughts were, every stage of the way. So it wasn't a hard drop when i got involved in politics, it was just a series of smaller but increasingly difficult drops. So I had a progressive overload of the social/economic stressors impacting my psyche, which allowed me to grow and overcome at each stage. Constantly adapting and moving through my environment, I not only begun simply learning about our worldview, but our worldview was unfolding in my very life. I began to actually feel existence itself, the struggle of the lifeform to a higher world. I was always fascinated by how many guys got doxxed and then dropped off. It was astounding, they just got their path, and then did a 180 on it. Most people will never have their metal tested, and in which case how do they know that it was really inside of them, whether they were defenders of the folk, or whether they were just along for the ride. A mere spectator in the journey of life. Our journey is very different to other journeys. We are a link in a chain, but not every chain faces the same stressors. We are hardening our ancestral collective God/Soul. It was weak in this area, and so our lifetime mission is to be the generation of men who are capable of sacrifice and in its own and unique particular way. Sure, at some point things will go 'hot' or even 'material', but in the meantime, things are being fought in a class between our ancestral God and their ancestral god. Some could even see that things are always being fought in this way, but physical or hot battles are climatic for mortals. I think there is a place for doxxed and undoxxed, we need to stay flexible, we need different types of members and organisations to build the superstructure of our resistance. What I want you all to take away from this rant is not that you must doxx yourself, or that doxxing doesnt matter, but that if that is the card you are dealt, you play your best fucking hand. You go all the way.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🫑 154
Repost fromΒ Noticer News
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Far-left terrorists firebombed the Melbourne office of a Jewish MP. No arrests have been made. Follow: @NoticerNews
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🫑 70
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If you're in West Melbourne, come tribe and train with us and get active ⚑ @NSNcontactbot @siegtorians4
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
7.16 MB
🫑 66
Repost fromΒ Joel Davis
We'll be live shortly Rumble Odysee Cozy Send a superchat
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Polarisation Phases

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🫑 34
Repost fromΒ Noticer News
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Australian TV icon Damien Richardson gave an inspiring speech at an event on stopping mass immigration and child grooming in Melbourne on Wednesday night. Follow: @NoticerNews
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🫑 91
Repost fromΒ Croweater
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Active Club was always the foundation. β€˜72 and β€˜23. @Croweater2 @NSNContactBot
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🫑 75
Kirish qilib, tafsilotli ma'lumotlarga ega bo'ling

Biz sizga ushbu hazinani tasdiqlashdan so'ng ochamiz. Va'da qilamiz, tezroq!