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The Third Nullifier of Islām - "Whoever Does Not Make Takfīr of the Kāfir, Doubts their Kufr or Validates their Madhhab." Explained by Shaykh 'Abdullah as-Sa'd
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The Third Nullifier - Explained by Shaykh 'Abdullah as-Sa'd

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Allah 'azza wa jall says: "...Rather, both His hands are extended..." [al-Māidah 5:64] al-Baghawi (رحمه الله) comments: "And the hand of Allah is an attribute among his attributes just like the hearing, seeing, and face [also are]. And He, exalted is his mention, said: ' what I created with my hands?' [Sād 38:75]. And the Prophet ﷺ said: '...and both of his hands are right.' And Allah is most knowledgeable about his attributes, so it is upon [his] slaves to believe in them and submit. And the Imāms of the salaf among ahl-as-Sunnah have said in regard to these attributes: 'Let them pass as they came without discussing how'."
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'Abdullah ibn 'Umar (radhiaAllahu 'Anhu) said: إِنَّ الْحَيَاءَ وَالإِيمَانَ قُرِنَا جَمِيعًا، فَإِذَا رُفِعَ أَحَدُهُمَا رُفِعَ الآخَرُ "al-Hayā (shame/shyness) and al-Īmān (faith) are linked together, if one of them is taken away, the other is [also] taken away." - al-Adab al-Mufrad 1313 Authenticated by Shaykh 'Abdullah as-Sa'd, al-Albāni, and others.
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Is the Excuse of Ignorance Considered for the One Who Falls into the Major Shirk? - Shaykh al-Muhaddith 'Abdullah as-Sa d
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Shirk and Excuse of Ignorance - Explained by Shaykh 'Abdullah as-Sa'd

Shaykh al-Islām ibn Taymiyyah said regarding hashīsh: "As for the accursed intoxicant hashish, it is the same as other intoxicating substances, and what intoxicates of it is haraam according to scholarly consensus." and he also said: "This accursed hashish was one of the greatest of evils, for it is worse than drinking intoxicants in some ways, and intoxicant drinks are worse than it in other ways. In addition to causing the one who consumes it to become intoxicated to the extent that he is completely dazed and stupefied, hashish also causes a person to develop an effeminate attitude, become a cuckold (who does not care about impropriety on the part of female family members), and to become disturbed. It makes one eat a great deal and may lead to insanity. Many people have become insane because of consuming it." Taken from:
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Does the one who smokes marijuana come under the same ruling as the one who drinks alcohol? - Islam Question & Answer

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Al-'Irāqi and ibn Taymiyyah related an ijmā' that hashīh(cannabis) is harām and that the one who declares it to be halāl disbelieves.
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Al-'Irāqi and ibn Taymiyyah related an ijmā' that hashīh(cannabis) is harām and that the one who declares it to be halāl becomes a disbeliever.
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PDF (Arabic) - Complete & detailed hadīth gradings for al-Adab al-Mufrad by al-Imām al-Bukhāri (رحمه الله). Graded by Shaykh 'Abdullah as-Sa'd (حفظه الله).
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