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Hernando County, FL, School Board Meeting 6-27-23: This is what the 'Hernando Sun' calls getting "back to normal" at our local school board. They wholeheartedly approve. The complete transcript of this speech is reprinted below. Forget all the woke pronouns. Forget the sobbing. Did this licensed psychologist, who also claims to have a teacher's certificate, just confess to a crime? It certainly used to be. When did it change? If this is no longer a crime in FL (and it obviously must not be since she has two professional licenses), then we need to ask President Wannabee Rondee to come in off the campaign trail to fix our criminal codes, so that we can fix our own damn school district. Also, what is this outfit to which she refers: Big Brothers-Big Sisters? Someone should check to see if they're affiliated with the Clintons.
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This_woman_claims_to_be_a_licensed_psychologist_Did_she_just_acknowledge.mp4329.05 MB
Hernando County, FL, School Board Meeting 6-27-23: Amanda Mollet(sp?) claims to be a licensed therapist and also claims to hold a teacher’s certificate. This is a transcript of the speech, which can be viewed in the video above. -------------- Amanda Mollet, I live in Spring Hill. I would like to start by addressing a school board member’s comment. Last meeting, they made the statement, “Some teachers have crossed the line into becoming therapists.” As probably the only person in this room who holds both a teaching certificate and a therapist’s license, I would like to state that this is inaccurate. Accepting students for who they are and listening when they speak is not therapy. It is being a decent person. However, I can see why certain people are confused about that. I want to share why it’s so important for teachers to simply be a decent person. Through Big Brothers-Big Sisters, I’ve been matched with my little sibling, who I will call Alex, for almost five years. Alex is beautiful, smart and curious. They are creative artists and participate in both track and volleyball. They love monkeys, fruit snacks and anime’. I’ve had the privilege of spending time with this beautiful kid and watching them grow. But there are some in this room, who would ignore all that, because Alex came out to me a little over a year ago. They have been bullied so often that there have been days when they have refused to get out of bed and go to school. Why? Because they are constantly hearing, “Gay people are evil. Gay people are immoral. Gay people are groomers. They’re perverts. They’re going to hell. Kids have 24/7 access to a tiny computer in their pockets. Do we really think that they don’t know what we say about them? Alex has no interest in supposedly grooming your kids. They don’t want to teach your kids to be gay. They just want to survive school so they can get home and watch anime’. (Sobbing)… I don’t understand the (vexation?) that certain people have on queer people, so I did some googling. Imagine my horror when I learned that book removals are simply a distraction. Your goal is to segregate queer students away from their peers. You can google it yourself. Their goal is to prevent their own children from interacting with queer children because they believe they are damaged. They are terrified of their own kids somehow turning queer. And deeper than that is the fear that they will not be able to love their own children. I can have some empathy for that. Everyone wonders if they’re a good enough parent sometimes. It must be a terrible fear that your child may grow to be someone you cannot love. But it is never okay to project these fears onto children. I sincerely hope everyone’s kids grow into kind, loving, accepting people and choose to break the chains that their own parents may have put on them, but just because you’ve chosen to shackle your own children does not give you the right to shackle everyone else’s. No child deserves to live like that—not today, not ever. I will be here, every meeting, as long as my schedule allows, until I am convinced Alex and others like them feel safe. You chose to use my God as a weapon. I choose to be the shield.
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Hey folks, don't let that name or that face scare you away. That Malcolm X speech above is worth a listen and the history he tells about the "March on Washington", which culminated in the "I have a dream speech" by MLK Jr., is spot on. This is not the Malcolm X that scared our parents and grandparents when we were little kids. Funny... prophetic... profound... no wonder they killed the guy. Here's another one of his speeches entitled, “The Ballot or the Bullet”. Again, this is as profound and prophetic today as it was to his audience in 1965—except that, with only a few changes in race delineating language, this speech could be made before a MAGA Crowd and would have people cheering. What was happening to black people then has now happened to MAGA's. We've been marginalized and the RINOs and Dems will work together to make sure that there is no Trump comeback. As Malcolm X said then—we have to put aside these differences and work together.
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Malcolm X's Legendary Speech: "The Ballot or the Bullet" (annotations and subtitles)

Listen to Malcolm X's Legendary Speech: "The Ballot or the Bullet" (Detroit, April 12, 1964) On April 12, 1964, one month after splitting with the NOI, Malcolm X gave his "Ballot or the Bullet" speech at King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit. In the speech Malcolm X described how Blacks should fight for civil-rights in America. Malcolm X emphasizes the worth of voting as a solution to ending discrimination against Blacks. He addresses both the poor voting decisions and also the denial of legitimate voting rights to Blacks. Subscribe - never miss a video!

Jimmy Carter: "We Killed One Thousand Panamanians Unnecessarily" (Oct. 21 1991)

Jim Henson's Last Public Performance Before his Death Less Than Two Weeks Later.

Benazir Bhutto :“They said... She should be assassinated!”

Abraham Lincoln Assassination Eyewitness: “I Saw Lincoln Shot” (1956)

Sidney Poitier: From Illiteracy to the Oscars and Stardom (2009 Interview)

The Story of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk: The Incredible Turk (1958)

The KGB Connections: An Investigation Into Soviet Operatives in North America

Iran-Contra: Reagan's Scandal and the Unchecked Abuse of Presidential Power

Alfred Hitchcock: "All Actors Should Be Treated Like Cattle." (1966 Interview)

Olivia de Havilland: Interviewing "Gone With the Wind's" Last Surviving Star

Academy Award Nominated Documentary: The Last Bomb (1945)

A Visual Representation of Maya Angelou's Inaugural Poem "On the Pulse of Morning"

B.B. King on his Career's Turning Point, John Lennon and the Time He Cried...

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Malcolm X - The House Negro and the Field Negro

The House Negro and the Field Negro, speech by the great Malcolm X, after the March on Washington (1963). Malcolm X was still in the Nation of Islam. Browse through my videos, there are plenty of Malcolm X speeches. Don't forget to share in memory of our brother, that's the least we can do.

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Malcolm X - The House Negro and the Field Negro

The House Negro and the Field Negro, speech by the great Malcolm X, after the March on Washington (1963). Malcolm X was still in the Nation of Islam. Browse through my videos, there are plenty of Malcolm X speeches. Don't forget to share in memory of our brother, that's the least we can do.

Repost from N/a
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Todays Church - The danger of the silent pulpit Jack Martin

Todays Hard Right message speaks to todays weak church.

This was sent via email on July 12, 2023, to the new 20-something Assistant Superintendent OF Business Support Services that our embattled Superintendent, John Stratton, has appointed over much better qualified and longer tenured people. This guy should be fired for incompetence and while Tallahassee dithers with another investigation/cover-up that will yield no results, this pig continues to castle-in with the silent protection of the FLDOE and President Wannabee Rondee! Dear Ms. Becker: Reference our prior email correspondence below. Please note that you do not provide any information to me as a "courtesy". As a taxpayer, I pay your salary along with all the other taxpaying stakeholders of Hernando County. We own the PUBLIC information. This is why it is delineated as ‘PUBLIC’. By appointment alone, you are its current custodian. Please keep that in mind when you address me or any of member of the public in the future. Also, be reminded that this matter has now been elevated to you. Ms. Shepard and Ms. Jordan were unable to accomplish the task as requested and politely explained why. This is why the matter was elevated to you. Do your job. Regarding the Florida Statutes, it is fair to state that my understanding is quite different than yours and, if I were in your shoes, I would not make any bets that you are right and that I am wrong. In fact, we all know that these charges are used as a means to discourage the PUBLIC from requesting information that, by law, belongs to them. As previously noted, it costs the school district more time and money to process a $12 payment from a citizen, than the money is worth. Hence, the method that the Stratton Regime continues to use to block simple information requests is just another example of the fraud, waste and abuse that has characterized his tenure. It’s also an insult to the public you allegedly serve. Finally, we all know what happens when someone actually is foolish enough to pay your fees. The information ultimately received is so redacted that it is meaningless and the citizen stakeholder becomes further discouraged. Therefore, this is the final request for this information. You have 10 days from the date of this email. Be reminded that, having been through this process from both sides of the operation, I do know both the law and the game. Therefore, rest assured that I am fully prepared to take the school district to court over this and other matters. Accordingly, you might want to consult with the Superintendent before you reject this request again, as his name will appear beside yours if we have to take this matter to court. I urge you to act in the best interests of all concerned; avoid further conflicts over this tiny matter; and forward this information post haste. Sincerely, Brad Benson Team America, LLC
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Col. Douglas Macgregor | PBD Podcast | Ep. 283

In this Episode, Col. Douglas Macgregor joins PBD and Tom. They discuss Russia, Ukraine, the woke military, the Trump Tape, China, and much more. Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of five books, a PhD, and a Defense and Foreign Policy consultant. Purchase Colonel Macgregor's latest book "Margin of Victory: Five Battles that Changed the Face of Modern War":

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Text: PODCAST to 310.340.1132 to get added to the distribution list Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

General Lee walked out to meet his defeated men, saying, “It is all my fault” over and over as the men streamed back to their lines. Among the Generals who led the assault, Generals Armistead and Garnett were killed and General Garnett’s body was never found. General Kemper told General Lee that his wound would be mortal, but managed to survive and retreat with the rest of the army. North Carolina General Isaac Trimble, who took command of General Dorsey Pender’s Division, following Pender’s death on the second day, managed to survive the attack and the war. Major General Pickett, the overall commander of the attack, actually watched the slaughter from behind the Codori Farm, which can still be seen on the battlefield today. Although an errant shell did manage to knock him off of his horse, he was not in the line of fire and should not be given credit for the attack, which bears his name. Pickett, one of the worst students ever at West Point (along with Union General Custer of Little Big Horn Fame), was a dandy who was intent on making headlines in the Richmond newspapers in order to impress the love of his life, a Virginia teenager named “Sallie” Corbell, whom he later married. Prior to the attack, he was anxious to go. After the attack he was morose and sullen. When General Lee met him upon his return from the Codori Farm, he ordered Pickett to reassemble his division to get ready for a potential Union Counter-attack. Pickett’s reply was, “General, I have no division”. The two never got along after that and Pickett became very unpopular in the postwar South for blaming General Lee for the defeat. On July 4, the battlefield was inundated with rain, which washed away much of the blood from the previous day’s assault. On the night of the 4th, Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia began the long retreat back to the safety of Virginia.
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12:30 p.m. EST July 3, 2023 The Third Day On this day 160 years ago, at just about this time, General Robert E. Lee's 29 year old artillery commander, Colonel E.P. Alexander, was unlimbering and loading up his cannon to get ready for the assault on the Union Center known today as Pickett's Charge. The greatest artillery barrage ever unleashed on the North American Continent began at about 1 p.m. and, for a time, the Union Cannon responded, but later ceased fire to preserve their ammunition. By 3 p.m., Alexander reported that he was nearly out of ammunition and that, if the attack was to be made, the men had to go. Slowly the 12,500 men of Virginia and NC came out of the wooded areas along Seminary Ridge and marshalled their lines as if on parade. Union infantry soldiers who witnessed it later described this scene as "almost beautiful, if had not been so terrifying". The order was given and the men began the long slow march toward a "copse of trees", which was the only thing visible in all the smoke from the earlier Confederate Artillery Barrage. Unfortunately for the Confederates, most of their shells had fallen behind the actual Union Lines, which consisted of infantry crouched behind a low stone wall known as “The Angle”, with the artillery also well-concealed along the crest of the ridge. As the Confederate Infantry began the advance, Union Artillery opened up with explosive shells and cannon balls which they skipped along the ground like a flat rock on water, and these took out large swaths of men several ranks deep into the lines. Another impediment was wooden fencing that stood on either side of the Emmitsburg Road, which was about halfway up the low sloping ground between Seminary Ridge (CSA) and Cemetery Ridge (US). Confederates manage to dismantle some of the fence and others climbed over the two fence under fire. Then, amazingly, the Confederates once again set up their lines and dressed their ranks to begin the final assault. By now the Union Artillery had opened up with canister, which was like a shot gun shell, except that it was made for cannon. Additionally Union small arms fire was taking out the remaining men of the first line of assault, which now began to fall way to the left and right, allowing the second line, led by General Louis Armistead, to rush through the opening. This was the only part of “Pickett’s Charge”, which resembled a charge as Armistead placed his hat on his sword, shouted, “Give them cold steel boys!” and began the final rush toward the angle, which they briefly took until Union reinforcements rushed into the breach. Armistead was killed by cannon shot, but lived long enough to give his Bible to a young Union Lieutenant, with the request that he present it to US Major General Winfield Scott Hancock, the commanding general of Union Forces in the Union Center, who had been his best friend before the war. The furthest advance was made by the men of the 26th North Carolina Infantry, a sizeable number of whom managed to advance to within 25 meters of the wall along the crest of the ridge, behind which Union Cannon filled with double canister was waiting. A command was heard, “For Godsake! Fire!” and within a second, there were no survivors. Their battle flag was found among the dead and is in the museum at Gettysburg today. Slowly the attack began to falter and the men began to turnaround and walk slowly back to their own lines, helping wounded comrades as they went. Union Infantry watched the slow retreat and, instead of continuing to fire at the retreating Confederates, began to yell “Fredericksburg! Fredericksburg! Fredericksburg!” in unison as a reminder to the Rebels that they had just taken a beating similar to the one that the Union Army had taken on the slopes of Marye’s Heights in Fredericksburg, VA, in December of the previous year.
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