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Extra Needs 3rd

شرح خارجي وشرح كورسات وورق خارجي وتلخيصات وطرابيزات بلياردو وبنج ❤️ #قد_مات_قوم_وما_ماتت_فضائلهم❤️👌 Main channel : @medicopediacourses @extradiscussion1st_bot البوت 👀 For contact : @Extra_Needs

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda... 5 منت بس مشي ع كله كده واملاهم😔❤️
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Extra Needs 2nd

Forms for 2nd Year Medical Students KSU -Form 1 مدي وعي طلاب الجامعات في مصر بمرض الزهايمر -Form 2 Gender differences in attitudes towards psychological help-seeking among adults -Form 3 (for 2nd year only) Electricity Issues and Their Effects on Productivity & Coping Strategies among Medical Students in Egypt -Another link (for any year) -Form 4 Assessing Digital Health Literacy in Medical Field University Students and Health Care Workers in Egypt: A Cross-sectional Survey Study -Form 5 E-learning for undergraduate medical students and its impact on academic performance -Form 6 Prevalence and associated factors of alexithymia among medical students -Form 7 Knowledge and attitudes of medical students toward artificial intelligence -Form 8 The Effect of Technology Including Medical Apps and Online Learning on the Academic Development of KafrelSheikh University Medical Students -Form 9 (for 2nd year) People's acceptability to use healthcare applications on their mobile phones _ Another link (for…

🎉 2
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The squint

Repost from Extra Needs 2nd
صباح الخير موضوعنا عن تأثير التكنولوجيا اللي بتتضمن البرامج الطبيه التعليميه و منصات التعلم الذكيه على تطور الاداء الأكاديمي لطلاب الكليات الطبيه في جامعة كفرالشيخ الفورم ده اشتغلنا عليه كفريق كامل في مجموعه 17 و بجد مش هياخد وقت خالص و شكرا مقدما للي هيشاركوا فيه ❤️❤️ اللينك :
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The Effect of Technology Including Medical Apps and Online Learning on the Academic Development of KafrelSheikh University Medical Students

To investigate the prevalence of using medical applications and online learning platforms among KafrelSheikh medical students and its possible contributing factors on Academic performance.

❤‍🔥 5
L22,23 "squint" #تفريغ_رمد✨
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دا نفس كلام الدكتور من زميلنا في رابعة دعواتكم ليه ❤️🥺
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داتا المحاضره pdf ♥️♥️
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Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
الصورة اللي على الشمال والاتنين اللي ف النص EIE =Essential infantile esotropia مش pseudosquint كلهم فيهم epicanthus بس الوحيدة اللي تنفع pseudosquint هي الصوره اللي على اليمين بس
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شابتر Squint ♥️🔥 ️ تعديل 🚫
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